⇦ | vprerex [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for vprerex in universe

vprerex.desktop - 1:6.5.1-1build4 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: vprerex.desktop
Package: vprerex
  C: vprerex
  fr: Édite des diagrammes de prérequis de cours
  C: Edit course prerequisite charts
  fr: >-
    <p>vprerex provides a Qt interface to prerex by integrating the prerex editor with a PDF viewer. This allows conveying
    coordinates of course boxes, arrows and background points back to prerex through the use of the clipboard.</p>

    <p>Prerex est un éditeur pour créer de manière esthétique des tableaux de prérequis pour des cours en utilisant le paquet
    LaTeX TikZ.</p>

    <p>Les tableaux de prérequis de cours permettent aux étudiants de savoir facilement de quels prérequis, corequis et prérequis
    recommandés ils ont besoin et leurs créneaux horaires. Ces tableaux mettent aussi en évidence les cours nécessaires pour
    un diplôme.</p>

    <p>Prerex est utilisé par plusieurs départements universitaires, dont ceux de Queen&apos;s et Suffolk.</p>
  ko: >-
    <p>vprerex provides a Qt interface to prerex by integrating the prerex editor with a PDF viewer. This allows conveying
    coordinates of course boxes, arrows and background points back to prerex through the use of the clipboard.</p>

    <p>prerex는 TikZ LaTeX 패키지를 사용해서 미적으로 만족스러운 필수 과목 차트를 만들기 위한 편집기입니다.</p>

    <p>필수 과목 차트는 주어진 과목와 자신의 시간 슬롯을 위해 그들에게 필요한 필 수, 공통 필수 및 권장 필수를 학생들이 쉽게 결정할 수 있도록 합니다. 필수 과 목 차트는 또한 학부과정에 요구하는 과목를 강조합니다.</p>

    <p>prerex는 Queen&apos;s University 및 Suffolk University를 포함한, 몇몇 대학에 부 서에서 사용됩니다.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>vprerex provides a Qt interface to prerex by integrating the prerex editor with a PDF viewer. This allows conveying
    coordinates of course boxes, arrows and background points back to prerex through the use of the clipboard.</p>

    <p>prerex je editor na tvorbu estetických grafov závislostí predmetov pomocou balíka TikZ LaTeX.</p>

    <p>Grafy závislostí predmetov umožňujú študentom sa jednoducho zorientovať v tom, ktoré predpoklady, spolupredpoklady
    a odporúčané predmety potrebujú, aby mohli absolvovať daný predmet a ich časový rozvrh. Grafy závislostí predmetov tiež
    ukazujú, ktoré predmety sú potrebné na dosiahnutie titulu.</p>

    <p>prerex používajú oddelenia niekoľkých univerzít vrátane Queen&apos;s University a Suffolk University.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>vprerex provides a Qt interface to prerex by integrating the prerex editor with a PDF viewer. This allows conveying
    coordinates of course boxes, arrows and background points back to prerex through the use of the clipboard.</p>

    <p>prerex ist ein Editor für die Erstellung von ästhetisch ansprechenden Darstellungen von Kursvoraussetzungen mit dem
    LaTeX-Paket TikZ.</p>

    <p>Mit den Grafiken können Studenten den Zeitaufwand, Voraussetzungen, gleichzeitig erforderliche Voraussetzungen und
    empfohlene Voraussetzungen für festgelegte Kurse einfach bestimmen. Die Diagramme heben auch die für einen akademischen
    Grad erforderlichen Kurse hervor.</p>

    <p>prerex wird von Instituten an mehreren Universitäten verwendet, beispielsweise an der Queens University und der Suffolk
  ja: >-
    <p>vprerex provides a Qt interface to prerex by integrating the prerex editor with a PDF viewer. This allows conveying
    coordinates of course boxes, arrows and background points back to prerex through the use of the clipboard.</p>

    <p>prerex は審美的に快い学科前提単位チャートを TikZ LaTeX パッケージを使って生 成するためのエディタです。</p>

    <p>学科前提単位チャートにより、学生は学科と学期に基いて、必要な前提単位・同時 履修単位・推奨単位を簡単に決めることができます。学位取得のための必須単位も ハイライトされます。</p>

    <p>prerex はクイーンズ大学やサフォーク大学など、いくつかの大学の学部で使用され ています。</p>
  it: >-
    <p>vprerex provides a Qt interface to prerex by integrating the prerex editor with a PDF viewer. This allows conveying
    coordinates of course boxes, arrows and background points back to prerex through the use of the clipboard.</p>

    <p>prerex è un editor per creare grafi dei prerequisiti dei corsi che siano esteticamente belli, usando il pacchetto LaTeX

    <p>I grafi dei prerequisiti dei corsi permettono agli studenti di determinare facilmente quali prerequisiti, corequisiti
    e prerequisiti raccomandati siano necessari per un dato corso e quali siano i loro orari. I grafi dei prerequisiti dei
    corsi inoltre evidenziano quali corsi sono necessari per una laurea.</p>

    <p>prerex è usato dai dipartimenti di svariate università, incluse la Queen&apos;s University e la Suffolk University.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>vprerex provides a Qt interface to prerex by integrating the prerex editor with a PDF viewer. This allows conveying
    coordinates of course boxes, arrows and background points back to prerex through the use of the clipboard.</p>

    <p>prerex is an editor for creating esthetically pleasing course prerequisite charts using the TikZ LaTeX package.</p>

    <p>Course prerequisite charts allow students to easily determine which prerequisites, corequisites and recommended prerequisites
    they need for a given course and their time slots. Course prerequisite charts also highlight the courses required by a

    <p>prerex is used by departments in several universities, including Queen&apos;s University and Suffolk University.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>vprerex provides a Qt interface to prerex by integrating the prerex editor with a PDF viewer. This allows conveying
    coordinates of course boxes, arrows and background points back to prerex through the use of the clipboard.</p>

    <p>prerex is an editor for creating esthetically pleasing course prerequisite charts using the TikZ LaTeX package.</p>

    <p>Course prerequisite charts allow students to easily determine which prerequisites, corequisites and recommended prerequisites
    they need for a given course and their time slots. Course prerequisite charts also highlight the courses required by a

    <p>prerex is used by departments in several universities, including Queen&apos;s University and Suffolk University.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Vprerex tilbyder en Qt-grænseflade til prerex ved at integrere prerex- redigeringsprogrammet med en PDF-fremviser.
    Dette tillader formidling af kursusbokse, pile og baggrundspunkter tilbage til prerex via brug af udklipsholderne.</p>

    <p>Prerex er et redigeringsprogram til oprettelse af æstetiske diagrammer for kursusforudsætninger via pakken nTikZ LaTeX.</p>

    <p>Diagrammer for kursusforudsætninger giver studenter mulighed for nemt at afklare hvilke forudsætninger, samtidige kurser
    og anbefalede forudsætninger de skal bruge for et kursus og deres tilrådelige tid. Diagrammer for kursusforudsætninger
    fremhæver også kurser krævet af en grad.</p>

    <p>Prerex bruges af afdelinger i flere universiteter, inklusive Universitet i Queen og Suffolk.</p>
- Office
- Chart
- Viewer
  - diagram
  - tikz
  - latex
  - name: vprerex_vprerex.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: vprerex
  - vprerex.desktop