⇦ | syncplay [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:18 [UTC]

Metadata for syncplay in universe

syncplay.desktop - 1.7.3+repack1-1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: syncplay.desktop
Package: syncplay
  C: Syncplay
  C: Synchronize video playback over network
  C: >-
    <p>Allows you to watch movies with friends or family at different places synchronized via the internet.</p>

    <p>When a viewer pauses/continues playback or seeks within their media player this will be replicated across all media
    players connected to the same server in the same viewing session. A chat function is included so viewers can discuss the
    movie while watching it. To improve the communication experience for viewers, the Syncplay developers and therefore the
    syncplay-client package suggest to use additional VoIP software (package mumble) or video phone software (packages jami
    or linphone-desktop).</p>

    <p>Technically, it synchronizes the position and play states of multiple mpv, VLC, MPC-HC and MPC-BEmedia player instances
    so viewers&apos; players present the same movie at the same time.</p>

    <p>In case your friends and family do not use Debian, Syncplay is available for other operating systems on the upstream
    website. To learn what Syncplay is read the description of package &apos;syncplay&apos;.</p>

    <p>This package installs the graphical desktop client program that does the actual synchronization of your video player.
    Therefore it must connect to a Syncplay server.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Allows you to watch movies with friends or family at different places synchronized via the internet.</p>

    <p>When a viewer pauses/continues playback or seeks within their media player this will be replicated across all media
    players connected to the same server in the same viewing session. A chat function is included so viewers can discuss the
    movie while watching it. To improve the communication experience for viewers, the Syncplay developers and therefore the
    syncplay-client package suggest to use additional VoIP software (package mumble) or video phone software (packages jami
    or linphone-desktop).</p>

    <p>Technically, it synchronizes the position and play states of multiple mpv, VLC, MPC-HC and MPC-BEmedia player instances
    so viewers&apos; players present the same movie at the same time.</p>

    <p>In case your friends and family do not use Debian, Syncplay is available for other operating systems on the upstream
    website. To learn what Syncplay is read the description of package &apos;syncplay&apos;.</p>

    <p>This package installs the graphical desktop client program that does the actual synchronization of your video player.
    Therefore it must connect to a Syncplay server.</p>
- AudioVideo
- Audio
- Video
  - syncplay
  - media
  - video
  - sync
  - name: syncplay_syncplay.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: syncplay_syncplay.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: s/sy/syncplay.desktop/a1ab820f184d62dc48315b107313bf54/icons/128x128/syncplay_syncplay.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: syncplay
  - syncplay.desktop
  - audio/ac3
  - audio/mp4
  - audio/mpeg
  - audio/vnd.rn-realaudio
  - audio/vorbis
  - audio/x-adpcm
  - audio/x-matroska
  - audio/x-mp2
  - audio/x-mp3
  - audio/x-ms-wma
  - audio/x-vorbis
  - audio/x-wav
  - audio/mpegurl
  - audio/x-mpegurl
  - audio/x-pn-realaudio
  - audio/x-scpls
  - video/avi
  - video/mp4
  - video/flv
  - video/mpeg
  - video/quicktime
  - video/vnd.rn-realvideo
  - video/x-matroska
  - video/x-ms-asf
  - video/x-msvideo
  - video/x-ms-wmv
  - video/x-ogm
  - video/x-theora