⇦ | xye [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for xye in universe

xye.desktop - 0.12.2+dfsg-9build1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: xye.desktop
Package: xye
  C: Xye
  C: Solve puzzles and action challenges in order to get all the gems in the room.
  de: >-
    <p>Xye is a puzzle game in which the objective is to help a character that looks like a green circle to get all the gems
    in the room. This is, of course, not as easy as it sounds, Xye must solve all sorts of puzzles while at the same time
    avoiding all sorts of traps and beasts.</p>

    <p>Xye is similar to other puzzle games like sokoban or boulderdash, yet it also includes some arcade elements.</p>

    <p>Xye is a derivative of a classic windows game called Kye, which is the base of the gameplay experience and visual elements.
    Xye is able to play level files that were made for Kye and Sokoban. It is also able to play custom .xye files, a richer
    level format that allows the new objects and features, you can make these levels by hand or by using the built-in editor
    that comes with the game.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Xye é um jogo de quebra-cabeças no qual o objetivo é ajudar o personagem, que se parece com um círculo verde, a pegar
    todas as pedras da sala. É claro que isso não é tão simples quanto parece. Xye deve resolver diversos quebra-cabeças enquanto
    evita todo tipo de armadilhas e monstros.</p>

    <p>Xye é similar a outros jogos do gênero como sokoban ou boulderdash além de incluir alguns elementos de fliperama.</p>

    <p>Xye deriva do clássico jogo para Windows chamado Kye, no qual se baseou a experiência de jogabilidade e elementos visuais.
    Xye é capaz de executar arquivos de níveis que foram desenvolvidos para Kye e Sokoban. Ele também pode executar arquivos
    customizados .xye, que é um formato rico para arquivos de nível e permite novos recursos e desafios. Você pode fazer estes
    níveis manualmente ou com o editor embutido no jogo.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Xye je logická hra, v ktorej je cieľom pomôcť postave vyzerajúcej ako zelený krúžok získať všetky drahokamy v miestnosti.
    To samozrejme nie je také jednoduché ako to znie - Xye musí vyriešiť rozličné logické hádanky, pričom sa zároveň musí
    vyhnúť rozličným pasciam a príšerám.</p>

    <p>Xye je podobný iným logickým hrám ako Sokoban alebo Boulderdash, ale obsahuje aj niektoré arkádové prvky.</p>

    <p>Xye je odvodený od klasickej hry pre Windows zvanej Kye, ktorá tvorí základ hernej dynamiky a vizuálnych prvkov. Xye
    dokáže prehrať prvky úrovní, ktoré boli vytvorené pre Kye a Sokoban. Tiež dokáže prehrať vlastné súbory .xye, bohatší
    formát úrovní, ktorý umožňuje nové objekty a vlastnosti. Tieto súbory môžete tvoriť ručne alebo pomocou zabudovaného editora
    dodávaného s hrou.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>„Xye“ — це гра-головоломка, мета якої полягає в тому, щоб допомогти персонажу, який виглядає як зелене коло, отримати
    усі дорогоцінні камені в кімнаті. Це, звичайно, не так просто, як здається, отож персонаж „Xye“ повинен розв’язувати усілякі
    головоломки і, в той же час, уникати різноманітних пасток та звірів.</p>

    <p>„Xye“ схожа на інші ігри, головоломки, такі як Sokoban або Boulderdash, проте вона також включає деякі елементи аркади.</p>

    <p>„Xye“ є похідною від класичної гри для Windows з назвою „Kye“, на які і засновано геймплей та візуальні елементи. „Xye“
    також вміє відтворювати гру на файлах рівнів, котрі зроблені для ігор Kye та Sokoban. Також, вона може відтворювати гру
    й на спеціальних файлах *.xye, що є форматом рівнів з новими об’єктами та можливостями, і ці рівні Ви можете створювати
    вручну чи за допомогою вбудованого редактора, який йде з грою.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Xye is a puzzle game in which the objective is to help a character that looks like a green circle to get all the gems
    in the room. This is, of course, not as easy as it sounds, Xye must solve all sorts of puzzles while at the same time
    avoiding all sorts of traps and beasts.</p>

    <p>Xye is similar to other puzzle games like sokoban or boulderdash, yet it also includes some arcade elements.</p>

    <p>Xye is a derivative of a classic windows game called Kye, which is the base of the gameplay experience and visual elements.
    Xye is able to play level files that were made for Kye and Sokoban. It is also able to play custom .xye files, a richer
    level format that allows the new objects and features, you can make these levels by hand or by using the built-in editor
    that comes with the game.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Xye is a puzzle game in which the objective is to help a character that looks like a green circle to get all the gems
    in the room. This is, of course, not as easy as it sounds, Xye must solve all sorts of puzzles while at the same time
    avoiding all sorts of traps and beasts.</p>

    <p>Xye is similar to other puzzle games like sokoban or boulderdash, yet it also includes some arcade elements.</p>

    <p>Xye is a derivative of a classic windows game called Kye, which is the base of the gameplay experience and visual elements.
    Xye is able to play level files that were made for Kye and Sokoban. It is also able to play custom .xye files, a richer
    level format that allows the new objects and features, you can make these levels by hand or by using the built-in editor
    that comes with the game.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Xye is a puzzle game in which the objective is to help a character that looks like a green circle to get all the gems
    in the room. This is, of course, not as easy as it sounds, Xye must solve all sorts of puzzles while at the same time
    avoiding all sorts of traps and beasts.</p>

    <p>Xye is similar to other puzzle games like sokoban or boulderdash, yet it also includes some arcade elements.</p>

    <p>Xye is a derivative of a classic windows game called Kye, which is the base of the gameplay experience and visual elements.
    Xye is able to play level files that were made for Kye and Sokoban. It is also able to play custom .xye files, a richer
    level format that allows the new objects and features, you can make these levels by hand or by using the built-in editor
    that comes with the game.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Xye — головоломка, в которой нужно помочь персонажу (который выглядит, как зелёный круг), собрать все драгоценные камни
    в комнате. Это, разумеется не так то просто, Xye должен решить все типы головоломок, и в то же время избежать всех видов
    ловушек и монстров.</p>

    <p>Xye похожа на другие головоломки, типа sokoban или boulderdash, но содержит ещё и элементы аркадных игр.</p>

    <p>Xye is a derivative of a classic windows game called Kye, which is the base of the gameplay experience and visual elements.
    Xye is able to play level files that were made for Kye and Sokoban. It is also able to play custom .xye files, a richer
    level format that allows the new objects and features, you can make these levels by hand or by using the built-in editor
    that comes with the game.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Xye est un jeu de type casse-tête. L&apos;objectif est d&apos;aider un personnage ressemblant à une boule verte à collecter
    toutes les pierres précieuses présentes dans la pièce. Bien évidemment cela n&apos;est pas aussi simple qu&apos;il n&apos;y
    paraît. Il faut résoudre toutes sortes de problèmes tout en évitant les nombreux pièges et monstres.</p>

    <p>Xye s&apos;apparente à d&apos;autres casse-têtes comme Sokoban ou Boulderdash tout en incluant certains éléments des
    jeux d&apos;arcade.</p>

    <p>Xye est un dérivé du jeu Kye, un classique sous Windows, dont il reprend les éléments visuels et la mécanique de jeu.
    Xye permet d&apos;utiliser les fichiers de niveau conçus pour Kye et Sokoban. Il peut aussi se servir de fichiers personnalisés
    .xye, un format plus évolué qui permet d&apos;avoir de nouveaux objets et fonctionnalités. Ces fichiers de niveau peuvent
    être créés manuellement ou avec l&apos;éditeur intégré fourni avec le jeu.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Xye is a puzzle game in which the objective is to help a character that looks like a green circle to get all the gems
    in the room. This is, of course, not as easy as it sounds, Xye must solve all sorts of puzzles while at the same time
    avoiding all sorts of traps and beasts.</p>

    <p>Xye is similar to other puzzle games like sokoban or boulderdash, yet it also includes some arcade elements.</p>

    <p>Xye is a derivative of a classic windows game called Kye, which is the base of the gameplay experience and visual elements.
    Xye is able to play level files that were made for Kye and Sokoban. It is also able to play custom .xye files, a richer
    level format that allows the new objects and features, you can make these levels by hand or by using the built-in editor
    that comes with the game.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Xye è un gioco rompicapo in cui l&apos;obiettivo è aiutare un personaggio che ha l&apos;aspetto di un cerchio verde
    a prendere tutte le gemme nella stanza. Questo non è, ovviamente, così facile come sembra: Xye deve risolvere ogni sorta
    di rompicapo e allo stesso tempo evitare ogni sorta di trappole e mostri.</p>

    <p>Xye è simile ad altri giochi rompicapo come sokoban o boulderdash, ma include anche alcuni elementi arcade.</p>

    <p>Xye deriva dal classico gioco per Windows chiamato Kye, che è la base dell&apos;esperienza di gioco e degli elementi
    visivi. Xye è in grado di far giocare con i file di livello che sono stati creati per Kye e Sokoban. È anche in grado
    di far giocare con file personalizzati .xye, un formato di livelli più ricco che permette nuovi oggetti e funzionalità;
    questi livelli possono essere creati a mano o usando l&apos;editor incorporato che viene fornito con il gioco.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Xye er et puslespil hvor formålet er at hjælpe en person, som ser ud som en grøn cirkel, med at finde alle juvelerne
    i værelset. Dette er, selvfølgelig, ikke så nemt som det lyder, Xye skal løse alle slags puslespil på samme tid og undgå
    alle slags fælder og bæster.</p>

    <p>Xye ligner andre puslespil såsom sokoban eller boulderdash, og inkluderer også nogle arkadeelementer.</p>

    <p>Xye er en afledning af det klassiske Windowsspil Kye, som er grundlaget for spiloplevelsen og de visuelle elementer.
    Xye kan bruges med niveaufiler lavet for Kye og Sokoban. Spillet kan også bruges med tilpassede .xye-filer, et rigere
    niveauformat, som tillader nye objekter og funktioner, du kan lave disse niveauer manuelt eller ved at bruge det indbyggede
    redigeringsprogram, som følger med spillet.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Xye is a puzzle game in which the objective is to help a character that looks like a green circle to get all the gems
    in the room. This is, of course, not as easy as it sounds, Xye must solve all sorts of puzzles while at the same time
    avoiding all sorts of traps and beasts.</p>

    <p>Xye is similar to other puzzle games like sokoban or boulderdash, yet it also includes some arcade elements.</p>

    <p>Xye is a derivative of a classic windows game called Kye, which is the base of the gameplay experience and visual elements.
    Xye is able to play level files that were made for Kye and Sokoban. It is also able to play custom .xye files, a richer
    level format that allows the new objects and features, you can make these levels by hand or by using the built-in editor
    that comes with the game.</p>
- Game
  - game
  - puzzle
  - logic
  - gems
  - name: xye_xye.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: xye_xye.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - application/xye-xml