⇦ | horgand [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for horgand in universe

horgand.desktop - 1.14-8build2 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: horgand.desktop
Package: horgand
  C: Horgand
  fr: Synthétiseur logiciel d'orgue
  C: Organd Soft Synth
  en: >-
    <p>Horgand is a JACK capable organ client with presets and some effects incorporated. It generates the sound in real time
    like a FM synthesizer. Due this, you can change the frequency of all the drawars and add some special effects. It features
    auto-accompaniment, looped drums, and a bass line in a wave table way.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Horgand est un client pour orgue, compatible avec JACK, avec des présélections et quelques effets intégrés.  Il crée
    les sons en temps réel comme un synthétiseur FM. À cause de cela, il est possible de changer la fréquence de tous les
    tiroirs et d’ajouter des effets spéciaux. Il propose un auto-accompagnement, des percussions en boucle et une ligne de
    basse à l’aide d’une table d’ondes.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Horgand je klient organu spolupracujúci s JACK s niektorými zabudovanými predvoľbami a efektami. Generuje zvuk v reálnom
    čase ako syntetizátor FM. Z tohto dôvodu môžete meniť každú frekvenciu a pridávať niektoré špeciálne efekty. Môžete použiť
    automatický sprievod, bubny v slučke a basovú stopu prostredníctvom wavetable syntézy.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Horgand is a JACK capable organ client with presets and some effects incorporated. It generates the sound in real time
    like a FM synthesizer. Due this, you can change the frecuency of all the drawars and add some special effects. It features
    auto-accompaniment, looped drums, and a bass line in a wave table way.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Horgand ist ein JACK-tauglicher Orgel-Cclient mit Voreinstellungen und einigen Effekten. Wie ein richtiger FM-Synthesizer
    erzeugt er die Töne in Echtzeit. Deswegen können Sie die Frequenzen aller Register ändern und einige Spezialeffekte hinzufügen.
    Er bietet automatische Begleitung, Schlagzeug in einer Endlosschleife und liest eine Bass-Spur aus einer Wavetable aus.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>Horgand は JACK を利用可能な音声合成クライアントであり、プリセットと いくつかのエフェクトを組み合わせています。FM シンセサイザのように リアルタイムで音声を生成できます。そのため、全ての drawar の周波数を
    変更でき、いくつかの特別な効果を追加できます。自動伴奏、ドラムのループ、 そしてウェーブテーブル上でのバスラインが特徴です。</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Horgand é um cliente de órgão adaptado ao JACK com predefinições e alguns efeitos incorporados. Ele gera o som em tempo
    real como um sintetizador FM. Devido a isso, você pode alterar a frequência de todos os drawars e adicionar alguns efeitos
    especiais. Possui recursos como acompanhamento automático, bateria em loop e uma linha de baixo em forma de onda.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Horgand è un client per organo compatibile con JACK con incorporati preset ed alcuni effetti. Genera il suono in tempo
    reale come un sintetizzatore FM; per questo motivo si può cambiare la frequenza di tutti i drawbar ed aggiungere alcuni
    effetti speciali. Ha funzionalità per accompagnamento automatico, ripetizione ciclica delle percussioni e una linea di
    basso grazie all&apos;uso di sintesi wavetable.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Horgand is a JACK capable organ client with presets and some effects incorporated. It generates the sound in real time
    like a FM synthesizer. Due this, you can change the frequency of all the drawars and add some special effects. It features
    auto-accompaniment, looped drums, and a bass line in a wave table way.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Horgand is a JACK capable organ client with presets and some effects incorporated. It generates the sound in real time
    like a FM synthesizer. Due this, you can change the frecuency of all the drawars and add some special effects. It features
    auto-accompaniment, looped drums, and a bass line in a wave table way.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Horgand er en JACK-egnet organklient med forhåndsindstillinger og nogle effekter indarbejdet. Den skaber lyden i realtid
    som en FM-synthesizer. Med baggrund i dette kan du ændre frekvensen på alle skuffer og tilføje nogle specielle effekter.
    Programmet har autoakkompagnement, trommer med løkker og en baslinje på en wave-tabelagtig måde.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Horgand is a JACK capable organ client with presets and some effects incorporated. It generates the sound in real time
    like a FM synthesizer. Due this, you can change the frecuency of all the drawars and add some special effects. It features
    auto-accompaniment, looped drums, and a bass line in a wave table way.</p>
- AudioVideo
- Audio
  - name: horgand_horgand128.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: horgand128
  - horgand.desktop