⇦ | gitso [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for gitso in universe

gitso.desktop - 0.6.2+svn158+dfsg-4 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: gitso.desktop
Package: gitso
  C: Gitso
  en_US: Gitso
  en_GB: Gitso
  C: Connect to others using VNC protocol
  fr: >-
    <p>Gitso est un programme graphique multiplateforme (Linux, OS X et Windows) pour facilement connecter une personne à
    l&apos;écran, au clavier et à la souris d&apos;une autre personne. Cela permet d&apos;obtenir facilement de l&apos;aide
    ou de fournir plus aisément une assistance technique.</p>

    <p>C&apos;est un processus simple en deux étapes. D&apos;abord, la personne fournissant une assistance technique configure,
    si nécessaire, la redirection de port et le pare-feu à cet effet, puis démarre Gitso pour qu&apos;il écoute les connexions
    entrantes sur le port 5500. Ensuite, la personne souhaitant une assistance utilise Gitso pour se connecter à l&apos;adresse
    de la personne aidante (IP ou nom de domaine), rendant son écran visible à distance et permettant à la personne aidante
    de prendre le contrôle par le biais du clavier et de la souris.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Gitso is a cross-platform (Linux, OS X and Windows) graphical program to easily connect one person to another person&apos;s
    screen, keyboard and mouse. This makes it straight-forward to get help or give technical support.</p>

    <p>In a simple two-step process, the person giving support first sets up port forwarding and firewalling on his end, if
    necessary, and starts Gitso to listen for incoming connections on port 5500. Then, the person looking for help uses Gitso
    to connect to the supporter&apos;s address (IP or domain name), making their screen remotely visible and allowing the
    supporter to use their keyboard and mouse.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Gitso er en grafisk platform til flere platforme (Linux, OS X og Windows) som nemt forbinder en person til en anden
    persons skærm, tastatur og mus. Dette gør det nemt at give hjælp eller teknisk assistance.</p>

    <p>I en simpel totrins proces, opsætter personen, der giver assistance, portvideresendelse og brandmur på sin side, og
    om nødvendigt starter Gitso for at lytte på indgående forbindelser på port 5500. Personen på udkig efter hjælp bruger
    Gitso til at forbinde til supporterens adresse (IP eller domænenavn), så dennes skærm gøres synlig for supporteren og
    denne kan bruge deres tastatur og mus.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Gitso is a cross-platform (Linux, OS X and Windows) graphical program to easily connect one person to another person&apos;s
    screen, keyboard and mouse. This makes it straight-forward to get help or give technical support.</p>

    <p>In a simple two-step process, the person giving support first sets up port forwarding and firewalling on his end, if
    necessary, and starts Gitso to listen for incoming connections on port 5500. Then, the person looking for help uses Gitso
    to connect to the supporter&apos;s address (IP or domain name), making their screen remotely visible and allowing the
    supporter to use their keyboard and mouse.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Gitso is a cross-platform (Linux, OS X and Windows) graphical program to easily connect one person to another person&apos;s
    screen, keyboard and mouse. This makes it straight-forward to get help or give technical support.</p>

    <p>In a simple two-step process, the person giving support first sets up port forwarding and firewalling on his end, if
    necessary, and starts Gitso to listen for incoming connections on port 5500. Then, the person looking for help uses Gitso
    to connect to the supporter&apos;s address (IP or domain name), making their screen remotely visible and allowing the
    supporter to use their keyboard and mouse.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Gitso is a cross-platform (Linux, OS X and Windows) graphical program to easily connect one person to another person&apos;s
    screen, keyboard and mouse. This makes it straight-forward to get help or give technical support.</p>

    <p>In a simple two-step process, the person giving support first sets up port forwarding and firewalling on his end, if
    necessary, and starts Gitso to listen for incoming connections on port 5500. Then, the person looking for help uses Gitso
    to connect to the supporter&apos;s address (IP or domain name), making their screen remotely visible and allowing the
    supporter to use their keyboard and mouse.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Gitso is a cross-platform (Linux, OS X and Windows) graphical program to easily connect one person to another person&apos;s
    screen, keyboard and mouse. This makes it straight-forward to get help or give technical support.</p>

    <p>In a simple two-step process, the person giving support first sets up port forwarding and firewalling on his end, if
    necessary, and starts Gitso to listen for incoming connections on port 5500. Then, the person looking for help uses Gitso
    to connect to the supporter&apos;s address (IP or domain name), making their screen remotely visible and allowing the
    supporter to use their keyboard and mouse.</p>
- Network
- RemoteAccess
  - remote assistance
  - reverse VNC
  - VNC
  - support
  - help
  - screen
  - network
  - name: gitso_gitso.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - gitso.desktop