⇦ | lybniz [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for lybniz in universe

lybniz.desktop - 3.0.4-6 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: lybniz.desktop
Package: lybniz
  C: Lybniz
  vi: Vẽ đồ thị và hàm số
  ca@valencia: Dibuixeu gràfics i funcions
  nb: Plott grafer og funksjoner
  zh_CN: 绘制图表和函数
  pt_BR: Plote gráficos e funções
  de: Darstellen von Graphen und Funktionen
  crh: Grafikler ve fonksiyonlar çizdir
  ja: グラフと関数をプロットします
  be: Маляваць графікі й функцыі
  gl: Trace gráficos e funcións
  ms: Plot graf dan fungsi
  oc: Traçar de corbas de foncions e de grafes
  pt: Plotar gráficos e funções
  zh_HK: 繪製圖表及函式
  el: Σχεδιάστε γραφήματα και συναρτήσεις
  fr: Tracer des courbes de fonctions et des graphes
  ky: Графтарды жана функцияларды түзүү
  da: Tegn grafer
  C: Plot graphs and functions
  lt: Braižykite grafikus ir funkcijas
  af: Stip grafieke en funksies
  ca: Dibuixeu gràfics i funcions
  ru: Построение графиков математических функций
  sv: Rita grafer och funktioner
  ast: Dibuxa gráfiques y funciones
  uk: Побудова графіків математичних функцій
  sq: Rregullo grafikët dhe funksionet
  it: Disegna grafici e funzioni
  bg: Чертане на графики и функции
  es: Dibuja gráficas y funciones
  sl: Izrisujte grafe in funkcije
  tr: Grafikler ve fonksiyonlar çizdir
  cs: Vykreslování grafů a funkcí
  tg: Функсияҳо ва диаграммаҳои Plot
  sr: Исцртавајте графике и функције
  bs: Crtajte grafove i funkcije
  fi: Piirrä graafeja ja funktioita
  pl: Kreśli wykresy funkcji
  hu: Grafikonok és függvények rajzolása
  ro: Trasați curbe de funcții și grafice
  bn: গ্রাফ এবং ফাংশন অঙ্কিত করুন
  zh_TW: 繪製圖表及函式
  nl: Grafiek- en functieplotter
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Lybniz is a simple desktop graph plotter. It can currently plot three functions and allows you to navigate the plot.
    Functions are entered in Python or C-like notation.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Lybniz is a simple desktop graph plotter. It can currently plot three functions and allows you to navigate the plot.
    Functions are entered in Python or C-like notation.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Lybniz est un traceur de fonction avec une interface graphique simple. Il peut actuellement tracer trois fonctions
    et permet de naviguer dans le tracé. Les fonctions sont entrées en notation Python ou de type C.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Lybniz is a simple desktop graph plotter. It can currently plot three functions and allows you to navigate the plot.
    Functions are entered in Python or C-like notation.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Lybniz is a simple desktop graph plotter. It can currently plot three functions and allows you to navigate the plot.
    Functions are entered in Python or C-like notation.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>Lybniz is a simple desktop graph plotter. It can currently plot three functions and allows you to navigate the plot.
    Functions are entered in Python or C-like notation.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Lybniz is a simple desktop graph plotter. It can currently plot three functions and allows you to navigate the plot.
    Functions are entered in Python or C-like notation.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Lybniz è un semplice tracciatore di grafici. Attualmente può disegnare grafici con tre funzioni e permette la navigazione
    nel grafico. Le funzioni sono inserite in notazione Python o in stile C.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Lybniz is a simple desktop graph plotter. It can currently plot three functions and allows you to navigate the plot.
    Functions are entered in Python or C-like notation.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Lybniz is a simple desktop graph plotter. It can currently plot three functions and allows you to navigate the plot.
    Functions are entered in Python or C-like notation.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Lybniz er et simpelt grafplotprogram for skrivebordet. Programmet kan i øjeblikket plotte tre funktioner og giver dig
    mulighed for at navigere plottet. Funktioner indtastes i Python- eller C-lignende notation.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Lybniz is a simple desktop graph plotter. It can currently plot three functions and allows you to navigate the plot.
    Functions are entered in Python or C-like notation.</p>
  pl: >-
    <p>Lybniz is a simple desktop graph plotter. It can currently plot three functions and allows you to navigate the plot.
    Functions are entered in Python or C-like notation.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Lybniz is a simple desktop graph plotter. It can currently plot three functions and allows you to navigate the plot.
    Functions are entered in Python or C-like notation.</p>
- Education
- Math
  - name: lybniz_lybniz.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: lybniz_lybniz.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: lybniz_lybniz.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: l/ly/lybniz.desktop/2bb67da76e14494d9706fe1e5da5e1e0/icons/128x128/lybniz_lybniz.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: lybniz
  - lybniz.desktop