⇦ | network-manager-pptp-gnome [main]
Last updated on: 2023-05-02 09:31 [UTC]

Hints for network-manager-pptp-gnome in main

network-manager-pptp ⚙ amd64


  • asv-cid-is-not-rdns
    network-manager-pptp.metainfo.xml:4 - network-manager-pptp
    The component ID is required to follow a reverse domain-name scheme for its name. See the AppStream specification for details.
  • translations-not-found
    Unable to add languages information, even though a translation tag was present in the MetaInfo file. Please check that its value is set correctly, and all locale files are placed in the right directories (e.g. /usr/share/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/ for Gettext .mo files).
  • screenshot-download-error
    Error while downloading screenshot from 'https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/NetworkManager-pptp/raw/master/appdata/pptp.png': URL was not found on the server.
    This might be a temporary server issue, or the screenshot is no longer available.
  • screenshot-download-error
    Error while downloading screenshot from 'https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/NetworkManager-pptp/raw/master/appdata/pptp-advanced.png': URL was not found on the server.
    This might be a temporary server issue, or the screenshot is no longer available.


  • asv-cid-contains-hyphen
    network-manager-pptp.metainfo.xml:4 - network-manager-pptp
    The component ID contains a hyphen/minus. Using a hyphen is strongly discouraged, to improve interoperability with other tools such as D-Bus. A good option is to replace any hyphens with underscores (`_`).
  • asv-description-first-para-too-short
    network-manager-pptp.metainfo.xml:77 - Support for configuring PPTP virtual private network connections.
    The first `description/p` paragraph of this component might be too short (< 80 characters). Please consider starting with a longer paragraph to improve how the description looks like in software centers and to provide more detailed information on this component immediately in the first paragraph.