⇦ | psychopy [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for psychopy in universe

psychopy.desktop - 2023.2.4+dfsg-3 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: psychopy.desktop
Package: psychopy
  C: PsychoPy
  C: Psychology software in Python
  fr: >-
    <p>PsychoPy fournit un environnement de création de stimuli psychologiques en utilisant le langage Python. Il combine
    la puissance graphique d&apos;OpenGL avec la facilité de la syntaxe Python pour donner à la psychophysique un paquet de
    contrôle et présentation simple et libre des stimuli.</p>

    <p>Le but est de fournir, pour le scientifique débordé, des outils pour contrôler le temps et le fenêtrage, ainsi qu&apos;un
    ensemble simple de stimuli et de méthodes pré-empaquetés. PsychoPy fournit :</p>

    <p> - IDE GUI for coding in a powerful scripting language (Python)  - Builder GUI for rapid development of stimulation
    sequences  - Use of hardware-accelerated graphics (OpenGL)  - Integration with Spectrascan PR650 for easy monitor calibration 
    - Simple routines for staircase and constant stimuli experimental    methods as well as curve-fitting and bootstrapping 
    - Simple (or complex) GUIs via wxPython  - Easy interfaces to joysticks, mice, sound cards etc. via PyGame  - Video playback
    (MPG, DivX, AVI, QuickTime, etc.) as stimuli</p>
  en: >-
    <p>PsychoPy provides an environment for creating psychology stimuli using Python scripting language.  It combines the
    graphical strengths of OpenGL with easy Python syntax to give psychophysics a free and simple stimulus presentation and
    control package.</p>

    <p>The goal is to provide, for the busy scientist, tools to control timing and windowing and a simple set of pre-packaged
    stimuli and methods.  PsychoPy features</p>

    <p> - IDE GUI for coding in a powerful scripting language (Python)  - Builder GUI for rapid development of stimulation
    sequences  - Use of hardware-accelerated graphics (OpenGL)  - Integration with Spectrascan PR650 for easy monitor calibration 
    - Simple routines for staircase and constant stimuli experimental    methods as well as curve-fitting and bootstrapping 
    - Simple (or complex) GUIs via wxPython  - Easy interfaces to joysticks, mice, sound cards etc. via PyGame  - Video playback
    (MPG, DivX, AVI, QuickTime, etc.) as stimuli</p>
  it: >-
    <p>PsychoPy fornisce un ambiente per la creazione di stimoli psicologici usando il linguaggio di scripting Python. Combina
    la forza grafica di OpenGL con la facile sintassi di Python, offrendo un pacchetto libero e semplice per il controllo
    e la rappresentazione di stimoli psicofisici.</p>

    <p>L&apos;obiettivo è fornire, agli scienziati indaffarati, strumenti per il controllo della tempistica e della visualizzazione
    oltre ad un semplice set di stimoli e metodi già pronti. Le caratteristiche principali di PsychoPy sono:</p>

    <p> - IDE GUI for coding in a powerful scripting language (Python)  - Builder GUI for rapid development of stimulation
    sequences  - Use of hardware-accelerated graphics (OpenGL)  - Integration with Spectrascan PR650 for easy monitor calibration 
    - Simple routines for staircase and constant stimuli experimental    methods as well as curve-fitting and bootstrapping 
    - Simple (or complex) GUIs via wxPython  - Easy interfaces to joysticks, mice, sound cards etc. via PyGame  - Video playback
    (MPG, DivX, AVI, QuickTime, etc.) as stimuli</p>
  da: >-
    <p>PsychoPy tilbyder et miljø for oprettelse af psykologiske stimuli, der bruger skriptsproget Python. Det kombinerer
    de grafiske fordele i OpenGL med nem Pythonsyntaks for at give psykofysik en fri og simpel stimulipræsentation og kontrolpakke.</p>

    <p>Formålet er at tilbyde, for travle forskere, værktøjer til at kontrollere timing og vinduesopsætning og et simpelt
    sæt af på forhånd pakkede stimuli og metoder. PsychoPy indeholder.</p>

    <p> - IDE GUI for coding in a powerful scripting language (Python)  - Builder GUI for rapid development of stimulation
    sequences  - Use of hardware-accelerated graphics (OpenGL)  - Integration with Spectrascan PR650 for easy monitor calibration 
    - Simple routines for staircase and constant stimuli experimental    methods as well as curve-fitting and bootstrapping 
    - Simple (or complex) GUIs via wxPython  - Easy interfaces to joysticks, mice, sound cards etc. via PyGame  - Video playback
    (MPG, DivX, AVI, QuickTime, etc.) as stimuli</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>O PsychoPy oferece um ambiente para criação de estímulos psicológicos utilizando a linguagem baseada em &apos;scripts&apos;
    Python. Combina o poder gráfico do OpenGL com a sintaxe fácil do Python para oferecer aos psicofísicos um pacote grátis
    e simples de apresentação de estímulos e seu controle.</p>

    <p>The goal is to provide, for the busy scientist, tools to control timing and windowing and a simple set of pre-packaged
    stimuli and methods. PsychoPy features</p>

    <p> - IDE GUI for coding in a powerful scripting language (Python)  - Builder GUI for rapid development of stimulation
    sequences  - Use of hardware-accelerated graphics (OpenGL)  - Integration with Spectrascan PR650 for easy monitor calibration 
    - Simple routines for staircase and constant stimuli experimental    methods as well as curve-fitting and bootstrapping 
    - Simple (or complex) GUIs via wxPython  - Easy interfaces to joysticks, mice, sound cards etc. via PyGame  - Video playback
    (MPG, DivX, AVI, QuickTime, etc.) as stimuli</p>
  de: >-
    <p>PsychoPy bietet eine Umgebung um psychologische Reize unter Verwendung der Skriptsprache Python zu erstellen. Sie kombiniert
    die grafischen Stärken von OpenGL mit der einfachen Syntax von Python, um der Psychophysik ein freies und einfaches Präsentations-
    und Kontrollpaket für Reize bereit zu stellen.</p>

    <p>Das Ziel ist es, dem geschäftigen Wissenschaftler Werkzeuge zur Kontrolle von Zeitnehmung und Windowing sowie einen
    einfachen Satz von vorgefertigten Reizen und Methoden zu liefern. Die Merkmale von PsychoPy:</p>

    <p> - IDE GUI for coding in a powerful scripting language (Python)  - Builder GUI for rapid development of stimulation
    sequences  - Use of hardware-accelerated graphics (OpenGL)  - Integration with Spectrascan PR650 for easy monitor calibration 
    - Simple routines for staircase and constant stimuli experimental    methods as well as curve-fitting and bootstrapping 
    - Simple (or complex) GUIs via wxPython  - Easy interfaces to joysticks, mice, sound cards etc. via PyGame  - Video playback
    (MPG, DivX, AVI, QuickTime, etc.) as stimuli</p>
  C: >-
    <p>PsychoPy provides an environment for creating psychology stimuli using Python scripting language.  It combines the
    graphical strengths of OpenGL with easy Python syntax to give psychophysics a free and simple stimulus presentation and
    control package.</p>

    <p>The goal is to provide, for the busy scientist, tools to control timing and windowing and a simple set of pre-packaged
    stimuli and methods.  PsychoPy features</p>

    <p> - IDE GUI for coding in a powerful scripting language (Python)  - Builder GUI for rapid development of stimulation
    sequences  - Use of hardware-accelerated graphics (OpenGL)  - Integration with Spectrascan PR650 for easy monitor calibration 
    - Simple routines for staircase and constant stimuli experimental    methods as well as curve-fitting and bootstrapping 
    - Simple (or complex) GUIs via wxPython  - Easy interfaces to joysticks, mice, sound cards etc. via PyGame  - Video playback
    (MPG, DivX, AVI, QuickTime, etc.) as stimuli</p>
- Graphics
- Science
- MedicalSoftware
- Development
  - name: psychopy_psychopy.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: psychopy
  - psychopy.desktop