⇦ | staden [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for staden in universe

gap4.desktop - 2.0.0+b11-5 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: gap4.desktop
Package: staden
  C: gap4
  C: Staden gap4 assembly editor
  C: >-
    <p>Staden is a fully developed set of DNA sequence assembly (Gap4 and Gap5), editing and analysis tools (Spin).</p>

    <p>Gap4 performs sequence assembly, contig ordering based on read pair data, contig joining based on sequence comparisons,
    assembly checking, repeat searching, experiment suggestion, read pair analysis and contig editing. It has graphical views
    of contigs, templates, readings and traces which all scroll in register. Contig editor searches and experiment suggestion
    routines use confidence values to calculate the confidence of the consensus sequence and hence identify only places requiring
    visual trace inspection or extra data. The result is extremely rapid finishing and a consensus of known accuracy.</p>

    <p>Pregap4 provides a graphical user interface to set up the processing required to prepare trace data for assembly or
    analysis, and automates these processes.</p>

    <p>Trev is a rapid and flexible viewer and editor for ABI, ALF, SCF and ZTR trace files.</p>

    <p>Prefinish analyses partially completed sequence assemblies and suggests the most efficient set of experiments to help
    finish the project.</p>

    <p>Tracediff and hetscan automatically locate mutations by comparing trace data against reference traces. They annotate
    the mutations found ready for viewing in gap4.</p>

    <p>Spin analyses nucleotide sequences to find genes, restriction sites, motifs, etc. It can perform translations, find
    open reading frames, count codons, etc. Many results are presented graphically and a sliding sequence window is linked
    to the graphics cursor. Spin also compares pairs of sequences in many ways. It has very rapid dot matrix analysis, global
    and local alignment algorithms, plus a sliding sequence window linked to the graphical plots. It can compare nucleic acid
    against nucleic acid, protein against protein, and protein against nucleic acid.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Staden er et fuldt udviklet sæt af DNA-sekvenssamling (Gap4 og Gap5), redigerings- og analyseværktøjer (Spin).</p>

    <p>Gap4 udfører sekvenssamling, contig-ordning baseret på læste pardata, contig-sammenslutning baseret på sekvenssammenligninger,
    kontrol af samling, gentag-søgning, eksperimentforslag, læst par-analyse og contig- redigering. Programmet har grafisk
    visning af contigs, skabeloner, læsninger og sporinger som alle ruller i register. Contig- redigeringsprogramsøgninger
    og forslagsrutiner for eksperimenter bruger konfidensværdier til at beregne konfidensen for konsensussekvens og identificerer
    dermed kun steder der kræver visuel sporingsinspektion eller ekstra data. Resultatet er ekstrem hurtig afslutning og en
    konsensus om kendt præcision.</p>

    <p>Pregap4 tilbyder en grafisk brugerflade til at opsætte behandlingen krævet for at forberede registreringsdata for samling
    eller analyse og automatiserer disse processer.</p>

    <p>Trev er en hurtig og fleksibel fremviser og redigeringsprogram for ABI-, ALF-, SCF- og ZTR-sporingsfiler.</p>

    <p>Prefinish analyserer delvise færdige sekvenssamlinger og foreslår det mest effektive sæt af eksperimenter til at hjælpe
    med at afslutte projektet.</p>

    <p>Tracediff og hetscan kan automatisk lokalisere mutationer ved at sammenligne sporingsdata mod referencesporinger. De
    annoterer mutationerne fundet klar til visning i gap4.</p>

    <p>Spin analyserer nukleotidsekvenser for at finde gener, begrænsningssider, motifs etc. Programmet kan udføre oversættelser,
    finde åbne læserammer, tælle codons etc. Mange resultater præsenteres grafisk og et glidende sekvensvindue er lænket til
    den grafiske markør. Spin sammenligner også sekvenspar på mange måder. Programmet har en meget hurtig punktmatrixanalyse,
    globale og lokale sammenligningsalgoritmer, samt et glidende sekvensvindue lænket til de grafiske plot. Programmet kan
    sammenligne nukleotidsyre mod nukleotidsyre, protein mod protein samt protein mod nukleotidsyre.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Staden è un insieme completamente sviluppato di strumenti per assemblaggio (Gap4 e Gap5), modifica e analisi di sequenze
    di DNA.</p>

    <p>Gap4 effettua l&apos;assemblaggio di sequenze, l&apos;ordinamento di contigui basato su dati di coppie di letture,
    l&apos;unione di contigui basata sul confronto di sequenze, il controllo di assemblaggi, la ricerca di sequenze ripetute,
    il suggerimento di esperimenti, l&apos;analisi di coppie di letture e la modifica di contigui. Ha viste grafiche di contigui,
    modelli, letture e tracce, tutte con scorrimento nel registro. Le funzioni di suggerimento di esperimenti e le ricerche
    dell&apos;editor di contigui usano valori di confidenza per calcolare la confidenza della sequenza di consenso e perciò
    identificare solamente le posizioni che richiedono l&apos;ispezione visiva delle tracce o dati aggiuntivi. Il risultato
    è un tempo estremamente rapido e un consenso di accuratezza nota.</p>

    <p>Pregap4 fornisce un&apos;interfaccia utente grafica per impostare l&apos;elaborazione necessaria per preparare dati
    di tracce per l&apos;assemblaggio o l&apos;analisi e automatizza questi processi.</p>

    <p>Trev è un visualizzatore e un editor rapido e flessibile per file di traccia ABI, ALF, SCF e ZTR.</p>

    <p>Prefinish analizza assemblaggi di sequenze parzialmente completi e suggerisce l&apos;insieme più efficiente di esperimenti
    per aiutare a completare il progetto.</p>

    <p>Tracediff e hetscan localizzano automaticamente mutazioni confrontando dati di tracce con tracce di riferimento. Annotano
    le mutazioni trovate in modo che siano pronte per la visualizzazione in gap4.</p>

    <p>Spin analizza sequenze di nucleotidi per trovare geni, siti di restrizione, motivi, ecc. Può effettuare traduzioni,
    trovare frame di lettura aperti, contare i codoni, ecc. Molti risultati sono presentati graficamente e una finestra per
    sequenza con scorrimento è collegata al cursore grafico. Spin inoltre confronta coppie di sequenze in molti modi. Ha un&apos;analisi
    a matrice di punti molto veloce, algoritmi di allineamento globale e locale più una finestra per sequenza con scorrimento
    collegata ai tracciati grafici. Può confrontare acidi nucleici con acidi nucleici, proteine con proteine e proteine con
    acidi nucleici.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Staden is a fully developed set of DNA sequence assembly (Gap4 and Gap5), editing and analysis tools (Spin).</p>

    <p>Gap4 performs sequence assembly, contig ordering based on read pair data, contig joining based on sequence comparisons,
    assembly checking, repeat searching, experiment suggestion, read pair analysis and contig editing. It has graphical views
    of contigs, templates, readings and traces which all scroll in register. Contig editor searches and experiment suggestion
    routines use confidence values to calculate the confidence of the consensus sequence and hence identify only places requiring
    visual trace inspection or extra data. The result is extremely rapid finishing and a consensus of known accuracy.</p>

    <p>Pregap4 provides a graphical user interface to set up the processing required to prepare trace data for assembly or
    analysis, and automates these processes.</p>

    <p>Trev is a rapid and flexible viewer and editor for ABI, ALF, SCF and ZTR trace files.</p>

    <p>Prefinish analyses partially completed sequence assemblies and suggests the most efficient set of experiments to help
    finish the project.</p>

    <p>Tracediff and hetscan automatically locate mutations by comparing trace data against reference traces. They annotate
    the mutations found ready for viewing in gap4.</p>

    <p>Spin analyses nucleotide sequences to find genes, restriction sites, motifs, etc. It can perform translations, find
    open reading frames, count codons, etc. Many results are presented graphically and a sliding sequence window is linked
    to the graphics cursor. Spin also compares pairs of sequences in many ways. It has very rapid dot matrix analysis, global
    and local alignment algorithms, plus a sliding sequence window linked to the graphical plots. It can compare nucleic acid
    against nucleic acid, protein against protein, and protein against nucleic acid.</p>
- Biology
- Science
  - name: staden_icon4bl.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - gap4.desktop

gap5.desktop - 2.0.0+b11-5 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: gap5.desktop
Package: staden
  C: gap5
  C: Staden gap5 assembly editor
  C: >-
    <p>Staden is a fully developed set of DNA sequence assembly (Gap4 and Gap5), editing and analysis tools (Spin).</p>

    <p>Gap4 performs sequence assembly, contig ordering based on read pair data, contig joining based on sequence comparisons,
    assembly checking, repeat searching, experiment suggestion, read pair analysis and contig editing. It has graphical views
    of contigs, templates, readings and traces which all scroll in register. Contig editor searches and experiment suggestion
    routines use confidence values to calculate the confidence of the consensus sequence and hence identify only places requiring
    visual trace inspection or extra data. The result is extremely rapid finishing and a consensus of known accuracy.</p>

    <p>Pregap4 provides a graphical user interface to set up the processing required to prepare trace data for assembly or
    analysis, and automates these processes.</p>

    <p>Trev is a rapid and flexible viewer and editor for ABI, ALF, SCF and ZTR trace files.</p>

    <p>Prefinish analyses partially completed sequence assemblies and suggests the most efficient set of experiments to help
    finish the project.</p>

    <p>Tracediff and hetscan automatically locate mutations by comparing trace data against reference traces. They annotate
    the mutations found ready for viewing in gap4.</p>

    <p>Spin analyses nucleotide sequences to find genes, restriction sites, motifs, etc. It can perform translations, find
    open reading frames, count codons, etc. Many results are presented graphically and a sliding sequence window is linked
    to the graphics cursor. Spin also compares pairs of sequences in many ways. It has very rapid dot matrix analysis, global
    and local alignment algorithms, plus a sliding sequence window linked to the graphical plots. It can compare nucleic acid
    against nucleic acid, protein against protein, and protein against nucleic acid.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Staden er et fuldt udviklet sæt af DNA-sekvenssamling (Gap4 og Gap5), redigerings- og analyseværktøjer (Spin).</p>

    <p>Gap4 udfører sekvenssamling, contig-ordning baseret på læste pardata, contig-sammenslutning baseret på sekvenssammenligninger,
    kontrol af samling, gentag-søgning, eksperimentforslag, læst par-analyse og contig- redigering. Programmet har grafisk
    visning af contigs, skabeloner, læsninger og sporinger som alle ruller i register. Contig- redigeringsprogramsøgninger
    og forslagsrutiner for eksperimenter bruger konfidensværdier til at beregne konfidensen for konsensussekvens og identificerer
    dermed kun steder der kræver visuel sporingsinspektion eller ekstra data. Resultatet er ekstrem hurtig afslutning og en
    konsensus om kendt præcision.</p>

    <p>Pregap4 tilbyder en grafisk brugerflade til at opsætte behandlingen krævet for at forberede registreringsdata for samling
    eller analyse og automatiserer disse processer.</p>

    <p>Trev er en hurtig og fleksibel fremviser og redigeringsprogram for ABI-, ALF-, SCF- og ZTR-sporingsfiler.</p>

    <p>Prefinish analyserer delvise færdige sekvenssamlinger og foreslår det mest effektive sæt af eksperimenter til at hjælpe
    med at afslutte projektet.</p>

    <p>Tracediff og hetscan kan automatisk lokalisere mutationer ved at sammenligne sporingsdata mod referencesporinger. De
    annoterer mutationerne fundet klar til visning i gap4.</p>

    <p>Spin analyserer nukleotidsekvenser for at finde gener, begrænsningssider, motifs etc. Programmet kan udføre oversættelser,
    finde åbne læserammer, tælle codons etc. Mange resultater præsenteres grafisk og et glidende sekvensvindue er lænket til
    den grafiske markør. Spin sammenligner også sekvenspar på mange måder. Programmet har en meget hurtig punktmatrixanalyse,
    globale og lokale sammenligningsalgoritmer, samt et glidende sekvensvindue lænket til de grafiske plot. Programmet kan
    sammenligne nukleotidsyre mod nukleotidsyre, protein mod protein samt protein mod nukleotidsyre.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Staden è un insieme completamente sviluppato di strumenti per assemblaggio (Gap4 e Gap5), modifica e analisi di sequenze
    di DNA.</p>

    <p>Gap4 effettua l&apos;assemblaggio di sequenze, l&apos;ordinamento di contigui basato su dati di coppie di letture,
    l&apos;unione di contigui basata sul confronto di sequenze, il controllo di assemblaggi, la ricerca di sequenze ripetute,
    il suggerimento di esperimenti, l&apos;analisi di coppie di letture e la modifica di contigui. Ha viste grafiche di contigui,
    modelli, letture e tracce, tutte con scorrimento nel registro. Le funzioni di suggerimento di esperimenti e le ricerche
    dell&apos;editor di contigui usano valori di confidenza per calcolare la confidenza della sequenza di consenso e perciò
    identificare solamente le posizioni che richiedono l&apos;ispezione visiva delle tracce o dati aggiuntivi. Il risultato
    è un tempo estremamente rapido e un consenso di accuratezza nota.</p>

    <p>Pregap4 fornisce un&apos;interfaccia utente grafica per impostare l&apos;elaborazione necessaria per preparare dati
    di tracce per l&apos;assemblaggio o l&apos;analisi e automatizza questi processi.</p>

    <p>Trev è un visualizzatore e un editor rapido e flessibile per file di traccia ABI, ALF, SCF e ZTR.</p>

    <p>Prefinish analizza assemblaggi di sequenze parzialmente completi e suggerisce l&apos;insieme più efficiente di esperimenti
    per aiutare a completare il progetto.</p>

    <p>Tracediff e hetscan localizzano automaticamente mutazioni confrontando dati di tracce con tracce di riferimento. Annotano
    le mutazioni trovate in modo che siano pronte per la visualizzazione in gap4.</p>

    <p>Spin analizza sequenze di nucleotidi per trovare geni, siti di restrizione, motivi, ecc. Può effettuare traduzioni,
    trovare frame di lettura aperti, contare i codoni, ecc. Molti risultati sono presentati graficamente e una finestra per
    sequenza con scorrimento è collegata al cursore grafico. Spin inoltre confronta coppie di sequenze in molti modi. Ha un&apos;analisi
    a matrice di punti molto veloce, algoritmi di allineamento globale e locale più una finestra per sequenza con scorrimento
    collegata ai tracciati grafici. Può confrontare acidi nucleici con acidi nucleici, proteine con proteine e proteine con
    acidi nucleici.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Staden is a fully developed set of DNA sequence assembly (Gap4 and Gap5), editing and analysis tools (Spin).</p>

    <p>Gap4 performs sequence assembly, contig ordering based on read pair data, contig joining based on sequence comparisons,
    assembly checking, repeat searching, experiment suggestion, read pair analysis and contig editing. It has graphical views
    of contigs, templates, readings and traces which all scroll in register. Contig editor searches and experiment suggestion
    routines use confidence values to calculate the confidence of the consensus sequence and hence identify only places requiring
    visual trace inspection or extra data. The result is extremely rapid finishing and a consensus of known accuracy.</p>

    <p>Pregap4 provides a graphical user interface to set up the processing required to prepare trace data for assembly or
    analysis, and automates these processes.</p>

    <p>Trev is a rapid and flexible viewer and editor for ABI, ALF, SCF and ZTR trace files.</p>

    <p>Prefinish analyses partially completed sequence assemblies and suggests the most efficient set of experiments to help
    finish the project.</p>

    <p>Tracediff and hetscan automatically locate mutations by comparing trace data against reference traces. They annotate
    the mutations found ready for viewing in gap4.</p>

    <p>Spin analyses nucleotide sequences to find genes, restriction sites, motifs, etc. It can perform translations, find
    open reading frames, count codons, etc. Many results are presented graphically and a sliding sequence window is linked
    to the graphics cursor. Spin also compares pairs of sequences in many ways. It has very rapid dot matrix analysis, global
    and local alignment algorithms, plus a sliding sequence window linked to the graphical plots. It can compare nucleic acid
    against nucleic acid, protein against protein, and protein against nucleic acid.</p>
- Biology
- Science
  - name: staden_icon4bl.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - gap5.desktop

trev.desktop - 2.0.0+b11-5 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: trev.desktop
Package: staden
  C: trev
  C: Staden trev program
  C: >-
    <p>Staden is a fully developed set of DNA sequence assembly (Gap4 and Gap5), editing and analysis tools (Spin).</p>

    <p>Gap4 performs sequence assembly, contig ordering based on read pair data, contig joining based on sequence comparisons,
    assembly checking, repeat searching, experiment suggestion, read pair analysis and contig editing. It has graphical views
    of contigs, templates, readings and traces which all scroll in register. Contig editor searches and experiment suggestion
    routines use confidence values to calculate the confidence of the consensus sequence and hence identify only places requiring
    visual trace inspection or extra data. The result is extremely rapid finishing and a consensus of known accuracy.</p>

    <p>Pregap4 provides a graphical user interface to set up the processing required to prepare trace data for assembly or
    analysis, and automates these processes.</p>

    <p>Trev is a rapid and flexible viewer and editor for ABI, ALF, SCF and ZTR trace files.</p>

    <p>Prefinish analyses partially completed sequence assemblies and suggests the most efficient set of experiments to help
    finish the project.</p>

    <p>Tracediff and hetscan automatically locate mutations by comparing trace data against reference traces. They annotate
    the mutations found ready for viewing in gap4.</p>

    <p>Spin analyses nucleotide sequences to find genes, restriction sites, motifs, etc. It can perform translations, find
    open reading frames, count codons, etc. Many results are presented graphically and a sliding sequence window is linked
    to the graphics cursor. Spin also compares pairs of sequences in many ways. It has very rapid dot matrix analysis, global
    and local alignment algorithms, plus a sliding sequence window linked to the graphical plots. It can compare nucleic acid
    against nucleic acid, protein against protein, and protein against nucleic acid.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Staden er et fuldt udviklet sæt af DNA-sekvenssamling (Gap4 og Gap5), redigerings- og analyseværktøjer (Spin).</p>

    <p>Gap4 udfører sekvenssamling, contig-ordning baseret på læste pardata, contig-sammenslutning baseret på sekvenssammenligninger,
    kontrol af samling, gentag-søgning, eksperimentforslag, læst par-analyse og contig- redigering. Programmet har grafisk
    visning af contigs, skabeloner, læsninger og sporinger som alle ruller i register. Contig- redigeringsprogramsøgninger
    og forslagsrutiner for eksperimenter bruger konfidensværdier til at beregne konfidensen for konsensussekvens og identificerer
    dermed kun steder der kræver visuel sporingsinspektion eller ekstra data. Resultatet er ekstrem hurtig afslutning og en
    konsensus om kendt præcision.</p>

    <p>Pregap4 tilbyder en grafisk brugerflade til at opsætte behandlingen krævet for at forberede registreringsdata for samling
    eller analyse og automatiserer disse processer.</p>

    <p>Trev er en hurtig og fleksibel fremviser og redigeringsprogram for ABI-, ALF-, SCF- og ZTR-sporingsfiler.</p>

    <p>Prefinish analyserer delvise færdige sekvenssamlinger og foreslår det mest effektive sæt af eksperimenter til at hjælpe
    med at afslutte projektet.</p>

    <p>Tracediff og hetscan kan automatisk lokalisere mutationer ved at sammenligne sporingsdata mod referencesporinger. De
    annoterer mutationerne fundet klar til visning i gap4.</p>

    <p>Spin analyserer nukleotidsekvenser for at finde gener, begrænsningssider, motifs etc. Programmet kan udføre oversættelser,
    finde åbne læserammer, tælle codons etc. Mange resultater præsenteres grafisk og et glidende sekvensvindue er lænket til
    den grafiske markør. Spin sammenligner også sekvenspar på mange måder. Programmet har en meget hurtig punktmatrixanalyse,
    globale og lokale sammenligningsalgoritmer, samt et glidende sekvensvindue lænket til de grafiske plot. Programmet kan
    sammenligne nukleotidsyre mod nukleotidsyre, protein mod protein samt protein mod nukleotidsyre.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Staden è un insieme completamente sviluppato di strumenti per assemblaggio (Gap4 e Gap5), modifica e analisi di sequenze
    di DNA.</p>

    <p>Gap4 effettua l&apos;assemblaggio di sequenze, l&apos;ordinamento di contigui basato su dati di coppie di letture,
    l&apos;unione di contigui basata sul confronto di sequenze, il controllo di assemblaggi, la ricerca di sequenze ripetute,
    il suggerimento di esperimenti, l&apos;analisi di coppie di letture e la modifica di contigui. Ha viste grafiche di contigui,
    modelli, letture e tracce, tutte con scorrimento nel registro. Le funzioni di suggerimento di esperimenti e le ricerche
    dell&apos;editor di contigui usano valori di confidenza per calcolare la confidenza della sequenza di consenso e perciò
    identificare solamente le posizioni che richiedono l&apos;ispezione visiva delle tracce o dati aggiuntivi. Il risultato
    è un tempo estremamente rapido e un consenso di accuratezza nota.</p>

    <p>Pregap4 fornisce un&apos;interfaccia utente grafica per impostare l&apos;elaborazione necessaria per preparare dati
    di tracce per l&apos;assemblaggio o l&apos;analisi e automatizza questi processi.</p>

    <p>Trev è un visualizzatore e un editor rapido e flessibile per file di traccia ABI, ALF, SCF e ZTR.</p>

    <p>Prefinish analizza assemblaggi di sequenze parzialmente completi e suggerisce l&apos;insieme più efficiente di esperimenti
    per aiutare a completare il progetto.</p>

    <p>Tracediff e hetscan localizzano automaticamente mutazioni confrontando dati di tracce con tracce di riferimento. Annotano
    le mutazioni trovate in modo che siano pronte per la visualizzazione in gap4.</p>

    <p>Spin analizza sequenze di nucleotidi per trovare geni, siti di restrizione, motivi, ecc. Può effettuare traduzioni,
    trovare frame di lettura aperti, contare i codoni, ecc. Molti risultati sono presentati graficamente e una finestra per
    sequenza con scorrimento è collegata al cursore grafico. Spin inoltre confronta coppie di sequenze in molti modi. Ha un&apos;analisi
    a matrice di punti molto veloce, algoritmi di allineamento globale e locale più una finestra per sequenza con scorrimento
    collegata ai tracciati grafici. Può confrontare acidi nucleici con acidi nucleici, proteine con proteine e proteine con
    acidi nucleici.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Staden is a fully developed set of DNA sequence assembly (Gap4 and Gap5), editing and analysis tools (Spin).</p>

    <p>Gap4 performs sequence assembly, contig ordering based on read pair data, contig joining based on sequence comparisons,
    assembly checking, repeat searching, experiment suggestion, read pair analysis and contig editing. It has graphical views
    of contigs, templates, readings and traces which all scroll in register. Contig editor searches and experiment suggestion
    routines use confidence values to calculate the confidence of the consensus sequence and hence identify only places requiring
    visual trace inspection or extra data. The result is extremely rapid finishing and a consensus of known accuracy.</p>

    <p>Pregap4 provides a graphical user interface to set up the processing required to prepare trace data for assembly or
    analysis, and automates these processes.</p>

    <p>Trev is a rapid and flexible viewer and editor for ABI, ALF, SCF and ZTR trace files.</p>

    <p>Prefinish analyses partially completed sequence assemblies and suggests the most efficient set of experiments to help
    finish the project.</p>

    <p>Tracediff and hetscan automatically locate mutations by comparing trace data against reference traces. They annotate
    the mutations found ready for viewing in gap4.</p>

    <p>Spin analyses nucleotide sequences to find genes, restriction sites, motifs, etc. It can perform translations, find
    open reading frames, count codons, etc. Many results are presented graphically and a sliding sequence window is linked
    to the graphics cursor. Spin also compares pairs of sequences in many ways. It has very rapid dot matrix analysis, global
    and local alignment algorithms, plus a sliding sequence window linked to the graphical plots. It can compare nucleic acid
    against nucleic acid, protein against protein, and protein against nucleic acid.</p>
- Biology
- Science
  - name: staden_icon4bl.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - trev.desktop

pregap4.desktop - 2.0.0+b11-5 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: pregap4.desktop
Package: staden
  C: pregap4
  C: Staden pregap4 DNA preprocessor
  C: >-
    <p>Staden is a fully developed set of DNA sequence assembly (Gap4 and Gap5), editing and analysis tools (Spin).</p>

    <p>Gap4 performs sequence assembly, contig ordering based on read pair data, contig joining based on sequence comparisons,
    assembly checking, repeat searching, experiment suggestion, read pair analysis and contig editing. It has graphical views
    of contigs, templates, readings and traces which all scroll in register. Contig editor searches and experiment suggestion
    routines use confidence values to calculate the confidence of the consensus sequence and hence identify only places requiring
    visual trace inspection or extra data. The result is extremely rapid finishing and a consensus of known accuracy.</p>

    <p>Pregap4 provides a graphical user interface to set up the processing required to prepare trace data for assembly or
    analysis, and automates these processes.</p>

    <p>Trev is a rapid and flexible viewer and editor for ABI, ALF, SCF and ZTR trace files.</p>

    <p>Prefinish analyses partially completed sequence assemblies and suggests the most efficient set of experiments to help
    finish the project.</p>

    <p>Tracediff and hetscan automatically locate mutations by comparing trace data against reference traces. They annotate
    the mutations found ready for viewing in gap4.</p>

    <p>Spin analyses nucleotide sequences to find genes, restriction sites, motifs, etc. It can perform translations, find
    open reading frames, count codons, etc. Many results are presented graphically and a sliding sequence window is linked
    to the graphics cursor. Spin also compares pairs of sequences in many ways. It has very rapid dot matrix analysis, global
    and local alignment algorithms, plus a sliding sequence window linked to the graphical plots. It can compare nucleic acid
    against nucleic acid, protein against protein, and protein against nucleic acid.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Staden er et fuldt udviklet sæt af DNA-sekvenssamling (Gap4 og Gap5), redigerings- og analyseværktøjer (Spin).</p>

    <p>Gap4 udfører sekvenssamling, contig-ordning baseret på læste pardata, contig-sammenslutning baseret på sekvenssammenligninger,
    kontrol af samling, gentag-søgning, eksperimentforslag, læst par-analyse og contig- redigering. Programmet har grafisk
    visning af contigs, skabeloner, læsninger og sporinger som alle ruller i register. Contig- redigeringsprogramsøgninger
    og forslagsrutiner for eksperimenter bruger konfidensværdier til at beregne konfidensen for konsensussekvens og identificerer
    dermed kun steder der kræver visuel sporingsinspektion eller ekstra data. Resultatet er ekstrem hurtig afslutning og en
    konsensus om kendt præcision.</p>

    <p>Pregap4 tilbyder en grafisk brugerflade til at opsætte behandlingen krævet for at forberede registreringsdata for samling
    eller analyse og automatiserer disse processer.</p>

    <p>Trev er en hurtig og fleksibel fremviser og redigeringsprogram for ABI-, ALF-, SCF- og ZTR-sporingsfiler.</p>

    <p>Prefinish analyserer delvise færdige sekvenssamlinger og foreslår det mest effektive sæt af eksperimenter til at hjælpe
    med at afslutte projektet.</p>

    <p>Tracediff og hetscan kan automatisk lokalisere mutationer ved at sammenligne sporingsdata mod referencesporinger. De
    annoterer mutationerne fundet klar til visning i gap4.</p>

    <p>Spin analyserer nukleotidsekvenser for at finde gener, begrænsningssider, motifs etc. Programmet kan udføre oversættelser,
    finde åbne læserammer, tælle codons etc. Mange resultater præsenteres grafisk og et glidende sekvensvindue er lænket til
    den grafiske markør. Spin sammenligner også sekvenspar på mange måder. Programmet har en meget hurtig punktmatrixanalyse,
    globale og lokale sammenligningsalgoritmer, samt et glidende sekvensvindue lænket til de grafiske plot. Programmet kan
    sammenligne nukleotidsyre mod nukleotidsyre, protein mod protein samt protein mod nukleotidsyre.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Staden è un insieme completamente sviluppato di strumenti per assemblaggio (Gap4 e Gap5), modifica e analisi di sequenze
    di DNA.</p>

    <p>Gap4 effettua l&apos;assemblaggio di sequenze, l&apos;ordinamento di contigui basato su dati di coppie di letture,
    l&apos;unione di contigui basata sul confronto di sequenze, il controllo di assemblaggi, la ricerca di sequenze ripetute,
    il suggerimento di esperimenti, l&apos;analisi di coppie di letture e la modifica di contigui. Ha viste grafiche di contigui,
    modelli, letture e tracce, tutte con scorrimento nel registro. Le funzioni di suggerimento di esperimenti e le ricerche
    dell&apos;editor di contigui usano valori di confidenza per calcolare la confidenza della sequenza di consenso e perciò
    identificare solamente le posizioni che richiedono l&apos;ispezione visiva delle tracce o dati aggiuntivi. Il risultato
    è un tempo estremamente rapido e un consenso di accuratezza nota.</p>

    <p>Pregap4 fornisce un&apos;interfaccia utente grafica per impostare l&apos;elaborazione necessaria per preparare dati
    di tracce per l&apos;assemblaggio o l&apos;analisi e automatizza questi processi.</p>

    <p>Trev è un visualizzatore e un editor rapido e flessibile per file di traccia ABI, ALF, SCF e ZTR.</p>

    <p>Prefinish analizza assemblaggi di sequenze parzialmente completi e suggerisce l&apos;insieme più efficiente di esperimenti
    per aiutare a completare il progetto.</p>

    <p>Tracediff e hetscan localizzano automaticamente mutazioni confrontando dati di tracce con tracce di riferimento. Annotano
    le mutazioni trovate in modo che siano pronte per la visualizzazione in gap4.</p>

    <p>Spin analizza sequenze di nucleotidi per trovare geni, siti di restrizione, motivi, ecc. Può effettuare traduzioni,
    trovare frame di lettura aperti, contare i codoni, ecc. Molti risultati sono presentati graficamente e una finestra per
    sequenza con scorrimento è collegata al cursore grafico. Spin inoltre confronta coppie di sequenze in molti modi. Ha un&apos;analisi
    a matrice di punti molto veloce, algoritmi di allineamento globale e locale più una finestra per sequenza con scorrimento
    collegata ai tracciati grafici. Può confrontare acidi nucleici con acidi nucleici, proteine con proteine e proteine con
    acidi nucleici.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Staden is a fully developed set of DNA sequence assembly (Gap4 and Gap5), editing and analysis tools (Spin).</p>

    <p>Gap4 performs sequence assembly, contig ordering based on read pair data, contig joining based on sequence comparisons,
    assembly checking, repeat searching, experiment suggestion, read pair analysis and contig editing. It has graphical views
    of contigs, templates, readings and traces which all scroll in register. Contig editor searches and experiment suggestion
    routines use confidence values to calculate the confidence of the consensus sequence and hence identify only places requiring
    visual trace inspection or extra data. The result is extremely rapid finishing and a consensus of known accuracy.</p>

    <p>Pregap4 provides a graphical user interface to set up the processing required to prepare trace data for assembly or
    analysis, and automates these processes.</p>

    <p>Trev is a rapid and flexible viewer and editor for ABI, ALF, SCF and ZTR trace files.</p>

    <p>Prefinish analyses partially completed sequence assemblies and suggests the most efficient set of experiments to help
    finish the project.</p>

    <p>Tracediff and hetscan automatically locate mutations by comparing trace data against reference traces. They annotate
    the mutations found ready for viewing in gap4.</p>

    <p>Spin analyses nucleotide sequences to find genes, restriction sites, motifs, etc. It can perform translations, find
    open reading frames, count codons, etc. Many results are presented graphically and a sliding sequence window is linked
    to the graphics cursor. Spin also compares pairs of sequences in many ways. It has very rapid dot matrix analysis, global
    and local alignment algorithms, plus a sliding sequence window linked to the graphical plots. It can compare nucleic acid
    against nucleic acid, protein against protein, and protein against nucleic acid.</p>
- Biology
- Science
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  - pregap4.desktop