⇦ | klystrack [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for klystrack in universe

klystrack.desktop - 0.20171212-6 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: klystrack.desktop
Package: klystrack
  C: Klystrack
  C: Chiptune Tracker
  es: >-
    <p>Esta es una aplicación para la creación de música que recuerda el estilo de música de ordenadores de 8-bits o chiptunes.
    Proporciona un «rastreador» de estilo secuenciador, y un sintetizador incorporado capaz de un alto rango de sonidos (incluyendo,
    pero no limitado, síntesis sustractiva básica, modulación de frecuencia y una reproducción de samples). Los sonidos pueden
    ser fácilmente intensificados usando la cadena de efectos. Es posible importar un puñado de formatos de archivo, incluyendo
    Protracker .MOD, Fasttracker 2 .XM, el formato de música de Cave Story (.ORG) y los archivos de Commodore 64 SID de Rob
    Hubbard. Las melodías pueden ser fácilmente exportadas como una única mezcla .WAV o pistas separadas, o puede simplemente
    usar la biblioteca de reproducción para usar ficheros klystrack en sus juegos u otro software.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Il s’agit d’une application pour créer des réminiscences de musiques du style de celui des ordinateurs huit bits (chiptune).
    Il constitue un séquenceur de style « tracker » et un synthétiseur intégré pouvant gérer une large gamme de sons, comprenant,
    mais pas seulement, la synthèse soustractive de base, la modulation de fréquence et la réécoute d’échantillon. Les sons
    peuvent être aisément améliorés en utilisant la chaîne d’effets. Il est possible d’importer un tas de formats de fichier,
    dont .MOD de Protracker, .XM de Fasttracker 2, le format de musique (.ORG) de Cave Story et les fichiers de Rob Hubbard
    avec le SID de Commodore 64. Le mélodies peuvent être aisément exportés en mixages réducteurs .WAV ou en pistes distinctes,
    ou il est possible d’utiliser la bibliothèque de lecture des fichiers de klystrack dans des jeux ou autres logiciels.</p>
  ko: >-
    <p>이 프로그램은 8 비트 컴퓨터 또는 chiptune에서 나오는 음악 스타일을 연상시키는 음악을 만듭니다. 기본 감산 합성, 주파수 변조 및 샘플 재생을 포함하되 이에 국한되지 않는 광범위한 사운드를 처리할
    수 있는 &quot;트랙커&quot; 스타일 시퀀서와 내장 신디사이저를 특징으로 합니다. 이펙트 체인 사용을 통해 사운드를 쉽게 강화할 수 있습니다. Protracker .MOD, Fasttracker 2 .XM,
    Cave Story 음악 형식 (.ORG) 및 Rob Hubbard Commodore 64 SID 파일을 포함한 몇가지 파일 형식을 가져올 수 있습니다. 곡은 단일 믹스다운 .WAV 또는 별도의 트랙으로 쉽게 내보내거나
    또는 재생 라이브러리를 사용해서 자신의 게임 또는 다른 소프트웨어에서 klystrack 파일을 사용할 수 있습니다.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>This is an application for creating music reminiscent of the style of music from 8-bit computers or, chiptunes. It
    features a &quot;tracker&quot; style sequencer, and a built-in synthesizer capable of a wide range sounds - including
    but not limited to basic subtractive synthesis, frequency modulation and sample playback. Sounds can be easily beefed
    up by using the effect chain. It is possbile to import a handful of file formats, including Protracker .MOD, Fasttracker
    2 .XM, the Cave Story music format (.ORG) and Rob Hubbard Commodore 64 SID files. Tunes can be easily exported as a single
    mixdown .WAV or separate tracks or you can simply use the playback library to use the klystrack files in your own games
    and other software.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Questa è un&apos;applicazione per creare musica che ricorda lo stile della musica dei computer a 8 bit, o chiptune.
    Ha un sequencer in stile &quot;tracker&quot; e un sintetizzatore incorporato capace di un&apos;ampia gamma di suoni, include
    fra le altre cose: sintesi sottrattiva di base, modulazione di frequenza e riproduzione di campioni. Il suono può essere
    facilmente arricchito usando la catena degli effetti. È possibile importare alcuni formati di file, inclusi Protracker
    .MOD, Fasttracker 2 .XM, il formato musicale di Cave Story (.ORG) e i file SID di Rob Hubbard per il Commodore 64. I brani
    possono essere facilmente esportati mixati in un singolo .WAV o come tracce separate o semplicemente si può usare la libreria
    di riproduzione per usare i file di klystrack nei propri giochi o altro software.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>This is an application for creating music reminiscent of the style of music from 8-bit computers or, chiptunes. It
    features a &quot;tracker&quot; style sequencer, and a built-in synthesizer capable of a wide range sounds - including
    but not limited to basic subtractive synthesis, frequency modulation and sample playback. Sounds can be easily beefed
    up by using the effect chain. It is possbile to import a handful of file formats, including Protracker .MOD, Fasttracker
    2 .XM, the Cave Story music format (.ORG) and Rob Hubbard Commodore 64 SID files. Tunes can be easily exported as a single
    mixdown .WAV or separate tracks or you can simply use the playback library to use the klystrack files in your own games
    and other software.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>This is an application for creating music reminiscent of the style of music from 8-bit computers or, chiptunes. It
    features a &quot;tracker&quot; style sequencer, and a built-in synthesizer capable of a wide range sounds - including
    but not limited to basic subtractive synthesis, frequency modulation and sample playback. Sounds can be easily beefed
    up by using the effect chain. It is possbile to import a handful of file formats, including Protracker .MOD, Fasttracker
    2 .XM, the Cave Story music format (.ORG) and Rob Hubbard Commodore 64 SID files. Tunes can be easily exported as a single
    mixdown .WAV or separate tracks or you can simply use the playback library to use the klystrack files in your own games
    and other software.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Dette er et program til at oprette musikminder i musikstilen fra 8-bit computere eller chiptunes. Det har en sequencer
    i »trackerstil« og en indbygget synthesizer, som kan håndtere en bred vifte af lyde - inklusive men ikke begrænset til
    grundlæggende subtractive syntese, frekvensmodellering og afspilning. Lyde kan nemt »beefes« op ved at bruge effektkæden.
    Det er muligt at importere en håndfuld filformater, inklusive Protracker .MOD-, Fasttracker 2 .XM-, Cave Story-musikformatet
    (.ORG) og Rob Hubbard Commodore 64 SID-filer. Tuner kan nemt eksporteres som en enkel mixdown .WAV eller som separate
    spor, eller du kan bare bruge afspilningsbiblioteket for at bruge klystrack-filerne i dine egne spil og andre programmer.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>This is an application for creating music reminiscent of the style of music from 8-bit computers or, chiptunes. It
    features a &quot;tracker&quot; style sequencer, and a built-in synthesizer capable of a wide range sounds - including
    but not limited to basic subtractive synthesis, frequency modulation and sample playback. Sounds can be easily beefed
    up by using the effect chain. It is possbile to import a handful of file formats, including Protracker .MOD, Fasttracker
    2 .XM, the Cave Story music format (.ORG) and Rob Hubbard Commodore 64 SID files. Tunes can be easily exported as a single
    mixdown .WAV or separate tracks or you can simply use the playback library to use the klystrack files in your own games
    and other software.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>This is an application for creating music reminiscent of the style of music from 8-bit computers or, chiptunes. It
    features a &quot;tracker&quot; style sequencer, and a built-in synthesizer capable of a wide range sounds - including
    but not limited to basic subtractive synthesis, frequency modulation and sample playback. Sounds can be easily beefed
    up by using the effect chain. It is possbile to import a handful of file formats, including Protracker .MOD, Fasttracker
    2 .XM, the Cave Story music format (.ORG) and Rob Hubbard Commodore 64 SID files. Tunes can be easily exported as a single
    mixdown .WAV or separate tracks or you can simply use the playback library to use the klystrack files in your own games
    and other software.</p>
- AudioVideo
- AudioVideoEditing
  - tracker
  - music
  - chipsong
  - name: klystrack_klystrack.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: klystrack
  - klystrack.desktop