⇦ | psensor [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for psensor in universe

psensor.desktop - 1.1.5-1.4ubuntu2 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: psensor.desktop
Package: psensor
  C: Psensor
  C: Psensor is a graphical temperature monitor for Linux
  sl: >-
    <p>Psensor je program GTK+ za nadzor senzorjev strojne opreme, vključno s temperaturo in hitrostjo ventilatorjev.</p>

    <p>Za vsak senzor prikaže krivuljo in ob previsoki temperaturi obvesti uporabnika z namiznimi obvestili in kazalnikom

    <p>It can monitor:  * the temperature of the motherboard and CPU sensors (using lm-sensors).  * the temperature of the
    NVidia GPUs (using XNVCtrl).  * the temperature of the Hard Disk Drives (using hddtemp or atasmart lib).  * the rotation
    speed of the fans (using lm-sensors).  * the sensors of a remote computer (using psensor-server).</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Psensor est une application en GTK+ pour le suivi des capteurs de machine, contrôlant notamment les températures et
    la vitesse des ventilateurs.</p>

    <p>Il affiche une courbe pour chaque capteur, prévient par des notifications de bureau et des indicateurs d’application
    lorsque une température est trop élevée.</p>

    <p>Il peut surveiller :  * la température de la carte mère et les capteurs du processeur (en utilisant lm-sensors).  *
    la température des processeurs graphiques NVidia (à l&apos;aide de XNVCtrl).  * la température des disques durs (en utilisant
    hddtemp ou la bibliothèque atasmart).  * la vitesse de rotation des ventilateurs (avec lm-sensors).  * les capteurs d&apos;un
    ordinateur distant (en utilisant psensor-serveur).</p>
  ko: >-
    <p>Psensor는 온도 및 팬 스피드를 포함한 하드웨어 센서 모니터링을 위한 GTK+ 어플리케이션입니다.</p>

    <p>각 센서에 대한 곡선을 표시하고 온도가 너무 높으면 데스크탑 알림 및 어플리케이션 표시기를 사용해서 사용자에게 알립니다.</p>

    <p>It can monitor:  * the temperature of the motherboard and CPU sensors (using lm-sensors).  * the temperature of the
    NVidia GPUs (using XNVCtrl).  * the temperature of the Hard Disk Drives (using hddtemp or atasmart lib).  * the rotation
    speed of the fans (using lm-sensors).  * the sensors of a remote computer (using psensor-server).</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Psensor ist eine GTK+-Anwendung für die Überwachung der Hardwaresensoren, einschließlich derer für Temperaturen und

    <p>Das Programm zeigt eine Kurve für jeden Sensor an und benachrichtigt den Anwender mittels »Desktop Notification« und
    »Application Indicator«, wenn eine Temperatur zu hoch ist.</p>

    <p>It can monitor:  * the temperature of the motherboard and CPU sensors (using lm-sensors).  * the temperature of the
    NVidia GPUs (using XNVCtrl).  * the temperature of the Hard Disk Drives (using hddtemp or atasmart lib).  * the rotation
    speed of the fans (using lm-sensors).  * the sensors of a remote computer (using psensor-server).</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Psensor é um aplicativo em GTK+ para monitoramento dos sensores de hardware, incluindo temperaturas e velocidades dos

    <p>Ele exibe uma curva para cada sensor, alerta o usuário utilizando a notificação da área de trabalho e um indicador
    de aplicativo quando a temperatura está muito alta.</p>

    <p>It can monitor:  * the temperature of the motherboard and CPU sensors (using lm-sensors).  * the temperature of the
    NVidia GPUs (using XNVCtrl).  * the temperature of the Hard Disk Drives (using hddtemp or atasmart lib).  * the rotation
    speed of the fans (using lm-sensors).  * the sensors of a remote computer (using psensor-server).</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>Psensor は温度やファン速度などのハードウェアセンサーを監視するための GTK+ アプリケーションです。</p>

    <p>各センサーごとにグラフを表示し、温度が高すぎるときにはデスクトップ通知や アプリケーションインジケータを通じてユーザーに警告を与えます。</p>

    <p>It can monitor:  * the temperature of the motherboard and CPU sensors (using lm-sensors).  * the temperature of the
    NVidia GPUs (using XNVCtrl).  * the temperature of the Hard Disk Drives (using hddtemp or atasmart lib).  * the rotation
    speed of the fans (using lm-sensors).  * the sensors of a remote computer (using psensor-server).</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Psensor è un&apos;applicazione GTK+ per monitorare i sensori dell&apos;hardware, incluse temperature e velocità delle

    <p>Mostra una curva per ciascun sensore e avverte l&apos;utente usando le notifiche del desktop e gli indicatori dell&apos;applicazione
    quando una temperatura è troppo alta.</p>

    <p>It can monitor:  * the temperature of the motherboard and CPU sensors (using lm-sensors).  * the temperature of the
    NVidia GPUs (using XNVCtrl).  * the temperature of the Hard Disk Drives (using hddtemp or atasmart lib).  * the rotation
    speed of the fans (using lm-sensors).  * the sensors of a remote computer (using psensor-server).</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Psensor je aplikácia GTK+ na monitorovanie hardvérových snímačov, vrátane teploty a rýchlosti ventilátorov.</p>

    <p>Zobrazuje krivku hodnôt každého snímača, upozorňuje používateľa pomocou oznámení pracovného prostredia a indikátora
    aplikácie pri príliš vysokej teplote.</p>

    <p>It can monitor:  * the temperature of the motherboard and CPU sensors (using lm-sensors).  * the temperature of the
    NVidia GPUs (using XNVCtrl).  * the temperature of the Hard Disk Drives (using hddtemp or atasmart lib).  * the rotation
    speed of the fans (using lm-sensors).  * the sensors of a remote computer (using psensor-server).</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Psensor — это GTK+ приложение для мониторинга аппаратных датчиков, включая температуру и скорость вентилятора.</p>

    <p>Рисует кривую изменения данных для каждого датчика, оповещает пользователя о превышении допустимой температуры с помощью
    уведомлений и индикатора приложения.</p>

    <p>Может следить за:  * температурой материнской платы и процессора (с помощью lm-sensors);  * температурой графических
    процессоров NVidia (с помощью XNVCtrl);  * температурой жёстких дисков (с помощью hddtemp или библиотеки atasmart);  *
    скоростью вращения вентиляторов (с помощью lm-sensors).  * датчиками на удалённом компьютере (с помощью psensor-server).</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Psensor is a GTK+ application for monitoring hardware sensors, including temperatures and fan speeds.</p>

    <p>It displays a curve for each sensor, alerts user using Desktop Notification and Application Indicator when a temperature
    is too high.</p>

    <p>It can monitor:  * the temperature of the motherboard and CPU sensors (using lm-sensors).  * the temperature of the
    NVidia GPUs (using XNVCtrl).  * the temperature of the Hard Disk Drives (using hddtemp or atasmart lib).  * the rotation
    speed of the fans (using lm-sensors).  * the sensors of a remote computer (using psensor-server).</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Psensor er et GTK+-program til at overvåge udstyrssensorer, inklusive temperaturer og blæserhastigheder.</p>

    <p>Programmet viser en kurve for hver sensor, påminder bruger via skrivebordspåmindelser og programindikator når en temperatur
    er for høj.</p>

    <p>It can monitor:  * the temperature of the motherboard and CPU sensors (using lm-sensors).  * the temperature of the
    NVidia GPUs (using XNVCtrl).  * the temperature of the Hard Disk Drives (using hddtemp or atasmart lib).  * the rotation
    speed of the fans (using lm-sensors).  * the sensors of a remote computer (using psensor-server).</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Psensor is a GTK+ application for monitoring hardware sensors, including temperatures and fan speeds.</p>

    <p>It displays a curve for each sensor, alerts user using Desktop Notification and Application Indicator when a temperature
    is too high.</p>

    <p>It can monitor:  * the temperature of the motherboard and CPU sensors (using lm-sensors).  * the temperature of the
    NVidia GPUs (using XNVCtrl).  * the temperature of the Hard Disk Drives (using hddtemp or atasmart lib).  * the rotation
    speed of the fans (using lm-sensors).  * the sensors of a remote computer (using psensor-server).</p>
- System
- Monitor
  - temperature
  - fan
  - monitoring
  - indicator
  - name: psensor_psensor.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: psensor_psensor.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: psensor_psensor.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: p/ps/psensor.desktop/de3e833d2e45f93dfd56c79802d22a3e/icons/128x128/psensor_psensor.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: psensor
  - psensor.desktop