⇦ | xzgv [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for xzgv in universe

xzgv.desktop - 0.9.2-2 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: xzgv.desktop
Package: xzgv
  C: xzgv Image Viewer
  C: Lightweight image viewer
  de: >-
    <p>xzgv ist ein Bildbetrachter für X mit einem auf Thumbnails basierenden Dateidialog. Es werden die meisten Dateiformate
    unterstützt und die Thumbnails sind mit xv, zgv und The Gimp kompatibel. Er kann auch mit »xzgv Datei(en)« aufgerufen
    werden, um den Dateidialog zu umgehen.</p>

    <p>xzgv unterscheidet sich von anderen X-Bildbetrachtern dadurch, dass er ein gemeinsames Fenster für den Dateidialog
    und die Dateiansicht nutzt. Im Gegensatz zu xv ermöglicht er sowohl das Scrollen als auch das Verkleinern eines großen
    Bildes auf Fenstergröße. Außerdem verändert xzgv nie das Seitenverhältnis eines Bildes (im Gegensatz zu xv und anderen

    <p>Er bietet auch eine umfangreiche Tastaturunterstützung; falls Sie die Tastatur bevorzugen, ist dies sicherlich der
    bessere Betrachter für Sie. Aber er kann auch mit der Maus bedient werden.</p>

    <p>Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieses Programm vom Autor des auf svgalib basierenden »zgv« geschrieben wurde und ähnliche
    Merkmale bietet.</p>

    <p>Webseite: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xzgv</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>xzgv is a picture viewer for X, with a thumbnail-based file selector. Most file formats are supported, and the thumbnails
    used are compatible with xv, zgv, and the Gimp. It can also be used with `xzgv file(s)&apos;, to effectively bypass the
    file selector.</p>

    <p>xzgv difere de outros visualizadores de imagens para X por usar apenas uma janela para o visualizador e o seletor de
    arquivos, ele (ao contrário do xv) permite tanto o método de rolagem quanto o de ajuste-à-janela para ver imagens grandes,
    e ele (ao contrário de xv e outros) não altera a razão de aspecto.</p>

    <p>Ele também fornece um extenso suporte a teclado; se você prefere usar o teclado, este é muito provavelmente o melhor
    visualizador para você. Mas ele também não se sai mal com o mouse.</p>

    <p>Observe que este programa é escrito pelo autor do &quot;zgv&quot; que é baseado na svgalib, e tem recursos similares.</p>

    <p>Página web: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xzgv</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>xzgv is a picture viewer for X, with a thumbnail-based file selector. Most file formats are supported, and the thumbnails
    used are compatible with xv, zgv, and the Gimp. It can also be used with `xzgv file(s)&apos;, to effectively bypass the
    file selector.</p>

    <p>xzgv は、X 用の他の写真ビューアと異なり、一つのウィンドウにファイルセレクタ とビューアの両方を持っているので、(xv と違って) 大きな写真を見るのに スクロールとウィンドウサイズへの拡大の両方の手段を実行できます。そして、
    (xv や他のビューアと違って) 写真のアスペクト比をいじりません。</p>

    <p>また、特別なキーボードのサポートも供給します。もしキーボードを使う方が 好みだったら、あなたにまさにぴったりのビューアです。しかし、マウス操作機能も いい加減に実装していません。</p>

    <p>このプログラムは、svgalib 版 &quot;zgv&quot; の作者により書かれており、同様の機能を 持ちます。</p>

    <p>ホームページ: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xzgv</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>xzgv is a picture viewer for X, with a thumbnail-based file selector. Most file formats are supported, and the thumbnails
    used are compatible with xv, zgv, and the Gimp. It can also be used with `xzgv file(s)&apos;, to effectively bypass the
    file selector.</p>

    <p>„xzgv“ відрізняється від інших переглядачів зображень для Х тим, що використовує одне вікно для перегляду та вибору
    файлів, він (на відміну від „xv“) дозволяє як пересування великих зображенні так і їх підгонку під розміри вікна, він
    (на відміну від „xv“ та інших) завжди використовує вірне співвідношення сторін.</p>

    <p>Він також підтримує розширену можливість керування з клавіатури; якщо ви надаєте перевагу використанню клавіатури,
    це безумовно один з найкращих переглядачів зображень для вас. Але це ніяким чином не забороняє вам користатись мишею.</p>

    <p>До уваги, ця програма створена автором „zgv“ заснованій на svgalib та має ті ж функції.</p>

    <p>Домівка: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xzgv</p>
  C: >-
    <p>xzgv is a picture viewer for X, with a thumbnail-based file selector. Most file formats are supported, and the thumbnails
    used are compatible with xv, zgv, and the Gimp. It can also be used with `xzgv file(s)&apos;, to effectively bypass the
    file selector.</p>

    <p>xzgv differs from other picture viewers for X in that it uses one window for both the file selector and viewer, it
    (unlike xv) allows both scrolling and fit-to-window methods of viewing large pictures, and it (unlike xv and some others)
    doesn&apos;t ever mangle the picture&apos;s aspect ratio.</p>

    <p>It also provides extensive keyboard support; if you prefer using the keyboard, this is almost certainly the best viewer
    for you. But it doesn&apos;t skimp on the mousey stuff, either.</p>

    <p>Note that this program is written by the author of the svgalib-based &quot;zgv&quot;, and has similar features.</p>

    <p>Home Page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xzgv</p>
  en: >-
    <p>xzgv is a picture viewer for X, with a thumbnail-based file selector. Most file formats are supported, and the thumbnails
    used are compatible with xv, zgv, and the Gimp. It can also be used with `xzgv file(s)&apos;, to effectively bypass the
    file selector.</p>

    <p>xzgv differs from other picture viewers for X in that it uses one window for both the file selector and viewer, it
    (unlike xv) allows both scrolling and fit-to-window methods of viewing large pictures, and it (unlike xv and some others)
    doesn&apos;t ever mangle the picture&apos;s aspect ratio.</p>

    <p>It also provides extensive keyboard support; if you prefer using the keyboard, this is almost certainly the best viewer
    for you. But it doesn&apos;t skimp on the mousey stuff, either.</p>

    <p>Note that this program is written by the author of the svgalib-based &quot;zgv&quot;, and has similar features.</p>

    <p>Home Page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xzgv</p>
  cs: >-
    <p>xzgv is a picture viewer for X, with a thumbnail-based file selector. Most file formats are supported, and the thumbnails
    used are compatible with xv, zgv, and the Gimp. It can also be used with `xzgv file(s)&apos;, to effectively bypass the
    file selector.</p>

    <p>xzgv differs from other picture viewers for X in that it uses one window for both the file selector and viewer, it
    (unlike xv) allows both scrolling and fit-to-window methods of viewing large pictures, and it (unlike xv and some others)
    doesn&apos;t ever mangle the picture&apos;s aspect ratio.</p>

    <p>It also provides extensive keyboard support; if you prefer using the keyboard, this is almost certainly the best viewer
    for you. But it doesn&apos;t skimp on the mousey stuff, either.</p>

    <p>Note that this program is written by the author of the svgalib-based &quot;zgv&quot;, and has similar features.</p>

    <p>Domovská stránka: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xzgv</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>xzgv is a picture viewer for X, with a thumbnail-based file selector. Most file formats are supported, and the thumbnails
    used are compatible with xv, zgv, and the Gimp. It can also be used with `xzgv file(s)&apos;, to effectively bypass the
    file selector.</p>

    <p>xzgv differs from other picture viewers for X in that it uses one window for both the file selector and viewer, it
    (unlike xv) allows both scrolling and fit-to-window methods of viewing large pictures, and it (unlike xv and some others)
    doesn&apos;t ever mangle the picture&apos;s aspect ratio.</p>

    <p>It also provides extensive keyboard support; if you prefer using the keyboard, this is almost certainly the best viewer
    for you. But it doesn&apos;t skimp on the mousey stuff, either.</p>

    <p>Note that this program is written by the author of the svgalib-based &quot;zgv&quot;, and has similar features.</p>

    <p>Home Page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xzgv</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>xzgv is a picture viewer for X, with a thumbnail-based file selector. Most file formats are supported, and the thumbnails
    used are compatible with xv, zgv, and the Gimp. It can also be used with `xzgv file(s)&apos;, to effectively bypass the
    file selector.</p>

    <p>xzgv differs from other picture viewers for X in that it uses one window for both the file selector and viewer, it
    (unlike xv) allows both scrolling and fit-to-window methods of viewing large pictures, and it (unlike xv and some others)
    doesn&apos;t ever mangle the picture&apos;s aspect ratio.</p>

    <p>It also provides extensive keyboard support; if you prefer using the keyboard, this is almost certainly the best viewer
    for you. But it doesn&apos;t skimp on the mousey stuff, either.</p>

    <p>Note that this program is written by the author of the svgalib-based &quot;zgv&quot;, and has similar features.</p>

    <p>Домашняя страница: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xzgv</p>
  es: >-
    <p>xzgv is a picture viewer for X, with a thumbnail-based file selector. Most file formats are supported, and the thumbnails
    used are compatible with xv, zgv, and the Gimp. It can also be used with `xzgv file(s)&apos;, to effectively bypass the
    file selector.</p>

    <p>xzgv differs from other picture viewers for X in that it uses one window for both the file selector and viewer, it
    (unlike xv) allows both scrolling and fit-to-window methods of viewing large pictures, and it (unlike xv and some others)
    doesn&apos;t ever mangle the picture&apos;s aspect ratio.</p>

    <p>It also provides extensive keyboard support; if you prefer using the keyboard, this is almost certainly the best viewer
    for you. But it doesn&apos;t skimp on the mousey stuff, either.</p>

    <p>Note that this program is written by the author of the svgalib-based &quot;zgv&quot;, and has similar features.</p>

    <p>Página web: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xzgv</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Xzgv est une visionneuse d’images pour X, avec un sélecteur de fichiers basé sur les vignettes. La plupart des formats
    de fichier sont pris en charge, et les vignettes utilisées sont compatibles avec xv, zgv et Gimp. Il peut être aussi utilisé
    avec des fichiers xzgv, pour contourner le sélecteur de fichiers.</p>

    <p>Xzgv diffère des autres visualiseurs d&apos;images pour X, car il utilise la même fenêtre pour la sélection et la visualisation.
    Il autorise (contrairement à xv) les méthodes de défilement et plein cadre pour les grandes images, et ne modifie pas
    les proportions lors de l&apos;affichage comme le font xv et d&apos;autres programmes.</p>

    <p>Il fournit aussi une large prise en charge du clavier ; en cas de préférence pour l’utilisation du clavier, il est
    presque certain que cet outil sera le mieux adapté. Toutefois, il ne rechignera pas en cas d’utilisation de la souris.</p>

    <p>À noter que ce programme est écrit par l&apos;auteur de zgv basé sur svgalib et possède des fonctionnalités similaires.</p>

    <p>Page d’accueil : http://sourceforge.net/projects/xzgv</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>xzgv is a picture viewer for X, with a thumbnail-based file selector. Most file formats are supported, and the thumbnails
    used are compatible with xv, zgv, and the Gimp. It can also be used with `xzgv file(s)&apos;, to effectively bypass the
    file selector.</p>

    <p>O xzgv difere dos outros visualizadores de imagens para X no modo que usa uma janela para ambos selector de ficheiros
    e visualizador, permite (ao contrário do xv) ambos métodos de deslocamento e &apos;caber-na-janela&apos; de visualizar
    grandes imagens, e (ao contrário do xv e outros visualizadores) nem sequer modifica o rácio de aspecto da imagem.</p>

    <p>Também disponibiliza suporte extensivo ao teclado; se preferir usar o teclado, este é certamente o melhor visualizador
    para si. Mas também não põe de parte as funções do rato.</p>

    <p>Note que este programa é escrito pelo autor do &quot;zgv&quot; baseado em svgalib, e tem funcionalidades semelhantes.</p>

    <p>Home Page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xzgv</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>xzgv is a picture viewer for X, with a thumbnail-based file selector. Most file formats are supported, and the thumbnails
    used are compatible with xv, zgv, and the Gimp. It can also be used with `xzgv file(s)&apos;, to effectively bypass the
    file selector.</p>

    <p>xzgv differs from other picture viewers for X in that it uses one window for both the file selector and viewer, it
    (unlike xv) allows both scrolling and fit-to-window methods of viewing large pictures, and it (unlike xv and some others)
    doesn&apos;t ever mangle the picture&apos;s aspect ratio.</p>

    <p>It also provides extensive keyboard support; if you prefer using the keyboard, this is almost certainly the best viewer
    for you. But it doesn&apos;t skimp on the mousey stuff, either.</p>

    <p>Note that this program is written by the author of the svgalib-based &quot;zgv&quot;, and has similar features.</p>

    <p>Páxina web: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xzgv</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>xzgv is a picture viewer for X, with a thumbnail-based file selector. Most file formats are supported, and the thumbnails
    used are compatible with xv, zgv, and the Gimp. It can also be used with `xzgv file(s)&apos;, to effectively bypass the
    file selector.</p>

    <p>xzgv differs from other picture viewers for X in that it uses one window for both the file selector and viewer, it
    (unlike xv) allows both scrolling and fit-to-window methods of viewing large pictures, and it (unlike xv and some others)
    doesn&apos;t ever mangle the picture&apos;s aspect ratio.</p>

    <p>It also provides extensive keyboard support; if you prefer using the keyboard, this is almost certainly the best viewer
    for you. But it doesn&apos;t skimp on the mousey stuff, either.</p>

    <p>Note that this program is written by the author of the svgalib-based &quot;zgv&quot;, and has similar features.</p>

    <p>Home Page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xzgv</p>
  it: >-
    <p>xzgv è un visualizzatore di immagini per X con un selettore di file basato su miniature. Riconosce la maggior parte
    dei formati di file e usa miniature compatibili con xv, zgv e Gimp. Può anche essere usato come &quot;xzgv file&quot;
    per scavalcare di fatto il selettore di file.</p>

    <p>xzgv differisce da altri visualizzatori di immagini per X dato che usa una finestra sola sia per il selettore di file,
    sia per il visualizzatore; permette, a differenza di xv, di vedere immagini grandi sia scorrendole sia adattandole alla
    finestra e, a differenza di xv e di altri, non modifica mai le proporzioni dell&apos;immagine.</p>

    <p>Fornisce inoltre un esteso controllo con la tastiera; se si preferisce usare la tastiera, questo è quasi certamente
    il visualizzatore che si sta cercando. Ma non è nemmeno avaro di funzionalità con il mouse.</p>

    <p>Si noti che questo programma è scritto dall&apos;autore di zgv basato su svgalib ed ha funzionalità simili.</p>

    <p>Pagina web: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xzgv</p>
  da: >-
    <p>xzgv er en billedfremviser for X, med en filvælger baseret på miniaturebilleder. De fleste filformater er understøttet,
    og miniaturebillederne er kompatible med xv, zgv og GIMP. Programmet kan også bruges med »xzgv-filer« for effektivt at
    forbigå filvælgeren.</p>

    <p>xzgv er forskellig fra andre billedfremvisere for X på den måde, at programmet bruger et vindue for både filvælgeren
    og fremviseren. Programmet (til forskel fra xv) tillader både rulnings- og tilpas til vindue-metoder for visning af store
    billeder og det (til forskel fra xv og andre) ændrer ikke ved billedes størrelsesforhold.</p>

    <p>Programmet har også en omfattende understøttelse for tastatur; hvis du foretrækker at bruge tastaturet, så er dette
    bestemt den bedste fremviser for dig. Men der er heller ikke mangel på muligheder ved brug af musen.</p>

    <p>Bemærk at dette program er skrevet af forfatteren af den svgalib- baseret »zgv« og har lignende funktioner.</p>

    <p>Hjemmeside: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xzgv</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>xzgv is a picture viewer for X, with a thumbnail-based file selector. Most file formats are supported, and the thumbnails
    used are compatible with xv, zgv, and the Gimp. It can also be used with `xzgv file(s)&apos;, to effectively bypass the
    file selector.</p>

    <p>xzgv differs from other picture viewers for X in that it uses one window for both the file selector and viewer, it
    (unlike xv) allows both scrolling and fit-to-window methods of viewing large pictures, and it (unlike xv and some others)
    doesn&apos;t ever mangle the picture&apos;s aspect ratio.</p>

    <p>It also provides extensive keyboard support; if you prefer using the keyboard, this is almost certainly the best viewer
    for you. But it doesn&apos;t skimp on the mousey stuff, either.</p>

    <p>Note that this program is written by the author of the svgalib-based &quot;zgv&quot;, and has similar features.</p>

    <p>Home Page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xzgv</p>
- Graphics
- Viewer
  - name: xzgv_xzgv.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: xzgv_xzgv.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - xzgv.desktop
  - image/png
  - image/gif
  - image/jpeg
  - image/bmp
  - image/x-pixmap
  - image/tiff
  - image/svg+xml
  - image/x-xpixmap