⇦ | qalculate-gtk [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for qalculate-gtk in universe

qalculate-gtk.desktop - 4.9.0-1build3 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: qalculate-gtk.desktop
Package: qalculate-gtk
ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+
  ca: Qalculate! (GTK UI)
  es: Qalculate! (GTK UI)
  fr: Qalculate! (GTK UI)
  sl: Qalculate! (vmesnik GTK)
  de: Qalculate! (GTK UI)
  pt_BR: Qalculate! (GTK UI)
  sv: Qalculate! (GTK UI)
  C: Qalculate! (GTK UI)
  ru: Qalculate! (Интерфейс GTK)
  zh_CN: Qalculate! (GTK UI)
  ca: Calculadora poderosa i fàcil a usar
  es: Calculadora poderosa y fácil de usar
  fr: Une calculatrice puissante et facile d'utilisation
  pl: Potężny i prosty w użyciu kalkulator
  de: Leistungsstarker und einfach zu bedienender Taschenrechner
  nl: Gemakkelijk te gebruiken rekenmachine met veel mogelijkheden
  sl: Zmogljivo računalo, preprosto za uporabo
  pt_BR: Calculadora potente e fácil de usar
  C: Powerful and easy to use calculator
  ru: Мощный и простой в использовании калькулятор
  sv: Kraftfull och användarvänlig miniräknare
  zh_CN: 强大而易用的计算器
  ca: >-
    <p>El Qalculate! és una calculadora d'escriptori per a diverses plataformes i finalitats. És senzill a usar però proporciona
    poder i versatilitat que normalment es reserva als paquets de matemàtica complicats, així com eines útils per a necessitats
    diàries (com la conversió de monedes i calculació de percentatge).</p>

    <p>Les característiques inclouen una biblioteca amplia de funcions personalitzables, calculació i conversió d'unitat,
    constants físics, càlculs simbòlics (incloent integrals i equacions), precisió arbitrària, propagació d'incertesa, aritmètica
    d'interval, dibuix i una interfície fàcil d'emprar.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Qalculate! je večnamensko namizno računalo, ki deluje na več platformah. Je preprosto za uporabo, prinaša pa tako napredna
    orodja, ponavadi značilna le za kompleksno matematično programje, kot tudi uporabna orodja za vsakodnevne potrebe (npr.
    pretvorbe valut ali izračun odstotkov).</p>

    <p>Program vsebuje obsežno knjižnjico prilagodljivih funkcij, enot, izračunov in pretvorb, fizikalnih konstant, simbolnih
    izračunov (tudi integrale in enačbe), poljubno natančnost, statistično negotovost, intervalno aritmetiko, grafe in uporabniku
    prijazen vmesnik.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Qalculate! est une calculatrice de bureau polyvalente et multi-plateforme. Elle est simple d'utilisation mais offre
    une puissance et une polyvalence normalement réservées aux logiciels de mathématique complexe, ainsi que d'outils utiles
    au quotidien (tels que la conversion de devises et le calcul de pourcentages).</p>

    <p>Les fonctionnalités incluent une grande bibliothèque de fonctions personnalisables, d'unités de calculs et de conversion,
    de constantes physiques, de calculs symboliques (y compris les intégrales et équations), de précision arbitraire, de propagation
    des incertitudes, d'arithmétique d'intervalle, de traçage et une interface facile d'utilisation.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Qalculate! es una calculadora para escritorio multiplataforma y multiuso. Es simple de usar pero dispone de poder y
    versatilidad normalmente reservada para paquetes de matemática complicados, así como herramientas útiles para necesidades
    diarias (como conversión de monedas y cálculo de porcentajes).</p>

    <p>Las características incluyen una gran librería de funciones personalizables, cálculo y conversión de unidades, constantes
    físicas, cálculos simbólicos (incluyendo integrales y ecuaciones), precisión arbitraria, propagación de incertidumbre,
    aritmética de intervalos, graficado, y una interfaz amigable.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Qalculate! é uma calculadora para desktop multiplataforma e multiuso. É simples de usar, mas fornece poder e versatilidade
    normalmente vistas em pacotes de matemática complicados, além de ferramentas úteis para as necessidades diárias (como
    conversão de moeda e cálculo de porcentagem).</p>

    <p>Os recursos incluem uma grande biblioteca de funções personalizáveis, cálculos e conversão de unidades, constantes
    físicas, cálculos simbólicos (incluindo integrais e equações), precisão arbitrária, propagação de erros, aritmética de
    intervalos, plotagem e uma interface amigável.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Qalculate! ist ein vielseitig einsetzbares, plattformübergreifendes Desktoprechenprogramm. Es ist einfach zu bedienen,
    bietet aber Leistung und Vielseitigkeit, was normalerweise nur komplizierten, mathematischen Programmpaketen vorbehalten
    ist, sowie nützliche Werkzeuge für den täglichen Bedarf (wie Währungsumrechnung und Prozentrechnung).</p>

    <p>Zu den Leistungsmerkmalen gehören eine große Bibliothek anpassbarer Funktionen, Einheitenberechnungen und -umrechnungen,
    physikalische Konstanten, symbolische Berechnungen (einschließlich Integrale und Gleichungen), beliebige Genauigkeit,
    Unsicherheitsfortpflanzung, Intervallarithmetik, Plotten und eine benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Qalculate! - это универсальный кроссплатформенный настольный калькулятор. Он прост в использовании, но обеспечивает
    мощность и универсальность, обычно присущие сложным математическим программам, а также полезные инструменты для повседневных
    нужд (таких как конвертация валют и расчёт процентов).</p>

    <p>Возможности включают большую библиотеку настраиваемых функций, расчёт и преобразование единиц измерения, физические
    константы, символьные вычисления, включая интегралы и уравнения, произвольную точность, распространение неопределенности,
    интервальную арифметику, построение графиков и удобный интерфейс.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Qalculate! is a multi-purpose cross-platform desktop calculator. It is simple to use but provides power and versatility
    normally reserved for complicated math packages, as well as useful tools for everyday needs (such as currency conversion
    and percent calculation).</p>

    <p>Features include a large library of customizable functions, unit calculations and conversion, physical constants, symbolic
    calculations (including integrals and equations), arbitrary precision, uncertainty propagation, interval arithmetic, plotting,
    and a user-friendly interface.</p>
  zh_CN: >-

    C: Hanna Knutsson
- Utility
- Calculator
- Science
- Math
  - calculation
  - arithmetic
  - scientific
  - financial
  - calculadora
  - aritmética
  - científica
  - financiera
  - calcul
  - arithmétique
  - scientifique
  - financier
  - 计算
  - 算术
  - 科学
  - 金融
  - obliczenia
  - arytmetyczne
  - naukowe
  - finansowe
  - Berechnung
  - Arithmetik
  - ' Wissenschaft'
  - Finanzen
  - izračun
  - aritmetika
  - znanstveno
  - finančno
  - računalo
  - kalkulator
  - calculadora
  - aritmética
  - científica
  - financeira
  - calculation
  - arithmetic
  - scientific
  - financial
  - расчёт
  - расчет
  - арифметика
  - научный
  - финансовый
  homepage: https://qalculate.github.io
  bugtracker: https://github.com/Qalculate/qalculate-gtk/issues
  help: https://qalculate.github.io/manual/index.html
  translate: https://github.com/Qalculate/libqalculate/blob/master/README.translate
  donation: https://www.paypal.me/HannaKnutsson
  - name: qalculate-gtk_qalculate.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: qalculate-gtk_qalculate.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: qalculate-gtk_qalculate.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: q/qa/qalculate-gtk.desktop/5fc0d7c5a6607084155ff232e241283c/icons/128x128/qalculate-gtk_qalculate.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: qalculate
  - qalculate-gtk.desktop
  - qalculate-gtk
- default: true
    C: The main window with history visible
  - url: q/qa/qalculate-gtk.desktop/5fc0d7c5a6607084155ff232e241283c/screenshots/image-1_624x633@1.png
    width: 624
    height: 633
  - url: q/qa/qalculate-gtk.desktop/5fc0d7c5a6607084155ff232e241283c/screenshots/image-1_224x227@1.png
    width: 224
    height: 227
    url: q/qa/qalculate-gtk.desktop/5fc0d7c5a6607084155ff232e241283c/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
    width: 662
    height: 672
- caption:
    C: The main window with keypad visible
  - url: q/qa/qalculate-gtk.desktop/5fc0d7c5a6607084155ff232e241283c/screenshots/image-2_752x543@1.png
    width: 752
    height: 543
  - url: q/qa/qalculate-gtk.desktop/5fc0d7c5a6607084155ff232e241283c/screenshots/image-2_624x450@1.png
    width: 624
    height: 450
  - url: q/qa/qalculate-gtk.desktop/5fc0d7c5a6607084155ff232e241283c/screenshots/image-2_224x161@1.png
    width: 224
    height: 161
    url: q/qa/qalculate-gtk.desktop/5fc0d7c5a6607084155ff232e241283c/screenshots/image-2_orig.png
    width: 804
    height: 581
- locale: ca
  percentage: 97
- locale: de
  percentage: 98
- locale: en_US
  percentage: 100
- locale: es
  percentage: 98
- locale: fr
  percentage: 86
- locale: nl
  percentage: 61
- locale: pt_BR
  percentage: 93
- locale: ru
  percentage: 99
- locale: sl
  percentage: 92
- locale: sv
  percentage: 100
- locale: zh_CN
  percentage: 97
- version: 4.9.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1701043200
    C: >-

        <li>Support for specifying a fixed denominator for display of fractions (e.g. "0.3 ft ➞ 1/8 ≈ (3 + 5/8) in")</li>
        <li>Always add result to history (even if identical to previous) if expression contains a function generating a random
        <li>Prefer capitalized function name (over name with underscore), when completing function name</li>
        <li>Improve decision to (not) update calculate-as-you-type result when last character is an operator</li>
        <li>Add percent and permille output options in rational number form menu</li>
        <li>Return gcd of numerators divided by lcm of denominators in gcd() with non-integer rational numbers, and vice versa
      for lcm()</li>
        <li>Add units for mean Gregorian and tropical years</li>
        <li>Ignore underscore in number</li>
        <li>Replace defunct exchange rates source and fix bitcoin exchange rate</li>
        <li>Fix keypad button (up/down) for cycling through expression history</li>
        <li>Fix asin(x)=a, acos(x)=a, and atan(x)=a, when a contains an angle unit and default angle unit is set</li>
        <li>Fix output of value converted to unit expression with numerical multiplier in denominator, e.g. "➞ L/(100 km)"</li>
        <li>Fix segfault when trying to solve "(x*sqrt(x)-y*sqrt(y))/(sqrt(x)-sqrt(y))=x+sqrt(x*y)+y"</li>
        <li>Fix parsing of case insensitive object name ending with Unicode character when followed by another Unicode character
      in expression, e.g. "микрометр"</li>
- version: 4.8.1
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1694995200
    C: >-

        <li>Fix besselj() and bessely()</li>
        <li>Fix display of matrices and vectors with complex number form other than rectangular (default)</li>
        <li>Fix conflict between decibel units (e.g. "0dB") and duodecimal 0d… syntax (now requires at least two digits)</li>
        <li>Fixes for title options in plot() function</li>
        <li>Auto-update number bases above programming keypad when entering simple integers, even if calculate-as-you-type
      is deactivated</li>
- version: 4.8.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1692576000
    C: >-

        <li>Update dialogs for editing of variables, functions, units, etc. to match the corresponding dialogs in the Qt UI</li>
        <li>Show user-defined objects in a separate category in menus and dialogs</li>
        <li>Add option to disable tooltips in keypad or everywhere</li>
        <li>Make closing of application with Escape key optional and disabled by default</li>
        <li>Add Microship (PIC16/17) 24 and 32 bit floating point formats</li>
        <li>Add support for specifying position of sign bit in floating point functions</li>
        <li>Concise (e.g. "1.2345(67)") and relative (e.g. "5+/-2%") notation for output and input (disabled by default for
      concise notation) of interval</li>
        <li>Optimize rest of unit expression when converting to partial (insufficient) expression (e.g. 18MA×100ns to J =
      1.8 J/V)</li>
        <li>Round high precision intervals enclosing integers for integer arguments</li>
        <li>New derived units: Debye, C·m, Daraf, F^-1, V/C, N/C, kcal, kcal/g, kJ</li>
        <li>Use international foot as base unit for rod</li>
        <li>Fix initial height of list and description in units window</li>
        <li>Fix fibonacci() for non-integers and recursive use</li>
        <li>Fix conversion options presented for speed units (and possibly other)</li>
        <li>Minor bug fixes and feature enhancements</li>
- version: 4.7.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1688342400
    C: >-

        <li>Allow multiple actions for keyboard shortcuts</li>
        <li>Add toggle precision, and min, max, or min and max decimals to available shortcut and button actions</li>
        <li>Add option to exclude units for unformatted ASCII copy</li>
        <li>Add optional value to copy result action, allowing expression copy and formatting selection</li>
        <li>Fix copy unformatted ASCII when local digit group separator is same as selected decimal separator</li>
        <li>Support for custom default angle unit, e.g. turn, arcsec, arcmin</li>
        <li>Append default angle unit (instead of always radians) when converting value without unit to angle unit</li>
        <li>More consistent addition and removal of angle unit from function arguments</li>
        <li>Always interpret ./, .*, and .^ as entrywise operators if user intention is unclear</li>
        <li>Change order of operations to place entrywise and ordinary operators on the same precedence level</li>
        <li>Add function, kron(), for Kronecker product, and constants for Pauli matrices</li>
        <li>Add radius to planets dataset and update other properties</li>
        <li>Support replacement of unknown variables within variable values</li>
        <li>Fix besselj(0, 0)</li>
        <li>Fix incomplete calculation in tan() with try exact approximation</li>
        <li>Fix 0/0=0 equality (do not return true) and output of 2/0 (and similar)</li>
        <li>Fixes and improvements for newtonsolve() and secantsolve()</li>
        <li>Fix segfault when MathStructure is deleted after Calculator, and in destructor of calculated DynamicVariable (called
      from Calculator destructor)</li>
        <li>Minor bug fixes and feature enhancements</li>
  oars-1.0: {}