⇦ | yorick-cubeview [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for yorick-cubeview in universe

cubeview.desktop - 2.2-2.2 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: cubeview.desktop
Package: yorick-cubeview
  C: Cubeview
  C: 3D FITS data viewer for spectro-imaging
  fr: >-
    <p>Cubeview est un afficheur de données 3D de fichiers FITS, un format de fichiers très utilisé parmi les astronomes.
    Il est spécialisé dans l&apos;affichage de données d&apos;imagerie spectrale mais peut aussi s&apos;utiliser pour de la
    visualisation simple de fichiers FITS qui contiennent des tableaux 3D.</p>

    <p>Cubeview possède une interface graphique dans le style GTK+. Il est scriptable puisque écrit en Yorick. Un système
    de crochets permet de répéter automatiquement des actions personnalisées lorsque certains évènements se produisent.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Cubeview je prehliadač 3D dát, uložených v súboroch FITS, súborovom formáte, ktorý používajú astronómovia. Je zameraný
    na zobrazovanie dát obrazového spektra, ale možno ho použiť na základnú vizualizáciu ľubovoľného súboru FITS, obsahujúceho
    3D pole.</p>

    <p>Cubeview features a stand-alone graphical user interface which adheres to the GTK+ look-and-feel. Being written in
    Yorick, it is inherently scriptable. A system of hooks allows custom actions to be repeated automatically when certain
    events occur.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Cubeview ist ein Betrachter für 3D-Daten im Dateiformat FITS, welches vor allem von Astronomen benutzt wird. Er ist
    auf die Darstellung von Spektralbilddaten spezialisiert, kann jedoch grundsätzlich jede FITS- Datei, die ein 3D-Array
    enthält, anzeigen.</p>

    <p>Cubeview features a stand-alone graphical user interface which adheres to the GTK+ look-and-feel. Being written in
    Yorick, it is inherently scriptable. A system of hooks allows custom actions to be repeated automatically when certain
    events occur.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Cubeview é um visualizador de dados 3D de arquivos FITS, um formato de arquivo muito utilizado entre astrônomos. Ele
    é especializado em visualizar dados de imagens espectrais, mas pode também ser utilizado para ver arquivos FITS simples
    que contém tabelas 3D.</p>

    <p>Cubeview possui uma interface gráfica no estilo GTK+. Ele é scriptável, uma vez que é feito em Yorick. Um sistema de
    ganchos (&quot;hooks&quot;) permite repetir automaticamente ações personalizadas assim que certos eventos acontecem.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>Cubeview は天文学者の間で広く用いられているファイルフォーマットである FITS ファイル中に保存された 3D データ用ビューアです。スペクトル画像データの 表示に特化していますが、三次元行列を含んだあらゆる FITS データの基本的な

    <p>Cubeview features a stand-alone graphical user interface which adheres to the GTK+ look-and-feel. Being written in
    Yorick, it is inherently scriptable. A system of hooks allows custom actions to be repeated automatically when certain
    events occur.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Cubeview è un visualizzatore di dati 3D in file FITS, un formato file largamente usato tra gli astronomi. È specializzato
    nella visualizzazione di dati di immagini spettroscopiche, ma può essere usato per la visualizzazione base di qualunque
    file FITS che contenga un array 3D.</p>

    <p>Cubeview fornisce un&apos;interfaccia grafica indipendente, conforme all&apos;aspetto e allo stile delle GTK+. Essendo
    scritto in Yorick, è intrinsecamente programmabile tramite script. Un sistema di agganci (hook) permette di ripetere automaticamente
    azioni personalizzate all&apos;accadere di determinati eventi.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Cubeview — средство просмотра трёхмерных данных, хранящихся в файлах FITS (формат файлов, используемый, в основном,
    в астрономии). Он специализируется на отображении данных спектроскопии, но может использоваться для базовой визуализации
    любого файла FITS, содержащего массив трёхмерных данных.</p>

    <p>Cubeview features a stand-alone graphical user interface which adheres to the GTK+ look-and-feel. Being written in
    Yorick, it is inherently scriptable. A system of hooks allows custom actions to be repeated automatically when certain
    events occur.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Cubeview is a viewer for 3D data store in FITS files, a file format extensively used among astronomers. It is specialized
    in displaying spectro-imaging data but can be used to do basic visualization on any FITS file containing a 3D array.</p>

    <p>Cubeview features a stand-alone graphical user interface which adheres to the GTK+ look-and-feel. Being written in
    Yorick, it is inherently scriptable. A system of hooks allows custom actions to be repeated automatically when certain
    events occur.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Cubeview er en fremviser for 3D-datalager i FITS-filer, et filformat som har en omfattende brug blandt astronomer.
    Programmet er specialiseret i at vise data fra spektrobilleder, men kan bruges til at udføre grundlæggende vsualisering
    på enhver FITS-fil, der indeholder en 3D-matrix.</p>

    <p>Cubeview indeholder en uafhængig grafisk brugerflade som følger GTK+udseendet. Skrevet i Yorick og kan derfor skriptes.
    Et system af kroge tillader at tilpassede handlinger kan gentages automatisk, når bestemte hændelser opstår.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Cubeview is a viewer for 3D data store in FITS files, a file format extensively used among astronomers. It is specialized
    in displaying spectro-imaging data but can be used to do basic visualization on any FITS file containing a 3D array.</p>

    <p>Cubeview features a stand-alone graphical user interface which adheres to the GTK+ look-and-feel. Being written in
    Yorick, it is inherently scriptable. A system of hooks allows custom actions to be repeated automatically when certain
    events occur.</p>
- Science
- Astronomy
- DataVisualization
- Graphics
- 3DGraphics
- Viewer
  - name: yorick-cubeview_cubeview48.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: cubeview48
  - cubeview.desktop
  - image/x-fits