⇦ | twinvoicerecalc [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for twinvoicerecalc in universe

twinvoicerecalc_forward.desktop - 0.0.20170711-1.1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: twinvoicerecalc_forward.desktop
Package: twinvoicerecalc
  C: Taiwan Invoice Calculator
  zh_TW: 台灣三聯式發票計算器
  C: Perform Taiwan Invoice Calculation
  zh_TW: 台灣三聯式發票正向計算
  fr: >-
    <p>À Taïwan, le client a en général le prix brut. Mais sur la facture doit être mentionné le prix net avec les taxes.
    Ce programme aide à effectuer le calcul inverse du prix net avec taxes à partir du prix brut. Il ajuste automatiquement
    le prix net si besoin.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>In Taiwan, the customer usually get the gross price. But on the invoice we have to write the net price with tax. This
    program helps you to reverse calculate the gross price to net price and tax. And automatically adjust the net price if
  da: >-
    <p>I Taiwan ser brugeren normalt bruttoprisen. Men fakturaen skal angive nettoprisen plus skat. Dette program hjælper
    dig med at beregne bruttoprisen fra nettopris og skattesats. Og automatisk justere nettoprisen hvis ønsket.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>In Taiwan il cliente solitamente ottiene il prezzo lordo. Nella fattura però va scritto il prezzo netto con le tasse.
    Questo programma aiuta a fare il calcolo inverso dal prezzo lordo al prezzo netto e tasse. Se necessario aggiusta automaticamente
    il prezzo netto.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>In Taiwan, the customer usually get the gross price. But on the invoice we have to write the net price with tax. This
    program helps you to reverse calculate the gross price to net price and tax. And automatically adjust the net price if
- Utility
- Calculator
  - calculation
  - arithmetic
  - scientific
  - financial
  - name: twinvoicerecalc_twinvoicerecalc_forward.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - twinvoicerecalc_forward.desktop

twinvoicerecalc.desktop - 0.0.20170711-1.1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: twinvoicerecalc.desktop
Package: twinvoicerecalc
  C: Taiwan Invoice ReCalculator
  zh_TW: 台灣三聯式發票逆算器
  C: Perform Taiwan Invoice Reverse Calculation
  zh_TW: 台灣三聯式發票逆向計算
  fr: >-
    <p>À Taïwan, le client a en général le prix brut. Mais sur la facture doit être mentionné le prix net avec les taxes.
    Ce programme aide à effectuer le calcul inverse du prix net avec taxes à partir du prix brut. Il ajuste automatiquement
    le prix net si besoin.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>In Taiwan, the customer usually get the gross price. But on the invoice we have to write the net price with tax. This
    program helps you to reverse calculate the gross price to net price and tax. And automatically adjust the net price if
  da: >-
    <p>I Taiwan ser brugeren normalt bruttoprisen. Men fakturaen skal angive nettoprisen plus skat. Dette program hjælper
    dig med at beregne bruttoprisen fra nettopris og skattesats. Og automatisk justere nettoprisen hvis ønsket.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>In Taiwan il cliente solitamente ottiene il prezzo lordo. Nella fattura però va scritto il prezzo netto con le tasse.
    Questo programma aiuta a fare il calcolo inverso dal prezzo lordo al prezzo netto e tasse. Se necessario aggiusta automaticamente
    il prezzo netto.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>In Taiwan, the customer usually get the gross price. But on the invoice we have to write the net price with tax. This
    program helps you to reverse calculate the gross price to net price and tax. And automatically adjust the net price if
- Utility
- Calculator
  - calculation
  - arithmetic
  - scientific
  - financial
  - name: twinvoicerecalc_twinvoicerecalc.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - twinvoicerecalc.desktop