⇦ | crimson [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for crimson in universe

crimson.desktop - 0.5.2-1.1build2 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: crimson.desktop
Package: crimson
  C: Crimson Fields
  sr: Црвена поља
  C: Lead your troops to victory
  pl: Poprowadź swoje wojska do zwycięstwa
  sr: Поведи своје трупе у победу!
  de: Führe deine Truppen zum Sieg
  pl: >-
    <p>Crimson Fields to heksowa, taktyczna gra wojenna utrzymana w duchu Battle Isle (tm). Dwóch graczy kieruje swoimi jednostkami
    na heksagonalnej mapie, próbując osiągać cele misji takie jak obrona ważnych miejsc lub zniszczenie wszystkich wrogich
    jednostek. W grę można grać także w trybie hot seat, używając poczty elektronicznej lub przeciwko komputerowi. Dostępne
    są narzędzia do tworzenia własnych map i kampanii. Istnieje również możliwość grania na mapach z Battle Isle jeśli posiada
    się oryginalną wersję tej gry.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Crimson Fields ist ein Hexagon-basiertes Taktik- und Kriegsspiel in der Tradition von Battle Isle(tm). Zwei Spieler
    befehligen ihre Einheiten auf einer Karte voller Hexagonen, wobei sie versuchen verschiedene Missionsziele - von der Verteidigung
    wichtiger Punkte bis hin zur Zerstörung aller feindlicher Einheiten - zu erfüllen. Das Spiel kann entweder direkt (&quot;Hot
    Seat&quot;) oder über Email gespielt werden, oder gegen den Computer. Es sind Werkzeuge zum Erstellen eigener Karten und
    Kampagnen vorhanden. Sie können auch die Karten des original Battle Isle benutzen, wenn Sie eine Kopie dieses Spieles
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Crimson Fields é um jogo tático de guerra baseado em hexa na tradição do Battle Isle (tm). Dois jogadores comandam
    suas unidades em um mapa de hexágonos, tentando realizar os objetivos da missão variando entre defender locais importantes
    a simplesmente destruir todas as forças inimigas. O jogo pode ser jogado também no modo &quot;hot seat&quot;, através
    de e-mail, ou contra o computador. Estão disponíveis ferramentas para criar mapas e campanhas personalizadas. Você também
    pode jogar nos mapas do original Battle Isle se você tiver uma cópia do jogo.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>Crimson Fields はヘックス (6 角形のマス目) ベースの戦術級ウォーゲームで、 Battle Isle(TM) の伝統に則っています。2 人のプレイヤがヘックスで覆われた 地図上の自軍ユニットを指揮し、重要拠点を防御したり、単にすべての敵戦力を
    撃滅するといった任務を達成しようとします。 ゲームは &apos;電気イス&apos; モード、電子メール経由でプレイでき、コンピュータ相手 にプレイすることもできます。カスタムマップやキャンペーンを作成するための ツールが利用できます。オリジナルの
    Battle Isle のコピーを持っているなら、 そのマップでプレイすることもできます。</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Crimson Fields is a hex-based tactical war game in the tradition of Battle Isle (tm). Two players command their units
    on a map of hexagons, trying to accomplish mission objectives ranging from defending important locations to simply destroying
    all enemy forces. The game can either be played in &apos;hot seat&apos; mode, via email, or against the computer. Tools
    are available to create custom maps and campaigns. You can also play the original Battle Isle maps if you have a copy
    of the game.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Crimson Fields is a hex-based tactical war game in the tradition of Battle Isle (tm). Two players command their units
    on a map of hexagons, trying to accomplish mission objectives ranging from defending important locations to simply destroying
    all enemy forces. The game can either be played in &apos;hot seat&apos; mode, via email, or against the computer. Tools
    are available to create custom maps and campaigns. You can also play the original Battle Isle maps if you have a copy
    of the game.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Crimson Fields is a hex-based tactical war game in the tradition of Battle Isle (tm). Two players command their units
    on a map of hexagons, trying to accomplish mission objectives ranging from defending important locations to simply destroying
    all enemy forces. The game can either be played in &apos;hot seat&apos; mode, via email, or against the computer. Tools
    are available to create custom maps and campaigns. You can also play the original Battle Isle maps if you have a copy
    of the game.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Los Campos de Crimson es un juego de guerra táctica basado en hexágonos en la tradición de «Battle Isle»(tm). Dos jugadores
    dirigen sus unidades en una mapa de hexágonos, intentando cumplir objetivos de misiones que van desde defender ubicaciones
    importantes a simplemente destruir todas las fuerzas enemigas. Se puede jugar en modo «silla caliente», a través de correo
    electrónico o contra la máquina. Hay herramientas disponibles para crear mapas y campañas personalizados. También puede
    jugar con los mapas originales de «Battle Isle» si tiene una copia del juego.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Crimson Fields est un jeu de guerre tactique basé sur des hexagones, dans le même style que Battle Isle(MC). Deux joueurs
    commandent leurs unités sur un terrain découpé en hexagones et essayent d&apos;atteindre les objectifs de missions variées,
    allant de la défense d&apos;endroits stratégiques à la destruction totale de forces ennemies. Le jeu peut être joué en
    mode « hot seat », par courriel ou bien contre l&apos;ordinateur. Des outils sont disponibles pour créer des cartes et
    campagnes personnalisées. Vous pouvez également jouer avec des cartes de Battle Isle si vous possédez une copie de ce
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Crimson Fields is a hex-based tactical war game in the tradition of Battle Isle (tm). Two players command their units
    on a map of hexagons, trying to accomplish mission objectives ranging from defending important locations to simply destroying
    all enemy forces. The game can either be played in &apos;hot seat&apos; mode, via email, or against the computer. Tools
    are available to create custom maps and campaigns. You can also play the original Battle Isle maps if you have a copy
    of the game.</p>
  ko: >-
    <p>Crimson Fields는 Battle Isle (tm)의 전통을 잇는 hex 기반의 전략 전쟁 게임입니다. 두 명의 게이머는 육각형 맵상에서 자신의 유닛을 조종해서, 중요 거점 방어 임무에서 단순히 모든
    적을 없애는 임무까지 주어진 임무를 완수해야 합니다. 게임은 전자 우편을 통한 &apos;hot seat&apos; 모드에서 진행되거나, 컴퓨터를 상대로 진행할 수 있습니다. 맵과 캠페인 제작을 위한 도구도 있습니다.
    또한 사용자는 Battle Isle 게임이 있다면, Battle Isle의 원래 맵을 사용할 수도 있습니다.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Crimson Fields è un gioco di guerra tattica basato su esagoni che segue la tradizione di Battle Isle (tm). Due giocatori
    comandano le loro unità su una mappa formata da esagoni, cercando di completare missioni che spaziano dalla difesa di
    posizioni importanti alla basilare distruzione di tutte le forze nemiche. Il gioco può essere giocato in modalità &quot;hot
    seat&quot;, via posta elettronica o contro il computer. Sono disponibili strumenti per creare mappe e campagne personalizzate;
    si può anche giocare usando le mappe originali di Battle Isle se si ha una copia del gioco.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Crimson Fields er et heks-baseret taktisk krigsspil i samme tradition som Battle Isle (tm). To spillere har kommando
    over deres enheder på et kort af heksagoner, og forsøger at opnå deres missionsobjektiver der får fra forsvare af vigtige
    positioner til simpelthen at knuse alle fjendtlige styrker. Spillet kan enten spillet i tilstanden »hot seat«, via e-post
    eller mod computeren. Værktøjer er tilgængelige til at oprette tilpassede kort og kampagner. Du kan også spille de oprindelige
    Battle Isle-kort, hvis du har en kopi af spillet.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Crimson Fields is a hex-based tactical war game in the tradition of Battle Isle (tm). Two players command their units
    on a map of hexagons, trying to accomplish mission objectives ranging from defending important locations to simply destroying
    all enemy forces. The game can either be played in &apos;hot seat&apos; mode, via email, or against the computer. Tools
    are available to create custom maps and campaigns. You can also play the original Battle Isle maps if you have a copy
    of the game.</p>
- Game
- StrategyGame
  - battle
  - isle
  - hex
  - fields
  - troops
  - name: crimson_crimson.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: crimson_crimson.png
    width: 128
    height: 128