⇦ | zita-at1 [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:18 [UTC]

Metadata for zita-at1 in universe

zita-at1.desktop - 0.8.2-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: zita-at1.desktop
Package: zita-at1
  C: AT1
  fr: Corrige la hauteur d'une voix chantant désaccordée
  C: Correct the pitch of a voice singing out of tune
  sl: >-
    <p>AT1 is an &apos;autotuner&apos;, normally used to correct the pitch of a voice singing (slightly) out of tune. Compared
    to &apos;Autotalent&apos; it provides an improved pitch estimation algorithm, and much cleaner resampling.</p>

    <p>AT1 does not include formant correction, so it should be used to correct small errors only and not to really transpose
    a song. The &apos;expected&apos; pitch can be controlled by Midi (via Jack only), or be a fixed set of notes. AT1 can
    probably be used on some instruments as well, but is primarily designed to cover the vocal range. It&apos;s also usable
    as a quick and dirty guitar tuner.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>AT1 est un « correcteur de tonalité automatique », normalement utilisé pour corriger la hauteur d&apos;une voix qui
    chante (un peu) faux. Comparé à « autotalent » il fournit un algorithme d&apos;estimation de la hauteur amélioré et un
    ré-échantillonnage beaucoup plus propre.</p>

    <p>AT1 ne comprend pas la correction des formants, il devrait donc être utilisé pour corriger de petites erreurs et non
    pas pour transposer une chanson. La hauteur « attendue » peut être contrôlée par Midi (via Jack uniquement) ou par un
    ensemble fixe de notes. AT1 peut probablement être utilisé sur certains instruments, mais il est principalement conçu
    pour couvrir la gamme vocale. Il est également utilisable en tant qu&apos;accordeur de guitare rapide.</p>
  ko: >-
    <p>AT1은 미세하게 튜닝이 어긋난 노래의 피치를 맞추는데 사용되는 &apos;오토튜너&apos;입니 다. &apos;Autotalent&apos;와 비교해서 향상된 피치 추정 알고리즘과 훨씬 깨끗한 리샘플 링을

    <p>AT1은 포먼트 보정을 포함하지 않으며, 따라서 작은 오류만을 수정하는데 사용되 야 하며 실제로 조 옮김에는 사용하지 않아야 합니다. &apos;expected&apos; 피치는 (오직 Jack을 통한) 미디에
    의해서 제어되거나, 또는 고정된 노트 세트가 될 수 있습니 다. AT1은 일부 악기에서도 사용될 수 있으나 주로 보컬을 대상으로 설계되었습 니다. 약식 기타 튜너로도 사용할 수 있습니다.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>AT1 is an &apos;autotuner&apos;, normally used to correct the pitch of a voice singing (slightly) out of tune. Compared
    to &apos;Autotalent&apos; it provides an improved pitch estimation algorithm, and much cleaner resampling.</p>

    <p>AT1 does not include formant correction, so it should be used to correct small errors only and not to really transpose
    a song. The &apos;expected&apos; pitch can be controlled by Midi (via Jack only), or be a fixed set of notes. AT1 can
    probably be used on some instruments as well, but is primarily designed to cover the vocal range. It&apos;s also usable
    as a quick and dirty guitar tuner.</p>
  pl: >-
    <p>AT1 to &quot;autotuner&quot;, zwykle używany do korygowania wysokości głosu śpiewającego (nieco) rozstrojonego. W porównaniu
    z &quot;Autotalent&quot; zapewnia ulepszony algorytm szacowania wysokości tonu i znacznie czystsze ponowne próbkowanie.</p>

    <p>AT1 nie zawiera korekcji formantowej, więc powinien być używany jedynie do korygowania drobnych błędów, a nie do rzeczywistej
    transpozycji utworu. &quot;Oczekiwany&quot; ton może być kontrolowany przez Midi (tylko poprzez Jack) lub może być ustalonym
    zestawem nut. AT1 może być prawdopodobnie używany również na niektórych instrumentach, ale jest przeznaczony głównie do
    pokrywania zakresu wokalnego. Ponadto, może być używany w roli szybkiego i brudnego tunera gitarowego.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>AT1 は「自動調律機」です。通常、歌声の高さが(少し)外れている場合に 補正するのに使います。&apos;Autotalent&apos; と比べると、進歩したピッチ推定 アルゴリズムを提供しており、リサンプリングもより綺麗です。</p>

    <p>AT1 はフォルマント補正は含みません。よって、少しのずれを補正することは できますが歌の転調には使えません。「期待される」ピッチは Midi(Jack 経由でのみ)により制御したり、固定された音符群とすることもできます。 AT1
    はおそらくいくつかの楽器に使うこともできますが、基本的には声の 音域にあわせて設計されています。手軽で適当なギターチューナとして 使うこともできます。</p>
  it: >-
    <p>AT1 è un &quot;autotuner&quot;, uno strumento per intonazione automatica, usato normalmente per correggere il tono
    di una voce che canta in modo (leggermente) stonato. In confronto a &quot;Autotalent&quot; fornisce un algoritmo migliorato
    di stima del tono e un ricampionamento molto più pulito.</p>

    <p>AT1 non include la correzione della formante, perciò dovrebbe essere usato per correggere soltanto piccoli errori e
    non per trasporre realmente una canzone. Il tono &quot;atteso&quot; può essere controllato da Midi (solamente attraverso
    JACK) o essere un insieme fissato di note. AT1 può probabilmente essere usato anche su alcuni strumenti, ma è progettato
    principalmente per coprire l&apos;estensione vocale. È anche utilizzabile come un accordatore veloce e grezzo per chitarra.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>AT1 is an &apos;autotuner&apos;, normally used to correct the pitch of a voice singing (slightly) out of tune. Compared
    to &apos;Autotalent&apos; it provides an improved pitch estimation algorithm, and much cleaner resampling.</p>

    <p>AT1 does not include formant correction, so it should be used to correct small errors only and not to really transpose
    a song. The &apos;expected&apos; pitch can be controlled by Midi (via Jack only), or be a fixed set of notes. AT1 can
    probably be used on some instruments as well, but is primarily designed to cover the vocal range. It&apos;s also usable
    as a quick and dirty guitar tuner.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>AT1 is an &apos;autotuner&apos;, normally used to correct the pitch of a voice singing (slightly) out of tune. Compared
    to &apos;Autotalent&apos; it provides an improved pitch estimation algorithm, and much cleaner resampling.</p>

    <p>AT1 does not include formant correction, so it should be used to correct small errors only and not to really transpose
    a song. The &apos;expected&apos; pitch can be controlled by Midi (via Jack only), or be a fixed set of notes. AT1 can
    probably be used on some instruments as well, but is primarily designed to cover the vocal range. It&apos;s also usable
    as a quick and dirty guitar tuner.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>AT1 er en »autotuner«, normalt brugt til at rette tonehøjden for en syngende stemme (lidt) uden for tonen. Sammenlignet
    med »autotalent« så tilbyder programmet en bedre algoritme for estimering af tonehøjden og en meget renere gensampling.</p>

    <p>AT1 inkluderer ingen formant korrektion, så programmet skal kun bruges til at rette små fejl og ikke til at transponere
    en sang. Den »forventede« tonehøjde kan kontrolleres af Midi (kun via Jack), eller være et fast sæt af noder. AT1 kan
    sandsynligvis også bruges på nogle instrumenter, men programmet er primært designet til at dække vokalintervallet. Det
    er også nyttigt som en hurtig og beskidt guitartuner.</p>
- AudioVideo
- Audio
  - audio
  - sound
  - jackd
  - tuner
  - autotuner
  - pitch
  - name: zita-at1_zita-at1.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: zita-at1_zita-at1.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: zita-at1_zita-at1.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: z/zi/zita-at1.desktop/d0f3784885183c2743467e6c5b3045d1/icons/128x128/zita-at1_zita-at1.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: zita-at1
  - zita-at1.desktop