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Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

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pfm-postgresforms.desktop - 2.0.8-3 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: pfm-postgresforms.desktop
Package: pfm
  C: Postgres Forms (pfm)
  C: Graphical user interface for PostgreSQL database
  de: >-
    <p>Postgres Forms (pfm) ist eine Clientanwendung mit grafischer Benutzeroberfläche für den PostgreSQL-Datenbankserver.
    Er ermöglicht dem Anwender:  - die Erzeugung von Formularen zum Hinzufügen, Ändern oder Löschen    von Datensätzen in
    den Datenbanktabellen;</p>

    <p>  - to design links (one to many relationships) from one form     to another, for navigating in the data base;</p>

    <p>  - to design and to generate reports based on the data in a     table or view;</p>

    <p>  - to edit and to execute SQL statements.</p>

    <p>Postgres Forms ist mit Tcl/Tk implementiert, aber der Benutzer braucht nicht in Tcl/Tk zu programmieren. Der Anwender
    braucht nur SQL für das Erstellen von Tabellen und Ansichten sowie den Entwurf von Formularen, Verknüpfungen und Berichten.</p>

    <p>Postgres Forms versucht nicht, das unterliegende SQL zu verbergen. Im Gegenteil, in den meisten Fällen werden die zum
    Server gesendeten SQL- Anweisungen sowie die gelieferten Ergebnisse angezeigt.</p>

    <p>Der PostgreSQL-Server kann lokal oder auf einem anderen Rechner laufen.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Postgres Forms (pfm) é uma aplicação cliente com interface de utilizador gráfica para o servidor de bases de dados
    PostgreSQL. Permite ao utilizador: desenhar formulários para adição, modificação ou remoção de registos das tabelas das
    bases de dados;</p>

    <p>  - to design links (one to many relationships) from one form     to another, for navigating in the data base;</p>

    <p>  - to design and to generate reports based on the data in a     table or view;</p>

    <p>  - to edit and to execute SQL statements.</p>

    <p>O Postgres Forms está implementado em Tcl/Tk, mas não é necessário que o utilizador programe alguma coisa em Tcl/Tk.
    O utilizador apenas tem que usar SQL para criar tabelas e vistas e para desenhar formulários, ligações e relatórios.</p>

    <p>O Postgres Forms não tenta esconder o SQL subjacente. Pelo contrário, em muitos casos, ele mostra tanto as declarações
    SQL que envia para o servidor PostgreSQL como os resultados que recebe de volta.</p>

    <p>O servidor PostgreSQL pode ser remoto ou local.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>Postgres Forms (pfm) é uma aplicação cliente com interface de utilizador gráfica para o servidor de bases de dados
    PostgreSQL. Permite ao utilizador: desenhar formulários para adição, modificação ou remoção de registos das tabelas das
    bases de dados;</p>

    <p>  - to design links (one to many relationships) from one form     to another, for navigating in the data base;</p>

    <p>  - to design and to generate reports based on the data in a     table or view;</p>

    <p>  - to edit and to execute SQL statements.</p>

    <p>O Postgres Forms está implementado em Tcl/Tk, mas não é necessário que o utilizador programe alguma coisa em Tcl/Tk.
    O utilizador apenas tem que usar SQL para criar tabelas e vistas e para desenhar formulários, ligações e relatórios.</p>

    <p>O Postgres Forms não tenta esconder o SQL subjacente. Pelo contrário, em muitos casos, ele mostra tanto as declarações
    SQL que envia para o servidor PostgreSQL como os resultados que recebe de volta.</p>

    <p>O servidor PostgreSQL pode ser remoto ou local.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Postgres Forms (pfm) is a client application with a graphical user interface for the PostgreSQL data base server. It
    enables the user: to design forms for adding, modifying or deleting records of data base tables;</p>

    <p>  - to design links (one to many relationships) from one form     to another, for navigating in the data base;</p>

    <p>  - to design and to generate reports based on the data in a     table or view;</p>

    <p>  - to edit and to execute SQL statements.</p>

    <p>Postgres Forms is implemented in Tcl/Tk, but there is no need for the user to program anything in Tcl/Tk. The user
    only has to use SQL for creating tables and views and for designing forms, links and reports.</p>

    <p>Postgres Forms makes no attempt to hide the underlying SQL. On the contrary, in most cases, it shows both the SQL statements
    it sends to the PostgreSQL server and the results it gets back.</p>

    <p>The PostgreSQL server can be remote or local.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Postgres Forms (pfm) is a client application with a graphical user interface for the PostgreSQL data base server. It
    enables the user: to design forms for adding, modifying or deleting records of data base tables;</p>

    <p>  - to design links (one to many relationships) from one form     to another, for navigating in the data base;</p>

    <p>  - to design and to generate reports based on the data in a     table or view;</p>

    <p>  - to edit and to execute SQL statements.</p>

    <p>Postgres Forms is implemented in Tcl/Tk, but there is no need for the user to program anything in Tcl/Tk. The user
    only has to use SQL for creating tables and views and for designing forms, links and reports.</p>

    <p>Postgres Forms makes no attempt to hide the underlying SQL. On the contrary, in most cases, it shows both the SQL statements
    it sends to the PostgreSQL server and the results it gets back.</p>

    <p>The PostgreSQL server can be remote or local.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Postgres Forms (pfm) is a client application with a graphical user interface for the PostgreSQL data base server. It
    enables the user: to design forms for adding, modifying or deleting records of data base tables;</p>

    <p>  - to design links (one to many relationships) from one form     to another, for navigating in the data base;</p>

    <p>  - to design and to generate reports based on the data in a     table or view;</p>

    <p>  - to edit and to execute SQL statements.</p>

    <p>Postgres Forms is implemented in Tcl/Tk, but there is no need for the user to program anything in Tcl/Tk. The user
    only has to use SQL for creating tables and views and for designing forms, links and reports.</p>

    <p>Postgres Forms makes no attempt to hide the underlying SQL. On the contrary, in most cases, it shows both the SQL statements
    it sends to the PostgreSQL server and the results it gets back.</p>

    <p>The PostgreSQL server can be remote or local.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>Postgres Forms (pfms) は PostgreSQL データベースサーバ用の GUI を有する クライアントアプリケーションです。ユーザは次の操作が可能です: データベーステーブルのレコードの追加、修正および削除用のフォーム作成;</p>

    <p>  - to design links (one to many relationships) from one form     to another, for navigating in the data base;</p>

    <p>  - to design and to generate reports based on the data in a     table or view;</p>

    <p>  - to edit and to execute SQL statements.</p>

    <p>Postgres Forms は Tcl/Tk で実装されていますが、ユーザは Tcl/Tk に関する ライブラリ等は必要ありません。ユーザはフォーム、リンクやレポートの作成のため テーブルやビューを作成するのに SQL を利用する必要があるだけです。</p>

    <p>Postgres Forms は暗黙的に SQL を隠そうとはしていません。その一方で、 ほとんどの場合、PostgreSQL サーバに送信される SQL ステートメントとその結果 を共に表示します。</p>

    <p>PostgreSQL サーバはリモートでもローカルのどちらでも可能です。</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Postgres Forms (pfm) es una aplicación cliente, con interfaz gráfica de usuario, del servidor de bases de datos PostgreSQL.
    Permite al usuario: diseñar formularios para agregar, modificar o borrar registros de tablas de base de datos;</p>

    <p>  - to design links (one to many relationships) from one form     to another, for navigating in the data base;</p>

    <p>  - to design and to generate reports based on the data in a     table or view;</p>

    <p>  - to edit and to execute SQL statements.</p>

    <p>Postgres Forms está implementado en Tcl/Tk, pero el usuario no necesita programar nada en Tcl/Tk. El usuario sólo tiene
    que usar SQL para crear tablas y vistas, y para diseñar formularios, enlaces e informes.</p>

    <p>Postres Forms no intenta esconder el SQL subyacente. Al contrario, en la mayoría de los casos muestra las sentencias
    SQL, las envía al servidor PostgreSQL y devuelve los resultados.</p>

    <p>El servidor de PostgreSQL puede ser remoto o local.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Postgres Forms (pfm) is a client application with a graphical user interface for the PostgreSQL data base server. It
    enables the user: to design forms for adding, modifying or deleting records of data base tables;</p>

    <p>  - to design links (one to many relationships) from one form     to another, for navigating in the data base;</p>

    <p>  - to design and to generate reports based on the data in a     table or view;</p>

    <p>  - to edit and to execute SQL statements.</p>

    <p>Postgres Forms is implemented in Tcl/Tk, but there is no need for the user to program anything in Tcl/Tk. The user
    only has to use SQL for creating tables and views and for designing forms, links and reports.</p>

    <p>Postgres Forms makes no attempt to hide the underlying SQL. On the contrary, in most cases, it shows both the SQL statements
    it sends to the PostgreSQL server and the results it gets back.</p>

    <p>The PostgreSQL server can be remote or local.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Postgres Forms (pfm) is a client application with a graphical user interface for the PostgreSQL data base server. It
    enables the user: to design forms for adding, modifying or deleting records of data base tables;</p>

    <p>  - to design links (one to many relationships) from one form     to another, for navigating in the data base;</p>

    <p>  - to design and to generate reports based on the data in a     table or view;</p>

    <p>  - to edit and to execute SQL statements.</p>

    <p>Postgres Forms is implemented in Tcl/Tk, but there is no need for the user to program anything in Tcl/Tk. The user
    only has to use SQL for creating tables and views and for designing forms, links and reports.</p>

    <p>Postgres Forms makes no attempt to hide the underlying SQL. On the contrary, in most cases, it shows both the SQL statements
    it sends to the PostgreSQL server and the results it gets back.</p>

    <p>The PostgreSQL server can be remote or local.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Postgres Forms (pfm) è un&apos;applicazione client con un&apos;interfaccia utente grafica per il server di database
    PostgreSQL. Permette all&apos;utente di:   - progettare modelli per aggiungere, modificare o cancellare record     in
    tabelle del database;</p>

    <p>  - to design links (one to many relationships) from one form     to another, for navigating in the data base;</p>

    <p>  - to design and to generate reports based on the data in a     table or view;</p>

    <p>  - to edit and to execute SQL statements.</p>

    <p>Postgres Forms è implementato in Tcl/Tk, ma non è necessario che l&apos;utente programmi nulla in Tcl/Tk. L&apos;utente
    devo solo usare SQL per creare tabelle e viste e per progettare moduli, collegamenti e rapporti.</p>

    <p>Postgres Forms non cerca di nascondere l&apos;SQL sottostante. Al contrario, nella maggioranza dei casi, mostra sia
    gli enunciati SQL che invia al server PostgreSQL sia i risultati che riceve in risposta.</p>

    <p>Il server PostgreSQL può essere remoto o locale.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Postgres Forms (pfm) er et klientprogram med en grafisk brugerflade for PostgreSQL-databaseserveren. Den gør det muligt
    for brugeren: at designe formularer for tilføjelse, ændring eller sletning af poster i databasetabeller:</p>

    <p>  - to design links (one to many relationships) from one form     to another, for navigating in the data base;</p>

    <p>  - to design and to generate reports based on the data in a     table or view;</p>

    <p>  - to edit and to execute SQL statements.</p>

    <p>Postgres Forms er implementeret i Tcl/Tk, men der er ikke behov for at brugeren skal programmere i Tcl/Tk. Brugeren
    skal kun bruge SQL for oprettelse af tabeller og visninger og til design af formularer, henvisninger og rapporter.</p>

    <p>Postgres Forms gør intet forsøg på at skjule den underliggende SQL. Tværtimod, i de fleste tilfælde, så vises både
    SQL-udtrykkene der sendes til PostgreSQL-serveren og resultaterne der kommer tilbage.</p>

    <p>PostgreSQL-serveren kan være ekstern eller lokal.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Postgres Forms (pfm) is a client application with a graphical user interface for the PostgreSQL data base server. It
    enables the user: to design forms for adding, modifying or deleting records of data base tables;</p>

    <p>  - to design links (one to many relationships) from one form     to another, for navigating in the data base;</p>

    <p>  - to design and to generate reports based on the data in a     table or view;</p>

    <p>  - to edit and to execute SQL statements.</p>

    <p>Postgres Forms is implemented in Tcl/Tk, but there is no need for the user to program anything in Tcl/Tk. The user
    only has to use SQL for creating tables and views and for designing forms, links and reports.</p>

    <p>Postgres Forms makes no attempt to hide the underlying SQL. On the contrary, in most cases, it shows both the SQL statements
    it sends to the PostgreSQL server and the results it gets back.</p>

    <p>The PostgreSQL server can be remote or local.</p>
- Office
- Database
  - name: pfm_pfm-icon.png
    width: 64
    height: 64