⇦ | keepassxc [universe]
Last updated on: 2021-10-26 21:03 [UTC]

Metadata for keepassxc in universe

org.keepassxc.KeePassXC.desktop - 2.6.6+dfsg.1-1~exp1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ riscv64 ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: org.keepassxc.KeePassXC.desktop
Package: keepassxc
  C: KeePassXC
  C: Community-driven port of the Windows application “KeePass Password Safe”
  C: >-
                KeePassXC is an application for people with extremely high demands on secure
                personal data management. It has a light interface, is cross-platform and
                published under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
  C: KeePassXC Team
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0+
- Utility
- Security
  homepage: https://keepassxc.org
  bugtracker: https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/issues
  help: https://keepassxc.org/docs
  translate: https://www.transifex.com/keepassxc/keepassxc
  faq: https://keepassxc.org/docs#faq
  - name: keepassxc_keepassxc.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: keepassxc_keepassxc.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: keepassxc_keepassxc.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: org/keepassxc/KeePassXC.desktop/e7001d2b330af6d6824a56d5dce613df/icons/128x128/keepassxc_keepassxc.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: keepassxc
  - org.keepassxc.KeePassXC.desktop
  - application/x-keepass2
- default: true
    C: Create, Import or Open Databases
  - url: org/keepassxc/KeePassXC.desktop/e7001d2b330af6d6824a56d5dce613df/screenshots/image-1_224x163.png
    width: 224
    height: 163
    url: org/keepassxc/KeePassXC.desktop/e7001d2b330af6d6824a56d5dce613df/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
    width: 580
    height: 423
- caption:
    C: Organize with Groups and Entries
  - url: org/keepassxc/KeePassXC.desktop/e7001d2b330af6d6824a56d5dce613df/screenshots/image-2_224x163.png
    width: 224
    height: 163
    url: org/keepassxc/KeePassXC.desktop/e7001d2b330af6d6824a56d5dce613df/screenshots/image-2_orig.png
    width: 580
    height: 423
- caption:
    C: Database Entry
  - url: org/keepassxc/KeePassXC.desktop/e7001d2b330af6d6824a56d5dce613df/screenshots/image-3_224x164.png
    width: 224
    height: 164
    url: org/keepassxc/KeePassXC.desktop/e7001d2b330af6d6824a56d5dce613df/screenshots/image-3_orig.png
    width: 580
    height: 427
- caption:
    C: Icon Selection for Entry
  - url: org/keepassxc/KeePassXC.desktop/e7001d2b330af6d6824a56d5dce613df/screenshots/image-4_224x159.png
    width: 224
    height: 159
    url: org/keepassxc/KeePassXC.desktop/e7001d2b330af6d6824a56d5dce613df/screenshots/image-4_orig.png
    width: 622
    height: 444
- caption:
    C: Password Generator
  - url: org/keepassxc/KeePassXC.desktop/e7001d2b330af6d6824a56d5dce613df/screenshots/image-5_224x163.png
    width: 224
    height: 163
    url: org/keepassxc/KeePassXC.desktop/e7001d2b330af6d6824a56d5dce613df/screenshots/image-5_orig.png
    width: 580
    height: 423
- version: 2.6.6
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1623369600
    C: >-
        <li>Fix focusing search when pressing hotkey [#6603]</li>
        <li>Trim whitespace from TOTP key input prior to processing [#6604]</li>
        <li>Fix building on macOS [#6598]</li>
        <li>Resolve compiler warnings for unused return values [#6607]</li>
- version: 2.6.5
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1623024000
    C: >-
        <li>Show search bar when toolbar is hidden or in overflow [#6279]</li>
        <li>Show countdown for clipboard clearing in status bar [#6333]</li>
        <li>Command line option to lock all open databases [#6511]</li>
        <li>Allow CSV import of bare TOTP secrets [#6211]</li>
        <li>Retain file creation time when saving database [#6576]</li>
        <li>Set permissions of saved attachments to be private to the current user [#6363]</li>
        <li>OPVault: Use Text instead of Name for attribute names [#6334]</li>
        <li>Reports: Allow resizing of reports columns [#6435]</li>
        <li>Reports: Toggle showing expired entries [#6534]</li>
        <li>Save Always on Top setting [#6236]</li>
        <li>Password generator can exclude additional lookalike characters (6/G, 8/B) [#6196]</li>
        <li>Allow setting MSI properties in unattended install [#6196]</li>
        <li>Update MainWindow minimum size to enable smaller verticle space [#6196]</li>
        <li>Use application font size when setting default or monospace fonts [#6332]</li>
        <li>Fix notes not clearing in entry preview panel in some cases [#6481]</li>
        <li>macOS: Correct window activation when restoring from tray [#6575]</li>
        <li>macOS: Better handling of minimize after unlock when using browser integration [#6338]</li>
        <li>Linux: Start after the system tray is available on LXQt [#6216]</li>
        <li>Linux: Allow selection of modal dialogs on X11 in Auto-Type [#6204]</li>
        <li>KeeShare: prevent crash when file extension is missing [#6174]</li>
- version: 2.6.4
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1612051200
    C: >-
        <li>Automatically adapt to light/dark system theme changes (Windows/macOS only) [#6034]</li>
        <li>Show window title as tooltip on system tray [#5948]</li>
        <li>Compress Snap release as LZO for faster initial startup [#5877]</li>
        <li>Password generator: Set maximum selectable password length to 999 [#5937]</li>
        <li>Fix crash on app close when using SSH agent [#5935]</li>
        <li>Fix KDF selection showing wrong item when using Argon2id [#5923]</li>
        <li>Automatically close About dialog on database lock if it is still open [#5947]</li>
        <li>Linux: Fix automatic launch at system startup with AppImages [#5901]</li>
        <li>Linux: Fix click-to-move on empty area activating when using menus [#5971]</li>
        <li>Linux: Try multiple times to show tray icon if tray is not ready yet [#5948]</li>
        <li>macOS: Fix KeePassXC blocking clean shutdown [#6002]</li>
- version: 2.6.3
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1610409600
    C: >-
        <li>Support Argon2id KDF [#5778]</li>
        <li>Support XMLv2 key files [#5798]</li>
        <li>Improve CSV Import/Export, include time fields and TOTP [#5346]</li>
        <li>Support empty area dragging of the application window [#5860]</li>
        <li>Display default Auto-Type sequence in preview pane [#5654]</li>
        <li>Remove strict length limit on generated passwords [#5748]</li>
        <li>Hide key file path by default when unlocking database [#5779]</li>
        <li>Document browser extension use with Edge in managed mode [#5692]</li>
        <li>Windows: Prevent clipboard history and cloud sync [#5853]</li>
        <li>macOS: Update the application icon to Big Sur styling [#5851]</li>
        <li>Re-select previously selected entry on database unlock [#5559]</li>
        <li>Properly save special character choice in password generator [#5610]</li>
        <li>Fix crash in browser integration with multiple similar entries [#5653]</li>
        <li>Remove offset on username field in classic theme [#5788]</li>
        <li>Ensure entry history is copied when drag/dropping entries and groups [#5817]</li>
        <li>Close modal dialogs when database is locked [#5820]</li>
        <li>Prevent crash when KeeShare modifies an entry that is currently being edited [#5827]</li>
        <li>Improve preview of entry attributes [#5834]</li>
        <li>Always activate/focus database open dialog preventing mistype [#5878]</li>
        <li>Reports: fix calculation of average password length [#5862]</li>
        <li>Linux: Delay startup on login to correct tray icon issues [#5724]</li>
  oars-1.0: {}