⇦ | viking [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:18 [UTC]

Metadata for viking in universe

viking.desktop - 1.10-3 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: viking.desktop
Package: viking
  es: Vikingo
  sv: Viking
  fi: Viikinki
  it: Viking
  tr: Viking
  de: Viking
  fr: Viking
  nb: Viking
  lt: Viking
  sl: Viking
  id: Viking
  C: Viking
  cs: Viking
  pl: Viking
  eu: Viking
  pt_BR: Viking
  zh_CN: 维京
  hu: Viking
  ru: Viking
  id: Pengelola Data GPS Berbasis Peta (mampu menangani data live).
  es: Mapa basado en el administrador de datos GPS (Capacidad de datos en tiempo real)
  fr: Gestionnaire de données GPS basées sur des cartes (possibilité de données en direct)
  cs: Správce GPS a mapových dat
  de: Kartenbasierter GPS-Daten-Manager (livedatenfähig)
  lt: Žemėlapiais paremtas GPS duomenų vedlys (duomenys realiu laiku).
  tr: Harita Tabanlı GPS Veri Yöneticisi (canlı veri kapasiteli).
  hu: Térképalapú GPS adatkezelő (élő adatátvitelre képes).
  fi: Karttaperustaienn GPS-datahallinta (livetietokykyinen).
  it: Gestore dati GPS basato su mappa (dati in tempo reale).
  eu: GPS Data Manager horretan oinarrituriko mapa (bat-bateko datuak zuzenean erabiltzeko gai).
  C: Map Based GPS Data Manager (live data capable).
  zh_CN: 基于地图的GPS数据管理器(实时数据能力)。
  uk: >-
    <p>Viking прагне бути простим у використанні, але потужним у вирішенні широкого спектра завдань, пов’язаних з GPS. Він
    використовує ієрархічну систему шарів для організації даних GPS, мап та інших типів шарів з просторовими даними, такими
    як координатні лінії.</p>

    <p>Деякі варіанти використання Viking:</p>

    <p> * Uploading and downloading waypoints, tracks to/from GPS.  * Realtime GPS tracking and track recording.  * Import
    and export of gpx files.  * Preparing tracks and waypoints for trips using maps from services    such as OpenStreetmap
    and Terraserver. You only need to upload the data    to your GPS before you leave. The maps together with your tracks   
    and waypoints can also be printed and used during the trip.  * After trips, tracks and waypoints from GPS can be downloaded,   
    stored, managed and reused in later trips.  * Analyzing OHV and hiking trips, understanding where you went and    how
    far you were from something.  * Making waypoints and tracks to follow to easily get someplace    you&apos;ve never been
    before or don&apos;t have GPS data for but Terraserver    maps exist for it.  * Making maps with coordinate lines.  *
    Analyzing speed at different places, adding waypoints where you forgot    to mark one but did slow down or stop.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Vikings poskuša biti enostaven za uporabo, vendar zmogljiv za doseganje različnih nalog povezanih z GPS. Za organizacijo
    podatkov GPS, zemljevidov in drugih vrst plasti s prostorskimi podatki uporablja hierarhičen sistem plasti kot so vrstice

    <p>Viking lahko uporabite za:</p>

    <p> * Uploading and downloading waypoints, tracks to/from GPS.  * Realtime GPS tracking and track recording.  * Import
    and export of gpx files.  * Preparing tracks and waypoints for trips using maps from services    such as OpenStreetmap
    and Terraserver. You only need to upload the data    to your GPS before you leave. The maps together with your tracks   
    and waypoints can also be printed and used during the trip.  * After trips, tracks and waypoints from GPS can be downloaded,   
    stored, managed and reused in later trips.  * Analyzing OHV and hiking trips, understanding where you went and    how
    far you were from something.  * Making waypoints and tracks to follow to easily get someplace    you&apos;ve never been
    before or don&apos;t have GPS data for but Terraserver    maps exist for it.  * Making maps with coordinate lines.  *
    Analyzing speed at different places, adding waypoints where you forgot    to mark one but did slow down or stop.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Viking est une application facile à utiliser offrant un puissant traitement de nombreuses tâches relatives au GPS.
    Elle utilise un système de couches hiérarchiques pour organiser les données GPS, les cartes et d&apos;autres types de
    couches pour les données spatiales comme les axes de coordonnées.</p>

    <p>Quelques utilisations de Viking :</p>

    <p> * Uploading and downloading waypoints, tracks to/from GPS.  * Realtime GPS tracking and track recording.  * Import
    and export of gpx files.  * Preparing tracks and waypoints for trips using maps from services    such as OpenStreetmap
    and Terraserver. You only need to upload the data    to your GPS before you leave. The maps together with your tracks   
    and waypoints can also be printed and used during the trip.  * After trips, tracks and waypoints from GPS can be downloaded,   
    stored, managed and reused in later trips.  * Analyzing OHV and hiking trips, understanding where you went and    how
    far you were from something.  * Making waypoints and tracks to follow to easily get someplace    you&apos;ve never been
    before or don&apos;t have GPS data for but Terraserver    maps exist for it.  * Making maps with coordinate lines.  *
    Analyzing speed at different places, adding waypoints where you forgot    to mark one but did slow down or stop.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Vikong má byť jednoducho použiteľný a predsa schopný plniť rozličné úlohy týkajúce sa GPS. Používa hierarchický systém
    vrstiev na organizáciu údajov GPS, máp a iných typov vrstiev s priestorovými údajmi ako čiary súradníc.</p>

    <p>Niektoré z využití Vikinga:</p>

    <p> * Uploading and downloading waypoints, tracks to/from GPS.  * Realtime GPS tracking and track recording.  * Import
    and export of gpx files.  * Preparing tracks and waypoints for trips using maps from services    such as OpenStreetmap
    and Terraserver. You only need to upload the data    to your GPS before you leave. The maps together with your tracks   
    and waypoints can also be printed and used during the trip.  * After trips, tracks and waypoints from GPS can be downloaded,   
    stored, managed and reused in later trips.  * Analyzing OHV and hiking trips, understanding where you went and    how
    far you were from something.  * Making waypoints and tracks to follow to easily get someplace    you&apos;ve never been
    before or don&apos;t have GPS data for but Terraserver    maps exist for it.  * Making maps with coordinate lines.  *
    Analyzing speed at different places, adding waypoints where you forgot    to mark one but did slow down or stop.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Viking soll einfach nutzbar sein und gleichzeitig effizient bei der Ausführung vieler GPS-bezogener Aufgaben sein.
    Das Programm organisiert die GPS-Daten, Karten und weitere räumliche Daten wie Koordinatenlinien in einem System hierarchischer

    <p>Einige der Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Viking sind:</p>

    <p> * Uploading and downloading waypoints, tracks to/from GPS.  * Realtime GPS tracking and track recording.  * Import
    and export of gpx files.  * Preparing tracks and waypoints for trips using maps from services    such as OpenStreetmap
    and Terraserver. You only need to upload the data    to your GPS before you leave. The maps together with your tracks   
    and waypoints can also be printed and used during the trip.  * After trips, tracks and waypoints from GPS can be downloaded,   
    stored, managed and reused in later trips.  * Analyzing OHV and hiking trips, understanding where you went and    how
    far you were from something.  * Making waypoints and tracks to follow to easily get someplace    you&apos;ve never been
    before or don&apos;t have GPS data for but Terraserver    maps exist for it.  * Making maps with coordinate lines.  *
    Analyzing speed at different places, adding waypoints where you forgot    to mark one but did slow down or stop.</p>
  pl: >-
    <p>Viking jest prostym w obsłudze, ale funkcjonalnym programem do realizowania różnorodnych zadań związanych z GPS. Używa
    systemu hierarchicznych warstw do organizowania danych GPS, map i innych typów warstw zawierających przestrzenne dane,
    takie jak siatki współrzędnych.</p>

    <p>Niektóre z zadań, w których Viking może być przydatny:</p>

    <p> * Uploading and downloading waypoints, tracks to/from GPS.  * Realtime GPS tracking and track recording.  * Import
    and export of gpx files.  * Preparing tracks and waypoints for trips using maps from services    such as OpenStreetmap
    and Terraserver. You only need to upload the data    to your GPS before you leave. The maps together with your tracks   
    and waypoints can also be printed and used during the trip.  * After trips, tracks and waypoints from GPS can be downloaded,   
    stored, managed and reused in later trips.  * Analyzing OHV and hiking trips, understanding where you went and    how
    far you were from something.  * Making waypoints and tracks to follow to easily get someplace    you&apos;ve never been
    before or don&apos;t have GPS data for but Terraserver    maps exist for it.  * Making maps with coordinate lines.  *
    Analyzing speed at different places, adding waypoints where you forgot    to mark one but did slow down or stop.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>Viking は各種 GPS データ関連作業に対して使いやすいけれどもパワフルで あることを目指しています。階層的なレイヤーシステムを用いて GPS データ、 地図や座標行のような空間データを有する他の種類のレイヤーを組織化できます。</p>

    <p>Viking により実現される機能:</p>

    <p> * Uploading and downloading waypoints, tracks to/from GPS.  * Realtime GPS tracking and track recording.  * Import
    and export of gpx files.  * Preparing tracks and waypoints for trips using maps from services    such as OpenStreetmap
    and Terraserver. You only need to upload the data    to your GPS before you leave. The maps together with your tracks   
    and waypoints can also be printed and used during the trip.  * After trips, tracks and waypoints from GPS can be downloaded,   
    stored, managed and reused in later trips.  * Analyzing OHV and hiking trips, understanding where you went and    how
    far you were from something.  * Making waypoints and tracks to follow to easily get someplace    you&apos;ve never been
    before or don&apos;t have GPS data for but Terraserver    maps exist for it.  * Making maps with coordinate lines.  *
    Analyzing speed at different places, adding waypoints where you forgot    to mark one but did slow down or stop.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Viking busca ser fácil de usar, aunque potente para realizar una amplia variedad de tareas relacionadas con GPS. Usa
    un sistema de capas jerárquicas para organizar los datos, mapas y otros tipos de capas de GPS con datos espaciales, como
    líneas coordinadas.</p>

    <p>Alguna de las cosas que puede hacer con Viking son:</p>

    <p> * Uploading and downloading waypoints, tracks to/from GPS.  * Realtime GPS tracking and track recording.  * Import
    and export of gpx files.  * Preparing tracks and waypoints for trips using maps from services    such as OpenStreetmap
    and Terraserver. You only need to upload the data    to your GPS before you leave. The maps together with your tracks   
    and waypoints can also be printed and used during the trip.  * After trips, tracks and waypoints from GPS can be downloaded,   
    stored, managed and reused in later trips.  * Analyzing OHV and hiking trips, understanding where you went and    how
    far you were from something.  * Making waypoints and tracks to follow to easily get someplace    you&apos;ve never been
    before or don&apos;t have GPS data for but Terraserver    maps exist for it.  * Making maps with coordinate lines.  *
    Analyzing speed at different places, adding waypoints where you forgot    to mark one but did slow down or stop.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Viking mira ad essere semplice da usare ma potente nello svolgimento di un&apos;ampia gamma di compiti relativi al
    GPS. Usa un sistema di livelli gerarchico per organizzare i dati GPS, le mappe ed altri tipi di livello con dati spaziali
    come linee di coordinate.</p>

    <p>Alcune delle cose che si possono fare con Viking sono:</p>

    <p> * Uploading and downloading waypoints, tracks to/from GPS.  * Realtime GPS tracking and track recording.  * Import
    and export of gpx files.  * Preparing tracks and waypoints for trips using maps from services    such as OpenStreetmap
    and Terraserver. You only need to upload the data    to your GPS before you leave. The maps together with your tracks   
    and waypoints can also be printed and used during the trip.  * After trips, tracks and waypoints from GPS can be downloaded,   
    stored, managed and reused in later trips.  * Analyzing OHV and hiking trips, understanding where you went and    how
    far you were from something.  * Making waypoints and tracks to follow to easily get someplace    you&apos;ve never been
    before or don&apos;t have GPS data for but Terraserver    maps exist for it.  * Making maps with coordinate lines.  *
    Analyzing speed at different places, adding waypoints where you forgot    to mark one but did slow down or stop.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Viking создан быть простым в использовании, но достаточно мощным для решения широкого спектра задач связанных с GPS.
    Он использует иерархическую систему слоев для организации данных GPS, карт и других типов слоев с пространственными данными,
    такими как координатные линии.</p>

    <p>Некоторые из примеров использования Viking:</p>

    <p> * Загрузка и выгрузка путевых точек из/на GPS-устройства.  * GPS-трекинг в реальном времени и запись треков.  * Импорт
    и экспорт gpx-файлов.  * Подготовка треков и путевых точек для поездок с использованием карт с таких    сервисов, как
    OpenStreetmap и Terraserver. Вам нужно лишь загрузить данные    на своё GPS-устройство перед поездкой. Карты вместе с
    вашими треками и     путевыми точками можно также распечатать и пользоваться бумажными версиями.  * После поездки треки
    и путевые точки можно получить с GPS-устрой, сохранить и    использовать в дальнейших поездках.  * Анализ поездок по бездорожью
    и пеших маршрутов, чтобы понять, куда вы добрались и    как далеко находились от чего-либо.  * Создание путевых точек
    и треков, по которым вы сможете легко добраться куда-либо,    где вы никогда раньше не были и не имеете данных GPS, но
    для этого места существуют    карты Terraserver.  * Создание карт с координатными линиями.  * Анализ скорости в разных
    местах, добавление путевых точек там, где вы их забыли    отметить, но снижали скорость или останавливались.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Viking aims to be easy to use, yet powerful in accomplishing a wide variety of GPS related tasks. It uses a hierarchical
    layering system to organize GPS data, maps, and other layer types with spatial data, such as coordinate lines.</p>

    <p>Some of the things you can use Viking for are:</p>

    <p> * Uploading and downloading waypoints, tracks to/from GPS.  * Realtime GPS tracking and track recording.  * Import
    and export of gpx files.  * Preparing tracks and waypoints for trips using maps from services    such as OpenStreetmap
    and Terraserver. You only need to upload the data    to your GPS before you leave. The maps together with your tracks   
    and waypoints can also be printed and used during the trip.  * After trips, tracks and waypoints from GPS can be downloaded,   
    stored, managed and reused in later trips.  * Analyzing OHV and hiking trips, understanding where you went and    how
    far you were from something.  * Making waypoints and tracks to follow to easily get someplace    you&apos;ve never been
    before or don&apos;t have GPS data for but Terraserver    maps exist for it.  * Making maps with coordinate lines.  *
    Analyzing speed at different places, adding waypoints where you forgot    to mark one but did slow down or stop.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Viking sigter mod at være nem i brug, og stadig kraftfuld til en bred række af GPS-relaterede opgaver. Det bruger et
    hierarkisk lagdelingssystem til organisering af data, kort og andre lagtyper med spatiale data, såsom koordinatlinjer.</p>

    <p>Nogle af de ting du kan bruge Viking til er:</p>

    <p> * Uploading and downloading waypoints, tracks to/from GPS.  * Realtime GPS tracking and track recording.  * Import
    and export of gpx files.  * Preparing tracks and waypoints for trips using maps from services    such as OpenStreetmap
    and Terraserver. You only need to upload the data    to your GPS before you leave. The maps together with your tracks   
    and waypoints can also be printed and used during the trip.  * After trips, tracks and waypoints from GPS can be downloaded,   
    stored, managed and reused in later trips.  * Analyzing OHV and hiking trips, understanding where you went and    how
    far you were from something.  * Making waypoints and tracks to follow to easily get someplace    you&apos;ve never been
    before or don&apos;t have GPS data for but Terraserver    maps exist for it.  * Making maps with coordinate lines.  *
    Analyzing speed at different places, adding waypoints where you forgot    to mark one but did slow down or stop.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Viking aims to be easy to use, yet powerful in accomplishing a wide variety of GPS related tasks. It uses a hierarchical
    layering system to organize GPS data, maps, and other layer types with spatial data, such as coordinate lines.</p>

    <p>Some of the things you can use Viking for are:</p>

    <p> * Uploading and downloading waypoints, tracks to/from GPS.  * Realtime GPS tracking and track recording.  * Import
    and export of gpx files.  * Preparing tracks and waypoints for trips using maps from services    such as OpenStreetmap
    and Terraserver. You only need to upload the data    to your GPS before you leave. The maps together with your tracks   
    and waypoints can also be printed and used during the trip.  * After trips, tracks and waypoints from GPS can be downloaded,   
    stored, managed and reused in later trips.  * Analyzing OHV and hiking trips, understanding where you went and    how
    far you were from something.  * Making waypoints and tracks to follow to easily get someplace    you&apos;ve never been
    before or don&apos;t have GPS data for but Terraserver    maps exist for it.  * Making maps with coordinate lines.  *
    Analyzing speed at different places, adding waypoints where you forgot    to mark one but did slow down or stop.</p>
- Science
- Maps
- Geography
- Education
  - name: viking_viking.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: viking_viking.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: viking
  - viking.desktop
  - application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml
  - application/gpx+xml