⇦ | primrose [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for primrose in universe

primrose.desktop - 6+dfsg1-4build1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: primrose.desktop
Package: primrose
  C: Primrose
  C: Captivating tile-clearing puzzle game
  C: >-
    <p>Primrose is a puzzle game by Jason Rohrer and a departure from his previous games.</p>

    <p>Primrose is an exploration into deep gameplay in single-player games. It is a tile clearing and placement game with
    chain reactions and without gravity or timing elements. The audio is limited to minimal but dynamic sound effects that
    change with game events and progress. It was designed as a casual but engaging and intelligent game for mobile phones.</p>

    <p>The player places pairs of coloured tiles on a 7x7 grid. Tiles are cleared by surrounding one colour group with another
    colour group, scoring points. The cleared tiles change the colour of the surrounding colour group, allowing for chain
    reactions that give more points. More colours are added as more tiles have been placed on the grid and eventually the
    game will end when the grid fills up.</p>

    <p>Primrose features a networked high score board with instant replay of the high scores, a comprehensive tutorial with
    animated examples, a colourblind mode, glowing, pulsating, retro graphics and synth-inspired sound effects.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Primrose is a puzzle game by Jason Rohrer and a departure from his previous games.</p>

    <p>Primrose is an exploration into deep gameplay in single-player games. It is a tile clearing and placement game with
    chain reactions and without gravity or timing elements. The audio is limited to minimal but dynamic sound effects that
    change with game events and progress. It was designed as a casual but engaging and intelligent game for mobile phones.</p>

    <p>The player places pairs of coloured tiles on a 7x7 grid. Tiles are cleared by surrounding one colour group with another
    colour group, scoring points. The cleared tiles change the colour of the surrounding colour group, allowing for chain
    reactions that give more points. More colours are added as more tiles have been placed on the grid and eventually the
    game will end when the grid fills up.</p>

    <p>Primrose features a networked high score board with instant replay of the high scores, a comprehensive tutorial with
    animated examples, a colourblind mode, glowing, pulsating, retro graphics and synth-inspired sound effects.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Primrose is a puzzle game by Jason Rohrer and a departure from his previous games.</p>

    <p>Primrose is an exploration into deep gameplay in single-player games. It is a tile clearing and placement game with
    chain reactions and without gravity or timing elements. The audio is limited to minimal but dynamic sound effects that
    change with game events and progress. It was designed as a casual but engaging and intelligent game for mobile phones.</p>

    <p>The player places pairs of coloured tiles on a 7x7 grid. Tiles are cleared by surrounding one colour group with another
    colour group, scoring points. The cleared tiles change the colour of the surrounding colour group, allowing for chain
    reactions that give more points. More colours are added as more tiles have been placed on the grid and eventually the
    game will end when the grid fills up.</p>

    <p>Primrose features a networked high score board with instant replay of the high scores, a comprehensive tutorial with
    animated examples, a colourblind mode, glowing, pulsating, retro graphics and synth-inspired sound effects.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Primrose est un jeu de casse-tête par Jason Rohrer et une rupture par rapport à ses jeux précédents.</p>

    <p>Primrose is an exploration into deep gameplay in single-player games. It is a tile clearing and placement game with
    chain reactions and without gravity or timing elements. The audio is limited to minimal but dynamic sound effects that
    change with game events and progress. It was designed as a casual but engaging and intelligent game for mobile phones.</p>

    <p>Le joueur place des pièces bicolores sur une une grille 7x7. Les pièces sont effacées en encerclant un groupe de couleur
    par un autre, ce qui marque des points. Les pièces effacées modifient la couleur du groupe de couleur qui l&apos;encercle,
    permettant des réactions en chaîne qui allouent plus de points. Des couleurs supplémentaires sont ajoutées à mesure que
    le nombre de pièces placées sur la grille augmente et le jeu se termine finalement lorsque toute la grille est remplie.</p>

    <p>Primrose fournit un tableau des meilleurs scores en réseau avec relecture instantanée des plus hauts scores, un tutoriel
    complet avec des exemples animés, un mode daltonien, des effets graphiques lumineux, pulsatoires, rétro, ainsi que sonores
    inspirés de synthétiseur.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Primrose is a puzzle game by Jason Rohrer and a departure from his previous games.</p>

    <p>Primrose is an exploration into deep gameplay in single-player games. It is a tile clearing and placement game with
    chain reactions and without gravity or timing elements. The audio is limited to minimal but dynamic sound effects that
    change with game events and progress. It was designed as a casual but engaging and intelligent game for mobile phones.</p>

    <p>The player places pairs of coloured tiles on a 7x7 grid. Tiles are cleared by surrounding one colour group with another
    colour group, scoring points. The cleared tiles change the colour of the surrounding colour group, allowing for chain
    reactions that give more points. More colours are added as more tiles have been placed on the grid and eventually the
    game will end when the grid fills up.</p>

    <p>Primrose features a networked high score board with instant replay of the high scores, a comprehensive tutorial with
    animated examples, a colourblind mode, glowing, pulsating, retro graphics and synth-inspired sound effects.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Primrose è un gioco rompicapo di Jason Rohrer e un commiato dai suoi giochi precedenti.</p>

    <p>Primrose è un&apos;esplorazione nell&apos;alta giocabilità nei giochi a singolo giocatore. È un gioco di eliminazione
    e posizionamento di tasselli con reazioni a catena e senza elementi gravitazionali o temporali. L&apos;audio è limitato
    al minimo, salvo gli effetti sonori dinamici che si modificano con il progresso e gli eventi del gioco. È stato progettato
    per essere un gioco informale ma impegnativo e intelligente per telefoni cellulari.</p>

    <p>Il giocatore posiziona coppie di tasselli colorati su una griglia 7x7. I tasselli vengono eliminati circondando un
    gruppo di un colore con un altro gruppo di un colore, ottenendo dei punti. I tasselli eliminati modificano il colore del
    gruppo di colore circostante, permettendo reazioni a catena che assegnano più punti. Più colori sono aggiunti quando più
    tasselli sono posizionati sulla griglia e da ultimo il gioco termina quando la griglia si riempie.</p>

    <p>Primrose ha una classifica dei migliori punteggi via rete con una moviola dei punteggi più alti, un tutorial esaustivo
    con esempi animati, una modalità per daltonici, grafica d&apos;altri tempi brillante e pulsante ed effetti sonori di tipo
  da: >-
    <p>Primrose er et puslespil af Jason Rohrer og en udledning fra hans tidligere spil.</p>

    <p>Primrose er en udforskning i en spilide for spil med en spiller. Det er et spil hvor felter skal ryddes og placeres
    med kædereaktioner og uden tyngdekraft eller tidselementer. Lyden er begrænset til et minimum, men med dynamiske lydeffekter
    som ændrer sig med spilhændelser og fremskridt. Spillet blev designet som et behageligt men fængslende og intelligent
    spil for mobiltelefoner.</p>

    <p>Spilleren placerer par af farvede felter på et 7x7-gitter. Felter ryddes ved at omgive en farvegruppe med en anden
    farvegruppe, hvilket giver point. De ryddede felter ændrer farven for den omgivende farvegruppe, der tillader kædereaktioner
    som giver yderligere point. Flere farver tilføjes når flere felter er blevet placeret på gitteret og eventuelt vil spillet
    slutte når gitteret er fyldt op.</p>

    <p>Primrose indeholder en netværksbaseret registrering af point med øjeblikkelig oversigt over de bedste resultater, en
    omfattende guide med animerede eksempler, en tilstand uden farver, glødende, pulserende, retro grafik og synth-inspirerede
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Primrose is a puzzle game by Jason Rohrer and a departure from his previous games.</p>

    <p>Primrose is an exploration into deep gameplay in single-player games. It is a tile clearing and placement game with
    chain reactions and without gravity or timing elements. The audio is limited to minimal but dynamic sound effects that
    change with game events and progress. It was designed as a casual but engaging and intelligent game for mobile phones.</p>

    <p>The player places pairs of coloured tiles on a 7x7 grid. Tiles are cleared by surrounding one colour group with another
    colour group, scoring points. The cleared tiles change the colour of the surrounding colour group, allowing for chain
    reactions that give more points. More colours are added as more tiles have been placed on the grid and eventually the
    game will end when the grid fills up.</p>

    <p>Primrose features a networked high score board with instant replay of the high scores, a comprehensive tutorial with
    animated examples, a colourblind mode, glowing, pulsating, retro graphics and synth-inspired sound effects.</p>
- Game
- LogicGame
  - puzzle
  - game
  - tile
  - clearing
  - name: primrose_primrose.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: primrose_primrose.png
    width: 128
    height: 128