⇦ | flight-of-the-amazon-queen [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:18 [UTC]

Metadata for flight-of-the-amazon-queen in universe

flight-of-the-amazon-queen.desktop - 1.0.0-9 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: flight-of-the-amazon-queen.desktop
Package: flight-of-the-amazon-queen
  C: Flight of the Amazon Queen
  C: Embark on a quest to rescue a kidnapped princess and in the process, discover the true sinister intentions of a suspiciously
    located Lederhosen company
  de: Begib dich auf ein Abenteuer, um eine entführte Prinzessin zu retten und entdecke die wahren, finsteren Absichten eines
    verdächtig erscheinenden Lederhosen-Unternehmens
  de: >-
    <p>Flight of the Amazon Queen is a 2D point-and-click adventure game set in the 1940s, originally published for DOS and
    the Amiga.</p>

    <p>You assume the role of Joe King, a pilot for hire who is given the job of flying Faye Russell (a famous movie star)
    into the Amazon jungle for a photo shoot. Of course, things never go according to plans. After an unfortunate turn of
    events they find themselves stranded in the heart of the Amazon jungle, where Joe will embark on a quest to rescue a kidnapped
    princess and in the process, discover the true sinister intentions of a suspiciously located Lederhosen company. In a
    rich 2D environment, Joe will cross paths with a variety of unlikely jungle inhabitants including, but not limited to,
    a tribe of Amazon women and 6-foot-tall pygmies.</p>

    <p>Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieses Paket nur die Spieldaten enthält. Die Spielumgebung wird von ScummVM bereitgestellt.</p>
  pl: >-
    <p>Flight of the Amazon Queen to dwuwymiarowa gra przygodowa typu point-and- click umiejscowiona w latach 40-tych XX wieku,
    pierwotnie opublikowana na systemy DOS i Amiga.</p>

    <p>Gracz wciela się w rolę Joe Kinga, pilota do wynajęcia, który dostaje zadanie zabrania Faye Russell (znanej gwiazdy
    filmowej) do amazońskiej dżungli na sesję zdjęciową. Oczywiście nic nie idzie zgodnie z planem. Po niefortunnym zbiegu
    okoliczności, osamotnieni trafiają do serca amazońskiej dżungli, gdzie Joe wplącze się w zadanie ratowania porwanej księżniczki.
    W trakcie jego wykonywania odkryje prawdziwe, złowrogie zamiary spółki Lederhosen. W bogatym środowisku 2D, Joe skrzyżuje
    ścieżki z wieloma nieprawdopodobnymi mieszkańcami dżungli, ale nie ograniczonymi jedynie do plemienia Amazonek i rosłych
    na sześć stóp pigmejów.</p>

    <p>Proszę zauważyć, że ten pakiet zawiera tylko dane gry. Silnik gry dostarczany jest przez ScummVM.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Flight of the Amazon Queen is a 2D point-and-click adventure game set in the 1940s, originally published for DOS and
    the Amiga.</p>

    <p>You assume the role of Joe King, a pilot for hire who is given the job of flying Faye Russell (a famous movie star)
    into the Amazon jungle for a photo shoot. Of course, things never go according to plans. After an unfortunate turn of
    events they find themselves stranded in the heart of the Amazon jungle, where Joe will embark on a quest to rescue a kidnapped
    princess and in the process, discover the true sinister intentions of a suspiciously located Lederhosen company. In a
    rich 2D environment, Joe will cross paths with a variety of unlikely jungle inhabitants including, but not limited to,
    a tribe of Amazon women and 6-foot-tall pygmies.</p>

    <p>Nota : Este pacote contêm somente os dados do jogo. O motor do jogo é fornecido pela ScummVM.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Flight of the Amazon Queen is a 2D point-and-click adventure game set in the 1940s, originally published for DOS and
    the Amiga.</p>

    <p>You assume the role of Joe King, a pilot for hire who is given the job of flying Faye Russell (a famous movie star)
    into the Amazon jungle for a photo shoot. Of course, things never go according to plans. After an unfortunate turn of
    events they find themselves stranded in the heart of the Amazon jungle, where Joe will embark on a quest to rescue a kidnapped
    princess and in the process, discover the true sinister intentions of a suspiciously located Lederhosen company. In a
    rich 2D environment, Joe will cross paths with a variety of unlikely jungle inhabitants including, but not limited to,
    a tribe of Amazon women and 6-foot-tall pygmies.</p>

    <p>Všimnite si, že tento balík obsahuje len herné dáta. Jadro hry poskytuje ScummVM.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>Flight of the Amazon Queen is a 2D point-and-click adventure game set in the 1940s, originally published for DOS and
    the Amiga.</p>

    <p>You assume the role of Joe King, a pilot for hire who is given the job of flying Faye Russell (a famous movie star)
    into the Amazon jungle for a photo shoot. Of course, things never go according to plans. After an unfortunate turn of
    events they find themselves stranded in the heart of the Amazon jungle, where Joe will embark on a quest to rescue a kidnapped
    princess and in the process, discover the true sinister intentions of a suspiciously located Lederhosen company. In a
    rich 2D environment, Joe will cross paths with a variety of unlikely jungle inhabitants including, but not limited to,
    a tribe of Amazon women and 6-foot-tall pygmies.</p>

    <p>このパッケージにはゲームデータのみが含まれています。ゲームエンジンは ScummVM によって提供されます。</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Flight of the Amazon Queen is a 2D point-and-click adventure game set in the 1940s, originally published for DOS and
    the Amiga.</p>

    <p>You assume the role of Joe King, a pilot for hire who is given the job of flying Faye Russell (a famous movie star)
    into the Amazon jungle for a photo shoot. Of course, things never go according to plans. After an unfortunate turn of
    events they find themselves stranded in the heart of the Amazon jungle, where Joe will embark on a quest to rescue a kidnapped
    princess and in the process, discover the true sinister intentions of a suspiciously located Lederhosen company. In a
    rich 2D environment, Joe will cross paths with a variety of unlikely jungle inhabitants including, but not limited to,
    a tribe of Amazon women and 6-foot-tall pygmies.</p>

    <p>Note that this package only contains game-data. The game engine is provided by ScummVM.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Flight of the Amazon Queen is a 2D point-and-click adventure game set in the 1940s, originally published for DOS and
    the Amiga.</p>

    <p>You assume the role of Joe King, a pilot for hire who is given the job of flying Faye Russell (a famous movie star)
    into the Amazon jungle for a photo shoot. Of course, things never go according to plans. After an unfortunate turn of
    events they find themselves stranded in the heart of the Amazon jungle, where Joe will embark on a quest to rescue a kidnapped
    princess and in the process, discover the true sinister intentions of a suspiciously located Lederhosen company. In a
    rich 2D environment, Joe will cross paths with a variety of unlikely jungle inhabitants including, but not limited to,
    a tribe of Amazon women and 6-foot-tall pygmies.</p>

    <p>Note that this package only contains game-data. The game engine is provided by ScummVM.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Flight of the Amazon Queen («Полёт Королевы амазонок») — двумерная приключенческая игра в стиле «укажи и щёлкни», созданная
    в 1995 году изначально для DOS и Amiga.</p>

    <p>Вы играете роль Джо Кинга, пилота, нанятого, чтобы отвезти кинозвезду Фэй Расселл в амазонские джунгли на фотосессию.
    Разумеется, ничто никогда не происходит так, как запланировано. В результате неудачного стечения обстоятельств самолёт
    терпит крушение в самом сердце амазонских джунглей, где Джо берёт на себя миссию по спасению похищенной принцессы и попутно
    раскрывает зловещие планы подозрительной компании, выпускающей ледерхозен (баварские кожаные штаны). Пути Джо пересекаются
    со множеством невероятных обитателей джунглей, в том числе с племенем амазонок и 6-футовыми пигмеями.</p>

    <p>Пакет содержит только данные для игры. Движок игры содержится в пакете scummvm.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Flight of the Amazon Queen est un jeu d&apos;aventure en 2D de type pointer-et- cliquer se déroulant dans les années
    40, publié à l&apos;origine pour DOS et Amiga.</p>

    <p>Vous endossez le rôle de Joe King, un pilote à gages qui est missionné pour transporter Faye Russell (une célèbre star
    de cinéma) dans la jungle amazonienne pour une séance photo. Bien entendu, les choses ne se passent pas comme prévu. A
    la suite d&apos;un malheureux concours de circonstances, ils se retrouvent bloqués au cœur de la jungle amazonienne, où
    Joe se lance dans une quête pour sauver une princesse kidnappée et du même coup, découvrir les véritables intentions sinistres
    d&apos;une compagnie Bavaroise étrangement située. Dans un environnement en 2D riche, Joe va croiser le chemin de nombreux
    habitants improbables de la jungle, y compris, entre autres, une tribu de femmes Amazones et des pygmées de 6-pieds-de

    <p>Notez que ce paquet ne contient que des données de jeu. Le moteur du jeu est fourni par ScummVM.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>&quot;Flight of the Amazon Queen&quot; è un gioco di avventura 2D punta e clicca ambientato negli anni &apos;40, pubblicato
    originariamente per DOS e Amiga.</p>

    <p>Si assume il ruolo di Joe King, un pilota da noleggio che ha avuto l&apos;incarico di far volare Faye Russell (una
    famosa star del cinema) attraverso la giungla amazzonica per un servizio fotografico. Ovviamente le cose non vanno mai
    secondo i piani, e dopo una sfortunata serie di eventi i due si ritrovano bloccati nel cuore della giungla amazzonica
    dove Joe si imbarca nel salvataggio di una principessa rapita e nella ricerca scopre le vere malvagie intenzioni della
    ditta Lederhosen che, sospettosamente, ha la sua sede nella giungla. In un ricco ambiente 2D, Joe incontrerà una varietà
    di improbabili abitanti della giungla compresi, ma non limitati a, una tribù di donne amazzoni e pigmei &quot;alti-6-pollici&quot;.</p>

    <p>Notare che questo pacchetto contiene solo i dati di gioco. Il motore di gioco è fornito da ScummVM.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Flight of the Amazon Queen is a 2D point-and-click adventure game set in the 1940s, originally published for DOS and
    the Amiga.</p>

    <p>You assume the role of Joe King, a pilot for hire who is given the job of flying Faye Russell (a famous movie star)
    into the Amazon jungle for a photo shoot. Of course, things never go according to plans. After an unfortunate turn of
    events they find themselves stranded in the heart of the Amazon jungle, where Joe will embark on a quest to rescue a kidnapped
    princess and in the process, discover the true sinister intentions of a suspiciously located Lederhosen company. In a
    rich 2D environment, Joe will cross paths with a variety of unlikely jungle inhabitants including, but not limited to,
    a tribe of Amazon women and 6-foot-tall pygmies.</p>

    <p>Bemærk at denne pakke kun indeholder spildata. Spilmotoren leveres af ScummVM.</p>
- AdventureGame
- Game
- RolePlaying
  - adventure
  - game
  - roleplaying
  - fantasy
  - name: flight-of-the-amazon-queen_flight-of-the-amazon-queen.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: flight-of-the-amazon-queen
  - flight-of-the-amazon-queen.desktop