⇦ | psi-plus [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for psi-plus in universe

psi-plus.desktop - 1.4.554-5build5 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: psi-plus.desktop
Package: psi-plus
  C: Psi+
  es: Comunícate a través de la red XMPP
  sv: Kommunicera över XMPPnätverket
  zh-TW: 通過XMPP網絡進行通信
  ur-PK: جیبر نیٹ ورک پر مواصلت کریں
  ja: XMPPネットーワーク通信
  ca: Comuniqui's a través de la xarxa XMPP
  it: Comunica sulla rete XMPP
  he: תקשר על פני רשת XMPP
  de: Im XMPP-Netzwerk kommunizieren
  pl: Komunikacja poprzez sieć XMPP
  fr: Communiquez via le réseau XMPP
  kk: XMPP желісі арқылы хабарласу
  sl: Takojšnje sporočanje prek omrežij XMPP
  C: Communicate over the XMPP network
  uk: Програма для спілкування в мережі XMPP
  cs: Komunikujte přes XMPP po síti
  bg: Комуникирайте през мрежата на XMPP
  eo: Komunikiĝu per la ĵabbera reto
  vi: Liên lạc qua mạng XMPP nhé
  pt-BR: Comunique-se através da rede XMPP
  zh-CN: 通过XMPP网络进行通信
  mk: Комуницирајте преку XMPP мрежата
  be: Размаўляйце ў сетцы XMPP
  nl: Communiceer over het XMPP netwerk
  ru: Общение в сети XMPP
  it: >-
    <p>Questo pacchetto contiene la versione base di Psi+. Usarla se si preferiscono le chat testuali semplici in vecchio
    stile dell&apos;epoca del massimo splendore di IRC.</p>

    <p>Psi IM è un capace client XMPP indirizzato agli utenti esperti. Ci sono scorciatoie di tasti praticamente per qualunque
    cosa. Unicode viene gestito dappertutto, i contatti sono mantenuti in cache se non si è in linea. Anche la sicurezza è
    un fattore importante e Psi IM la prevede sia da client-a-server (TLS) sia da client-a-client (GnuPG, OTR, OMEMO).</p>

    <p>Psi+ è un ramo di sviluppo di Psi IM. Gli obiettivi del progetto sono: implementazione di nuove funzionalità, scrittura
    di patch e plugin per poi trasferirle a Psi IM.</p>

    <p>L&apos;elenco degli XEP supportati si può trovare all&apos;indirizzo https://github.com/psi-im/psi/wiki/Supported-XEPs

    <p>L&apos;elenco completo delle caratteristiche di Psi+ si può trovare all&apos;indirizzo https://psi-plus.com/wiki/en:features
  fr: >-
    <p>This package contains basic version of Psi+. Use it if you prefer old fashioned plain text chats from era of IRC heyday.</p>

    <p>Psi IM is a capable XMPP client aimed at experienced users. There are keybindings for just about everything, Unicode
    is supported throughout, contacts are cached offline. Security is also a major consideration, and Psi IM provides it for
    both client-to-server (TLS) and client-to-client (GnuPG, OTR, OMEMO).</p>

    <p>Psi+ is a development branch of Psi IM. Project purposes are: implementation of new features, writing of patches and
    plugins for transferring them to Psi IM.</p>

    <p>La liste des extensions XEP est disponible sur : https://github.com/psi- im/psi/wiki/Supported-XEPs.</p>

    <p>Full list of Psi+ features you may found at: https://psi- plus.com/wiki/en:features</p>
  C: >-
    <p>This package contains basic version of Psi+. Use it if you prefer old fashioned plain text chats from era of IRC heyday.</p>

    <p>Psi IM is a capable XMPP client aimed at experienced users. There are keybindings for just about everything, Unicode
    is supported throughout, contacts are cached offline. Security is also a major consideration, and Psi IM provides it for
    both client-to-server (TLS) and client-to-client (GnuPG, OTR, OMEMO).</p>

    <p>Psi+ is a development branch of Psi IM. Project purposes are: implementation of new features, writing of patches and
    plugins for transferring them to Psi IM.</p>

    <p>List of supported XEPs you may found at: https://github.com/psi-im/psi/wiki/Supported-XEPs</p>

    <p>Full list of Psi+ features you may found at: https://psi-plus.com/wiki/en:features</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Denne pakke indeholder basisversionen for Psi+. Brug den hvis du foretrækker ældre former for tekstdiagrammer fra IRC

    <p>Psi er en funktionsrig XMPP/Jabber-klient designet for superbrugere. Der er genvejstaster for næsten alt, Unicode er
    understøttet overalt, kontakter lagres lokalt. Sikkerhed er også en væsentlig betragtning og Psi IM tilbyder den både
    for klient til server (TLS) og klient til klient (GnuPG, OTR, OMEMO).</p>

    <p>Psi+ er en udviklingsgren af Psi IM. Projektformål: Implementering af nye funktioner, skrivning af nye rettelser og
    udvidelsesmoduler for overførsel til Psi IM.</p>

    <p>Liste over understøttede XEP&apos;er kan findes på: https://github.com/psi- im/psi/wiki/Supported-XEPs</p>

    <p>Fuld liste over Psi+-funktioner kan du finde på: https://psi- plus.com/wiki/en:features</p>
  en: >-
    <p>This package contains basic version of Psi+. Use it if you prefer old fashioned plain text chats from era of IRC heyday.</p>

    <p>Psi IM is a capable XMPP client aimed at experienced users. There are keybindings for just about everything, Unicode
    is supported throughout, contacts are cached offline. Security is also a major consideration, and Psi IM provides it for
    both client-to-server (TLS) and client-to-client (GnuPG, OTR, OMEMO).</p>

    <p>Psi+ is a development branch of Psi IM. Project purposes are: implementation of new features, writing of patches and
    plugins for transferring them to Psi IM.</p>

    <p>List of supported XEPs you may found at: https://github.com/psi-im/psi/wiki/Supported-XEPs</p>

    <p>Full list of Psi+ features you may found at: https://psi-plus.com/wiki/en:features</p>
- Network
- InstantMessaging
  - XMPP
  - Jabber
  - Chat
  - InstantMessaging
  - name: psi-plus_psi-plus.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: psi-plus
  - psi-plus.desktop
  - x-scheme-handler/xmpp