⇦ | mdfinder.app [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for mdfinder.app in universe

mdfinder.desktop - 1.0.0-1build2 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: MDFinder.desktop
Package: mdfinder.app
  C: MDFinder
  bg: Инструмент за търсене на файлове за GNUstep
  C: GNUstep Finder and desktop search system
  it: >-
    <p>MDFinder è un&apos;applicazione per ricercare cose già indicizzate dal sistema di indicizzazione GWMetadata, un&apos;implementazione
    GNUstep del software proprietario Spotlight di MacOS X. Le ricerche possono essere salvate e sono aggiornate automaticamente
    se i file corrispondenti cambiano. L&apos;indicizzazione è eseguita sullo sfondo ed è disabilitata come impostazione predefinita.
    Per abilitarla e configurare il percorso di ricerca, si usi il modulo dedicato nell&apos;applicazione System Preferences.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>MDFinder est un outil de recherche d&apos;éléments indexés par le système d&apos;indexation GWMetadata, implémentation
    GNUstep du Spotlight propriétaire de MacOS X. Vous pouvez sauvegarder les recherches qui se mettent à jour automatiquement
    si les fichiers correspondant changent. L&apos;indexation se fait en arrière-plan et est désactivée par défaut. Pour l&apos;activer
    et configurer le chemin de la recherche, utilisez le module dédié de l&apos;application SystemPreferences.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>MDFinder is a an application to search items already indexed by the GWMetadata indexing system, a GNUstep implementation
    of MacOS X&apos;s proprietary Spotlight.  Searches can be saved and are automatically updated if the corresponding files
    change.  Indexing is done in the background and is switched off by default.  To enable it and configure the search path,
    use the dedicated module in the SystemPreferences application.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>MDFinder er et program til at søge i elementer allerede indekseret af GWMetadata-indekssystemet, en GNUstep-implementering
    af MacOS X&apos;s proprietære Spotlight. Søgninger kan gemmes og opdateres automatisk hvis de tilsvarende filer ændrer
    sig. Indeks laves i baggrunden og er frakoblet som standard. For at aktivere og konfigurere søgestien bruges det dedikerede
    modul i programmet SystemPreferences.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>MDFinder is a an application to search items already indexed by the GWMetadata indexing system, a GNUstep implementation
    of MacOS X&apos;s proprietary Spotlight.  Searches can be saved and are automatically updated if the corresponding files
    change.  Indexing is done in the background and is switched off by default.  To enable it and configure the search path,
    use the dedicated module in the SystemPreferences application.</p>
- System
- FileTools
  - файл
  - разглеждане
  - извличане
  - търсене
  - file
  - explore
  - extract
  - search
  - name: mdfinder.app_MDFinder.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - MDFinder.desktop