⇦ | brainparty [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:19 [UTC]

Metadata for brainparty in universe

brainparty.desktop - 0.61+dfsg-7 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: brainparty.desktop
Package: brainparty
  C: Brain Party
  C: 36 puzzle games for all the family
  de: 36 Denkspiele für die ganze Familie
  fr: >-
    <p>Brain Party est un jeu de puzzle amusant et libre pour toute la famille et composé de 36 minijeux conçus pour pousser
    le cerveau du joueur dans ses retranchements en testant la mémoire, la logique, les mathématiques, le temps de réaction
    et plus ! Brain Party est divisé en deux modes : le mode de test enchaîne cinq minijeux et totalise le poids du cerveau
    pour déterminer à quel point le joueur est intelligent, et le mode entraînement permet de jouer à ses jeux préférés comme
    on l&apos;entend. Avoir de bons résultats déverrouille six jeux supplémentaires ainsi qu&apos;un nouveau mode de jeu conçu
    pour prolonger le plaisir de jouer.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Brain Party je zábavná logická hra pre celú rodinu, ktorá sa môže skladať až z 36 minihier, ktoré odskúšajú hranice
    vášho mozgu v oblastiach pamäti, logiky, matematiky, reakčnej doby a ďalších. Brain party je rozdelená do dvoch režimov:
    testovací režim vám dá päť minihier za sebou a sčíta vaše skóre, aby ste videli aký ste inteligentný a režim cvičenia,
    kde môžete svoje obľúbené minihry hrať ľubovoľne. Ak ich zahráte dostatočne dobre, môžete odomknúť až ďalších šesť minihier
    a nový herný režim, v ktorom budete hrať a užívať si svoje obľúbené hry ešte dlhšie.</p>
  pl: >-
    <p>Brain Party to zabawna, darmowa gra logiczna dla całej rodziny, składająca się z 36 minigier zaprojektowanych tak,
    aby zmusić nasz mózg do pracy w granicach jego możliwości, testując pamięć, logiczne myślenie, umiejętności matematyczne,
    czas reakcji itd! Brain Party podzielone jest na dwa tryby: tryb testowy udostępniający pięć mini-gier z rzędu i podliczający
    wagę naszego mózgu, aby zobaczyć, jak inteligentni jesteśmy, oraz tryb ćwiczeń pozwalający grać w ulubione minigry tak
    często, jak tego chcemy. Jeśli wszystko zrobimy wystarczająco dobrze, uzyskamy dostęp do sześciu dodatkowych minigier,
    które możemy odblokować, a także do nowego trybu gry, który pozwoli nam dłużej grać i cieszyć się ulubionymi grami.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Brain Party is a fun, free puzzle game for all the family that&apos;s made up of 36 minigames designed to push your
    brain to its limits by testing memory, logic, mathematics, reaction time and more! Brain Party is split into two modes:
    test mode gives you five minigames in a row and adds up your brain weight to see how smart you are, and practise mode
    lets you play your favourite minigames as often as you want. If you do well enough, there are six extra minigames that
    can be unlocked as well as a new game mode designed to keep you playing and enjoying your favourite games even longer.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Brain Party é um quebra-cabeça divertido e livre, para toda a família, que é feito de 36 minijogos projetados para
    levar o seu cérero ao limite, testando memória, lógica, matemática, tempo de reação e mais! Brain Party é dividido em
    dois modos: o modo de teste, que lhe dá cinco minijogos em sequência, medindo sua massa cerebral para ver o quão esperto
    você é; e o modo de treino, que lhe deixa jogar seus minijogos favoritos tanto quanto quiser. Se você se sair bem o bastante,
    há seis minijogos extra que podem ser liberados, assim como um novo modo de jogo, projetado para lhe manter jogando e
    aproveitando seus jogos favoritos por ainda mais tempo.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Brain Party ist ein lustiges, freies Denkspiel für die ganze Familie. Es besteht aus 36 Minispielen, die Ihrem Gehirn
    alles abverlangen, indem Erinnerungsvermögen, Logik, Mathematik, Reaktionszeit und mehr getestet werden! Brain Party wurde
    in zwei verschiedene Modi eingeteilt: Der Testmodus prüft Sie mit fünf Minispielen hintereinander und addiert ihr »Gehirngewicht«
    hinzu, um festzustellen wie schlau Sie sind. Der Übungsmodus lässt Sie hingegen ihre Lieblingsspiele so oft spielen wie
    Sie wollen. Falls Sie sich geschickt genug anstellen, werden sechs weitere Minispiele freigeschaltet genauso wie ein neuer
    Spielmodus, der so ausgestaltet worden ist, dass er Sie ihre Lieblingsspiele immer wieder spielen lässt und diese dadurch
    noch lange Zeit Freude bereiten werden.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Brain Party è un gioco rompicapo libero e divertente per tutta la famiglia che è formato da 36 mini-giochi progettati
    per spingere il cervello dell&apos;utente al limite, mettendone alla prova memoria, logica, matematica, tempo di reazione
    e altro ancora! Brain Party è diviso in due modalità: la modalità a test fornisce 5 mini-giochi in riga e somma le capacità
    mentali dell&apos;utente per vedere quanto è intelligente; e la modalità di allenamento permette di giocare ai propri
    mini-giochi preferiti quante volte lo si desidera. Se si è abbastanza bravi, ci sono 6 mini-giochi aggiuntivi che possono
    essere sbloccati, così come una nuova modalità di gioco progettata per far sì che l&apos;utente continui a giocare i propri
    giochi preferiti e a divertirsi ancora più a lungo.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Brain Party is a fun, free puzzle game for all the family that&apos;s made up of 36 minigames designed to push your
    brain to its limits by testing memory, logic, mathematics, reaction time and more! Brain Party is split into two modes:
    test mode gives you five minigames in a row and adds up your brain weight to see how smart you are, and practise mode
    lets you play your favourite minigames as often as you want. If you do well enough, there are six extra minigames that
    can be unlocked as well as a new game mode designed to keep you playing and enjoying your favourite games even longer.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Brain Party is a fun, free puzzle game for all the family that&apos;s made up of 36 minigames designed to push your
    brain to its limits by testing memory, logic, mathematics, reaction time and more! Brain Party is split into two modes:
    test mode gives you five minigames in a row and adds up your brain weight to see how smart you are, and practise mode
    lets you play your favourite minigames as often as you want. If you do well enough, there are six extra minigames that
    can be unlocked as well as a new game mode designed to keep you playing and enjoying your favourite games even longer.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Brain Party er et sjovt, frit puslespil for hele familien, som udgøres af 36 minispil designet til at udfordre din
    hjerne til dens begrænsning ved at teste hukommelse, logik, matematik, reaktionstid med mere! Brain Party er opdelt i
    to tilstande: Testtilstand har fem minispil på række og opgør din hjernevægt for at se hvor smart du er. Øvelsestilstanden
    lader dig spille dine favoritspil så ofte du vil. Hvis du gør det godt nok, så er der seks ekstra minispil, som kan åbnes
    samt en ny spiltilstand designet til, at du kan spille og nyde dine favoritspil endnu længere.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Brain Party is a fun, free puzzle game for all the family that&apos;s made up of 36 minigames designed to push your
    brain to its limits by testing memory, logic, mathematics, reaction time and more! Brain Party is split into two modes:
    test mode gives you five minigames in a row and adds up your brain weight to see how smart you are, and practise mode
    lets you play your favourite minigames as often as you want. If you do well enough, there are six extra minigames that
    can be unlocked as well as a new game mode designed to keep you playing and enjoying your favourite games even longer.</p>
- Game
- LogicGame
  - family
  - puzzle
  - logic
  - game
  - riddle
  - name: brainparty_brainparty.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: brainparty_brainparty.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: b/br/brainparty.desktop/62669bfe228972f13dde5e2c11f2e3b8/icons/128x128/brainparty_brainparty.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: brainparty
  - brainparty.desktop