⇦ | cen64-qt [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for cen64-qt in universe

cen64-qt.desktop - 20200219-alpha-1build2 ⚙ amd64

Type: desktop-application
ID: cen64-qt.desktop
Package: cen64-qt
  C: CEN64-Qt
  ru: Настраиваемый кроссплатформенный интерфейс для CEN64
  C: A customizable cross-platform frontend for CEN64
  fr: >-
    <p>CEN64-Qt est un frontal multiplateforme pour l&apos;émulateur CEN64. Puisque CEN64 fournit uniquement une interface
    en ligne de commande simple, quiconque souhaitant utiliser cet émulateur avec un peu plus de facilité doit recourir à
    un logiciel supplémentaire comme celui-ci.</p>

    <p>Le frontal fait la liste de toutes les ROM disponibles après leur ajout dans l&apos;inventaire avec une option pour
    télécharger des informations supplémentaires depuis des bases de données de jeux externes sur le web. Les chemins de fichier
    pour les fichiers IPL requis peuvent être aisément configurés depuis le menu de réglage, de même que les chemins où les
    jeux sont stockés et récupérés.</p>

    <p>Les fonctions supplémentaires comprennent un visionneur de journaux (« log ») pour l&apos;émulateur, une vue configurable
    de la liste des ROM ainsi qu&apos;un menu d&apos;accès rapide pour sélectionner le périphérique d&apos;entrée préféré
    pour l&apos;émulateur tel qu&apos;une manette différente et un clavier.</p>

    <p>Tous les réglages sont automatiquement enregistrés et restaurés de façon à n&apos;être configurés qu&apos;une seule
  en_GB: >-
    <p>CEN64-Qt is a cross-platform graphical frontend for the CEN64 emulator. Since CEN64 itself provides a simple command
    line interface only, anyone who wants to use this particular emulator with a little more convenience has to resort to
    additional software which is where this package jumps in.</p>

    <p>The frontend lists all available ROMs after adding them to the inventory with the option to download additional information
    from external game databases on the web. File paths for the necessary IPL files can be conveniently configured from the
    settings menu as well as the paths where games save a stored and recovered from.</p>

    <p>Additional features include a log viewer for the emulator, a configurable view for the ROM listing as well as a quick
    access menu to select the preferred input device for the emulator such as different gamepads and a keyboard.</p>

    <p>Naturally, all settings are automatically saved and restored such that they only need to be configured once.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>CEN64-Qt is a cross-platform graphical frontend for the CEN64 emulator. Since CEN64 itself provides a simple command
    line interface only, anyone who wants to use this particular emulator with a little more convenience has to resort to
    additional software which is where this package jumps in.</p>

    <p>The frontend lists all available ROMs after adding them to the inventory with the option to download additional information
    from external game databases on the web. File paths for the necessary IPL files can be conveniently configured from the
    settings menu as well as the paths where games save a stored and recovered from.</p>

    <p>Additional features include a log viewer for the emulator, a configurable view for the ROM listing as well as a quick
    access menu to select the preferred input device for the emulator such as different gamepads and a keyboard.</p>

    <p>Naturally, all settings are automatically saved and restored such that they only need to be configured once.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>CEN64-Qt è un frontend grafico multipiattaforma per l&apos;emulatore CEN64. Poiché lo stesso CEN64 fornisce soltanto
    una semplice interfaccia a riga di comando, chiunque voglia utilizzare questo particolare emulatore con un po&apos; più
    di comodità deve ricorrere a software aggiuntivo; ciò è quanto viene fornito da questo pacchetto.</p>

    <p>Il frontend elenca tutte le ROM disponibili dopo averle aggiunte all&apos;inventario con opzione di scaricare dal web
    informazioni aggiuntive da database esterni di giochi. I percorsi dei file per i file IPL necessari possono essere comodamente
    configurati dal menù delle impostazioni così come i percorsi in cui il salvataggio dei giochi viene memorizzato e recuperato.</p>

    <p>Funzionalità aggiuntive includono un visualizzatore di log per l&apos;emulatore, una vista configurabile per l&apos;elenco
    delle ROM e un rapido menù d&apos;accesso per selezionare il dispositivo di input preferito per l&apos;emulatore come
    diversi gamepad e la tastiera.</p>

    <p>Ovviamente tutte le impostazioni vengono automaticamente salvate e ripristinate in modo che debbano essere configurate
    una sola volta.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>CEN64-Qt is a cross-platform graphical frontend for the CEN64 emulator. Since CEN64 itself provides a simple command
    line interface only, anyone who wants to use this particular emulator with a little more convenience has to resort to
    additional software which is where this package jumps in.</p>

    <p>The frontend lists all available ROMs after adding them to the inventory with the option to download additional information
    from external game databases on the web. File paths for the necessary IPL files can be conveniently configured from the
    settings menu as well as the paths where games save a stored and recovered from.</p>

    <p>Additional features include a log viewer for the emulator, a configurable view for the ROM listing as well as a quick
    access menu to select the preferred input device for the emulator such as different gamepads and a keyboard.</p>

    <p>Naturally, all settings are automatically saved and restored such that they only need to be configured once.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>CEN64-Qt er en grafisk brugerflade, til flere platforme, for CEN64-emulatoren. Da CEN64 i sig selv kun er en simpel
    kommandolinjegrænseflade, skal alle som ønsker at bruge denne specifikke emulator bruge yderligere programmer og det er
    her denne pakke kommer ind i billedet.</p>

    <p>Brugerfladen viser alle tilgængelige ROM&apos;er efter tilføjelse af dem til lageret med mulighed for at hente yderligere
    information fra eksterne spildatabaser på nettet. Filstier for de nødvendige IPL-filer kan nemt konfigureres fra indstillinger
    i menuen samt stierne hvor spil gemmes og gendannes fra.</p>

    <p>Yderligere funktioner inkluderer en logfremviser for emulatoren, en konfigureret visning for ROM-visningen samt en
    hurtig adgangsmenu til at vælge den foretrukne inddataenhed for emulatoren såsom forskellige gamepads og et tastatur.</p>

    <p>Naturligvis gemmes alle indstillinger automatisk og gendannes så de kun skal konfigureres en gang.</p>
- Game
- Emulator
  - emulator
  - cen64
  - Nintendo
  - '64'
  - name: cen64-qt_cen64-qt.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: cen64-qt_cen64-qt.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: cen64-qt_cen64-qt.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: c/ce/cen64-qt.desktop/51a697781a80203716fc304b769b9450/icons/128x128/cen64-qt_cen64-qt.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: cen64-qt
  - cen64-qt.desktop