⇦ | qgo [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for qgo in universe

qgo.desktop - 2.1~git-20180413-1build3 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: qgo.desktop
Package: qgo
  C: qGo
  C: Play Go online and against computer, view and edit SGF files
  sl: >-
    <p>qGo is a computerized board on which you can play the game of Go against another player, view and edit smart-go files,
    and connect to Go servers on the internet. It can also interface with computer Go programs such as GNU Go that speak the
    Go modem protocol. Have a look at the cgoban package if you are interested in a Go client with less package dependencies.</p>

    <p>See description of the gnugo package for a short description of the game.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>QGo est un tablier numérique sur lequel jouer au Go contre un autre joueur, visualiser et éditer des fichiers smart-go,
    et se connecter à des serveurs de Go sur Internet. Il peut aussi servir d’interface à des programmes de Go, par exemple
    GNU Go, qui utilisent le protocole Go Modem. Voir aussi le paquet cgoban pour un client Go avec moins de dépendances.</p>

    <p>Pour une courte description du jeu, consulter la description du paquet gnugo.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>qGo je počítačová doska, na ktorej môžete hrať hru Go proti inému hráčovi, zobrazovať a upravovať súbory smart-Go a
    pripájať sa k internetovým serverom Go. Má tiež rozhranie k počítačový programom Go ako je GNU Go, ktoré komunikujú protokolom
    Go modem. Pozrite si balík cgoban ak máte záujem o klienta Go s menším počtom závislostí balíka.</p>

    <p>Krátky popis hry nájdete v balíku gnugo.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>qGo ist ein Computer-Spielfeld, mit dem Sie das Spiel Go gegen andere Spieler*innen spielen, »smart-go«-Dateien ansehen
    und bearbeiten und sich mit Go-Servern im Internet verbinden können. Es kann sich auch mit Go- Programmen verbinden, die
    wie GNU Go das Go-Modem-Protokoll »sprechen«. Falls Sie sich für einen Go-Client mit weniger Paketabhängigkeiten interessieren,
    schauen Sie sich das Paket cgoban an.</p>

    <p>Das Paket gnugo enthält eine kurze Beschreibung des Spiels.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>qGo è un tabellone computerizzato su cui si sfida a Go un altro giocatore, si visualizzano e modificano file smart-go,
    ci si connette a server Go su Internet. Può anche interfacciarsi con altri programmi Go per computer, come GNU Go, che
    utilizzano il protocollo modem Go. Se invece si è interessati ad un client Go con meno dipendenze si può dare un&apos;occhiata
    al pacchetto cgoban.</p>

    <p>Vedere la descrizione del pacchetto gnugo per una breve descrizione del gioco.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>qGo is a computerized board on which you can play the game of Go against another player, view and edit smart-go files,
    and connect to Go servers on the internet. It can also interface with computer Go programs such as GNU Go that speak the
    Go modem protocol. Have a look at the cgoban package if you are interested in a Go client with less package dependencies.</p>

    <p>See description of the gnugo package for a short description of the game.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>qGo is a computerized board on which you can play the game of Go against another player, view and edit smart-go files,
    and connect to Go servers on the internet. It can also interface with computer Go programs such as GNU Go that speak the
    Go modem protocol. Have a look at the cgoban package if you are interested in a Go client with less package dependencies.</p>

    <p>See description of the gnugo package for a short description of the game.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>qGo is a computerbræt hvor du kan spille Go mod en anden spiller, se og redigere smart-go-filer, og forbinde til Go-servere
    på internettet. Spillet kan også kommunikere med Go-computerprogrammer såsom GNU Go, som taler GO-modemprotokollen. Se
    pakken cgoban hvis du er interesseret i en Go-klient med færre pakkeafhængigheder.</p>

    <p>Se pakken gnugo for en kort beskrivelse af spillet.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>qGo is a computerized board on which you can play the game of Go against another player, view and edit smart-go files,
    and connect to Go servers on the internet. It can also interface with computer Go programs such as GNU Go that speak the
    Go modem protocol. Have a look at the cgoban package if you are interested in a Go client with less package dependencies.</p>

    <p>See description of the gnugo package for a short description of the game.</p>
- Game
- BoardGame
  - name: qgo_qgo.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: qgo
  - qgo.desktop
  - application/x-go-sgf