⇦ | rakarrack [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for rakarrack in universe

rakarrack.desktop - 0.6.1-8ubuntu1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: rakarrack.desktop
Package: rakarrack
  C: Rakarrack
  C: Guitar Effects Processor
  gl: >-
    <p>Rakarrack is a guitar effects processor for GNU / Linux simple and easy to use but it contains features that make it
    unique in this field of applications.</p>

    <p>Currently it contains 17 effects:  * Linear Equalizer  * Parametric Equalizer  * Compressor  * Distorsion  * Overdrive 
    * Echo  * Chorus  * Phaser  * Flanger  * Reverb  * WahWah  * Alienwah  * Harmonizer  * NoiseGate  * Musical Delay  * Cabinet 
    * AutoPan/Extra Stereo</p>

    <p>Rakarrack integrates a tuner and a MIDI converter. It can also be handled by an external MIDI controller. The settings
    designed by the user can be stored in presets and these presets can be used to create banks of effects.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Rakarrack je obdelovalnik učinkov kitare za GNU/Linux, ki je enostaven za uporabo, vendar vsebuje zmožnosti, ki ga
    naredijo edinstvenega med to vrsto programov.</p>

    <p>Trenutno vsebuje 17 učinkov:  * linearni izenačevalnik  * parametrični izenačevalnik  * stiskalnik  * popoačenje  *
    prehod  * odmev  * zbor  * fazirnik  * flanger  * odmev  * WahWah  * Alienwah  * harmonizator  * vrata šume  * zamik glasbe 
    * kabinet  * dodatni stereo</p>

    <p>Rakarrack vključuje uglaševalnik in pretvorniki MIDI. Upravlja ga lahko tudi zunanji nadzorniki MIDI. Nastavitve, ki
    jih je zasnoval uporabnik, je mogoče shraniti, jih narediti prednastavljene in uporabiti za ustvarjanje bank učinkov.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Rakarrack est un logiciel de production d’effets avec des guitares pour GNU/Linux, simple et facile d’utilisation,
    mais il contient des fonctions qui le rendent unique dans son domaine d’application.</p>

    <p>Actuellement, il contient 17 effets :  * égaliseur linéaire  * égaliseur paramétrique  * compresseur  * distorsion 
    * overdrive  * écho  * chorus  * phaser  * flanger  * reverb  * wah-wah  * alienwah  * harmonizer  * noisegate  * delay 
    * cabinet  * AutoPan / Extra Stereo</p>

    <p>Rakarrack intègre un accordeur et un convertisseur MIDI. Il peut être aussi géré par un contrôleur MIDI externe. Les
    réglages personnalisés par l’utilisateur peuvent être enregistrés dans des présélections et celles-ci peuvent être utilisées
    pour créer une banque d’effets.</p>
  ko: >-
    <p>Rakarrack은 사용이 간단하고 쉬운 GNU / Linux용 기타 이펙터 프로세서이지만, 이 분야의 어플리케이션에서 고유하게 사용할 수 있는 기능들을 포함하고 있습니다.</p>

    <p>Currently it contains 17 effects:  * Linear Equalizer  * Parametric Equalizer  * Compressor  * Distorsion  * Overdrive 
    * Echo  * Chorus  * Phaser  * Flanger  * Reverb  * WahWah  * Alienwah  * Harmonizer  * NoiseGate  * Musical Delay  * Cabinet 
    * AutoPan/Extra Stereo</p>

    <p>Rakarrack은 튜너와 미디 변환기를 통합했습니다. 또한 외부 미디 컨트롤러를 통 해서 처리할 수도 있습니다. 사용자가 한 설정은 프리셋으로 저장될 수 있으며 이런 프리셋들은 이펙트 뱅크를 만드는데 사용될
    수 있습니다.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Rakarrack is a guitar effects processor for GNU / Linux simple and easy to use but it contains features that make it
    unique in this field of applications.</p>

    <p>Currently it contains 17 effects:  * Linear Equalizer  * Parametric Equalizer  * Compressor  * Distorsion  * Overdrive 
    * Echo  * Chorus  * Phaser  * Flanger  * Reverb  * WahWah  * Alienwah  * Harmonizer  * NoiseGate  * Musical Delay  * Cabinet 
    * AutoPan/Extra Stereo</p>

    <p>Rakarrack integrates a tuner and a MIDI converter. It can also be handled by an external MIDI controller. The settings
    designed by the user can be stored in presets and these presets can be used to create banks of effects.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Rakarrack is a guitar effects processor for GNU / Linux simple and easy to use but it contains features that make it
    unique in this field of applications.</p>

    <p>Currently it contains 17 effects:  * Linear Equalizer  * Parametric Equalizer  * Compressor  * Distorsion  * Overdrive 
    * Echo  * Chorus  * Phaser  * Flanger  * Reverb  * WahWah  * Alienwah  * Harmonizer  * NoiseGate  * Musical Delay  * Cabinet 
    * AutoPan/Extra Stereo</p>

    <p>Rakarrack integrates a tuner and a MIDI converter. It can also be handled by an external MIDI controller. The settings
    designed by the user can be stored in presets and these presets can be used to create banks of effects.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Rakarrack é um processador de efeitos de guitarra para GNU / Linux, simples e rápido de usar, mas que contém recursos
    que o tornam único neste campo de aplicações.</p>

    <p>Currently it contains 17 effects:  * Linear Equalizer  * Parametric Equalizer  * Compressor  * Distorsion  * Overdrive 
    * Echo  * Chorus  * Phaser  * Flanger  * Reverb  * WahWah  * Alienwah  * Harmonizer  * NoiseGate  * Musical Delay  * Cabinet 
    * AutoPan/Extra Stereo</p>

    <p>Rakarrack integra um afinador e um conversor MIDI. Ele também pode ser manipulado por um controlador MIDI externo.
    As configurações projetadas pelo(a) usuário(a) pode ser armazenadas em pré-definições e essas pré- definições podem ser
    usadas para criar bancos de efeitos.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Rakarrack is a guitar effects processor for GNU / Linux simple and easy to use but it contains features that make it
    unique in this field of applications.</p>

    <p>Currently it contains 17 effects:  * Linear Equalizer  * Parametric Equalizer  * Compressor  * Distorsion  * Overdrive 
    * Echo  * Chorus  * Phaser  * Flanger  * Reverb  * WahWah  * Alienwah  * Harmonizer  * NoiseGate  * Musical Delay  * Cabinet 
    * AutoPan/Extra Stereo</p>

    <p>Rakarrack integrates a tuner and a MIDI converter. It can also be handled by an external MIDI controller. The settings
    designed by the user can be stored in presets and these presets can be used to create banks of effects.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Rakarrack è un elaboratore di effetti per chitarra per GNU/Linux semplice e facile da usare, ma che contiene funzionalità
    che lo rendono unico nel suo campo di applicazione.</p>

    <p>Currently it contains 17 effects:  * Linear Equalizer  * Parametric Equalizer  * Compressor  * Distorsion  * Overdrive 
    * Echo  * Chorus  * Phaser  * Flanger  * Reverb  * WahWah  * Alienwah  * Harmonizer  * NoiseGate  * Musical Delay  * Cabinet 
    * AutoPan/Extra Stereo</p>

    <p>Rakarrack integra un accordatore e un convertitore MIDI. Può anche essere gestito da un controllore MIDI esterno. Le
    impostazioni definite dall&apos;utente possono essere memorizzate in insiemi di preimpostazioni e questi possono essere
    utilizzati per creare gruppi di effetti.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Rakarrack is a guitar effects processor for GNU / Linux simple and easy to use but it contains features that make it
    unique in this field of applications.</p>

    <p>Currently it contains 17 effects:  * Linear Equalizer  * Parametric Equalizer  * Compressor  * Distorsion  * Overdrive 
    * Echo  * Chorus  * Phaser  * Flanger  * Reverb  * WahWah  * Alienwah  * Harmonizer  * NoiseGate  * Musical Delay  * Cabinet 
    * AutoPan/Extra Stereo</p>

    <p>Rakarrack integrates a tuner and a MIDI converter. It can also be handled by an external MIDI controller. The settings
    designed by the user can be stored in presets and these presets can be used to create banks of effects.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Rakarrack is a guitar effects processor for GNU / Linux simple and easy to use but it contains features that make it
    unique in this field of applications.</p>

    <p>Currently it contains 17 effects:  * Linear Equalizer  * Parametric Equalizer  * Compressor  * Distorsion  * Overdrive 
    * Echo  * Chorus  * Phaser  * Flanger  * Reverb  * WahWah  * Alienwah  * Harmonizer  * NoiseGate  * Musical Delay  * Cabinet 
    * AutoPan/Extra Stereo</p>

    <p>Rakarrack integrates a tuner and a MIDI converter. It can also be handled by an external MIDI controller. The settings
    designed by the user can be stored in presets and these presets can be used to create banks of effects.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Rakarrack er en effektbehandler til guitarer for GNU/Linux, der er simpel og nem at bruge, men som indeholder funktioner,
    som gør programmet unik indenfor dette programfelt.</p>

    <p>Currently it contains 17 effects:  * Linear Equalizer  * Parametric Equalizer  * Compressor  * Distorsion  * Overdrive 
    * Echo  * Chorus  * Phaser  * Flanger  * Reverb  * WahWah  * Alienwah  * Harmonizer  * NoiseGate  * Musical Delay  * Cabinet 
    * AutoPan/Extra Stereo</p>

    <p>Rakarrack integrerer en tuner og et MIDI-konverteringsprogram. Programmet kan også håndteres af en ekstern MIDI-controller.
    Indstillingerne designet af brugeren kan lagres i forhåndsindstillinger og disse forhåndsindstillinger kan bruges til
    at oprette banker med effekter.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Rakarrack is a guitar effects processor for GNU / Linux simple and easy to use but it contains features that make it
    unique in this field of applications.</p>

    <p>Currently it contains 17 effects:  * Linear Equalizer  * Parametric Equalizer  * Compressor  * Distorsion  * Overdrive 
    * Echo  * Chorus  * Phaser  * Flanger  * Reverb  * WahWah  * Alienwah  * Harmonizer  * NoiseGate  * Musical Delay  * Cabinet 
    * AutoPan/Extra Stereo</p>

    <p>Rakarrack integrates a tuner and a MIDI converter. It can also be handled by an external MIDI controller. The settings
    designed by the user can be stored in presets and these presets can be used to create banks of effects.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Rakarrack is a guitar effects processor for GNU / Linux simple and easy to use but it contains features that make it
    unique in this field of applications.</p>

    <p>Currently it contains 17 effects:  * Linear Equalizer  * Parametric Equalizer  * Compressor  * Distorsion  * Overdrive 
    * Echo  * Chorus  * Phaser  * Flanger  * Reverb  * WahWah  * Alienwah  * Harmonizer  * NoiseGate  * Musical Delay  * Cabinet 
    * AutoPan/Extra Stereo</p>

    <p>Rakarrack integrates a tuner and a MIDI converter. It can also be handled by an external MIDI controller. The settings
    designed by the user can be stored in presets and these presets can be used to create banks of effects.</p>
- AudioVideo
- Audio
  - name: rakarrack_icono_rakarrack_128x128.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: icono_rakarrack_128x128
  - rakarrack.desktop