⇦ | nicotine [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for nicotine in universe

org.nicotine_plus.Nicotine - 3.3.4-1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: org.nicotine_plus.Nicotine
Package: nicotine
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0-or-later
  C: Nicotine+
  pt_PT: Procurar no Soulseek
  tr: Soulseek ağına göz atın
  lv: Pārlūko Soulseek tīklu
  fr: Naviguez sur le réseau Soulseek
  pl: Przeglądaj sieć Soulseek
  pt_BR: Navegue na rede Soulseek
  nl: Verken het Soulseek-netwerk
  hu: A Soulseek hálózat böngészése
  ru: Просмотреть сеть Soulseek
  C: Browse the Soulseek network
  et: Sirvi Soulseek võrku
  de: Durchsuche das Soulseek-Netzwerk
  lv: >-
    <p>Nicotine+ ir Soulseek vienādranga tīkla grafiskais klients.</p>

    <p>Nicotine+ mērķis ir kļūt par vieglu, patīkamu, bezmaksas un atvērtā pirmkoda (FOSS) alternatīvu oficiālajam Soulseek
    klientam, vienlaikus nodrošinot arī plašu funkciju klāstu.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Nicotine+ è un client grafico per la rete peer-to-peer Soulseek.</p>

    <p>Nicotine+ si propone di essere un'alternativa leggera, piacevole, gratuita e open source (FOSS) al client ufficiale
    di Soulseek, offrendo anche un insieme completo di funzionalità.</p>
  tr: >-
    <p>Nicotine+, Soulseek eşler arası ağı için grafiksel bir istemcidir.</p>

    <p>Nicotine+, resmi Soulseek istemcisine hafif, kullanımı kolay, özgür ve açık kaynaklı (FOSS) bir alternatif olmayı ve
    aynı zamanda kapsamlı bir dizi özellik sunmayı amaçlamaktadır.</p>
  pl: >-
    <p>Nicotine+ to graficzny klient sieci peer-to-peer Soulseek.</p>

    <p>Nicotine+ ma na celu być lekką, przyjemną, darmową i otwartoźródłową (FOSS) alternatywą dla oficjalnego klienta Soulseek,
    oferując jednocześnie obszerny zestaw funkcji.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Nicotine+ est un client graphique pour le réseau pair-à-pair Soulseek.</p>

    <p>Nicotine+ vise à être une alternative légère, agréable, libre et ouverte (FOSS) au client officiel de Soulseek, tout
    en fournissant un ensemble complet de fonctionnalités.</p>
  pt_PT: >-
    <p>Nicotine+ é um cliente gráfico para a rede peer-to-peer Soulseek.</p>

    <p>Nicotine+ almeja ser uma alternativa agradável, gratuita e de código aberto (FOSS) ao cliente oficial Soulseek, fornecendo
    funcionalidades adicionais enquanto se mantém conforme o protocolo Soulseek.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Nicotine+ ist ein grafischer Client für das Soulseek Peer-to-Peer-Netzwerk.</p>

    <p>Nicotine+ zielt darauf ab, eine leichte, angenehme, freie und eine open source (FOSS) Alternative zum offiziellen Soulseek-Client
    zu sein und auch eine umfassende Reihe von Funktionen zu bieten.</p>
  et: >-
    <p>Nicotine+ on Soulseek peer-to-peer võrgu graafiline klient.</p>

    <p>Nicotine+ eesmärk on olla meeldiv, tasuta ja avatud lähtekoodiga (FOSS) alternatiiv ametlikule Soulseeki kliendile,
    pakkudes samal ajal täiendavaid funktsioone.</p>
  C: >-
          Nicotine+ is a graphical client for the Soulseek peer-to-peer
          Nicotine+ aims to be a lightweight, pleasant, free and open
          source (FOSS) alternative to the official Soulseek client, while
          also providing a comprehensive set of features.
  uk: >-
    <p>Nicotine+ - це графічний клієнт для однорангової мережі Soulseek.</p>

    <p>Nicotine+ прагне бути легковажною, приємною, безкоштовною та відкритою (FOSS) альтернативою офіційному клієнту Soulseek,
    одночасно надаючи повний набір функцій.</p>
  zh_CN: >-
    <p>Nicotine+ 是 Soulseek 点对点网络的图形客户端。</p>

    <p>Nicotine+ 旨在成为轻量、易用、自由和开源 (FOSS) 的官方 Soulseek 客户端替代品,提供额外的功能。</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Nicotine+ é um cliente gráfico para a rede peer-to-peer Soulseek.</p>

    <p>Nicotine+ pretende ser uma alternativa leve, agradável, gratuita e de código aberto (FOSS) ao cliente oficial Soulseek,
    ao mesmo tempo que fornece um conjunto abrangente de recursos.</p>
  hu: >-
    <p>A Nicotine+ egy grafikus kliens a Soulseek P2P hálózathoz.</p>

    <p>A Nicotine+ célja, hogy egy könnyű, kellemes, szabad és nyílt forráskódú (FOSS) alternatívája legyen a hivatalos Soulseek
    kliensnek, miközben a funkciók átfogó készletét is biztosítja.</p>
  nl: >-
    <p>Nicotine+ is een grafische client voor het Soulseek peer-to-peer netwerk.</p>

    <p>Nicotine+ wil een lichtgewicht aangename, gratis en open source (FOSS) alternatief zijn voor de officiële Soulseek-client,
    met een logische set features.</p>
  es_ES: >-
    <p>Nicotine+ es un cliente gráfico para la red P2P de Soulseek.</p>

    <p>Nicotine+ pretende ser una alternativa ligera, agradable, libre y de código abierto (FOSS) al cliente oficial de Soulseek,
    al tiempo que ofrece un amplio conjunto de funciones.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Nicotine+ — это графический клиент сети Soulseek.</p>

    <p>Nicotine+ стремится быть удобной, свободной альтернативой с открытым исходным кодом официальному клиенту Soulseek,
    предоставляя дополнительную функциональность и сохраняя при этом совместимость с протоколом Soulseek.</p>
  id: org.nicotine-plus
    C: Nicotine+ Team
- Network
- FileTransfer
- InstantMessaging
- Chat
- P2P
  - Soulseek
  - Nicotine
  - compartir
  - chat
  - mensajería
  - P2P
  - peer-to-peer
  - GTK
  - Soulseek
  - Nicotine
  - kopīgošana
  - tērzēšana
  - ziņapmaiņa
  - P2P
  - peer-to-peer
  - GTK
  - Soulseek
  - Nicotine
  - compartir
  - charlar
  - mensajeria
  - P2P
  - par a par
  - GTK
  - Soulseek
  - Nicotine
  - compartir
  - xat
  - missatgeria
  - P2P
  - d'igual a igual
  - GTK
  - Soulseek
  - Nicotine
  - condivisione
  - chat
  - messaggi
  - P2P
  - peer-to-peer
  - GTK
  - Soulseek
  - Nicotine
  - sharing
  - chat
  - messaging
  - P2P
  - peer-to-peer
  - GTK
  - paylaşım,sohbet
  - mesajlaşma
  - eşler-arası
  - Soulseek
  - Nicotine
  - Austausch
  - Musik
  - P2P
  - Peer-to-Peer
  - GTK
  - Soulseek 
  - Nicotine 
  - partage 
  - tchat 
  - messagerie 
  - P2P 
  - pair-à-pair 
  - GTK 
  - Soulseek
  - Nicotine
  - jagamine
  - vestlus
  - sõnumid
  - P2P
  - peer-to-peer
  - GTK
  - Soulseek
  - Nicotine
  - sharing
  - chat
  - messaging
  - P2P
  - peer-to-peer
  - GTK
  - Soulseek
  - Nicotine
  - partilhamento
  - bate-papo
  - mensagens
  - P2P
  - pessoa para pessoa
  - GTK
  - Soulseek
  - Nicotine
  - обмін
  - чат
  - повідомлення
  - P2P
  - одноранговий
  - GTK
  - Soulseek
  - Nicotine
  - sharing
  - chat
  - messaging
  - P2P
  - peer-to-peer
  - GTK
  - Soulseek
  - Nicotine
  - compartilhamento
  - bate-papo
  - mensagens
  - P2P
  - pessoa para pessoa
  - GTK
  - Soulseek
  - Nicotine
  - 分享
  - 聊天
  - 信息
  - P2P
  - 点对点
  - GTK
  - Soulseek
  - Nicotine
  - megosztás
  - csevegés
  - üzenetek
  - P2P
  - peer-to-peer
  - GTK
  - Soulseek
  - Nicotine
  - delen
  - chatten
  - berichten
  - P2P
  - peer-to-peer
  - GTK
  - Soulseek
  - Nicotine
  - обмен
  - чат
  - обмен сообщениями
  - P2P
  - одноранговая сеть
  - GTK
  homepage: https://nicotine-plus.org/
  bugtracker: https://github.com/nicotine-plus/nicotine-plus/issues
  translate: https://nicotine-plus.org/doc/TRANSLATIONS
  vcs-browser: https://github.com/nicotine-plus/nicotine-plus
  - name: nicotine_org.nicotine_plus.Nicotine.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: nicotine_org.nicotine_plus.Nicotine.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: nicotine_org.nicotine_plus.Nicotine.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/icons/128x128/nicotine_org.nicotine_plus.Nicotine.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: org.nicotine_plus.Nicotine
  - org.nicotine_plus.Nicotine.desktop
- display_length: 600
- control: keyboard
- control: pointing
- control: touch
- default: true
    lv: Meklēt Failus
    es_CL: Buscar Archivos
    it: Cerca File
    ca: Cercar fitxers
    tr: Dosyaları Ara
    pl: Szukaj plików
    fr: Rechercher des fichiers
    pt_PT: Procurar Arquivos
    de: Dateien suchen
    et: Otsi faile
    uk: Пошук файлів
    C: Search Files
    zh_CN: 搜索文件
    pt_BR: Pesquisar Arquivos
    hu: Fájlok keresése
    nl: Bestanden zoeken
    ru: Поиск файлов
    es_ES: Buscar archivos
  - url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-1_752x550@1.png
    width: 752
    height: 550
  - url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-1_624x457@1.png
    width: 624
    height: 457
  - url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-1_224x164@1.png
    width: 224
    height: 164
    url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
    width: 1122
    height: 822
- caption:
    lv: Lejupielādes
    es_CL: Descargas
    it: Download
    ca: Descàrregues
    tr: İndirilenler
    pl: Pobieranie
    fr: Téléchargements
    pt_PT: Downloads
    de: Downloads
    et: Allalaadimised
    uk: Завантаження
    C: Downloads
    zh_CN: 下载
    pt_BR: Downloads
    hu: Letöltések
    nl: Downloads
    ru: Загрузки
    es_ES: Descargas
  - url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-2_752x550@1.png
    width: 752
    height: 550
  - url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-2_624x457@1.png
    width: 624
    height: 457
  - url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-2_224x164@1.png
    width: 224
    height: 164
    url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-2_orig.png
    width: 1122
    height: 822
- caption:
    lv: Pārlūkot Koplietojumus
    es_CL: Explorar Compartidos
    it: Sfoglia Condivisi
    ca: Navegar per compartits
    tr: Paylaşımlara Göz At
    pl: Przeglądaj udostępnione zasoby
    fr: Parcourir les partages
    pt_PT: Explorar Compartilhamentos
    de: Freigaben durchsuchen
    et: Sirvi jagatud katalooge
    uk: Переглянути спільні каталоги
    C: Browse Shares
    zh_CN: 浏览共享
    pt_BR: Navegar em Compartilhamentos
    hu: Megosztások böngészése
    nl: Shares verkennen
    ru: Просмотр общих каталогов
    es_ES: Explorar compartidos
  - url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-3_752x550@1.png
    width: 752
    height: 550
  - url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-3_624x457@1.png
    width: 624
    height: 457
  - url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-3_224x164@1.png
    width: 224
    height: 164
    url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-3_orig.png
    width: 1122
    height: 822
- caption:
    lv: Privātā Tērzēšana
    es_CL: Chat Privado
    it: Chat Privata
    ca: Xat privat
    tr: Özel Sohbet
    pl: Czat prywatny
    fr: Dialogues privés
    pt_PT: Bate-papo Privado
    de: Privater Chat
    et: Privaatvestlus
    uk: Приватний чат
    C: Private Chat
    zh_CN: 私聊
    pt_BR: Bate-papo Privado
    hu: Privát csevegés
    nl: Privéchat
    ru: Приватный чат
    es_ES: Chat privado
  - url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-4_752x550@1.png
    width: 752
    height: 550
  - url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-4_624x457@1.png
    width: 624
    height: 457
  - url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-4_224x164@1.png
    width: 224
    height: 164
    url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-4_orig.png
    width: 1122
    height: 822
- caption:
    lv: Meklēt Failus
    es_CL: Buscar Archivos
    it: Cerca File
    ca: Cercar fitxers
    tr: Dosyaları Ara
    pl: Szukaj plików
    fr: Rechercher des fichiers
    pt_PT: Procurar Arquivos
    de: Dateien suchen
    et: Otsi faile
    uk: Пошук файлів
    C: Search Files
    zh_CN: 搜索文件
    pt_BR: Pesquisar Arquivos
    hu: Fájlok keresése
    nl: Bestanden zoeken
    ru: Поиск файлов
    es_ES: Buscar archivos
  - url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-5_752x550@1.png
    width: 752
    height: 550
  - url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-5_624x457@1.png
    width: 624
    height: 457
  - url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-5_224x164@1.png
    width: 224
    height: 164
    url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-5_orig.png
    width: 1122
    height: 822
- caption:
    lv: Lejupielādes
    es_CL: Descargas
    it: Download
    ca: Descàrregues
    tr: İndirilenler
    pl: Pobieranie
    fr: Téléchargements
    pt_PT: Downloads
    de: Downloads
    et: Allalaadimised
    uk: Завантаження
    C: Downloads
    zh_CN: 下载
    pt_BR: Downloads
    hu: Letöltések
    nl: Downloads
    ru: Загрузки
    es_ES: Descargas
  - url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-6_752x550@1.png
    width: 752
    height: 550
  - url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-6_624x457@1.png
    width: 624
    height: 457
  - url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-6_224x164@1.png
    width: 224
    height: 164
    url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-6_orig.png
    width: 1122
    height: 822
- caption:
    lv: Pārlūkot Koplietojumus
    es_CL: Explorar Compartidos
    it: Sfoglia Condivisi
    ca: Navegar per compartits
    tr: Paylaşımlara Göz At
    pl: Przeglądaj udostępnione zasoby
    fr: Parcourir les partages
    pt_PT: Explorar Compartilhamentos
    de: Freigaben durchsuchen
    et: Sirvi jagatud katalooge
    uk: Переглянути спільні каталоги
    C: Browse Shares
    zh_CN: 浏览共享
    pt_BR: Navegar em Compartilhamentos
    hu: Megosztások böngészése
    nl: Shares verkennen
    ru: Просмотр общих каталогов
    es_ES: Explorar compartidos
  - url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-7_752x550@1.png
    width: 752
    height: 550
  - url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-7_624x457@1.png
    width: 624
    height: 457
  - url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-7_224x164@1.png
    width: 224
    height: 164
    url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-7_orig.png
    width: 1122
    height: 822
- caption:
    lv: Privātā Tērzēšana
    es_CL: Chat Privado
    it: Chat Privata
    ca: Xat privat
    tr: Özel Sohbet
    pl: Czat prywatny
    fr: Dialogues privés
    pt_PT: Bate-papo Privado
    de: Privater Chat
    et: Privaatvestlus
    uk: Приватний чат
    C: Private Chat
    zh_CN: 私聊
    pt_BR: Bate-papo Privado
    hu: Privát csevegés
    nl: Privéchat
    ru: Приватный чат
    es_ES: Chat privado
  - url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-8_752x550@1.png
    width: 752
    height: 550
  - url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-8_624x457@1.png
    width: 624
    height: 457
  - url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-8_224x164@1.png
    width: 224
    height: 164
    url: org/nicotine_plus/Nicotine/445f2c341ce8ed1fed6cb8022e1c2a58/screenshots/image-8_orig.png
    width: 1122
    height: 822
  - type: primary
    scheme-preference: light
    value: '#D4E0EE'
  - type: primary
    scheme-preference: dark
    value: '#203651'
- version: 3.3.4
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1714953600
    details: https://nicotine-plus.org/NEWS
- version: 3.3.3
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1714867200
- version: 3.3.2
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1708819200
- version: 3.3.1
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1708732800
    social-chat: intense
    social-info: mild