⇦ | ganyremote [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for ganyremote in universe

ganyremote.desktop - 8.1.1-1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: ganyremote.desktop
Package: ganyremote
  C: ganyremote
  es: Control Remoto Bluetooth
  fr: Télécommande bluetooth
  bg: Bluetooth дистационно управление
  pl: Zdalne Sterowanie Przez Bluetooth
  nl: Bluetooth afstandsbesturing
  pt: Controle Remoto Bluetooth
  it: Bluetooth control remoto
  sk: Bluetooth Diaľkové ovládanie
  C: Bluetooth remote control
  ru: Пульт управления по Bluetooth
  uk: >-
    <p>gAnyRemote це графічний інтерфейс для anyRemote (http://anyremote.sourceforge.net/). Загальна мета цього проекту —
    надати службу віддаленого керування Linux через з’єднання Bluetooth, InfraRed, Wi-Fi чи TCP/IP.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Paket gAnyRemote je začelje grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika za anyRemote (http://anyremote.sourceforge.net). Cilj
    tega projekta je zagotavljati storitev daljinskega upravljalnika na Linuxu s povezavami Bluetooth, InfraRed, Wi-Fi ali
  fr: >-
    <p>Le paquet gAnyRemote est un frontal graphique en GTK+ pour anyRemote (http://anyremote.sourceforge.net/). La finalité
    de ce projet est de fournir un service de contrôle distant pour Linux à l’aide de connexions Bluetooth, infrarouges, Wi-Fi
    ou TCP/IP.</p>
  zh_CN: >-
    <p>gAnyRemote 软件包是 anyRemote(http://anyremote.sourceforge.net/) 的 GTK+ 图 形前端。它的用途是通过蓝牙、红外、Wi-Fi 网络或 TCP/IP 连接来远程控制 Linux
  de: >-
    <p>gAnyRemote package is GTK+ GUI frontend for anyRemote (http://anyremote.sourceforge.net/). The overall goal of this
    project is to provide remote control service on Linux through Bluetooth, InfraRed, Wi-Fi or TCP/IP connection.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>gAnyRemote package is GTK+ GUI frontend for anyRemote (http://anyremote.sourceforge.net/). The overall goal of this
    project is to provide remote control service on Linux through Bluetooth, InfraRed, Wi-Fi or TCP/IP connection.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Il pacchetto gAnyRemote è un&apos;interfaccia GUI GTK+ per anyRemote (http://anyremote.sourceforge.net/). L&apos;obiettivo
    globale di questo progetto è di fornire servizi di telecomando su Linux tramite connessioni Bluetooth, InfraRed, Wi-Fi
    o TCP/IP.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>gAnyRemote package is GTK+ GUI frontend for anyRemote (http://anyremote.sourceforge.net/). The overall goal of this
    project is to provide remote control service on Linux through Bluetooth, InfraRed, Wi-Fi or TCP/IP connection.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>gAnyRemote package is GTK+ GUI frontend for anyRemote (http://anyremote.sourceforge.net/). The overall goal of this
    project is to provide remote control service on Linux through Bluetooth, InfraRed, Wi-Fi or TCP/IP connection.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>gAnyRemote это графический интерфейс для anyRemote (http://anyremote.sourceforge.net/). Общая цель этого проекта –
    предоставить службу удалённого управления Linux через соединения Bluetooth, InfraRed, Wi-Fi или TCP/IP.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>gAnyRemote-pakken er en GTK+ grafisk brugerflade for anyRemote (http://anyremote.sourceforge.net/). Det overliggende
    formål med dette projekt er at tilbyde fjernkontroltjeneste på Linux via Bluetooth-, Infrarød-, Wi-Fi- eller TCP/IP-forbindelse.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>gAnyRemote package is GTK+ GUI frontend for anyRemote (http://anyremote.sourceforge.net/). The overall goal of this
    project is to provide remote control service on Linux through Bluetooth, InfraRed, Wi-Fi or TCP/IP connection.</p>
  pl: >-
    <p>Pakiet gAnyRemote to napisany w GTK+ graficzny interfejs do anyRemote (http://anyremote.sourceforge.net/). Ogólnym
    celem tego projektu jest dostarczenie usług zdalnego sterowania na Linuksie poprzez Bluetooth, podczerwień, Wi-Fi lub
    połączenia TCP/IP.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>gAnyRemote package is GTK+ GUI frontend for anyRemote (http://anyremote.sourceforge.net/). The overall goal of this
    project is to provide remote control service on Linux through Bluetooth, InfraRed, Wi-Fi or TCP/IP connection.</p>
- Utility
  - anyRemote
  - Bluetooth
  - GTK
  - name: ganyremote_ganyremote.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: ganyremote
  - ganyremote.desktop