⇦ | freedv [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for freedv in universe

freedv.desktop - 1.8.11-1build4 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: freedv.desktop
Package: freedv
  C: FreeDV
  C: Digital Voice mode for HF Radio
  fr: >-
    <p>FreeDV est un mode vocal numérique destiné à la transmission et la réception radio de haute fréquence (HF). Il utilise
    un modem de multiplexage par répartition de fréquence (FDM) avec 15 porteuses et aucune correction d&apos;erreur directe
    (FEC). Un encodeur/décodeur vocal bas débit (Codec 2) fournit une qualité vocale sans fatigue auditive causée par le bruit
    et les interférences habituellement associés avec les voix analogiques à bande latérale unique (SSB). Un transmetteur
    HF SSB, un ordinateur et deux cartes son sont nécessaires. Les simulations de propagation et les tests HF à l&apos;antenne
    ont montré que le décodage de la voix est possible pour un rapport de signal sur bruit de 4 dB.</p>

    <p>Le logiciel FreeDV a été développé par David Rowe (Codec 2, implémentation du modem FDM, intégration) et David Witten
    (interface graphique, conception de l&apos;architecture). La conception de FreeDV et l&apos;interface utilisateur sont
    basées sur la version antérieure du programme FDMDV développé par Francesco Lanza. La conception et le développement du
    modem FDM ont été pris en charge par Peter Martinez.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>FreeDV is a digital voice mode intended for transmission and reception over high-frequency (HF) radio. It uses a frequency
    division multiplex (FDM) modem with 15 carriers and no forward error correction (FEC). A low bit-rate voice coder-decoder
    (Codec 2) provides voice quality without the listener fatigue caused by noise and interference normally associated with
    analog single sideband (SSB) voice. A HF SSB transceiver, personal computer and two sound cards are required. Path simulation
    and on-the-air HF testing have shown that decoding voice is possible at a signal-to-noise ratio of 4 dB.</p>

    <p>The FreeDV software was developed by David Rowe (Codec 2, FDM modem implementation, integration) and David Witten (GUI,
    architecture design). The FreeDV design and user interface was based on the earlier FDMDV program which was developed
    by Francesco Lanza. The FDM modem design and development was supported from Peter Martinez.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>FreeDV is a digital voice mode intended for transmission and reception over high-frequency (HF) radio. It uses a frequency
    division multiplex (FDM) modem with 15 carriers and no forward error correction (FEC). A low bit-rate voice coder-decoder
    (Codec 2) provides voice quality without the listener fatigue caused by noise and interference normally associated with
    analog single sideband (SSB) voice. A HF SSB transceiver, personal computer and two sound cards are required. Path simulation
    and on-the-air HF testing have shown that decoding voice is possible at a signal-to-noise ratio of 4 dB.</p>

    <p>The FreeDV software was developed by David Rowe (Codec 2, FDM modem implementation, integration) and David Witten (GUI,
    architecture design). The FreeDV design and user interface was based on the earlier FDMDV program which was developed
    by Francesco Lanza. The FDM modem design and development was supported from Peter Martinez.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>FreeDV è una modalità per voce digitale pensata per la trasmissione e la ricezione via radio ad alta frequenza (HF).
    Usa un modem FDM (multiplazione a divisione di frequenza) con 15 portanti e nessuna correzione degli errori FEC (Forward
    Error Correction). Un codificatore- decodificatore (Codec 2) vocale a basso bit-rate fornisce una qualità vocale che non
    affatica l&apos;ascoltatore con rumori o interferenze normalmente associati con la voce analogica SSB (Single SideBand).
    Sono necessari un ricevitore-trasmettitore SSB HF, un personal computer e due schede audio. La simulazione del percorso
    e test HF in onda hanno mostrato che la decodifica della voce è possibile con un rapporto segnale/rumore di 4dB.</p>

    <p>Il software FreeDV è stato sviluppato da David Rowe (Codec 2, implementazione del modem FDM, integrazione) e David
    Witten (GUI, progettazione dell&apos;architettura). La progettazione e l&apos;interfaccia utente di FreeDV sono basati
    sul precedente programma FDMDV che è stato sviluppato da Francesco Lanza. La progettazione e lo sviluppo del modem FDM
    sono stati supportati da Peter Martinez.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>FreeDV is a digital voice mode intended for transmission and reception over high-frequency (HF) radio. It uses a frequency
    division multiplex (FDM) modem with 15 carriers and no forward error correction (FEC). A low bit-rate voice coder-decoder
    (Codec 2) provides voice quality without the listener fatigue caused by noise and interference normally associated with
    analog single sideband (SSB) voice. A HF SSB transceiver, personal computer and two sound cards are required. Path simulation
    and on-the-air HF testing have shown that decoding voice is possible at a signal-to-noise ratio of 4 dB.</p>

    <p>The FreeDV software was developed by David Rowe (Codec 2, FDM modem implementation, integration) and David Witten (GUI,
    architecture design). The FreeDV design and user interface was based on the earlier FDMDV program which was developed
    by Francesco Lanza. The FDM modem design and development was supported from Peter Martinez.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>FreeDV er en digital lydtilstand for transmission og modtagelse af højfrekvent (HF) radio. Programmet bruger et frequency
    division multiplex- modem (FDM) med 15 carriere og ingen forward error correction (FEC). En stemme koder-afkoder med lav
    bithastighed (Codec 2) tilbyder en lydkvalitet uden lydtabet medført af støj og interferens som normalt følger med analog
    single sideband-lyd (SSB). En HF SSB-transceiver, personlig computer og to lydkort er krævet. Stisimulering og on-the-air
    HF-test har vist at afkodning af lyd er muligt på et signal-til-støj forhold på 4 dB.</p>

    <p>FreeDV-programmet blev udviklet af David Rowe (Codec 2, FDM- modemimplementering, integration) og David Witten (grafisk
    brugerflade, arkitekturdesign). FreeDV-designet og brugergrænsefladen blev baseret på det tidligere FDMDV-program, som
    blev udviklet af Francesco Lanza. FDM- modemdesignet og udviklingen blev understøttet af Peter Martinez.</p>
- AudioVideo
- Audio
- HamRadio
  - Radio
  - HAM
  - HF
  - RF
  - codec2
  - voice
  - modem
  - name: freedv_freedv.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: freedv_freedv.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: freedv_freedv.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: f/fr/freedv.desktop/136ab3d8a69b08cb8ee5946a4d6dd9ed/icons/128x128/freedv_freedv.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: freedv
  - freedv.desktop