⇦ | gnomint [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for gnomint in universe

gnomint.desktop - 1.3.0-4build2 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: gnomint.desktop
Package: gnomint
  ca: Gestor de CAs X.509 gnoMint.
  es: gnoMint. Gestor de ACs X.509
  fr: Gestionnaire d'Autorité de Certification X.509 gnoMint
  de: gnoMint X.509 Zertifizierungsstellen-Verwaltung
  sv: Certifikatutfärdaren gnoMint
  oc: Gestionari d'Autoritat de Certificacion X.509 gnoMint
  ru: gnoMint менеджер X.509 CA
  C: gnoMint X.509 CA Manager
  ca: Gestiona CAs i certificats X.509, fàcilment i de forma gràfica
  es: Gestiona autoridades de certificación y certificados X.509
  fr: Gérer des certificats et des CA X.509, facilement et graphiquement
  de: X.509-Zertifikate und Zertifizierungsstellen verwalten, einfach und grafisch
  sv: Hantera X.509-certifikat och certifikatutfärdare, enkelt och grafiskt
  oc: Gerir aisidament e graficament de certificats X.509 e d'AC
  ru: Управлять сертификатами X.509 и CA легко и визуально
  C: Manage X.509 certificates and CAs, easily and graphically
  it: >-
    <p>gnoMint è uno strumento per creare e gestire facilmente autorità di certificazione (CA). Fornisce una bella visualizzazione
    di tutte le informazioni relative ad una CA, come certificati X.509, CSR e CRL.</p>

    <p>gnoMint è attualmente in grado di gestire una CA che emette certificati capaci di autenticare persone o macchine in
    VPN (IPSec o altri protocolli), comunicazioni HTTP sicure con SSL/TLS, autenticare e cifrare comunicazioni HTTP attraverso
    certificati client web e firmare o cifrare messaggi di posta elettronica.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>GnoMint est un outil pour créer et gérer des autorités de certification (CA) facilement. Il fournit un affichage sophistiqué
    de toutes les composantes de l’information qui se rapportent à un certificat, telles que les certificats X.509c, les demandes
    de signature de certificats (CSR) et les listes de révocation de certificats (CRL).</p>

    <p>GnoMint peut actuellement gérer une CA émettant des certificats pouvant authentifier des personnes ou des machines
    dans des réseaux privés virtuels (VPN) (protocole IPSec ou autres), les communications HTTP sécurisées SSL/TLS, les communications
    HTTP authentifiées et chiffrées à l’aide de certificats de clients web et signer ou chiffrer des messages de courriels.</p>
  ko: >-
    <p>gnoMint는 인증 기관을 쉽게 생성하고 관리할 수 있는 도구입니다. X.509 인증서, CSR, CRL 같은, CA와 관련된 모든 정보를 멋진 시각화로 제공합니다.</p>

    <p>gnoMint는 현재 VPN (IPSec 또는 기타 프로토콜)에서 사람이나 시스템을 인증할 수 있는 인증서를 발행하고, SSL/TLS로 HTTP 통신을 보호하며, 웹 클라이언트 인증서를 통해 HTTP 통신을
    인증 및 암호화하고, 이메일 메시지를 서명 또는 암호화할 수 있는 CA를 관리할 수 있습니다.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>gnoMint is a tool for easily creating and managing certification authorities. It provides fancy visualization of all
    the pieces of information that pertain to a CA, such as X.509 certificates, CSRs, and CRLs.</p>

    <p>gnoMint is currently capable of managing a CA that emits certificates that are able to authenticate people or machines
    in VPNs (IPSec or other protocols), secure HTTP communications with SSL/TLS, authenticate and cipher HTTP communications
    through Web-client certificates, and sign or crypt email messages.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>gnoMint is a tool for easily creating and managing certification authorities. It provides fancy visualization of all
    the pieces of information that pertain to a CA, such as X.509 certificates, CSRs, and CRLs.</p>

    <p>gnoMint is currently capable of managing a CA that emits certificates that are able to authenticate people or machines
    in VPNs (IPSec or other protocols), secure HTTP communications with SSL/TLS, authenticate and cipher HTTP communications
    through Web-client certificates, and sign or crypt email messages.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>gnoMint er et værktøj for nem oprettelse og håndtering af certifikationsautoriteter. Værktøjet tilbyder flot visualisering
    af alle informationsstykkerne som udgøres af en CA, såsom X.509-certifikater, CSR&apos;er og CRL&apos;er.</p>

    <p>gnoMint er i øjeblikket i stand til at håndtere personer eller maskiner i VPN&apos;er (IPSec eller andre protokoller),
    sikker HTTP-kommunikation med SSL/TLS, godkende og chiffer HTTP-kommunikation via netklientcertifikater og underskrive
    eller kryptere e-post-beskeder.</p>
- System
- Security
  - certificate
  - x.509
  - encryption
  - name: gnomint_gnomint.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: gnomint
  - gnomint.desktop
  - application/x-gnomint