⇦ | jstest-gtk [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for jstest-gtk in universe

jstest-gtk.desktop - 0.1.1~git20180602-2build2 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: jstest-gtk.desktop
Package: jstest-gtk
  C: jstest-gtk
  C: Joystick testing and configuration tool
  es: Herramienta de comprobación y configuración de joysticks
  gl: >-
    <p>jstest-gtk is a simple graphical joystick tester. It provides a list of attached joysticks, and for each one can display
    which buttons and axes are pressed, remap axes and buttons, and calibrate the device.</p>

    <p>Even when your joystick is working mostly fine, you might want to give it a try, as the calibration lets you get rid
    of overlarge default deadzones that many joysticks use and which are a noticeable problem in some games.</p>

    <p>Installing the joystick package in addition to this one will allow you to store your calibration settings and mappings
    and have the automatically restored.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>jstest-gtk is a simple graphical joystick tester. It provides a list of attached joysticks, and for each one can display
    which buttons and axes are pressed, remap axes and buttons, and calibrate the device.</p>

    <p>Even when your joystick is working mostly fine, you might want to give it a try, as the calibration lets you get rid
    of overlarge default deadzones that many joysticks use and which are a noticeable problem in some games.</p>

    <p>Installing the joystick package in addition to this one will allow you to store your calibration settings and mappings
    and have the automatically restored.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Jstest-gtk est un testeur graphique de manette de commande. Il fournit une liste des manettes branchées et, pour chacune,
    peut afficher quels boutons et quels axes sont pressés, remapper les axes et boutons et calibrer le périphérique.</p>

    <p>Même lorsque la manette fonctionne généralement bien, l’utilisateur peut vouloir faire des essais, comme une calibration
    permettant de s’affranchir des zones mortes surdimensionnées par défaut que de nombreuses manettes comportent et qui sont
    un problème notable dans quelques jeux.</p>

    <p>Installer le paquet de la manette en plus de ce paquet, permet d’enregistrer les réglages de configuration et mappage
    et qu’ils soient automatiquement rétablis.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>jstest-gtk je jednoduchý grafický testovač joysticku. Poskytuje zoznam pripojených joystickov a pri každom zobrazí,
    ktoré tlačidlá a osi sú stlačené, dokáže zmeniť mapovanie osí a tlačidiel a kalibrovať zariadenie.</p>

    <p>Aj ak váš joystick funguje z väčšej miery dobre, môžete ho skúsiť, keďže kalibrácia vám umožní zbaviť sa nadmerne veľkých
    predvolených nefunkčných zón, ktoré mnohé joysticky používajú a v niektorých hrách spôsobujú badateľné problémy.</p>

    <p>Ak si vedľa tohto balíka nainštalujete aj balík joystick, umožní vám uložiť a automaticky obnoviť vaše kalibračné nastavenia
    a mapovania.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>jstest-gtk is a simple graphical joystick tester. It provides a list of attached joysticks, and for each one can display
    which buttons and axes are pressed, remap axes and buttons, and calibrate the device.</p>

    <p>Even when your joystick is working mostly fine, you might want to give it a try, as the calibration lets you get rid
    of overlarge default deadzones that many joysticks use and which are a noticeable problem in some games.</p>

    <p>Installing the joystick package in addition to this one will allow you to store your calibration settings and mappings
    and have the automatically restored.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>jstest-gtk is a simple graphical joystick tester. It provides a list of attached joysticks, and for each one can display
    which buttons and axes are pressed, remap axes and buttons, and calibrate the device.</p>

    <p>Even when your joystick is working mostly fine, you might want to give it a try, as the calibration lets you get rid
    of overlarge default deadzones that many joysticks use and which are a noticeable problem in some games.</p>

    <p>Installing the joystick package in addition to this one will allow you to store your calibration settings and mappings
    and have the automatically restored.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>jstest-gtk is a simple graphical joystick tester. It provides a list of attached joysticks, and for each one can display
    which buttons and axes are pressed, remap axes and buttons, and calibrate the device.</p>

    <p>Even when your joystick is working mostly fine, you might want to give it a try, as the calibration lets you get rid
    of overlarge default deadzones that many joysticks use and which are a noticeable problem in some games.</p>

    <p>Installing the joystick package in addition to this one will allow you to store your calibration settings and mappings
    and have the automatically restored.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>jstest-gtk è un semplice strumento grafico di test per joystick. Fornisce un elenco dei joystick collegati e, per ciascuno
    di essi, può mostrare quali pulsanti e assi sono premuti, rimappare assi e pulsanti e calibrare il dispositivo.</p>

    <p>Anche quando il joystick funziona piuttosto bene, potrebbe valere la pena di provarlo, dato che la calibrazione permette
    di liberarsi di zone morte predefinite molto grandi che sono usate da molti joystick e che sono un problema notevole in
    alcuni giochi.</p>

    <p>Se si installa il pacchetto joystick in aggiunta a questo si potranno salvare le impostazioni di calibrazione e le
    mappature e far sì che siano ripristinate automaticamente.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>jstest-gtk is a simple graphical joystick tester. It provides a list of attached joysticks, and for each one can display
    which buttons and axes are pressed, remap axes and buttons, and calibrate the device.</p>

    <p>Even when your joystick is working mostly fine, you might want to give it a try, as the calibration lets you get rid
    of overlarge default deadzones that many joysticks use and which are a noticeable problem in some games.</p>

    <p>Installing the joystick package in addition to this one will allow you to store your calibration settings and mappings
    and have the automatically restored.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>jstest-gtk — программа для простой графической проверки джойстиков.  Она предоставляет список подключённых джойстиков
    и отображает каждую нажимаемую кнопку и активируемую ось, позволяет настраивать их, а также позволяет выполнять калибровку

    <p>Даже если ваш джойстик работает достаточно хорошо, эта программа всё равно может быть полезна, так как калибровка позволяет
    избавиться от чрезмерно больших по умолчанию нерабочих зон, которые используют многие джойстики, особенно заметные в некоторых

    <p>Установка пакета joystick с этим пакетом позволит вам сохранить и автоматически восстановить настройки калибровки и
    назначения действий клавишам.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Jstest-gtk er en simpel grafisk joysticktester. Den tilbyder en liste over tilkoblede joystick, og kan for hvert joystick
    vis hvilke knapper og akser der trykkes ned, nyoversætte akser og knapper og kalibrere enheden.</p>

    <p>Selv når et joystick i hovedsagen fungerer korrekt kan det være et forsøg værd at bruge programmet, da kalibreringen
    fjerner de store standardområder som er døde og som mange joystick bruger. De kan være et iøjnefaldende problem i nogle

    <p>Installation af pakken joystick, udover denne pakke, vil give dig mulighed for at lagre din kalibreringsopsætning og
    oversættelser og få dem automatisk gendannet.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>jstest-gtk is a simple graphical joystick tester. It provides a list of attached joysticks, and for each one can display
    which buttons and axes are pressed, remap axes and buttons, and calibrate the device.</p>

    <p>Even when your joystick is working mostly fine, you might want to give it a try, as the calibration lets you get rid
    of overlarge default deadzones that many joysticks use and which are a noticeable problem in some games.</p>

    <p>Installing the joystick package in addition to this one will allow you to store your calibration settings and mappings
    and have the automatically restored.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>jstest-gtk is a simple graphical joystick tester. It provides a list of attached joysticks, and for each one can display
    which buttons and axes are pressed, remap axes and buttons, and calibrate the device.</p>

    <p>Even when your joystick is working mostly fine, you might want to give it a try, as the calibration lets you get rid
    of overlarge default deadzones that many joysticks use and which are a noticeable problem in some games.</p>

    <p>Installing the joystick package in addition to this one will allow you to store your calibration settings and mappings
    and have the automatically restored.</p>
- System
  - joystick
  - calibration
  - name: jstest-gtk_jstest-gtk.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: jstest-gtk
  - jstest-gtk.desktop