⇦ | jclic [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:18 [UTC]

Metadata for jclic in universe

jclic.desktop - ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: jclic.desktop
Package: jclic
  C: JClic
  de: Anwendung zum Abspielen von JClic Übungen.
  pt_BR: Aplicativo para rodar atividades do JClic
  ar: تطبيق للعلب على JClic
  pt: Programa para correr actividades Jclic.
  C: 'Multimedia educational activities: puzzles, associations, text exercises, crosswords, scrambled letters, etc.'
  ca_ES@valencia: 'Activitats educatives multimèdia: puzzles, associacions, exercicis de text, mots encreuats, sopes de lletres
    i altres.'
  bs: Aplikacije za reprodukciju JClic aktivnosti.
  el: Εφαρμογή αναπαραγωγής δραστηριοτήτων του JClic.
  gl: Aplicación para reproducir as actividades JClic
  valencia: 'Activitats educatives multimèdia: puzzles, associacions, exercicis de text, mots encreuats, sopes de lletres
    i altres.'
  ca@valencia: 'Activitats educatives multimèdia: puzzles, associacions, exercicis de text, mots encreuats, sopes de lletres
    i altres.'
  es: 'Actividades educativas multimedia: puzzles, asociaciones, ejercicios de texto, crucigramas, sopas de letras, etc.'
  fr: Programme d'exécution des activités JClic.
  eu: JClic jarduerak egiteko aplikazioa.
  ast: Aplicación pa xugar a les xeres de JClic.
  vec: Programa da inviar par mostrar atività de JClic
  cs: Aplikace pro přehrávání JClic aktivit.
  it: Applicazione per avviare attività JClic.
  ca: 'Activitats educatives multimèdia: puzzles, associacions, exercicis de text, mots encreuats, sopes de lletres i altres.'
  nl: Toepassing om JClic activiteiten te spelen
  de: >-
    <p>JClic is formed by a set of computer applications that are used for carrying out different types of educational activities:
    puzzles, associations, text exercises, crosswords...</p>

    <p>The activities are not usually used alone, but packed in projects. A project is formed by a set of activities and one
    or more sequences, which indicate the order in which they have to be shown.</p>

    <p>Its community (http://clic.xtec.net/db/listact_en.jsp) has developed a web site with more than 1.000 activities available
    in several languages.</p>

    <p>This package contains JClic-author to create and modify activity projects, JClic standalone player to play the activities
    and JClic-reports that allows the management of a database to track students work and results.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>JClic constitui-se de várias aplicações computacionais usadas para dar curso a diferentes tipos de atividades educacionais:
    quebra-cabeças, associações, atividades de texto, palavras-cruzadas,...</p>

    <p>As atividades não são usadas isoladamente, mas em pacotes de projetos. Um projeto é formado por um conjunto de atividades
    e uma ou mais sequências, as quais indicam a ordem a serem exibidas.</p>

    <p>Sua comunidade (http://clic.xtec.net/db/listact_en.jsp) desenvolveu um web site com mais de mil atividades em diversos

    <p>Esse pacote inclui o jClic Author (criar e modificar atividades), jClic (para rodar as atividades) e jClic Report (que
    gerencia um banco de dados de registros dos trabalhos e resultados dos estudantes).</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>JClic sestavlja zbirka računalniških programov, ki se uporabljajo za izvajanje različnih vrst izobraževalnih dejavnosti:
    ugank, povezav, besedilnih vaj, križank ...</p>

    <p>Dejavnosti se običajno ne uporabljajo posamezno ampak so pakirane v paketih. Projekt je oblikovan z zbirko dejavnosti
    in enim ali več zaporedji, ki nakazujejo vrstni red v katerem morajo biti prikazane.</p>

    <p>Skupnost (http://clic.xtec.net/db/listact_en.jsp) je razvila spletišče z več kot 1000 razpoložljivimi dejavnostmi v
    več jezikih.</p>

    <p>Ta paket vsebuje JClic-author za ustvarjanje in spreminjanje projektov dejavnosti, samostojni predvajalnik JClic za
    predvajanje dejavnosti in poročila JClic, ki omogočajo upravljanje podatkovne zbirke za sledenje dela in rezultatov študentov.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>JClic is formed by a set of computer applications that are used for carrying out different types of educational activities:
    puzzles, associations, text exercises, crosswords...</p>

    <p>The activities are not usually used alone, but packed in projects. A project is formed by a set of activities and one
    or more sequences, which indicate the order in which they have to be shown.</p>

    <p>Its community (http://clic.xtec.net/db/listact_en.jsp) has developed a web site with more than 1.000 activities available
    in several languages.</p>

    <p>This package contains JClic-author to create and modify activity projects, JClic standalone player to play the activities
    and JClic-reports that allows the management of a database to track students work and results.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>JClic is formed by a set of computer applications that are used for carrying out different types of educational activities:
    puzzles, associations, text exercises, crosswords...</p>

    <p>The activities are not usually used alone, but packed in projects. A project is formed by a set of activities and one
    or more sequences, which indicate the order in which they have to be shown.</p>

    <p>Its community (http://clic.xtec.net/db/listact_en.jsp) has developed a web site with more than 1.000 activities available
    in several languages.</p>

    <p>This package contains JClic-author to create and modify activity projects, JClic standalone player to play the activities
    and JClic-reports that allows the management of a database to track students work and results.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>JClic состоит из набора компьютерных приложений для выполнения различных типов образовательных упражнений: головоломок,
    ассоциативных тестов, текстовых упражнений, кроссвордов...</p>

    <p>Обычно упражнения не используются по отдельности, а собираются в проекты. Проект формируется из набора упражнений и
    одной или нескольких последовательностей, определяющих порядок, в котором они будут показаны.</p>

    <p>Сообщество JClick (http://clic.xtec.net/db/listact_en.jsp) разработало веб-сайт с более 1000 упражнений, доступных
    на различных языках.</p>

    <p>This package contains JClic-author to create and modify activity projects, JClic standalone player to play the activities
    and JClic-reports that allows the management of a database to track students work and results.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>JClic is formed by a set of computer applications that are used for carrying out different types of educational activities:
    puzzles, associations, text exercises, crosswords...</p>

    <p>The activities are not usually used alone, but packed in projects. A project is formed by a set of activities and one
    or more sequences, which indicate the order in which they have to be shown.</p>

    <p>Its community (http://clic.xtec.net/db/listact_en.jsp) has developed a web site with more than 1.000 activities available
    in several languages.</p>

    <p>This package contains JClic-author to create and modify activity projects, JClic standalone player to play the activities
    and JClic-reports that allows the management of a database to track students work and results.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Jclic está compuesto de un conjunto de aplicaciones que realizan distintos tipos de actividades educativas: puzzles,
    asociaciones, ejercicios tipo test, crucigramas...</p>

    <p>Las actividades están pensadas para usarse empaquetadas en proyectos. Un proyecto lo forman un conjunto de actividades
    con una o más secuencias, que indican el orden en que las actividades se muestran.</p>

    <p>Su comunidad (http://clic.xtec.net/db/listact_es.jsp) ha desarrollado un sitio web con más de 1.000 actividades disponibles
    en distintos idiomas.</p>

    <p>Este paquete contiene JClic-author para crear y modificar proyectos de actividades, el reproductor autónomo de JClic
    para realizar las actividades y JClic-reports, que permite la gestión de una base de datos para el seguimiento del trabajo
    de los alumnos y sus resultados.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>JClic est formé par un ensemble d&apos;applications informatiques qui sont utilisés pour la réalisation de différents
    types d&apos;activités éducatives : des casse-tête, des associations, des exercices de texte, des mots croisés…</p>

    <p>Les activités ne sont généralement pas utilisées seules, mais empaquetées dans des projets. Un projet est constitué
    par un ensemble d&apos;activités et d&apos;une ou plusieurs séquences, qui indiquent l&apos;ordre dans lequel elles doivent
    être montrées.</p>

    <p>Sa communauté (http://clic.xtec.net/db/listact_en.jsp) a développé un site web avec plus de 1 000 activités disponibles
    en plusieurs langues.</p>

    <p>Ce paquet contient JClic-author pour créer et modifier des projets d&apos;activité, JClic standalone player pour jouer
    les activités et JClic- reports qui permet la gestion d&apos;une base de données pour suivre les travaux des élèves et
    les résultats.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>JClic está constituído por un conxunto de aplicativos informáticos empregados para realizar diferentes tipos de actividades
    educativas: puzzles, asociacións, exercicios de texto, encrucillados,...</p>

    <p>Normalmente, as actividades non se empregan soas, senón que se empaquetan en proxectos. Un proxecto está formado por
    un conxunto de actividades e unha ou máis secuencias, que indican a orde na que as hai que presentar.</p>

    <p>A súa comunidade (http://clic.xtec.net/db/listact_en.jsp) ten desenvolvido un sitio web con máis de 1.000 actividades
    dispoñíbeis en varias linguas.</p>

    <p>Este paquete contén JClic-author para crear e modificar proxectos de actividades, o reprodutor autónomo de JClic para
    xogar coas actividades e JClic-reports, que permite a xestión dunha database para anotar o traballo e os resultados dos
  en_GB: >-
    <p>JClic is formed by a set of computer applications that are used for carrying out different types of educational activities:
    puzzles, associations, text exercises, crosswords...</p>

    <p>The activities are not usually used alone, but packed in projects. A project is formed by a set of activities and one
    or more sequences, which indicate the order in which they have to be shown.</p>

    <p>Its community (http://clic.xtec.net/db/listact_en.jsp) has developed a web site with more than 1.000 activities available
    in several languages.</p>

    <p>This package contains JClic-author to create and modify activity projects, JClic standalone player to play the activities
    and JClic-reports that allows the management of a database to track students work and results.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>JClic è formato da un insieme di applicazioni per computer che sono utilizzate per effettuare diversi tipi di attività
    educative: rompicapi, associazioni, esercizi di testo, parole incrociate...</p>

    <p>Le attività non sono di solito usate in modo isolato, ma riunite in progetti. Un progetto è formato da un insieme di
    attività ed una o più sequenze che indicano l&apos;ordine in cui devono essere mostrate.</p>

    <p>La comunità del progetto (http://clic.xtec.net/db/listact_en.jsp) ha sviluppato un sito web con più di 1.000 attività
    disponibili in diverse lingue.</p>

    <p>Questo pacchetto contiene JClic-author per creare e modificare i progetti di attività, il lettore JClic autonomo per
    riprodurre le attività e JClic- reports che permette la gestione di un database che tiene traccia dei lavori e dei risultati
    degli studenti.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>JClic er formet af et sæt af computerprogrammer, som bruges til udførsel af forskellige typer af undervisningsaktiviteter:
    puslespil, associationer, tekstøvelser, krydsord ...</p>

    <p>Aktiviteterne bruges ikke alene, men pakkes i projekter. Et projekt formes af et sæt af aktiviteter og en eller flere
    sekvenser, som indikerer rækkefølgen som de skal vises i.</p>

    <p>Programmets fællesskab (http://clic.xtec.net/db/listact_en.jsp) har udviklet en internetside med mere end 1.000 aktiviteter
    tilgængelige på flere sprog.</p>

    <p>Denne pakke indeholder JClic-author til at oprette og ændre aktivitetsprojekter, JClic&apos;s uafhængige afspiller
    til at afspille aktiviteterne og JCLic-reports som giver mulighed for håndtering af en database for at følge studenters
    arbejde og resultater.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>JClic is formed by a set of computer applications that are used for carrying out different types of educational activities:
    puzzles, associations, text exercises, crosswords...</p>

    <p>The activities are not usually used alone, but packed in projects. A project is formed by a set of activities and one
    or more sequences, which indicate the order in which they have to be shown.</p>

    <p>Its community (http://clic.xtec.net/db/listact_en.jsp) has developed a web site with more than 1.000 activities available
    in several languages.</p>

    <p>This package contains JClic-author to create and modify activity projects, JClic standalone player to play the activities
    and JClic-reports that allows the management of a database to track students work and results.</p>
- Education
- Java
  - name: jclic_jclic.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: jclic_jclic.png
    width: 128
    height: 128