⇦ | pipenightdreams [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for pipenightdreams in universe

pipenightdreams.desktop - 0.10.0-15 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: pipenightdreams.desktop
Package: pipenightdreams
  C: Pipenightdreams
  C: Single player game with pipes
  de: >-
    <p>Wenn Ihnen das alte Arcarde-Spiel »Pipe Dreams« bekannt ist, erkennen Sie dieses sofort wieder. Das Ziel ist es, verschiedene
    Rohrsegmente so aneinanderzufügen, dass das Wasser vom Einlass zum Abfluss durch möglichst viele von ihnen fließt. Dazu
    benötigen Sie sowohl Schnelligkeit als auch Geschick sowie eine gute Voraussicht.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>昔のアーケードゲーム &quot;Pipe Dreams&quot; を知っているなら、すぐに気づくでしょう。 異なる種類のパイプをつないで、入り口から水をできるだけ多くのパイプを通して 流し、最後に出口まで到達させることが目的です。スピード、技術、そして
  C: >-
    <p>If you know the old arcade-game &quot;Pipe Dreams&quot;, you&apos;ll instantly recognize this. The goal is to connect
    different pipe segments to let the water flow from the inlet and through as many pipes as possible, until it finally reaches
    the outlet. This requires an even combination of speed, skill and foresight.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>If you know the old arcade-game &quot;Pipe Dreams&quot;, you&apos;ll instantly recognize this. The goal is to connect
    different pipe segments to let the water flow from the inlet and through as many pipes as possible, until it finally reaches
    the outlet. This requires an even combination of speed, skill and foresight.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>If you know the old arcade-game &quot;Pipe Dreams&quot;, you&apos;ll instantly recognize this. The goal is to connect
    different pipe segments to let the water flow from the inlet and through as many pipes as possible, until it finally reaches
    the outlet. This requires an even combination of speed, skill and foresight.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Si vous connaissez l&apos;ancien jeu d&apos;arcade « Pipe Dreams », vous le reconnaîtrez tout de suite. Le but est
    d&apos;assembler différents segments de tubes pour laisser s&apos;écouler l&apos;eau provenant de l&apos;arrivée, à travers
    autant de tubes que possible jusqu&apos;à ce qu&apos;elle atteigne la sortie. Cela requiert une combinaison de vitesse,
    d&apos;habileté et d&apos;anticipation.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>If you know the old arcade-game &quot;Pipe Dreams&quot;, you&apos;ll instantly recognize this. The goal is to connect
    different pipe segments to let the water flow from the inlet and through as many pipes as possible, until it finally reaches
    the outlet. This requires an even combination of speed, skill and foresight.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Chi già conosce il vecchio gioco arcade &quot;Pipe Dreams&quot;, lo riconoscerà immediatamente. Lo scopo è connettere
    diversi segmenti di tubo per far fluire l&apos;acqua dal punto di ingresso fino allo scarico attraversando quanti più
    tubi possibile. È necessaria una combinazione di velocità, bravura e lungimiranza.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Hvis du kender det gamle arkadespil »Pipe Dreams«, så vil du øjeblikkelig genkende dette spil. Formålet er at forbinde
    forskellige kanalsegmenter, så vandet flyder igennem så mange kanaler som muligt, indtil det når omkredsen. Dette kræver
    en lige kombination af hastighed, evner og forudseenhed.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>If you know the old arcade-game &quot;Pipe Dreams&quot;, you&apos;ll instantly recognize this. The goal is to connect
    different pipe segments to let the water flow from the inlet and through as many pipes as possible, until it finally reaches
    the outlet. This requires an even combination of speed, skill and foresight.</p>
- Game
- LogicGame
  - Game
  - LogicGame
  - name: pipenightdreams_pipenightdreams.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - pipenightdreams.desktop