⇦ | xscorch [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for xscorch in universe

xscorch.desktop - 0.2.1-1+nmu2 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: xscorch.desktop
Package: xscorch
  C: Xscorch
  C: Clone of Scorched Earth
  de: >-
    <p>XScorch ist eine Nachahmung des klassischen DOS-Spieles »Scorched Earth«. Im Wesentlichen geht es darum, feindliche
    Panzer mit überdimensionierten Gewehren zu vernichten :). Einfach gesagt, kaufen Sie Waffen, richten Ihr Geschütz durch
    Ändern des Winkels auf den Feind, feuern und hoffen deren Panzer zu zerstören, bevor der Feind Ihre zerstört.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Xscorch é um clone do clássico jogo DOS, &quot;Scorched Earth&quot;. O objetivo básico é aniquilar tanques inimigos
    usando armas superpoderosas :). Basicamente, você compra armas, você mira nos inimigos ajustando o ângulo de sua torre
    de tiro e poder de fogo e espera destruir os tanques deles antes que eles destruam os seus.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Xscorch is a clone of the classic DOS game, &quot;Scorched Earth&quot;. The basic goal is to annihilate enemy tanks
    using overpowered guns :).  Basically, you buy weapons, you target the enemy by adjusting the angle of your turret and
    firing power, and you hope to destroy their tank before they destroy yours.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>Xscorch は、古典的な DOS ゲームである &quot;Scorched Earth&quot; のクローンです。 基本的な目的は、圧倒的なパワーを持つ銃 :) を使って敵の戦車を全滅させることです。 基本的には、武器を購入し、砲塔の向きを調整して敵に標準を合わせて、
  C: >-
    <p>Xscorch is a clone of the classic DOS game, &quot;Scorched Earth&quot;. The basic goal is to annihilate enemy tanks
    using overpowered guns :).  Basically, you buy weapons, you target the enemy by adjusting the angle of your turret and
    firing power, and you hope to destroy their tank before they destroy yours.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Xscorch is a clone of the classic DOS game, &quot;Scorched Earth&quot;. The basic goal is to annihilate enemy tanks
    using overpowered guns :).  Basically, you buy weapons, you target the enemy by adjusting the angle of your turret and
    firing power, and you hope to destroy their tank before they destroy yours.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Xscorch — клон классической игры для DOS «Scorched Earth». Основная цель — уничтожить танки противника, используя сверхмощные
    пушки :). Вы покупаете оружие, прицеливаетесь в противника, настраивая угол и мощность выстрела, и надеетесь уничтожить
    его танк раньше, чем он уничтожит ваш.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>Xscorch is a clone of the classic DOS game, &quot;Scorched Earth&quot;. The basic goal is to annihilate enemy tanks
    using overpowered guns :).  Basically, you buy weapons, you target the enemy by adjusting the angle of your turret and
    firing power, and you hope to destroy their tank before they destroy yours.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Xscorch es un clon del clásico juego de DOS, «Scorched Earth». El objetivo es aniquilar los tanques enemigos usando
    armas superpoderosas :). Básicamente, usted compra armas, apunta al enemigo ajustando el ángulo de su torreta y dispara
    con la esperanza de destruir sus tanques antes que su oponente destruya los suyos.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Xscorch est un clone du jeu DOS classique, « Scorched Earth » (terre brûlée). La base du jeu est d’annihiler les chars
    ennemis en utilisant une puissante artillerie :). Fondamentalement vous achetez des armes, vous visez l’ennemi en ajustant
    l’angle de votre tourelle et la puissance de votre tir, et vous espérez détruire ses chars avant que ce soit le contraire.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Xscorch is a clone of the classic DOS game, &quot;Scorched Earth&quot;. The basic goal is to annihilate enemy tanks
    using overpowered guns :).  Basically, you buy weapons, you target the enemy by adjusting the angle of your turret and
    firing power, and you hope to destroy their tank before they destroy yours.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Xscorch is a clone of the classic DOS game, &quot;Scorched Earth&quot;. The basic goal is to annihilate enemy tanks
    using overpowered guns :).  Basically, you buy weapons, you target the enemy by adjusting the angle of your turret and
    firing power, and you hope to destroy their tank before they destroy yours.</p>
  hu: >-
    <p>Az Xscorch a klasszikus DOS játék, a Scorched Earth egy klónja. Az alapvető cél a játékban elpusztítani az ellenséges
    tankokat, felhasználva a túlméretezett ágyúkat :). Az alapok: veszel fegyvereket, beállítva a fegyvered dőlésszögét és
    a lövés erősségét becélzod az ellenfelet, aztán reménykedsz, hogy elpusztítod mielőtt ő pusztít el téged.</p>
  is: >-
    <p>Xscorch is a clone of the classic DOS game, &quot;Scorched Earth&quot;. The basic goal is to annihilate enemy tanks
    using overpowered guns :).  Basically, you buy weapons, you target the enemy by adjusting the angle of your turret and
    firing power, and you hope to destroy their tank before they destroy yours.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Xscorch è un clone del classico gioco per DOS &quot;Scorched Earth&quot;. L&apos;obiettivo primario è distruggere i
    carri armati nemici con cannoni ultrapotenziati :). In pratica si comprano le armi, si mira al nemico calibrando l&apos;angolo
    della torretta e la potenza di fuoco, poi si spera di distruggere il nemico prima di essere distrutti.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Xscorch er en klon af det klassiske DOS-spil »Scorched Earth«. Det grundlæggende mål er at udrydde fjendtlige kampvogne
    med brug af overdimensionerede kanoner :). Du køber våben, du indstiller affyringen mod fjenden ved at justere vinklen
    på dit tårn og affyringshastigheden, og så håber du, at du ødelægger deres kampvogn, før de ødelægger din.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Xscorch is a clone of the classic DOS game, &quot;Scorched Earth&quot;. The basic goal is to annihilate enemy tanks
    using overpowered guns :).  Basically, you buy weapons, you target the enemy by adjusting the angle of your turret and
    firing power, and you hope to destroy their tank before they destroy yours.</p>
- Game
- ArcadeGame
  - name: xscorch_xscorch.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - xscorch.desktop