⇦ | ricochet [universe]
Last updated on: 2024-05-31 05:18 [UTC]

Hints for ricochet in universe

ricochet.desktop ⚙ all


  • internal-unknown-tag
    The generator emitted a tag 'internal-unknown-tag' which is unknown. This is a bug in the metadata generator, please file a bugreport.


  • description-from-package
    This software component gets its description from the package it is located in.
    This has several disadvantages, like poor markup, too technical descriptions for users of software centers, different components having the same description, etc.
    Please consider to either hide this .desktop file from AppStream by adding a X-AppStream-Ignore=true field to its .desktop file, or to write a MetaInfo file for this component to take the long description upstream. In future, components without MetaInfo file might be dropped from the metadata entirely. You can consult the XML quickstart guides for more information on how to write a MetaInfo file.