⇦ | slimevolley [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for slimevolley in universe

slimevolley.desktop - 2.4.2+dfsg-3 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: slimevolley.desktop
Package: slimevolley
  C: Slime Volley
  fr: Simulation non réaliste de volley en 2D
  C: Unrealistic 2D volleyball simulation
  de: Unrealistische Simulation eines Volleyballspiels in 2D
  de: >-
    <p>Slime Volley ist eine Arkade-orientierte 2D-Volleyballsimulation, inspiriert von einigen Java-Spielen mit demselben
    Namen. Zwei Mannschaften mit je 1-3 Spielern versuchen, als Erste 10 Punkte zu erreichen. Es gibt Punkte, wenn ein Ball
    auf der gegnerischen Seite den Boden berührt. Pro Spiel werden ein bis acht Bälle gespielt. Jeder Spieler verwendet vier
    Tasten: zwei Richtungstasten, eine zum Springen und eine für die Änderung des Aussehens.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Slime Volley is a 2D arcade-oriented volleyball simulation, in the spirit of some Java games of the same name. Two
    teams, 1-3 players each, try to be the first to get 10 points. This happens when the one ball touches the floor on the
    other side of the net. There can be 1 to 8 balls in game. Each player use 4 keys, 2 direction keys, one for jump and one
    for changing its skin.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Slime Volley is a 2D arcade-oriented volleyball simulation, in the spirit of some Java games of the same name. Two
    teams, 1-3 players each, try to be the first to get 10 points. This happens when the one ball touches the floor on the
    other side of the net. There can be 1 to 8 balls in game. Each player use 4 keys, 2 direction keys, one for jump and one
    for changing its skin.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Slime Volley — двумерная аркадная имитация волейбола в духе нескольких Java-игр с тем же названием. Две команды, 1-3
    игрока в каждой, стараются первыми набрать 10 очков. Это происходит, если мяч касается пола на противоположной стороне
    сетки. В игре может быть от 1 до 8 мячей. Каждый игрок использует 4 клавиши: 2 для перемещения, одна для прыжка и одна
    для изменения скина.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Slime Volley is a 2D arcade-oriented volleyball simulation, in the spirit of some Java games of the same name. Two
    teams, 1-3 players each, try to be the first to get 10 points. This happens when the one ball touches the floor on the
    other side of the net. There can be 1 to 8 balls in game. Each player use 4 keys, 2 direction keys, one for jump and one
    for changing its skin.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>O Slime Volley é unha simulación de voleibol bidimensional tipo arcade no espírito dalgúns xogos do mesmo nome en Java.
    Dous equipos, de entre un e tres xogadores cada un, tentan seren os primeiros en obteren dez puntos. Isto sucede cando
    a bóla toca o chan ao outro lado da rede. Pode haber entre unha e oito bólas no xogo. Cada xogador emprega catro teclas,
    dúas teclas de dirección, unha para salta re unha para cambiar de pel.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Slime Volley est une simulation en 2D de volley-ball orientée arcade, dans l&apos;esprit de certains jeux Java du même
    nom. Deux équipes, de 1 à 3 joueurs chacune, essaient d&apos;être la première à obtenir 10 points. Cela arrive lorsque
    la balle touche le sol de l&apos;autre côté du filet. Il peut y avoir de 1 à 8 balles dans le jeu. Chaque joueur utilise
    4 touches : 2 touches de direction, une pour sauter et une pour changer son apparence.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Slime Volley is a 2D arcade-oriented volleyball simulation, in the spirit of some Java games of the same name. Two
    teams, 1-3 players each, try to be the first to get 10 points. This happens when the one ball touches the floor on the
    other side of the net. There can be 1 to 8 balls in game. Each player use 4 keys, 2 direction keys, one for jump and one
    for changing its skin.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Slime Volley è una simulazione 2D di pallavolo orientata agli arcade, nello spirito di alcuni giochi Java con lo stesso
    nome. Due squadre, da uno a tre giocatori ciascuna, cercano di essere i primi a raggiungere i 10 punti. Questo succede
    quando una palla tocca il suolo dall&apos;altra parte della rete. Possono esserci da 1 a 8 palle in gioco. Ogni giocatore
    utilizza 4 tasti, 2 tasti di direzione, un tasto per saltare e uno per cambiare il suo aspetto.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Slime Volley er en 2D arkadeorienteret simulation af et volleyballspil, i ånden af nogle Javaspil med samme navn. To
    hold, 1-3 spillere hver, forsøger at blive den første som får 10 point. Dette sker, når en bold rører gulvet på den anden
    side af nettet. Der kan være 1 til 8 bolde i spillet. Hver spiller bruger 4 taster, 2 retningstaster, en for at hoppe
    og en for at ændre temaet i spillet.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Slime Volley is a 2D arcade-oriented volleyball simulation, in the spirit of some Java games of the same name. Two
    teams, 1-3 players each, try to be the first to get 10 points. This happens when the one ball touches the floor on the
    other side of the net. There can be 1 to 8 balls in game. Each player use 4 keys, 2 direction keys, one for jump and one
    for changing its skin.</p>
- Game
- SportsGame
  - volleyball
  - 2D
  - name: slimevolley_slimevolley_64.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - slimevolley.desktop