⇦ | pathogen [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for pathogen in universe

pathogen.desktop - 1.1.1-5build1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: pathogen.desktop
Package: pathogen
  C: Pathogen
  C: Destroy the pathogens
  de: Zerstöre die Pathogene
  de: >-
    <p>Pathogen Warrior ist ein Puzzlespiel, bei dem man 3D-Strukturen in eine hexagonale 2D-Karte einpassen muss. Es war
    einer der Beiträge zum vierten Ludum-Date 48 Stunden Spielentwicklungswettbewerbs. Das Thema des Wettbewerbs lautete »Infection«
    (dt. Infektion). In Pathogen Warrior muss der Spieler pathogene 3D-Strukturen mit einer 2D-Darstellung in eine hexagonale
    Karte einfügen. Die Zeit zur Erfüllung dieser Aufgabe ist begrenzt und nach erfolgreicher Vervollständigung eines Pathogens,
    kommt der Spieler ein Level weiter, welches ein schwierigeres Pathogen enthält.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Pathogen Warrior é um jogo de puzzle de fazer coincidir modelos de estruturas 3D com um mapa 2D hexagonal. Foi uma
    das apresentações na 4ª competição de desenvolvimento de jogos Ludum Dare 48-hour. O tema da competição foi &quot;Infecção&quot;.
    No Pathogen Warrior, a tarefa do jogador é fazer coincidir estruturas patogénicas 3D rotativas com um modelo 2D usando
    um mapa hexagonal. O tempo para conseguir a tarefa é limitado, e após conseguir completar um patogénio com sucesso, o
    jogador avança para o próximo nível, o qual tem um patogénio mais desafiante.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>Pathogen Warrior はパズルゲームで、3D モデル構造を 2D の 6 角形マス目に 当てはめます。第 4 回 Ludum Dare 48 時間ゲーム開発競争の参加作品の 1 つ です。同イベントのテーマは &quot;感染&quot;
    でした。Pathogen Warrior でのプレイヤ の任務は、回転する 3D の病原体構造を 6 角形のマス目が描かれた地図上で 2D モデルに当てはめることです。制限時間があり、1 つの病原体を無事完成させ ると次のレベルに進み、そこではより難しい病原体が登場します。</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>„Борець із патогенами“ (Pathogen Warrior) — гра-головоломка на знаходження збігу тривимірних структур на двовимірній
    шестигранній мапі. Це один із проектів створених під час четвертого 48-годинного змагання „Ludum Dare“ зі створення ігор.
    Темою цього змагання було „Інфекції“. Завданням гравця є знайти відповідність між обертаючимися тривимірними структурами
    патогенів та двовимірними моделями, використовуючи шестигранну мапу. Час на виконання завдання обмежений і після успішного
    знаходження патогену гравець переходить до більш складного рівня, де його очікує новий патоген.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Pathogen Warrior is a puzzle game about matching 3D model structures with a 2D hexagon map. It was one of the entrants
    to the 4th Ludum Dare 48-hour game development competition. The theme of the competition was &quot;Infection&quot;. In
    Pathogen Warrior, the player&apos;s task is to match rotating 3D pathogen structures with a 2D model using a hexagon map.
    The time to accomplish the task is limited, and after successfully completing one pathogen, the player is advanced to
    next level, which has a more challenging pathogen.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Pathogen Warrior is a puzzle game about matching 3D model structures with a 2D hexagon map. It was one of the entrants
    to the 4th Ludum Dare 48-hour game development competition. The theme of the competition was &quot;Infection&quot;. In
    Pathogen Warrior, the player&apos;s task is to match rotating 3D pathogen structures with a 2D model using a hexagon map.
    The time to accomplish the task is limited, and after successfully completing one pathogen, the player is advanced to
    next level, which has a more challenging pathogen.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Pathogen Warrior is a puzzle game about matching 3D model structures with a 2D hexagon map. It was one of the entrants
    to the 4th Ludum Dare 48-hour game development competition. The theme of the competition was &quot;Infection&quot;. In
    Pathogen Warrior, the player&apos;s task is to match rotating 3D pathogen structures with a 2D model using a hexagon map.
    The time to accomplish the task is limited, and after successfully completing one pathogen, the player is advanced to
    next level, which has a more challenging pathogen.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Pathogen Warrior is a puzzle game about matching 3D model structures with a 2D hexagon map. It was one of the entrants
    to the 4th Ludum Dare 48-hour game development competition. The theme of the competition was &quot;Infection&quot;. In
    Pathogen Warrior, the player&apos;s task is to match rotating 3D pathogen structures with a 2D model using a hexagon map.
    The time to accomplish the task is limited, and after successfully completing one pathogen, the player is advanced to
    next level, which has a more challenging pathogen.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Pathogen Warrior est un puzzle dont le but est de faire correspondre des structures en 3D avec une carte en 2D aux
    cases hexagonales. Ce projet a été candidat à la 4ème compétition de développement de jeux vidéo en 48h « Ludum Dare ».
    Le thème de la compétition était « Infection ». Dans Pathogen Warrior, le joueur doit faire correspondre des structures
    pathogènes en 3D avec un modèle en 2D en utilisant une carte d&apos;hexagones. Le temps à disposition pour accomplir cette
    tâche est limité, et après avoir réussi à terminer un pathogène, le joueur avance au prochain niveau, qui présente un
    pathogène plus compliqué.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>Pathogen Warrior é um jogo de puzzle de fazer coincidir modelos de estruturas 3D com um mapa 2D hexagonal. Foi uma
    das apresentações na 4ª competição de desenvolvimento de jogos Ludum Dare 48-hour. O tema da competição foi &quot;Infecção&quot;.
    No Pathogen Warrior, a tarefa do jogador é fazer coincidir estruturas patogénicas 3D rotativas com um modelo 2D usando
    um mapa hexagonal. O tempo para conseguir a tarefa é limitado, e após conseguir completar um patogénio com sucesso, o
    jogador avança para o próximo nível, o qual tem um patogénio mais desafiante.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Pathogen Warrior is a puzzle game about matching 3D model structures with a 2D hexagon map. It was one of the entrants
    to the 4th Ludum Dare 48-hour game development competition. The theme of the competition was &quot;Infection&quot;. In
    Pathogen Warrior, the player&apos;s task is to match rotating 3D pathogen structures with a 2D model using a hexagon map.
    The time to accomplish the task is limited, and after successfully completing one pathogen, the player is advanced to
    next level, which has a more challenging pathogen.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Pathogen Warrior è un gioco rompicapo in cui si fanno corrispondere strutture 3D con una mappa 2D ad esagoni. Era uno
    dei partecipanti alla quarta edizione del concorso di sviluppo di giochi di 48 ore Ludum Dare. Il tema della competizione
    era &quot;Infection&quot; (infezione). In Pathogen Warrior, il compito del giocatore è di far combaciare strutture 3D
    ruotabili di patogeni con un modello 2D usando una mappa ad esagoni. Il tempo a disposizione per terminare il compito
    è limitato e dopo aver completato un patogeno con successo, il giocatore avanza al livello successivo che avrà un patogeno
    più difficile.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Pathogen Warrior er et puslespil om matchende 3D-modelstrukturer med et 2D- heksagonkort. Det var et af kandidaterne
    til den 4. Ludum Dare 48-timers spiludviklingskonkurrence. Temaet for konkurrencen var »Infektion«. I Pathogen Warrior
    er spillerens opgave at matche roterende 3D-patogene strukturer med en 2D-model med brug af et heksagonkort. Tiden til
    at udføre opgaven er begrænset, og efter en succesfuld færdiggørelse går spilleren til det næste niveau, som har et mere
    udfordrende patogen.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Pathogen Warrior is a puzzle game about matching 3D model structures with a 2D hexagon map. It was one of the entrants
    to the 4th Ludum Dare 48-hour game development competition. The theme of the competition was &quot;Infection&quot;. In
    Pathogen Warrior, the player&apos;s task is to match rotating 3D pathogen structures with a 2D model using a hexagon map.
    The time to accomplish the task is limited, and after successfully completing one pathogen, the player is advanced to
    next level, which has a more challenging pathogen.</p>
- Game
- LogicGame
  - puzzle
  - 3D
  - hexagon
  - 2D
  - time
  - limit
  - level
  - infection
  - name: pathogen_pathogen.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: pathogen_pathogen.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - pathogen.desktop