⇦ | libreoffice-math [main]
Last updated on: 2025-03-13 23:29 [UTC]

Metadata for libreoffice-math in main

libreoffice-math.desktop - 4:24.2.7-0ubuntu0.24.04.3 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: libreoffice-math.desktop
Package: libreoffice-math
  C: LibreOffice Math
  C: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  en: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  C: >-
    <p>LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R)

    <p>This package contains the equation editor component for LibreOffice.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R)

    <p>This package contains the equation editor component for LibreOffice.</p>
- Office
- Math
  - Equation
  - OpenDocument Formula
  - Formula
  - odf
  - MathML
  - name: libreoffice-math_libreoffice-math.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: libreoffice-math_libreoffice-math.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: libreoffice-math_libreoffice-math.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: l/li/libreoffice-math.desktop/83d06c926e426502b8d8ab2d1386d0b8/icons/128x128/libreoffice-math_libreoffice-math.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: libreoffice-math
  - libreoffice-math.desktop
  - application/mathml+xml
  - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula
  - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula-template
  - application/vnd.stardivision.math
  - application/vnd.sun.xml.math
  - application/x-starmath
  - text/mathml

libreoffice-math.desktop - 4:24.2.7-0ubuntu0.24.04.3 ⚙ amd64

Type: desktop-application
ID: libreoffice-math.desktop
Package: libreoffice-math
  C: LibreOffice Math
  ca-valencia: Creeu i editeu fórmules científiques i equacions.
  oc: Crear e modificar formulas e eqüacions scientificas.
  be: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  zu: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  szl: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  nb: Lag og rediger vitenskapelige formler og ligninger.
  ml: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  lv: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  sv: Skapa och redigera vetenskapliga formler och ekvationer.
  cs: Umožňuje vytvářet a upravovat vědecké vzorce a rovnice.
  nn: Laga og redigera vitskaplege formlar og likningar.
  fa: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  ta: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  C: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  ru: Создание и редактирование научных формул и уравнений.
  br: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  sk: Umožňuje vytvárať a upravovať vedecké vzorce a rovnice.
  xh: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  he: יצירה ועריכה של נוסחאות ומשוואות מדעיות.
  ve: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  bg: Създаване и редактиране на математически формули и уравнения.
  el: Δημιουργία και επεξεργασία επιστημονικών τύπων και εξισώσεων.
  pa-IN: ਵਿਗਿਆਨਿਕ ਫਾਰਮੂਲੇ ਅਤੇ ਸਮੀਕਰਨਾਂ ਬਣਾਓ ਅਤੇ ਸੋਧੋ।
  gd: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  bs: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  mn: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  is: Búðu til og breyttu vísindaformúlum og jöfnum.
  af: Skep en redigeer wetenskaplike formules en vergelykings.
  kk: Ғылыми формулалар мен теңдеулерді жасау және өңдеу.
  tn: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  ar: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  hr: Stvorite i uredite znanstvene formule i jednadžbe.
  gug: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  or: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  ne: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  it: Crea e modifica formule scientifiche ed equazioni.
  pt: Crie e edite fórmulas científicas e equações.
  rw: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  uz: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  as: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  en: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  da: Opret og redigér videnskabelige formler og ligninger.
  kmr-Latn: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  ka: შექმენით და ჩაასწორეთ სამეცნიერო ფორმულები და ტოლობები.
  zh-CN: 创建和编辑科学公式及方程。
  km: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  nr: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  eo: Krei kaj redakti sciencajn formulojn kaj ekvaciojn.
  te: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  sl: Ustvarjajte in urejajte znanstvene formule in enačbe.
  ug: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  hi: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  kn: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  ca: Creeu i editeu fórmules científiques i equacions.
  ja: 科学の公式や方程式などの作成と編集を行います。
  sr-Latn: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  hu: Képletek és egyenletek létrehozása és szerkesztése.
  dz: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  fr: Créer et modifier des formules et des équations scientifiques.
  mr: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  tr: Bilimsel formüller ve denklemler oluşturun ve düzenleyin.
  ko: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  cy: Creu a golygu fformiwlâu gwyddonol a hafaliadau.
  ro: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  pl: Twórz i edytuj wzory i równania naukowe.
  nso: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  tg: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  ts: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  zh-TW: 建立與編輯科學公式與方程式。
  gu: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  en-GB: Create and edit scientific formulae and equations.
  th: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  de: Erstellen und bearbeiten Sie wissenschaftliche Formeln und Gleichungen.
  sr: Направите и уредите научне формуле и једначине.
  vi: Tạo và chỉnh sửa các công thức và phương trình khoa học.
  ast: Crea y edita fórmules científiques y ecuaciones.
  bn-IN: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  fi: Luo ja muokkaa tieteellisiä kaavoja ja yhtälöitä.
  es: Cree y edite fórmulas científicas y ecuaciones.
  bn: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  ss: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  uk: Створення і редагування формул та рівнянь.
  am: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  om: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  et: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  lt: Formulių rengyklė skirta formulėms ir lygtims rašyti.
  hy: 'Ստեղծել և խմբագրել գիտական բանաձևեր և հավասարումներ:'
  gl: Cree e edite fórmulas científicas e ecuacións.
  nl: Maak en bewerk wetenschappelijke formules en vergelijkingen.
  st: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  id: Membuat dan menyunting rumus ilmiah dan persamaan.
  en-ZA: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  si: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  ga: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  pt-BR: Crie e edite fórmulas científicas e equações.
  eu: Sortu eta editatu formula zientifikoak eta ekuazioak.
  mk: Create and edit scientific formulas and equations.
  nl: >-
    <p>LibreOffice is een volledig kantoorpakket, dat gemakkelijk als vervanging kan dienen voor Microsoft(R) Office.</p>

    <p>This package contains the equation editor component for LibreOffice.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>LibreOffice es un paquete de productividad de ofimática con todas las funciones que proporciona un reemplazo casi inmediato
    de Microsoft(R) Office.</p>

    <p>Este paquete contiene el componente editor de ecuaciones de LibreOffice.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>LibreOffice je plnohodnotný balík kancelárskych aplikácií, ktorý je náhradou Microsoft(R) Office.</p>

    <p>Tento balík obsahuje komponent editora rovníc LibreOffice.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R)

    <p>This package contains the equation editor component for LibreOffice.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>LibreOffice é uma suite de produtividade de escritório cheia de funcionalidades que disponibiliza uma substituição
    aproximada para o Office da Microsoft(R).</p>

    <p>This package contains the equation editor component for LibreOffice.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>LibreOffice は Microsoft(R) Office をほぼ完全に置き換える多機能な オフィス作業環境スイートです。</p>

    <p>This package contains the equation editor component for LibreOffice.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>LibreOffice è una suite di produttività per ufficio completa, che fornisce un rimpiazzo quasi perfetto per Microsoft®

    <p>This package contains the equation editor component for LibreOffice.</p>
  fi: >-
    <p>LibreOffice on täydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto- ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lähes suoraan Microsoft(R)
    Officen korvaajaksi.</p>

    <p>This package contains the equation editor component for LibreOffice.</p>
  tr: >-
    <p>LibreOffice; Microsoft(R) Office&apos;e en çok benzeyen tam özellikli ofis üretkenlik çözümüdür.</p>

    <p>Bu paket LibreOffice için elektronik eşitlik düzenleyici bileşenlerini içerir.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>LibreOffice ist eine komplette Büroprogrammsammlung, die einen fast vollständigen Ersatz für Microsoft(R) Office bietet.</p>

    <p>Dieses Paket enthält die Komponente »Formel-Editor« für LibreOffice.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>LibreOffice est une suite bureautique complète pratiquement équivalente à Microsoft® Office.</p>

    <p>Ce paquet contient le composant éditeur d&apos;équation pour LibreOffice.</p>
  pl: >-
    <p>LibreOffice jest w pełni funkcjonalnym pakietem oprogramowania biurowego, stanowiącym niemal bezpośredni zamiennik
    pakietu Microsoft(R) Office.</p>

    <p>This package contains the equation editor component for LibreOffice.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>LibreOffice je polno zmožna pisarniška zbirka, ki zagotavlja skoraj idealno zamenjavo za Microsoft(R) Office.</p>

    <p>Ta paket vsebuje urejevalnik enačb za LibreOffice.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R)

    <p>This package contains the equation editor component for LibreOffice.</p>
  ast: >-
    <p>LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R)

    <p>This package contains the equation editor component for LibreOffice.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>LibreOffice — це повнофункціональний пакет офісних програм, здатний замінити Microsoft® Office практично в усіх випадках.</p>

    <p>This package contains the equation editor component for LibreOffice.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R)

    <p>This package contains the equation editor component for LibreOffice.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>LibreOffice é uma suíte de produtividade de escritório completa que fornece um substituto muito próximo ao Microsoft(R)

    <p>This package contains the equation editor component for LibreOffice.</p>
  zh_CN: >-
    <p>LibreOffice 是一个全功能的办公套件。有了它的帮助,您甚至可以替换掉 微软的 Office 系列办公软件。</p>

    <p>This package contains the equation editor component for LibreOffice.</p>
  hr: >-
    <p>LibreOffice je sveobuhvatni uredski paket za produktivnost koji pruža potpunu zamjenu za Microsoft(R) Office.</p>

    <p>This package contains the equation editor component for LibreOffice.</p>
  hu: >-
    <p>A LibreOffice egy teljes körű szolgáltatásokat nyújtó irodai programcsomag, amely közel minden szempontból alkalmas
    a Microsoft(R) Office leváltására.</p>

    <p>Ez a csomag a LibreOffice egyenletszerkesztő alkalmazását tartalmazza.</p>
  ko: >-
    <p>LibreOffice는 마이크로소프트(R) 오피스를 바로 교체할 수 있는 완전한 기능을 갖는 오피스 생산성 도구입니다.</p>

    <p>This package contains the equation editor component for LibreOffice.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>LibreOffice er en kontorpakke med alle funktioner, som tilbyder en næsten fuld erstatning for Microsoft (R) Office.</p>

    <p>This package contains the equation editor component for LibreOffice.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>LibreOffice — полнофункциональный пакет офисных программ, способный заменить Microsoft® Office практически во всех

    <p>Данный пакет содержит компонент редактор формул для LibreOffice.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece un substituto practicamente inmediato do
    Office da Microsoft(R).</p>

    <p>Este paquete contén o compoñente de edición de ecuacións do LibreOffice.</p>
- Office
- Math
  - Equation
  - OpenDocument Formula
  - Formula
  - odf
  - MathML
  - name: libreoffice-math_libreoffice-math.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: libreoffice-math_libreoffice-math.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: libreoffice-math_libreoffice-math.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: l/li/libreoffice-math.desktop/1f93deeeaddd0f7773f9706588629612/icons/128x128/libreoffice-math_libreoffice-math.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: libreoffice-math
  - libreoffice-math.desktop
  - application/mathml+xml
  - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula
  - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula-template
  - application/vnd.stardivision.math
  - application/vnd.sun.xml.math
  - application/x-starmath
  - text/mathml