⇦ | robotfindskitten [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for robotfindskitten in universe

robotfindskitten.desktop - 2.8284271.702-1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: robotfindskitten.desktop
Package: robotfindskitten
  C: robotfindskitten
  C: zen simulation of robot finding kitten
  de: >-
    <p>In dieser Simulation spielen Sie die Rolle des Roboters. Ihre Aufgabe ist es, die Simulation durch das Auffinden eines
    Kätzchens zu beenden. Dies ist Ihre Mission und Ihre Bestimmung. Sie (Robot) werden durch das Zeichen # repräsentiert,
    bewegen sich mit den Pfeiltasten und berühren dabei Objekte. Falls das berührte Objekt das Kätzchen ist, gibt es zur Belohnung
    eine hübsche kleine Animation (die allerdings in der DOS Version noch beeindruckender war) und die Simulation ist beendet.
    Andernfalls erhalten Sie eine kurze Beschreibung des berührten Objekts.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Nesta simulação, você faz o papel do robô. Sua tarefa é completar a simulação encontrando o gatinho, como é seu destino
    e mesmo que você não queira. Você (robô) é representado pelo caracter # e você se move com as teclas de setas tocando
    coisas. Se a coisa que você tocar for um gatinho, você ganha uma graciosa animaçãozinha (que era mais graciosa na versão
    DOS) e a simulação termina. De outro modo, você recebe uma breve descrição do que é que você tocou.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>このシミュレーションでは、あなたはロボットの役割を演じます。あなたの任 務は、あなたの運命そのものであり、願ってもいる、仔猫を探すことによって シミュレーションを完成させることです。あなた (ロボット) は、# の文字に よって表わされ、矢印キーで動き回って物体に触れます。触れた物体が仔猫な
    ら、可愛い小さなアニメーション (DOS 版よりも可愛いです) が得られて、シ ミュレーションは終了します。そうでなければ、触れたものについての簡単な 説明が得られます。</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>У цій симуляції ви граєте за робота. Ваше завдання — знайти кошеня. Ви (робот) позначаєтесь символом # та рухаєтесь
    навколо за допомоги клавіш керування курсором, стикаючись з різними предметами. Якщо предмет якого ви торкнулись — кошеня,
    ви отримаєте приємну анімацію (наскільки може бути приємною DOS-анімація) і гра закінчується. У іншому випадку, ви отримаєте
    короткий опис речі, якої ви доторкнулись.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>In this simulation, you play the part of robot. Your task is to complete the simulation by finding kitten, as is your
    destiny, and indeed your wont.  You (robot) are represented by the # character, and you move around with the arrow keys
    touching things.  If the thing you touch is kitten, you get a cute little animation (which was cuter in the DOS version)
    and the simulation ends. Otherwise, you get a brief description of what it is you touched.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>In this simulation, you play the part of robot. Your task is to complete the simulation by finding kitten, as is your
    destiny, and indeed your wont.  You (robot) are represented by the # character, and you move around with the arrow keys
    touching things.  If the thing you touch is kitten, you get a cute little animation (which was cuter in the DOS version)
    and the simulation ends. Otherwise, you get a brief description of what it is you touched.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>In this simulation, you play the part of robot. Your task is to complete the simulation by finding kitten, as is your
    destiny, and indeed your wont.  You (robot) are represented by the # character, and you move around with the arrow keys
    touching things.  If the thing you touch is kitten, you get a cute little animation (which was cuter in the DOS version)
    and the simulation ends. Otherwise, you get a brief description of what it is you touched.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>В этом симуляторе вы — робот. Ваша задача найти котенка. Эта задача является вашей целью и вашим желанием. Вы (робот)
    представлены символом # и можете касаться вещей, двигаясь с помощью клавиш со стрелками. Если дотронуться до котенка,
    то появится изящная анимация (которая была изящнее в DOS версии) и игра завершится. Иначе, вы получите краткое описание
    того, к чему прикоснулись.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>In this simulation, you play the part of robot. Your task is to complete the simulation by finding kitten, as is your
    destiny, and indeed your wont.  You (robot) are represented by the # character, and you move around with the arrow keys
    touching things.  If the thing you touch is kitten, you get a cute little animation (which was cuter in the DOS version)
    and the simulation ends. Otherwise, you get a brief description of what it is you touched.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>In questa simulazione tu sei il robot. Il tuo compito è di completare la simulazione trovando il gattino, come dice
    il tuo destino e, in vero, la tua volontà. Tu (robot) sei rappresentato dal carattere # e ti muovi in giro, grazie ai
    tasti freccia, toccando cose. Se la cosa toccata è il gattino, otterrai una graziosa piccola animazione (che era più carina
    nella versione DOS) e la simulazione finisce. Altrimenti, otterrai una breve descrizione dell&apos;oggetto toccato.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>I denne simulering har du rollen som robot. Din opgave er at fuldføre simuleringen ved at finde en killing, dette er
    din skæbne, og det du nu engang gør. Du (robotten) repræsenteres af tegnet #, og du flytter rundt med piletasterne og
    rører ved ting. Hvis det du rører er killingen, så ser du en sød lille animation (som var lidt sødere i DOS-versionen)
    og simuleringen ender. Ellers får du en kort besked om hvad du rørte ved.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>In this simulation, you play the part of robot. Your task is to complete the simulation by finding kitten, as is your
    destiny, and indeed your wont.  You (robot) are represented by the # character, and you move around with the arrow keys
    touching things.  If the thing you touch is kitten, you get a cute little animation (which was cuter in the DOS version)
    and the simulation ends. Otherwise, you get a brief description of what it is you touched.</p>
- Game
- LogicGame
  - text
  - ncurses
  - terminal
  - console
  - game
  - puzzle
  - zen
  - simulation
  - robot
  - kitten
  - name: robotfindskitten_robotfindskitten.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: robotfindskitten_robotfindskitten.png
    width: 128
    height: 128