⇦ | smtube [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for smtube in universe

smtube.desktop - 21.7.0-1build2 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: smtube.desktop
Package: smtube
  uk: SMTube
  es: SMTube
  am: SMTube
  zh-TW: SMTube
  sv: SMTube
  he: SMTube
  it: SMTube
  ms-MY: SMTube
  ja: SMTube
  ca: SMTube
  de: SMTube
  fr: SMTube
  fa: SMTube
  pt: SMTube
  el: SMTube
  C: SMTube
  cs: SMTube
  bg: SMTube
  pl: SMTube
  eu: SMTube
  hr: SMTube
  pt-BR: SMTube
  ko: SMTube
  zh-CN: SMTube
  da: SMTube
  gl: SMTube
  ru: SMTube
  uk: Перегляд і пошук на YouTube
  es: Permite buscar vídeos de YouTube
  am: ከ ዩቲዩብ መቃኛ እና መፈጊያ
  zh-TW: 在 YouTube 上瀏覽並搜尋
  sv: Bläddra och sök från YouTube
  he: עיין וחפש מתוך YouTube
  it: Naviga e ricerca su YouTube
  ms-MY: Layar dan gelintar Youtube
  ja: YouTube を閲覧し検索します
  ca: Navegueu i cerqueu vídeos des de YouTube
  de: YouTube durchsuchen
  fr: Naviguer et chercher sur YouTube
  fa: مرور و جست و جو در یوتیوب
  pt: Explorar e pesquisar vídeos no YouTube
  el: Περιήγηση και αναζήτηση στο YouTube
  C: Browse and search videos from YouTube
  cs: Procházet a hledat na YouTube
  bg: Прелистване и търсене в YouTube
  pl: Przeglądanie i przeszukiwanie YouTube
  eu: Nabigatu eta bilatu YouTuben
  hr: Pregledavajte i pretražujte YouTube
  pt-BR: Navegar e procurar no YouTube
  ko: 유투브 검색하기
  zh-CN: 浏览 YouTube 或者搜索
  da: Gennemse og søg fra YouTube
  gl: Navegar e buscar en YouTube
  ru: Просмотр и поиск по YouTube
  gl: >-
    <p>SMTube is a stand-alone graphical application which allows one to search and download Youtube videos. Although it is
    part of the SMPlayer project, it can be used with any multimedia player such as mpv, MPlayer, VLC, Totem or Dragon Player.</p>
  hr: >-
    <p>SMTube je samostalna grafička aplikacija koja omogućuje pretragu i preuzimanje Youtube video snimaka. Iako je dio SMPlayer
    projekta, može se koristiti s bilo kojim multimedijskim reproduktorom poput mpv, MPlayer, VLC, Totem ili Dragon Playera.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>SMTube est une application graphique autonome autorisant la recherche et le téléchargement de vidéos de YouTube. Quoiqu’elle
    appartienne au projet SMPlayer, elle peut être utilisée avec n’importe quel lecteur de multimédia tel que mpv, MPlayer,
    VLC, Totem ou Dragon Player.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>SMTube is a stand-alone graphical application which allows one to search and download Youtube videos. Although it is
    part of the SMPlayer project, it can be used with any multimedia player such as mpv, MPlayer, VLC, Totem or Dragon Player.</p>
  pl: >-
    <p>SMTube to samodzielna aplikacja graficzna umożliwiająca wyszukiwanie i pobieranie filmów z serwisu YouTube. Chociaż
    jest częścią projektu SMPlayer, można jej używać z dowolnym odtwarzaczem multimedialnym, takim jak: mpv, MPlayer, VLC,
    Totem lub Dragon Player.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>SMTube é uma aplicação gráfica independente que permite que se faça busca e download de vídeos do youtube. Embora seja
    parte do projeto SMPlayer, pode ser usada que qualquer reprodutor de mídia como mpv, MPlayer, VLC, Totem ou Dragon Player.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>SMTube è un&apos;applicazione grafica autonoma che permette di cercare e scaricare video di YouTube. Sebbene faccia
    parte del progetto SMPlayer, può essere usata con qualsiasi riproduttore multimediale come mpv, MPlayer, VLC, Totem o
    Dragon Player.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>SMTube is a stand-alone graphical application which allows one to search and download Youtube videos. Although it is
    part of the SMPlayer project, it can be used with any multimedia player such as mpv, MPlayer, VLC, Totem or Dragon Player.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>SMTube is a stand-alone graphical application which allows one to search and download Youtube videos. Although it is
    part of the SMPlayer project, it can be used with any multimedia player such as mpv, MPlayer, VLC, Totem or Dragon Player.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>SMTube er et uafhængigt grafisk program, som giver dig mulighed for at søge efter og hente YouTube-videoer. Selvom
    det er en del af SMPlayer- projektet, så kan det bruges med enhver multimedieafspiller såsom mpv, MPlayer, VLC, Totem
    eller Dragon Player.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>SMTube is a stand-alone graphical application which allows one to search and download Youtube videos. Although it is
    part of the SMPlayer project, it can be used with any multimedia player such as mpv, MPlayer, VLC, Totem or Dragon Player.</p>
- AudioVideo
- Player
- Video
  - name: smtube_smtube.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: smtube_smtube.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: smtube_smtube.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: s/sm/smtube.desktop/266311152ad81b48344a635bd560b000/icons/128x128/smtube_smtube.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: smtube
  - smtube.desktop