⇦ | balsa [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:18 [UTC]

Metadata for balsa in universe

org.desktop.Balsa.desktop - 2.6.4-2build5 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: org.desktop.Balsa.desktop
Package: balsa
  बाल्सा: ne_NP
  E-mailredskab: da_DK.UTF-8
  Posta elektronikoen utilitatea: eu_FR.UTF-8
  电子邮件工具: zh_CN.UTF-8
  Klient poczty: pl_PL.UTF-8
  Nástroj pro elektronickou poštu: cs_CZ.UTF-8
  Utilidad de correo-e: es_CO.UTF-8
  E-Mail-Programm: de_LU.UTF-8
  E-postverktøy: nb_NO.UTF-8
  Поштова програма: uk_UA.UTF-8
  Алат за е-пошту: sr_ME
  バルサ: ja_JP.UTF-8
  E-mail utility: en_GB.UTF-8
  བཱལ་ས་: dz_BT
  Levelezőprogram: hu_HU.UTF-8
  Utilitate de email: ro_RO.UTF-8
  E-posta aracı: tr_TR.UTF-8
  C: Balsa
  Utilitas surel: id_ID.UTF-8
  ਬਲਸਾ: pa_PK
  Elektronska pošta: sl_SI.UTF-8
  Балса: sr_ME
  Utilità di posta elettronica: it_CH.UTF-8
  Eina de correu electrònic: ca_FR.UTF-8
  E-postverktyg: sv_FI.UTF-8
  Utilitário de e-mail: pt_BR.UTF-8
  Alat za e-poštu: sr_RS@latin
  C: Email utility
  nl: >-
    <p>Balsa is a highly configurable and robust mail client for the GNOME desktop. It supports both POP3 and IMAP servers
    as well as the mbox, maildir and mh local mailbox formats. Balsa also supports SMTP and/or the use of a local MTA such
    as Sendmail.</p>

    <p>Een aantal andere Balsa functies zijn:   * Het toestaan van geneste mailboxen   * Afdrukken   * Spellingscontrole  
    * Multi-threaded e-mail ophalen   * MIME ondersteuning (afbeeldingen inline bekijken, delen opslaan)   * GPE Palmtop,
    LDAP, LDIF en vCard adresboek ondersteuning   * Meerdere tekensets voor het componeren en het lezen van berichten   *
    Bestandsbijlagen op uitgaande berichten   * GPG / OpenPGP mail ondertekening en codering</p>

    <p>Support for Kerberos and SSL has been enabled in this package.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Balsa is a highly configurable and robust mail client for the GNOME desktop. It supports both POP3 and IMAP servers
    as well as the mbox, maildir and mh local mailbox formats. Balsa also supports SMTP and/or the use of a local MTA such
    as Sendmail.</p>

    <p>Algunas de las otras funciones de Balsa son:   * Permite bandejas de correo anidadas   * Impresión   * Comprobación
    de ortografía   * Recepción de correo de varios hilos   * Soporte para MIME (ver imágenes en la línea, guardar partes)  
    * Soporte para libretas de direcciones GPE Palmtop, LDAP, LDIF y vCard   * Múltiples conjuntos de caracteres para escribir
    y leer mensajes   * Archivos adjuntos en el correo saliente   * Firma de correo y cifrado GPG/OpenPGP</p>

    <p>Se han activado en este paquete el soporte para Kerberos y SSL</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>Balsa is a highly configurable and robust mail client for the GNOME desktop. It supports both POP3 and IMAP servers
    as well as the mbox, maildir and mh local mailbox formats. Balsa also supports SMTP and/or the use of a local MTA such
    as Sendmail.</p>

    <p>Algunhas das outras funcionalidades de Balsa inclúen:   * Permitir caixas de correo aniñadas   * Imprimir   * Corrección
    ortográfica   * Obtención do correo con varios fíos   * Admitir MIME (ver as imaxes na liña, gardar partes)   * Admitir
    cadernos de enderezos GPE Palmtop, LDAP, LDIF e vCard   * Varios conxuntos de caracteres para compor e ler as mensaxes  
    * Ficheiros anexos nas mensaxes enviadas   * Sinatura e cifrado con GPG/OpenPGP</p>

    <p>Support for Kerberos and SSL has been enabled in this package.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Balsa is a highly configurable and robust mail client for the GNOME desktop. It supports both POP3 and IMAP servers
    as well as the mbox, maildir and mh local mailbox formats. Balsa also supports SMTP and/or the use of a local MTA such
    as Sendmail.</p>

    <p>Some of Balsa&apos;s other features include:   * Allowing nested mailboxes   * Printing   * Spell Checking   * Multi-threaded
    mail retrieval   * MIME support (view images inline, save parts)   * GPE Palmtop, LDAP, LDIF and vCard address book support  
    * Multiple character sets for composing and reading messages   * File attachments on outgoing messages   * GPG/OpenPGP
    mail signing and encryption</p>

    <p>Support for Kerberos and SSL has been enabled in this package.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>O balsa é um cliente de mail robusto e altamente configurável para o ambiente de trabalho GNOME. Suporta tanto servidores
    POP3 e IMAP assim como os formatos de mailbox locais mbox, maildir e mh. O balsa também suporta SMTP e/ou o uso de um
    MTA local como o Sendmail.</p>

    <p>Some of Balsa&apos;s other features include:   * Allowing nested mailboxes   * Printing   * Spell Checking   * Multi-threaded
    mail retrieval   * MIME support (view images inline, save parts)   * GPE Palmtop, LDAP, LDIF and vCard address book support  
    * Multiple character sets for composing and reading messages   * File attachments on outgoing messages   * GPG/OpenPGP
    mail signing and encryption</p>

    <p>Neste pacote foi activado suporte para Kerberos e SSL.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>Balsa は、高度に設定可能で堅牢な GNOME デスクトップ向け メールクライアントです。POP3 と IMAP サーバの両方に加え、mbox, maildir および mh ローカルメールボックスフォーマットをサポートします。
    また、Balsa は SMTP や Sendmail などのローカル MTA の利用も サポートします。</p>

    <p>Some of Balsa&apos;s other features include:   * Allowing nested mailboxes   * Printing   * Spell Checking   * Multi-threaded
    mail retrieval   * MIME support (view images inline, save parts)   * GPE Palmtop, LDAP, LDIF and vCard address book support  
    * Multiple character sets for composing and reading messages   * File attachments on outgoing messages   * GPG/OpenPGP
    mail signing and encryption</p>

    <p>本パッケージでは Kerberos と SSL のサポートを有効にしてあります。</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Balsa è un client di posta robusto e altamente configurabile, creato per l&apos;ambiente GNOME. Supporta i server POP3
    e IMAP, come pure i formati di caselle postali locali mbox, maildir e mh. Balsa è anche in grado di usare SMTP o un MTA
    locale come per esempio Sendmail.</p>

    <p>Some of Balsa&apos;s other features include:   * Allowing nested mailboxes   * Printing   * Spell Checking   * Multi-threaded
    mail retrieval   * MIME support (view images inline, save parts)   * GPE Palmtop, LDAP, LDIF and vCard address book support  
    * Multiple character sets for composing and reading messages   * File attachments on outgoing messages   * GPG/OpenPGP
    mail signing and encryption</p>

    <p>In questo pacchetto è stata abilitata la gestione di Kerberos e SSL.</p>
  fi: >-
    <p>Balsa on erittäin muunneltava ja vankka sähköpostiasiakasohjelma GNOME- työpöydälle. Se tukee sekä POP3- ja IMAP-palvelimia,
    että mbox-, maildir- ja mh-postilaatikkojen paikallisia formaatteja. Balsa tukee myös SMTP:tä ja/tai paikallisen MTA:n
    käyttöä kuten Sendmail.</p>

    <p>Some of Balsa&apos;s other features include:   * Allowing nested mailboxes   * Printing   * Spell Checking   * Multi-threaded
    mail retrieval   * MIME support (view images inline, save parts)   * GPE Palmtop, LDAP, LDIF and vCard address book support  
    * Multiple character sets for composing and reading messages   * File attachments on outgoing messages   * GPG/OpenPGP
    mail signing and encryption</p>

    <p>Kerberos- ja SSL-tuki on aktivoitu tässä paketissa.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Balsa je dobre konfigurovateľný a robustný poštový klient pre pracovné prostredie GNOME. Podporuje POP3 aj IMAP servery
    ako aj formáty mbox, maildir a lokálny mbox mh. Balsa tiež podporuje SMTP alebo použitie lokálneho MTA ako Sendmail.</p>

    <p>Some of Balsa&apos;s other features include:   * Allowing nested mailboxes   * Printing   * Spell Checking   * Multi-threaded
    mail retrieval   * MIME support (view images inline, save parts)   * GPE Palmtop, LDAP, LDIF and vCard address book support  
    * Multiple character sets for composing and reading messages   * File attachments on outgoing messages   * GPG/OpenPGP
    mail signing and encryption</p>

    <p>V tomto balíku je zapnutá podpora Kerberos a SSL.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Balsa ist ein hochkonfigurierbarer und robuster E-Mail-Client für GNOME. Er unterstützt sowohl POP3- als auch IMAP-Server
    sowie die lokalen Mailbox-Formate mbox, maildir und mh. Balsa unterstützt auch SMTP und/oder die Verwendung eines lokalen
    MTA wie Sendmail.</p>

    <p>Some of Balsa&apos;s other features include:   * Allowing nested mailboxes   * Printing   * Spell Checking   * Multi-threaded
    mail retrieval   * MIME support (view images inline, save parts)   * GPE Palmtop, LDAP, LDIF and vCard address book support  
    * Multiple character sets for composing and reading messages   * File attachments on outgoing messages   * GPG/OpenPGP
    mail signing and encryption</p>

    <p>Unterstützung für Kerberos und SSL wurde in diesem Paket aktiviert.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Balsa est un client de courriel robuste et personnalisable pour le bureau GNOME. Il gère les serveurs POP3 et IMAP
    ainsi que les formats de boîtes au lettres locales mbox, maildir et mh. Balsa gère également SMTP ainsi qu&apos;un MTA
    local comme Sendmail.</p>

    <p>Certains des autres caractéristiques de balsa incluent :    * Permettre des boîtes aux lettres imbriquées   * Impression  
    * Vérification orthographique   * récupération de courriels multi-fils   * prise en charge MIME (vue d&apos;images en
    ligne, enregistrement des parties)    * prise en charge des carnets d’adresses vCard GPE Palmtop, LDAP, LDIF   * jeux
    de caractères multiples pour la composition et la lecture des messages   * Pièces jointes dans les messages sortants  
    * Signature et chiffrement GPG/OpenPGP des courriels</p>

    <p>Ce paquet permet enfin la gestion Kerberos et SSL.</p>
  pl: >-
    <p>Balsa jest funkcjonalnym i wysoce konfigurowalnym klientem poczty elektronicznej do środowiska GNOME. Obsługuje serwery
    POP3 i IMAP, a także lokalne formaty skrzynek pocztowych mbox, maildir i mh. Balsa obsługuje także SMTP i/lub korzystanie
    z lokalnych MTA (agent przesyłania poczty) takich jak Sendmail.</p>

    <p>Some of Balsa&apos;s other features include:   * Allowing nested mailboxes   * Printing   * Spell Checking   * Multi-threaded
    mail retrieval   * MIME support (view images inline, save parts)   * GPE Palmtop, LDAP, LDIF and vCard address book support  
    * Multiple character sets for composing and reading messages   * File attachments on outgoing messages   * GPG/OpenPGP
    mail signing and encryption</p>

    <p>Kerberos i SSL są również obsługiwane.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Balsa je visoko nastavljiv in robusten odjemalec pošte za namizje GNOME. Podpira tako strežnike POP3 in IMAP kot tudi
    vrste krajevnih poštnih predalov mbox, maildir in mh. Balsa podpira tudi SMTP in/ali uporabo krajevnih MTA-jev kot je

    <p>Nekatere od drugih zmožnosti Balsa vključujejo:   * omogočitev gnezdenih poštnih predalov   * tiskanje   * preverjanje
    črkovanja   * večnitno pridobivanje pošte   * podpora MIME (ogled slik v sporočilih, shranjevanje delov)   * Podpora imenikov
    GPE Palmtop, LDAP, LDIF in vCard   * več znakovnih naborov za sestavljanje in branje sporočil   * priloge datotek izhodnih
    sporočil   * podpisovanje in šifriranje pošte GPG/OpenPGP</p>

    <p>V tem paketu je bila omogočena podpora Kerberos in SSL.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Balsa is a highly configurable and robust mail client for the GNOME desktop. It supports both POP3 and IMAP servers
    as well as the mbox, maildir and mh local mailbox formats. Balsa also supports SMTP and/or the use of a local MTA such
    as Sendmail.</p>

    <p>Some of Balsa&apos;s other features include:   * Allowing nested mailboxes   * Printing   * Spell Checking   * Multi-threaded
    mail retrieval   * MIME support (view images inline, save parts)   * GPE Palmtop, LDAP, LDIF and vCard address book support  
    * Multiple character sets for composing and reading messages   * File attachments on outgoing messages   * GPG/OpenPGP
    mail signing and encryption</p>

    <p>Support for Kerberos and SSL has been enabled in this package.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>Balsa — це налаштовуваний та надійний поштовий клієнт для робочого середовища GNOME. Він підтримує протоколи POP3 й
    IMAP, а також формати локальних mbox, maildir та mh. Balsa так само підтримує SMTP і/або локальний MTAк, наприклад, Sendmail.</p>

    <p>Some of Balsa&apos;s other features include:   * Allowing nested mailboxes   * Printing   * Spell Checking   * Multi-threaded
    mail retrieval   * MIME support (view images inline, save parts)   * GPE Palmtop, LDAP, LDIF and vCard address book support  
    * Multiple character sets for composing and reading messages   * File attachments on outgoing messages   * GPG/OpenPGP
    mail signing and encryption</p>

    <p>При збірці пакунку включена підтримка Kerberos та SSL.</p>
  sr: >-
    <p>Балса је врло подесив и снажан клијент поште за Гномову радну површ. Подржава и ПОП3 и ИМАП сервере као и мбокс, мејлдир
    и мх месне записе поштанског сандучета. Такође подржава СМТП и/или употребу месног агента преноса поште (МТА) као што
    је Сендмејл.</p>

    <p>Some of Balsa&apos;s other features include:   * Allowing nested mailboxes   * Printing   * Spell Checking   * Multi-threaded
    mail retrieval   * MIME support (view images inline, save parts)   * GPE Palmtop, LDAP, LDIF and vCard address book support  
    * Multiple character sets for composing and reading messages   * File attachments on outgoing messages   * GPG/OpenPGP
    mail signing and encryption</p>

    <p>Подршка за Керберос и ССЛ је укључена у овом пакету.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Balsa is a highly configurable and robust mail client for the GNOME desktop. It supports both POP3 and IMAP servers
    as well as the mbox, maildir and mh local mailbox formats. Balsa also supports SMTP and/or the use of a local MTA such
    as Sendmail.</p>

    <p>Some of Balsa&apos;s other features include:   * Allowing nested mailboxes   * Printing   * Spell Checking   * Multi-threaded
    mail retrieval   * MIME support (view images inline, save parts)   * GPE Palmtop, LDAP, LDIF and vCard address book support  
    * Multiple character sets for composing and reading messages   * File attachments on outgoing messages   * GPG/OpenPGP
    mail signing and encryption</p>

    <p>Support for Kerberos and SSL has been enabled in this package.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Balsa is a highly configurable and robust mail client for the GNOME desktop. It supports both POP3 and IMAP servers
    as well as the mbox, maildir and mh local mailbox formats. Balsa also supports SMTP and/or the use of a local MTA such
    as Sendmail.</p>

    <p>Some of Balsa&apos;s other features include:   * Allowing nested mailboxes   * Printing   * Spell Checking   * Multi-threaded
    mail retrieval   * MIME support (view images inline, save parts)   * GPE Palmtop, LDAP, LDIF and vCard address book support  
    * Multiple character sets for composing and reading messages   * File attachments on outgoing messages   * GPG/OpenPGP
    mail signing and encryption</p>

    <p>Support for Kerberos and SSL has been enabled in this package.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Balsa é um cliente de e-mail altamente configurável e robusto para a área de trabalho GNOME. Ele suporta servidores
    POP3 e IMAP assim como formatos de caixa de correio local como mbox, maildir e mh. O Balsa também suporta SMTP e/ou o
    uso de um MTA local como o Sendmail.</p>

    <p>Some of Balsa&apos;s other features include:   * Allowing nested mailboxes   * Printing   * Spell Checking   * Multi-threaded
    mail retrieval   * MIME support (view images inline, save parts)   * GPE Palmtop, LDAP, LDIF and vCard address book support  
    * Multiple character sets for composing and reading messages   * File attachments on outgoing messages   * GPG/OpenPGP
    mail signing and encryption</p>

    <p>Suporte para Kerberos e SSL foi habilitado neste pacote.</p>
  hu: >-
    <p>A Balsa egy részletesen beállítható és robusztus levelezőkliens a GNOME asztali környezethez. Támogatja mind a POP3-,
    mind az IMAP- kiszolgálókat, illetve a mbox, maildir és mh helyi postafiók-formátumokat, ezenkívül az SMTP-t, és/vagy
    helyi MTA (például a Sendmail) használatát is.</p>

    <p>Some of Balsa&apos;s other features include:   * Allowing nested mailboxes   * Printing   * Spell Checking   * Multi-threaded
    mail retrieval   * MIME support (view images inline, save parts)   * GPE Palmtop, LDAP, LDIF and vCard address book support  
    * Multiple character sets for composing and reading messages   * File attachments on outgoing messages   * GPG/OpenPGP
    mail signing and encryption</p>

    <p>A Kerberos- és az SSL-támogatás is elérhető ebben a csomagban.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Balsa er en robust postklient for GNOME-skrivebordet, som i stor udstrækning kan tilpasses. Den understøtter både POP3-
    og IMAP-servere samt postkasseformaterne mbox, maildir og mh lokal. Balsa understøtter også SMTP og/eller brugen af en
    lokal postbehandlingsagent (MTA) såsom Sendmail.</p>

    <p>Some of Balsa&apos;s other features include:   * Allowing nested mailboxes   * Printing   * Spell Checking   * Multi-threaded
    mail retrieval   * MIME support (view images inline, save parts)   * GPE Palmtop, LDAP, LDIF and vCard address book support  
    * Multiple character sets for composing and reading messages   * File attachments on outgoing messages   * GPG/OpenPGP
    mail signing and encryption</p>

    <p>Understøttelse for Kerberos og SSL er blevet aktiveret i denne pakke.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Balsa is a highly configurable and robust mail client for the GNOME desktop. It supports both POP3 and IMAP servers
    as well as the mbox, maildir and mh local mailbox formats. Balsa also supports SMTP and/or the use of a local MTA such
    as Sendmail.</p>

    <p>Some of Balsa&apos;s other features include:   * Allowing nested mailboxes   * Printing   * Spell Checking   * Multi-threaded
    mail retrieval   * MIME support (view images inline, save parts)   * GPE Palmtop, LDAP, LDIF and vCard address book support  
    * Multiple character sets for composing and reading messages   * File attachments on outgoing messages   * GPG/OpenPGP
    mail signing and encryption</p>

    <p>Support for Kerberos and SSL has been enabled in this package.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Balsa -- это конфигурируемый и надёжный почтовый клиент для рабочей среды GNOME. Он поддерживает протоколы POP3 и IMAP,
    а так же локальные mbox, maildir и mh. Balsa так же поддерживает SMTP и/или локальный MTA такой как, например, Sendmail.</p>

    <p>Some of Balsa&apos;s other features include:   * Allowing nested mailboxes   * Printing   * Spell Checking   * Multi-threaded
    mail retrieval   * MIME support (view images inline, save parts)   * GPE Palmtop, LDAP, LDIF and vCard address book support  
    * Multiple character sets for composing and reading messages   * File attachments on outgoing messages   * GPG/OpenPGP
    mail signing and encryption</p>

    <p>При сборке пакета включена поддержка Kerberos и SSL.</p>
- Network
- Email
  homepage: https://pawsa.fedorapeople.org/balsa/
  - name: balsa_gnome-balsa2.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: gnome-balsa2
  - org.desktop.Balsa.desktop