xfce-settings-manager.desktop - 4.14.3-0ubuntu1 ⚙ amd64
⚙ armhf
⚙ arm64
⚙ ppc64el
⚙ s390x
Type: desktop-application
ID: xfce-settings-manager.desktop
Package: xfce4-settings
he: מנהל הגדרות
ja: 設定マネージャー
si: සැකසුම් කළමනාකරු
ms: Pengurus Tetapan
sk: Správca nastavení
sl: Nastavitve
ur: ترتیبات منیجر
ug: تەڭشەك باشقۇرغۇ
C: Settings Manager
fr: Gestionnaire de paramètres
sq: Përgjegjës Rregullimesh
sr: Управник поставки
nb: Innstillingsbehandler
hr: Upravitelj postavki
ca: Gestor d'ajusts
hy_AM: Կարգաւորումների կառավարիչ
hu: Beállításkezelő
pa: ਸੈਟਿੰਗ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ
uk: Менеджер параметрів
sv: Inställningshanterare
am: የ ማሰናጃዎች አስተዳዳሪ
nl: Instellingen- en systeembeheerder
zh_TW: 設定管理員
nn: Innstillingshandterar
lt: Nustatymų tvarkytuvė
ar: مدير الإعدادات
lv: Iestatījumu pārvaldnieks
pl: Menedżer ustawień
zh_CN: 设置管理器
el: Διαχειριστής Ρυθμίσεων
ast: Xestor d'axustes
cs: Správce nastavení
id: Manajer Pengaturan
ie: Gerente de parametres
gl: Xestor de configuración
pt: Gestor de definições
es: Administrador de configuración
ro: Manager de opțiuni
eu: Ezarpen kudeatzailea
te: అమరికల నిర్వాహకం
ru: Диспетчер настроек
ur_PK: ترتیبات منیجر
th: โปรแกรมจัดการการตั้งค่า
kk: Баптаулар басқарушысы
be: Кіраўнік налад
is: Stillingastjórnun
it: Gestore delle impostazioni
ko: 설정 관리자
da: Indstillingshåndtering
de: Einstellungen
oc: Gestionari de paramètres
tr: Ayarlar Yöneticisi
en_GB: Settings Manager
bn: সেটিংস ব্যবস্থাপক
zh_HK: 設定管理員
be@tarask: Кіраўнік наладаў
en_AU: Settings Manager
fi: Asetukset
pt_BR: Gerenciador de configurações
bg: Уравление на настройките
he: מנהל הגדרות גרפי עבור Xfce 4
ja: Xfce 4 用グラフィカル設定マネージャーです
si: Xfce 4 සඳහා චිත්රක සැකසුම් කළමනාකරු
ms: Pengurus Tetapan Bergrafik untuk Xfce 4
sk: Grafický správca nastavení pre prostredie Xfce 4
sl: Grafični upravljalnik nastavitev za Xfce 4
ur: تصویری ترتیبات منیجر برائے ایکسفس 4
ug: Xfce 4 گرافىكىلىق تەڭشەك باشقۇرغۇسى
C: Graphical Settings Manager for Xfce 4
fr: Gestionnaire graphique de paramètres pour Xfce 4
sq: Përgjegjës Grafik Rregullimesh për Xfce 4
sr: Графички уређивач поставки Иксфце-а 4
nb: Grafisk innstillingsbehandler for Xfce 4
hr: Grafički upravitelj postavkama za Xfce 4
ca: Gestor d'ajusts gràfics per a Xfce 4
hy_AM: Տեսապատկերային կարգաւորումների կառավարիչ, Xfce 4֊ի համար
hu: Grafikus beállításkezelő az Xfce környezethez
pa: Xfce ੪ ਲਈ ਗਰਾਫਿਕਲ ਸੈਟਿੰਗ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ
uk: Графічний менеджер параметрів для Xfce 4
sv: Grafisk inställningshanterare för Xfce 4
am: የ ንድፍ ማሰናጃዎች አስተዳዳሪ ለ Xfce 4
nl: Beheerder grafische instellingen voor Xfce 4
zh_TW: Xfce 4 的圖形化設定管理員
nn: Grafisk innstillingsprogram for Xfce 4
lt: Grafinė nustatymų tvarkytuvė, skirta Xfce 4
ar: مدير إعدادات رسومي لإكسفس 4
lv: Grafiskais iestatījumu pārvaldnieks priekš Xfce 4
pl: Konfiguruje ustawienia środowiska graficznego Xfce
zh_CN: Xfce 4 的图形设置管理器
el: Γραφικός Διαχειριστής Ρυθμίσεων για το Χfce 4
ast: Xestor d'axustes gráficu pa Xfce 4
cs: Grafický správce nastavení pro prostředí Xfce 4
id: Manajer Pengaturan Grafis untuk Xfce 4
ie: Un grafic gerente de parametres de Xfce 4
gl: Xestor de preferencias gráfico de Xfce 4
pt: Gestor gráfico de definições do Xfce 4
es: Gestor gráfico de configuración para Xfce 4
ro: Manager grafic al opțiunilor Xfce 4
eu: Xfce 4 ezarpen kudeatzaile grafikoa
te: Xfce 4 కొరకు రేఖాచిత్ర అమరికల నిర్వాహకం
ru: Графический диспетчер настроек для Xfce 4
ur_PK: تصویری ترتیبات منیجر برائے ایکسفس 4
th: โปรแกรมจัดการการตั้งค่าแบบกราฟิกสำหรับ Xfce 4
kk: Xfce 4 үшін баптауларды графикалық түзету сайманы
be: Графічны кіраўнік налад для Xfce 4
is: Myndræn stjórnun stillinga fyrir Xfce 4
it: Gestore delle impostazioni grafico per Xfce 4
ko: Xfce 4 그래픽 설정 관리자
da: Grafisk indstillingshåndtering til Xfce 4
de: Grafische Einstellungsverwaltung für Xfce 4
oc: Gestionari grafic de paramètres per Xfce 4
tr: Xfce 4 için Grafik Ayarları Yöneticisi
en_GB: Graphical Settings Manager for Xfce 4
bn: Xfce 4-এর জন্য গ্রাফিকাল সেটিংস ব্যবস্থাপক
zh_HK: Xfce 4 的圖像化設定管理員
be@tarask: Графічны кіраўнік наладаў для Xfce 4
en_AU: Graphical Settings Manager for Xfce 4
fi: Asetusten hallintapaneeli Xfce 4:lle
pt_BR: Gerenciador de configurações gráficas do Xfce 4
bg: Графично управление на настройките за Xfce 4
de: >-
<p>xfce4-settings ist die Bedienoberfläche für die Xfce-Einstellungsverwaltung. Es bietet mehrere verschiedene Komponenten
zum Einrichten anwendungsunabhängiger Einstellngen in xfconf. Es enthält diverse Werkzeuge: - xfce4-settings-manager
(der die alte mcs-Einstellungsverwaltung ersetzt), der die verschiedenen (bereitgestellten) Einstellungsdialoge ausführt
- xfce4-settings-editor, ein Werkzeug zum Bearbeiten ALLER Einstellungen in xfconf, dem grafischen Gegenstück zu xfconf-query.
- xfsettingsd, ein Dienst zum Exportieren von XSettings in Anwendungen und bereitstellen besonderer Funktionen, wie
Tastenkürzel, AccessX-Benachrichtigungen und Aktualisierungen der Tastatur- und Mauszeigerdaten.</p>
pl: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
pt_BR: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
sk: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
sl: >-
<p>xfce4-settings je začelje upravljalnika nastavitev Xfce. Vsebuje različne sestavne dele za nastavljanje od programov
neodvisnih nastavitev v xfconf. Vsebuje več orodij: - xfce4-settings-manager (ki zamenja stari upravljalnik nastavitev
mcs), ki izvede različna pogovorna okna nastavitev - xfce4-settings-editor, orodje za urejanje VSEH nastavitev v xfconf,
grafični ustreznik xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ozadnji program za izvoz XSettings v programe in zagotavljanje posebnih
zmožnosti, kot so tipkovne bližnjice, obvestilo AccessX in posodobitev podatkov tipkovnice in miškinega kazalca.</p>
ja: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
pt: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
C: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
en: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
uk: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
ru: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
fr: >-
<p>Xfce4-settings est le gestionnaire de paramètres de Xfce. Il est livré avec plusieurs composants différents pour régler
la configuration des applications indépendantes à l'intérieur de xfconf. Il contient plusieurs outils : - xfce4-settings-manager
(qui remplace l'ancien gestionnaire de paramètres mcs), qui exécute les différents réglages des boîtes de dialogue
(fournies). - xfce4-settings-editor, un outil d'édition de TOUS les paramètres dans xfconf, l'équivalent graphique
de xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, le démon d'exportation de xsettings vers les applications, et offrant des caractéristiques
spéciales comme les raccourcis clavier, la notification d'AccessX et la mise à jour des données du clavier et de
la souris.</p>
it: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
da: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
- Settings
- DesktopSettings
- name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop.png
width: 64
height: 64
stock: preferences-desktop
- xfce-settings-manager.desktop
xfce-ui-settings.desktop - 4.14.3-0ubuntu1 ⚙ amd64
⚙ armhf
⚙ arm64
⚙ ppc64el
⚙ s390x
Type: desktop-application
ID: xfce-ui-settings.desktop
Package: xfce4-settings
he: מראה
ja: 外観
zh_CN: 外观
ms: Penampilan
sk: Vzhľad
sl: Videz
ur: مظہر
tr: Görünüm
C: Appearance
fr: Apparence
sq: Dukje
sr: Изглед
nb: Utseende
hr: Izgled
ca: Aparença
hy_AM: Տեսք
hu: Megjelenés
pa: ਦਿੱਖ
uk: Зовнішній вигляд
ug: كۆرۈنۈشى
sv: Utseende
am: አቀራረብ
nl: Uiterlijk
zh_TW: 外觀
nn: Utsjånad
lt: Išvaizda
ar: المظهر
lv: Izskats
pl: Wygląd
el: Εμφάνιση
ast: Aspeutu
cs: Vzhled
id: Tampilan
ie: Aspecte
gl: Aparencia
pt: Aparência
es: Apariencia
ro: Aspect
eu: Itxura
te: రూపురేఖలు
ru: Внешний вид
ur_PK: مظہر
en_CA: Appearance
kk: Сыртқы түрі
be: Выгляд
is: Útlit
it: Aspetto
bg: Външен вид
da: Udseende
de: Erscheinungsbild
oc: Aparéncia
th: รูปลักษณ์
en_GB: Appearance
bn: অবয়ব
zh_HK: 外觀
be@tarask: Выгляд
en_AU: Appearance
fi: Ulkoasu
pt_BR: Aparência
ko: 모양새
he: התאם אישית את המראה של שולחן העבודה שלך
ja: デスクトップの外観をカスタマイズします
si: ඔබගේ වැඩතලයේ පෙනුම අභිමතකරණය කරන්න
ms: Suaikan penampilan dekstop anda
sk: Nastavenie vzhľadu pracovného prostredia
sl: Prilagodi izgled namizja
ur: اپنے ڈیسک ٹاپ کا حلیہ مرتب کریں
tr: Masaüstünüzün görünümünü özelleştirin
C: Customize the look of your desktop
fr: Personnaliser l’apparence du bureau
sq: Përshtatni pamjen e desktopit tuaj
sr: Прилагодите изглед радног простора
nb: Tilpass utseendet til skrivebordet
hr: Prilagodite izgled vaše radne površine
ca: Personalitzeu l'aparença del vostre escriptori
hy_AM: Յարմարեցնել աշխատասեղանի տեսքը
hu: Az asztali környezet megjelenésének személyre szabása
pa: ਆਪਣੇ ਡੈਸਕਟਾਪ ਦੀ ਦਿੱਖ ਬਦਲੋ
uk: Налаштуйте зовнішній вигляд вашої стільниці
ug: ئۈستەلئۈستىنىڭ كۆرۈنۈشىنى ئۆزلەشتۈرۈش
sv: Anpassa utseendet på ditt skrivbord
am: የ እርስዎን ዴስክቶፕ መልክ ማስተካከያ
nl: Pas het uiterlijk van uw werkomgeving aan
zh_TW: 自訂您桌面的外觀
nn: Set opp korleis skrivebordet ditt skal sjå ut
lt: Tinkinti darbalaukio išvaizdą
ar: خصص مظهر سطح مكتبك
lv: Pielāgot savas darbvirsmas izskatu
pl: Konfiguruje wygląd środowiska graficznego
zh_CN: 设置桌面外观
el: Προσαρμογή της εμφάνισης της επιφάνειας εργασίας
ast: Personaliza l'aspeutu del to escritoriu
cs: Nastavení vzhledu vašeho pracovního prostředí
id: Sesuaikan tampilan destop anda
ie: Personalisar li aspecte de vor Pupitre
gl: Personalizar a aparencia do escritorio
pt: Personalizar a aparência do seu ambiente de trabalho
es: Personalice la apariencia de su escritorio
ro: Personalizați aspectul propriului desktop
eu: Pertsonalizatu zure idazmahaiaren itxura
ru: Настройки внешнего вида рабочего стола
ur_PK: اپنے ڈیسک ٹاپ کا حلیہ مرتب کریں
en_CA: Customize the look of your desktop
kk: Жұмыс үстеліңіздің сыртқы түрін баптаңыз
be: Наладка выгляду працоўнага стала
is: Sérsníða útlit skjáborðsins
it: Personalizzazione dell'aspetto della scrivania
bg: Настройка на външния вид на работния плот
da: Tilpas udseendet på dit skrivebord
de: Das Aussehen des Schreibtischs anpassen
oc: Personalizar l'aparéncia del burèu
th: ปรับรูปลักษณ์ของเดสก์ท็อปของคุณ
en_GB: Customise the look of your desktop
bn: আপনার ডেস্কটপের অবয়ব স্বনির্ধারণ করুন
zh_HK: 自訂桌面外觀
be@tarask: Наладзіць выгляд Стальніцы
en_AU: Customise the look of your desktop
fi: Muokkaa työpöytäsi ulkoasua
pt_BR: Personalize a aparência do seu ambiente Xfce
ko: 데스크톱 모양 사용자 정의
de: >-
<p>xfce4-settings ist die Bedienoberfläche für die Xfce-Einstellungsverwaltung. Es bietet mehrere verschiedene Komponenten
zum Einrichten anwendungsunabhängiger Einstellngen in xfconf. Es enthält diverse Werkzeuge: - xfce4-settings-manager
(der die alte mcs-Einstellungsverwaltung ersetzt), der die verschiedenen (bereitgestellten) Einstellungsdialoge ausführt
- xfce4-settings-editor, ein Werkzeug zum Bearbeiten ALLER Einstellungen in xfconf, dem grafischen Gegenstück zu xfconf-query.
- xfsettingsd, ein Dienst zum Exportieren von XSettings in Anwendungen und bereitstellen besonderer Funktionen, wie
Tastenkürzel, AccessX-Benachrichtigungen und Aktualisierungen der Tastatur- und Mauszeigerdaten.</p>
pl: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
pt_BR: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
sk: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
sl: >-
<p>xfce4-settings je začelje upravljalnika nastavitev Xfce. Vsebuje različne sestavne dele za nastavljanje od programov
neodvisnih nastavitev v xfconf. Vsebuje več orodij: - xfce4-settings-manager (ki zamenja stari upravljalnik nastavitev
mcs), ki izvede različna pogovorna okna nastavitev - xfce4-settings-editor, orodje za urejanje VSEH nastavitev v xfconf,
grafični ustreznik xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ozadnji program za izvoz XSettings v programe in zagotavljanje posebnih
zmožnosti, kot so tipkovne bližnjice, obvestilo AccessX in posodobitev podatkov tipkovnice in miškinega kazalca.</p>
ja: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
pt: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
C: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
en: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
uk: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
ru: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
fr: >-
<p>Xfce4-settings est le gestionnaire de paramètres de Xfce. Il est livré avec plusieurs composants différents pour régler
la configuration des applications indépendantes à l'intérieur de xfconf. Il contient plusieurs outils : - xfce4-settings-manager
(qui remplace l'ancien gestionnaire de paramètres mcs), qui exécute les différents réglages des boîtes de dialogue
(fournies). - xfce4-settings-editor, un outil d'édition de TOUS les paramètres dans xfconf, l'équivalent graphique
de xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, le démon d'exportation de xsettings vers les applications, et offrant des caractéristiques
spéciales comme les raccourcis clavier, la notification d'AccessX et la mise à jour des données du clavier et de
la souris.</p>
it: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
da: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
- Settings
- DesktopSettings
- name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-theme.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-theme.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-theme.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: preferences-desktop-theme
- url: x/xf/xfce-ui-settings.desktop/83B693F65312929A6B927794CB28B180/icons/128x128/xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-theme.png
width: 128
height: 128
- xfce-ui-settings.desktop
xfce4-color-settings.desktop - 4.14.3-0ubuntu1 ⚙ amd64
⚙ armhf
⚙ arm64
⚙ ppc64el
⚙ s390x
Type: desktop-application
ID: xfce4-color-settings.desktop
Package: xfce4-settings
he: פרופילי צבע
ja: カラープロファイル
zh_CN: 色彩配置文件
sk: Farebné profily
sl: Barvni profili
C: Color Profiles
fr: Profils de couleur
sq: Profile Ngjyre
sr: Пресеци боја
nb: Fargeprofiler
hr: Profili boja
ca: Perfils de colors
hy_AM: Գունային յատկագրեր
hu: Színprofilok
sv: Färgprofiler
uk: Кольорові профілі
nl: Kleurprofielen
zh_TW: 色彩設定檔
lt: Spalvų profiliai
pl: Profile kolorów
el: Χρωματικά Προφίλ
cs: Profily barev
id: Profil Warna
ie: Profiles de color
gl: Perfís de cor
pt: Perfis de cor
es: Perfiles de color
th: โพรไฟล์สี
ru: Цветовые профили
en_CA: Colour Profiles
kk: Түстер профильдері
be: Каляровыя профілі
is: Litasnið
ko: 색상 프로파일
it: Profili colori
da: Farveprofiler
de: Farbprofile
pt_BR: Perfis de cor
tr: Renk Profili
be@tarask: Каляровыя профілі
ms: Profil Warna
en_AU: Colour Profiles
fi: Väriprofiilit
bg: Цветови профили
he: קבע פרופילי צבע
ja: カラープロファイルを設定する
zh_CN: 设置色彩配置文件
sk: Nastaviť profily farieb
sl: Nastavi barvne profile
C: Set color profiles
fr: Définir des profils de couleur
sq: Ujdisni profile ngjyrash
sr: Постави пресеке боја
nb: Velg fargeprofiler
hr: Postavi profil boje
ca: Estableix els perfils de colors
hy_AM: Սահմանել գունային յատգագրեր
hu: Színprofilok beállítása
nl: Kleurprofielen instellen
zh_TW: 設定色彩設定檔
lt: Nustatyti spalvų profilius
pl: Ustaw profile kolorów
el: Ορισμός χρωματικών προφίλ
cs: Nastavit profily barev
id: Atur profil warna
ie: Assignar profiles de color
gl: Definir os perfís de cor
pt: Definir perfis de cor
es: Establecer perfiles de color
th: กำหนดโพรไฟล์สี
ru: Задать цветовые профили
en_CA: Set colour profiles
kk: Түстер профильдерін орнату
be: Абраць каляровы профіль
is: Setja litasnið
ko: 색상 프로파일 설정
it: Imposta i profili dei colori
da: Indstil farveprofiler
de: Farbprofile festlegen
pt_BR: Conjunto de perfis de cor
tr: Renk profillerini ayarla
be@tarask: Абраць каляровы профіль
ms: Tetapkan profil warna
en_AU: Set colour profiles
fi: Aseta väriprofiilit
bg: Задаване на цветови профили
de: >-
<p>xfce4-settings ist die Bedienoberfläche für die Xfce-Einstellungsverwaltung. Es bietet mehrere verschiedene Komponenten
zum Einrichten anwendungsunabhängiger Einstellngen in xfconf. Es enthält diverse Werkzeuge: - xfce4-settings-manager
(der die alte mcs-Einstellungsverwaltung ersetzt), der die verschiedenen (bereitgestellten) Einstellungsdialoge ausführt
- xfce4-settings-editor, ein Werkzeug zum Bearbeiten ALLER Einstellungen in xfconf, dem grafischen Gegenstück zu xfconf-query.
- xfsettingsd, ein Dienst zum Exportieren von XSettings in Anwendungen und bereitstellen besonderer Funktionen, wie
Tastenkürzel, AccessX-Benachrichtigungen und Aktualisierungen der Tastatur- und Mauszeigerdaten.</p>
pl: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
pt_BR: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
sk: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
sl: >-
<p>xfce4-settings je začelje upravljalnika nastavitev Xfce. Vsebuje različne sestavne dele za nastavljanje od programov
neodvisnih nastavitev v xfconf. Vsebuje več orodij: - xfce4-settings-manager (ki zamenja stari upravljalnik nastavitev
mcs), ki izvede različna pogovorna okna nastavitev - xfce4-settings-editor, orodje za urejanje VSEH nastavitev v xfconf,
grafični ustreznik xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ozadnji program za izvoz XSettings v programe in zagotavljanje posebnih
zmožnosti, kot so tipkovne bližnjice, obvestilo AccessX in posodobitev podatkov tipkovnice in miškinega kazalca.</p>
ja: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
pt: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
C: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
en: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
uk: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
ru: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
fr: >-
<p>Xfce4-settings est le gestionnaire de paramètres de Xfce. Il est livré avec plusieurs composants différents pour régler
la configuration des applications indépendantes à l'intérieur de xfconf. Il contient plusieurs outils : - xfce4-settings-manager
(qui remplace l'ancien gestionnaire de paramètres mcs), qui exécute les différents réglages des boîtes de dialogue
(fournies). - xfce4-settings-editor, un outil d'édition de TOUS les paramètres dans xfconf, l'équivalent graphique
de xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, le démon d'exportation de xsettings vers les applications, et offrant des caractéristiques
spéciales comme les raccourcis clavier, la notification d'AccessX et la mise à jour des données du clavier et de
la souris.</p>
it: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
da: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
- Settings
- DesktopSettings
- name: xfce4-settings_xfce4-color-settings.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: xfce4-settings_xfce4-color-settings.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: xfce4-settings_xfce4-color-settings.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: xfce4-color-settings
- url: x/xf/xfce4-color-settings.desktop/AEDC7CFC9E098639F615B9B56E7D2CE5/icons/128x128/xfce4-settings_xfce4-color-settings.png
width: 128
height: 128
- xfce4-color-settings.desktop
xfce4-accessibility-settings.desktop - 4.14.3-0ubuntu1 ⚙ amd64
⚙ armhf
⚙ arm64
⚙ ppc64el
⚙ s390x
Type: desktop-application
ID: xfce4-accessibility-settings.desktop
Package: xfce4-settings
lv: Pieejamība
pt: Acessibilidade
tr: Erişilebilirlik
ast: Accesibilidá
am: መድረሻ
id: Aksesibilitas
ie: Accessibilitá
pt_BR: Acessibilidade
el: Προσβασιμότητα
ar: الإتاحة
es: Accesibilidad
eu: Erabilerraztasuna
is: Aðgengi
it: Accessibilità
ug: ياردەم ئىقتىدارى
ms: Kebolehcapaian
uk: Доступність
be: Адмысловыя магчымасці
bg: Достъпност
ur: قابلیت رسائی
ja: アクセシビリティ
zh_CN: 辅助功能
bn: স্বাচ্ছন্দ্যকরণ
fi: Esteettömyys
nb: Tilgjengelighet
be@tarask: Даступнасьць
fr: Accessibilité
nl: Toegankelijkheid
nn: Tilgjenge
en_AU: Accessibility
ca: Accessibilitat
ro: Accesibilitate
ur_PK: قابلیت رسائی
ru: Специальные возможности
zh_HK: 無障礙
gl: Accesibilidade
oc: Accessibilitat
cs: Přístupnost
kk: Қолжетерлілік
ko: 접근성
si: ප්රවේශ්යතාව
sk: Prístupnosť
sl: Dostopnost
C: Accessibility
da: Tilgængelighed
sq: Përdorshmëri
sr: Приступачност
zh_TW: 輔助功能
de: Barrierefreiheit
sv: Hjälpmedelsfunktioner
he: נגישות
en_CA: Accessibility
pa: ਅਸੈਸਬਿਲਟੀ
en_GB: Accessibility
hr: Pristupačnost
te: ప్రాపనీయత
hy_AM: Մատչելիութիւն
hu: Akadálymentesítés
pl: Ułatwienia dostępu
th: สิ่งอำนวยความสะดวก
lt: Prieinamumas
he: שיפור נגישות מקלדת ועכבר
ja: キーボードとマウスのユーザー補助機能を向上させます
zh_CN: 改善键盘和鼠标的辅助功能
ms: Pertingkatkan kebolehcapaian papan kekunci dan tetikus
sk: Zlepšite prístupnosť klávesnice a myši
sl: Izboljšaj dostopnost tipkovnice in miške
tr: Klavye ve fare erişilebilirliğini arttır
C: Improve keyboard and mouse accessibility
fr: Améliorer l’accessibilité du clavier et de la souris
sq: Përmirësoni përdorshmërinë e tastierës dhe miut
sr: Побољшава приступачност миша и тастатуре
nb: Forbedre tilgjengeligheten med tastatur og mus
hr: Poboljšajte pristupačnost tipkovnice i miša
ca: Milloreu l'accessibilitat del teclat i del ratolí
hy_AM: Բարելաւել ստեղնաշարի եւ մկնիկի մատչելիութիւնը
hu: Billentyűzet és egér akadálymentesítésének javítása
sv: Förbättra hjälpfunktioner för tangentbord och mus
uk: Покращення доступності миші і клавіатури
ug: ھەرپتاختا ۋە چاشقىنەك ياردەمچى ئىقتىدارىنى ياخشىلاش
ur: کیبورڈ اور ماؤس کی قابلیت رسائی بہتر کریں
nl: Verbeter toegankelijkheid van muis en toetsenbord
zh_TW: 改善鍵盤與滑鼠的輔助能力
nn: Betra tilgjenget for mus og tastatur
lt: Pagerinti klaviatūros ir pelės prieinamumą
ar: تحسين الولوج للوحة المفاتيح والفارة
lv: Uzlabot tastatūras un peles pieejamību
pl: Konfiguruje techniki ułatwiające korzystanie z klawiatury i myszy
el: Βελτίωση προσβασιμότητας πληκτρολογίου και ποντικιού
ast: Ameyora l'accesibilidá de tecláu y mur
cs: Vylepšete přístupnost klávesnice a myši
id: Tingkatkan aksesibilitas papan ketik dan tetikus
ie: Ameliorar li accessibilitá de tastatura e mus
gl: Mellorar a accesibilidade do teclado e do rato
pt: Melhorar a acessibilidade do teclado e do rato
es: Mejore la accesibilidad de teclado y ratón
ro: Îmbunătățiți accesibilitatea tastaturii și a mausului
eu: Gaitu teklatu eta sagu erabilerraztasuna
ru: Настройка специальный возможностей клавиатуры и мыши
ur_PK: کیبورڈ اور ماؤس کی قابلیت رسائی بہتر کریں
en_CA: Improve keyboard and mouse accessibility
kk: Пернетақта мен тышқан қолжетерлілігін жақсарту
be: Наладка адмысловых магчымасцяў мышы і клавіятуры
is: Bæta aðgengi með lyklaborð og mús
it: Impostazione dell'accessibilità del mouse e della tastiera
ko: 키보드와 마우스의 접근성을 개선합니다
da: Forbedr tilgængeligheden med tastatur og mus
de: Die Zugänglichkeit von Tastatur und Maus verbessern
oc: Melhorar l'accessibilitat del clavièr e de la mirga
th: ปรับสิ่งอำนวยความสะดวกสำหรับแป้นพิมพ์และเมาส์
en_GB: Improve keyboard and mouse accessibility
bn: কীবোর্ড ও মাউসের স্বাচ্ছন্দ্যকরণ উন্নত করুন
zh_HK: 改善鍵盤和滑鼠的無障礙功能
be@tarask: Наладзіць адмысловыя магчымасьці мышу й клявіятуры
en_AU: Improve keyboard and mouse accessibility
fi: Helpota näppäimistön ja hiiren käyttöä
pt_BR: Melhore a acessibilidade do teclado e do mouse
bg: Настройка на разширени възможности на мишката и клавиатурата
de: >-
<p>xfce4-settings ist die Bedienoberfläche für die Xfce-Einstellungsverwaltung. Es bietet mehrere verschiedene Komponenten
zum Einrichten anwendungsunabhängiger Einstellngen in xfconf. Es enthält diverse Werkzeuge: - xfce4-settings-manager
(der die alte mcs-Einstellungsverwaltung ersetzt), der die verschiedenen (bereitgestellten) Einstellungsdialoge ausführt
- xfce4-settings-editor, ein Werkzeug zum Bearbeiten ALLER Einstellungen in xfconf, dem grafischen Gegenstück zu xfconf-query.
- xfsettingsd, ein Dienst zum Exportieren von XSettings in Anwendungen und bereitstellen besonderer Funktionen, wie
Tastenkürzel, AccessX-Benachrichtigungen und Aktualisierungen der Tastatur- und Mauszeigerdaten.</p>
pl: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
pt_BR: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
sk: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
sl: >-
<p>xfce4-settings je začelje upravljalnika nastavitev Xfce. Vsebuje različne sestavne dele za nastavljanje od programov
neodvisnih nastavitev v xfconf. Vsebuje več orodij: - xfce4-settings-manager (ki zamenja stari upravljalnik nastavitev
mcs), ki izvede različna pogovorna okna nastavitev - xfce4-settings-editor, orodje za urejanje VSEH nastavitev v xfconf,
grafični ustreznik xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ozadnji program za izvoz XSettings v programe in zagotavljanje posebnih
zmožnosti, kot so tipkovne bližnjice, obvestilo AccessX in posodobitev podatkov tipkovnice in miškinega kazalca.</p>
ja: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
pt: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
C: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
en: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
uk: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
ru: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
fr: >-
<p>Xfce4-settings est le gestionnaire de paramètres de Xfce. Il est livré avec plusieurs composants différents pour régler
la configuration des applications indépendantes à l'intérieur de xfconf. Il contient plusieurs outils : - xfce4-settings-manager
(qui remplace l'ancien gestionnaire de paramètres mcs), qui exécute les différents réglages des boîtes de dialogue
(fournies). - xfce4-settings-editor, un outil d'édition de TOUS les paramètres dans xfconf, l'équivalent graphique
de xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, le démon d'exportation de xsettings vers les applications, et offrant des caractéristiques
spéciales comme les raccourcis clavier, la notification d'AccessX et la mise à jour des données du clavier et de
la souris.</p>
it: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
da: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
- Settings
- DesktopSettings
- name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-accessibility.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-accessibility.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-accessibility.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: preferences-desktop-accessibility
- url: x/xf/xfce4-accessibility-settings.desktop/86AD4CDF46110DD239FA76D3966FDC2A/icons/128x128/xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-accessibility.png
width: 128
height: 128
- xfce4-accessibility-settings.desktop
xfce4-settings-editor.desktop - 4.14.3-0ubuntu1 ⚙ amd64
⚙ armhf
⚙ arm64
⚙ ppc64el
⚙ s390x
Type: desktop-application
ID: xfce4-settings-editor.desktop
Package: xfce4-settings
he: עורך הגדרות
ja: 設定エディター
zh_CN: 设置编辑器
ms: Penyunting Tetapan
sk: Editor nastavení
sl: Urejevalnik nastavitev
ur: ترتیبات ایڈیٹر
ug: تەڭشەك تەھرىرلىگۈ
C: Settings Editor
fr: Éditeur de paramètres
sq: Përpunues Rregullimesh
sr: Уредник поставки
nb: Innstillingsredigering
hr: Uređivač postavki
ca: Editor d'ajusts
hy_AM: Կարգաւորումների խմբագրիչ
hu: Beállításszerkesztő
pa: ਸੈਟਿੰਗ ਐਡੀਟਰ
uk: Редактор параметрів
sv: Inställningsredigerare
am: አራሚ ማሰናጃ
nl: Instellingenbewerker voor Xfconf
zh_TW: 設定編輯器
nn: Innstillingar
lt: Nustatymų redaktorius
ar: محرر الإعدادات
lv: Iestatījumu redaktors
pl: Edytor ustawień
el: Επεξεργαστής Ρυθμίσεων
ast: Editor de configuración
cs: Editor nastavení
id: Penyunting Pengaturan
ie: Redactor de parametres
gl: Editor de configuración
pt: Editor de definições
es: Editor de configuración
ro: Editor de opțiuni
eu: Ezarpen editorea
te: అమరికల కూర్పరి
ru: Редактор настроек
ur_PK: ترتیبات ایڈیٹر
th: เครื่องมือแก้ไขค่าตั้ง
kk: Баптаулар түзетуші
be: Рэдактар налад
is: Stillingaritill
it: Editor delle impostazioni
ko: 설정 편집기
da: Indstillingsredigering
de: Einstellungsbearbeitung
oc: Editor de paramètres
tr: Ayarlar Editörü
en_GB: Settings Editor
bn: সেটিংস সম্পাদক
zh_HK: 設定編輯器
be@tarask: Рэдактар наладаў
en_AU: Settings Editor
fi: Asetukset
pt_BR: Editor de configurações
bg: Редактор на настройките
he: עורך הגדרות גרפי עבור Xfconf
ja: Xfconf のグラフィカル設定エディターです
zh_CN: Xfconf 的图形设置编辑器
ms: Penyunting tetapan bergrafik untuk Xfconf
sk: Grafický editor nastavení pre Xfconf
sl: Grafični urejevalnik Xfconf nastavitev
ug: Xfconf نىڭ گرافىكىلىق تەڭشەك تەھرىرلىگۈسى
C: Graphical settings editor for Xfconf
fr: Éditeur graphique de paramètres pour Xfconf
sq: Përpunim grafik vetish Xfconf-i
sr: Графички уређивач поставки Иксфконф-а
nb: Grafisk redigeringsprogram for Xfconf
hr: Grafički uređivač postavki za Xfconf
ca: Editor gràfic d'ajusts de Xfconf
hy_AM: Տեսապատկերային կարգաւորումների խմբագրիչ` Xfconf֊ի համար
hu: Grafikus beállításszerkesztő az Xfconf-hoz
sv: Grafisk inställningsredigerare för Xfconf
uk: Графічний редактор параметрів для Xfconf
ur: تصویری ترتیبات مدون کار برائے Xfconf
nl: Grafische instellingenbewerker voor Xfconf
zh_TW: Xfconf 的圖形化設定編輯器
nn: Grafisk innstillingsprogram for Xfconf
lt: Grafinis nustatymų redaktorius skirtas Xfconf
ar: محرر إعدادات رسومي لـإكسفس4
lv: Grafiskais iestatījumu redaktors priekš Xfconf
pl: Konfiguruje ustawienia przechowywane przez program Xfconf
el: Γραφικός επεξεργαστής ρυθμίσεων για το Xfconf
ast: Editor gráficu de configuración pa Xfconf
cs: Grafický editor nastavení služby Xfconf
id: Penyunting pengaturan grafis untuk Xfconf
ie: Un grafic redactor de parametres de Xfconf
gl: Editor gráfico de configuración para Xfconf
pt: Editor gráfico para as definições Xfconf
es: Configuración gráfica del editor para el Servicio de configuración de Xfce
ro: Editor grafic al opțiunilor Xfconf
eu: Xfconf-ren ezarpen editore grafikoa
te: Xfconf కొరకు గ్రాఫికల్ అమరికల కూర్పకం
ru: Графический редактор настроек для Xfconf
ur_PK: تصویری ترتیبات مدون کار برائے Xfconf
th: โปรแกรมแก้ไขค่าตั้งแบบกราฟิกสำหรับ Xfconf
kk: Xfconf үшін баптауларды графикалық түзетуші
be: Графічны рэдактар налад для Xfconf
is: Myndrænn stillingaritill fyrir Xfconf
it: Editor grafico delle impostazioni per Xfconf
ko: Xfconf 그래픽 설정 편집기
da: Grafisk indstillingsredigering til Xfconf
de: Grafische Einstellungsbearbeitung für Xfconf
oc: Editor grafic dels paramètres Xfconf
tr: Xfconf için grafik ayar düzenleyicisi
en_GB: Graphical settings editor for Xfconf
bn: Xfconf-র জন্য গ্রাফিকাল সেটিংস সম্পাদক
zh_HK: Xfconf 的圖像化設定編輯器
be@tarask: Графічны рэдактар наладаў для Xfconf
en_AU: Graphical settings editor for Xfconf
fi: Graafinen Xfconf-asetusten muokkain
pt_BR: Editor de configurações gráficas para o Xfconf
bg: Графичен редактор на настройките за Xfconf
de: >-
<p>xfce4-settings ist die Bedienoberfläche für die Xfce-Einstellungsverwaltung. Es bietet mehrere verschiedene Komponenten
zum Einrichten anwendungsunabhängiger Einstellngen in xfconf. Es enthält diverse Werkzeuge: - xfce4-settings-manager
(der die alte mcs-Einstellungsverwaltung ersetzt), der die verschiedenen (bereitgestellten) Einstellungsdialoge ausführt
- xfce4-settings-editor, ein Werkzeug zum Bearbeiten ALLER Einstellungen in xfconf, dem grafischen Gegenstück zu xfconf-query.
- xfsettingsd, ein Dienst zum Exportieren von XSettings in Anwendungen und bereitstellen besonderer Funktionen, wie
Tastenkürzel, AccessX-Benachrichtigungen und Aktualisierungen der Tastatur- und Mauszeigerdaten.</p>
pl: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
pt_BR: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
sk: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
sl: >-
<p>xfce4-settings je začelje upravljalnika nastavitev Xfce. Vsebuje različne sestavne dele za nastavljanje od programov
neodvisnih nastavitev v xfconf. Vsebuje več orodij: - xfce4-settings-manager (ki zamenja stari upravljalnik nastavitev
mcs), ki izvede različna pogovorna okna nastavitev - xfce4-settings-editor, orodje za urejanje VSEH nastavitev v xfconf,
grafični ustreznik xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ozadnji program za izvoz XSettings v programe in zagotavljanje posebnih
zmožnosti, kot so tipkovne bližnjice, obvestilo AccessX in posodobitev podatkov tipkovnice in miškinega kazalca.</p>
ja: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
pt: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
C: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
en: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
uk: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
ru: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
fr: >-
<p>Xfce4-settings est le gestionnaire de paramètres de Xfce. Il est livré avec plusieurs composants différents pour régler
la configuration des applications indépendantes à l'intérieur de xfconf. Il contient plusieurs outils : - xfce4-settings-manager
(qui remplace l'ancien gestionnaire de paramètres mcs), qui exécute les différents réglages des boîtes de dialogue
(fournies). - xfce4-settings-editor, un outil d'édition de TOUS les paramètres dans xfconf, l'équivalent graphique
de xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, le démon d'exportation de xsettings vers les applications, et offrant des caractéristiques
spéciales comme les raccourcis clavier, la notification d'AccessX et la mise à jour des données du clavier et de
la souris.</p>
it: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
da: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
- Settings
- DesktopSettings
- name: xfce4-settings_preferences-system.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: xfce4-settings_preferences-system.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: xfce4-settings_preferences-system.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: preferences-system
- url: x/xf/xfce4-settings-editor.desktop/610D046F17BDAB762F16A2324C226DDD/icons/128x128/xfce4-settings_preferences-system.png
width: 128
height: 128
- xfce4-settings-editor.desktop
xfce-display-settings.desktop - 4.14.3-0ubuntu1 ⚙ amd64
⚙ armhf
⚙ arm64
⚙ ppc64el
⚙ s390x
Type: desktop-application
ID: xfce-display-settings.desktop
Package: xfce4-settings
lv: Displejs
pt: Ecrã
tr: Ekran
ast: Pantalla
am: ማሳያ
id: Tampilan
ie: Monitor
pt_BR: Monitor
el: Οθόνη
ar: العرض
es: Pantalla
eu: Bistaratu
is: Skjár
it: Schermo
ug: كۆرسەتكۈچ
ms: Paparan
uk: Дисплей
be: Дысплей
bg: Дисплей
ur: ڈسپلے
ja: ディスプレイ
zh_CN: 显示
bn: প্রদর্শন
fi: Näyttö
nb: Skjerm
be@tarask: Дысплэй
fr: Affichage
nl: Beeldscherm
nn: Skjerm
en_AU: Display
ca: Pantalla
ro: Display
ur_PK: ڈسپلے
ru: Дисплей
zh_HK: 顯示
gl: Pantalla
oc: Afichatge
cs: Displej
kk: Дисплей
ko: 디스플레이
si: සංදර්ශකය
sk: Monitor
sl: Zaslon
C: Display
da: Skærm
sq: Shfaqje
sr: Приказ
zh_TW: 顯示器
de: Anzeige
sv: Bildskärm
he: תצוגה
en_CA: Display
pa: ਡਿਸਪਲੇਅ
en_GB: Display
hr: Zaslon
te: ప్రదర్శన
hy_AM: Ցուցադրիչ
hu: Kijelző
pl: Ekran
th: จอแสดงผล
lt: Ekranas
he: הגדרת סידור והגדרות מסך
ja: 画面の解像度とレイアウトを設定します
zh_CN: 配置屏幕设置和布局
ms: Konfigur tetapan dan bentangan skrin
sk: Nastavenia konfigurácie obrazovky a rozloženia
sl: Nastavite nastavitve zaslona in postavitve
tr: Ekran ayarlarını ve düzenini yapılandır
C: Configure screen settings and layout
fr: Configurer les paramètres et la disposition des écrans
sq: Formësoni rregullime dhe skemë ekrani
sr: Подеси екране и њихов размештај
nb: Sett opp skjerminnstillinger
hr: Konfigurirajte postavke i raspored ekrana
ca: Configureu els ajusts i la disposició de la pantalla
hy_AM: Կազմաձեւել ցուցադրիչի կարգաւորումներն ու շարակարգը
hu: Képernyő-beállítások és -elrendezés megadása
pa: ਸਕਰੀਨ ਸੈਟਿੰਗ ਅਤੇ ਲੇਆਉਟ ਸੰਰਚਨਾ
uk: Налаштувати параметри екрану та клавіатури
ug: ئېكراننىڭ ئورۇنلاشتۇرۇلۇشى ۋە ئېنىقلىقىنى تەڭشەش
sv: Ställ in skärminställningar och -layout
ur: سکرین کی ترتیبات اور خاکہ مرتب کریں
nl: Scherminstellingen en -vormgeving bewerken
zh_TW: 調整螢幕設定與配置
nn: Set opp skjermen og utforminga
lt: Konfigūruoti ekrano nustatymus ir išdėstymą
ar: ضبط إعدادات الشاشة والتصميم
lv: Konfigurēt ekrāna iestatījumus un izkārtojumu
pl: Konfiguruje ustawienia i układ ekranu
el: Ρύθμιση ιδιοτήτων και διάταξης οθονών
ast: Configura los axustes y la xeometría de la pantalla
cs: Konfiguruje nastavení obrazovky a rozložení
id: Atur pengaturan layar dan tata letak
ie: Configurar parametres e arangeament de ecranes
gl: Configurar as opcións e a disposición da pantalla
pt: Configurar definições e esquema do ecrã
es: Configure las opciones y la geometría de la pantalla
ro: Configurați opțiunile pentru ecrane și monitoare
eu: Konfiguratu pantaila ezarpen eta ingurunea
te: తెర అమరికలను మరియు రూపురేఖలను స్వరూపించు
ru: Настройки экрана
ur_PK: سکرین کی ترتیبات اور خاکہ مرتب کریں
en_CA: Configure screen settings and layout
kk: Экран баптауларын мен жаймасын баптау
be: Наладка экрана
is: Sýsla með skjástillingar og framsetningu
it: Configurazione delle impostazioni e della disposizione dello schermo
ko: 화면 설정과 배치 설정
da: Konfigurer skærmindstillinger og -layout
de: Bildschirmeinstellungen und Anordnung konfigurieren
oc: Configurar los paramètres de l'ecran e la disposicion
th: ตั้งค่าหน้าจอและการจัดเรียง
en_GB: Configure screen settings and layout
bn: পর্দার সেটিংসমূহ ও বহির্বিন্যাস কনফিগার
zh_HK: 設定螢幕設定值和配置
be@tarask: Налады экрану й напляставаньня
en_AU: Configure screen settings and layout
fi: Muokkaa näyttöasetuksia ja asettelua
pt_BR: Definir configurações e disposição dos monitores
bg: Промяна на настройките и разположението на екраните
de: >-
<p>xfce4-settings ist die Bedienoberfläche für die Xfce-Einstellungsverwaltung. Es bietet mehrere verschiedene Komponenten
zum Einrichten anwendungsunabhängiger Einstellngen in xfconf. Es enthält diverse Werkzeuge: - xfce4-settings-manager
(der die alte mcs-Einstellungsverwaltung ersetzt), der die verschiedenen (bereitgestellten) Einstellungsdialoge ausführt
- xfce4-settings-editor, ein Werkzeug zum Bearbeiten ALLER Einstellungen in xfconf, dem grafischen Gegenstück zu xfconf-query.
- xfsettingsd, ein Dienst zum Exportieren von XSettings in Anwendungen und bereitstellen besonderer Funktionen, wie
Tastenkürzel, AccessX-Benachrichtigungen und Aktualisierungen der Tastatur- und Mauszeigerdaten.</p>
pl: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
pt_BR: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
sk: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
sl: >-
<p>xfce4-settings je začelje upravljalnika nastavitev Xfce. Vsebuje različne sestavne dele za nastavljanje od programov
neodvisnih nastavitev v xfconf. Vsebuje več orodij: - xfce4-settings-manager (ki zamenja stari upravljalnik nastavitev
mcs), ki izvede različna pogovorna okna nastavitev - xfce4-settings-editor, orodje za urejanje VSEH nastavitev v xfconf,
grafični ustreznik xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ozadnji program za izvoz XSettings v programe in zagotavljanje posebnih
zmožnosti, kot so tipkovne bližnjice, obvestilo AccessX in posodobitev podatkov tipkovnice in miškinega kazalca.</p>
ja: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
pt: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
C: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
en: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
uk: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
ru: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
fr: >-
<p>Xfce4-settings est le gestionnaire de paramètres de Xfce. Il est livré avec plusieurs composants différents pour régler
la configuration des applications indépendantes à l'intérieur de xfconf. Il contient plusieurs outils : - xfce4-settings-manager
(qui remplace l'ancien gestionnaire de paramètres mcs), qui exécute les différents réglages des boîtes de dialogue
(fournies). - xfce4-settings-editor, un outil d'édition de TOUS les paramètres dans xfconf, l'équivalent graphique
de xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, le démon d'exportation de xsettings vers les applications, et offrant des caractéristiques
spéciales comme les raccourcis clavier, la notification d'AccessX et la mise à jour des données du clavier et de
la souris.</p>
it: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
da: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
- Settings
- DesktopSettings
- name: xfce4-settings_video-display.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: xfce4-settings_video-display.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: xfce4-settings_video-display.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: video-display
- url: x/xf/xfce-display-settings.desktop/5178F0C38B3C2F5E6BA2848BFC3483D1/icons/128x128/xfce4-settings_video-display.png
width: 128
height: 128
- xfce-display-settings.desktop
xfce-mouse-settings.desktop - 4.14.3-0ubuntu1 ⚙ amd64
⚙ armhf
⚙ arm64
⚙ ppc64el
⚙ s390x
Type: desktop-application
ID: xfce-mouse-settings.desktop
Package: xfce4-settings
he: עכבר ולוח מגע
ja: マウスとタッチパッド
zh_CN: 鼠标和触摸板
sk: Myš a touchpad
sl: Miška in sledilna ploščica
th: เมาส์และทัชแพด
ug: چاشقىنەك ۋە سېزىمچان تاختا
C: Mouse and Touchpad
fr: Souris et pavé tactile
sq: Mi dhe Touchpad
sr: Миш и додирна плочица
nb: Mus og pekeflate
hr: Miš i dodirna ploča
ca: Ratolí normal i tàctil
hy_AM: Մկնիկ եւ հպահարթակ
hu: Egér és érintőtábla
sv: Mus och pekplatta
uk: Миша і сенсорна панель
am: አይጥ እና ተችፓድ
nl: Muis en aanraakveld
zh_TW: 滑鼠與觸控板
nn: Mus og musefelt
lt: Pelė ir jutiklinis kilimėlis
ar: فأرة و لوحة اللمس
pl: Mysz i panel dotykowy
el: Ποντίκι και Touchpad
ast: Mur y Touchpad
cs: Myš a touchpad
id: Tetikus dan Lapik Sentuh
ie: Mus e panel tactil
gl: Rato e área táctil
pt: Rato e painel de toque
es: Ratón y panel táctil
ro: Maus și touchpad
eu: Sagua eta Touchpada
te: మౌస్ మరియు టచ్ప్యాడ్
ru: Мышь и тачпад
zh_HK: 滑鼠和觸控板
en_CA: Mouse and Touchpad
kk: Тышқан мен тачпад
be: Мыш і тачпад
is: Mús og snertiplatti
it: Mouse e touchpad
ko: 마우스와 터치패드
da: Mus og pegeplade
de: Maus und Touchpad
oc: Mirga e pavat tactil
tr: Fare ve dokunmatik yüzey
en_GB: Mouse and Touchpad
be@tarask: Мыша й дотыкавік
ms: Tetikus dan Pad Sentuh
en_AU: Mouse and Touchpad
fi: Hiiri ja kosketuslevy
pt_BR: Mouse e touchpad
bg: Мишка и тъчпад
he: הגדר התנהגות ומראה התקן הצבעה
ja: ポインティングデバイスの振る舞いや外観を設定します
zh_CN: 配置定位设备行为和外观
ms: Konfigur kelakuan dan penampilan peranti
sk: Konfiguruje správanie a vzhľad kurzora
sl: Nastavi obnašanje in izgled kazalčnih naprav
tr: İşaretçi aygıtın davranışını ve görünümünü yapılandırın
C: Configure pointer device behavior and appearance
fr: Configurer le comportement et l’apparence du dispositif de pointage
sq: Formësoni sjellje dhe dukje pajisjeje kursori
sr: Подесите изглед и особине уређаја показивача
nb: Tilpass oppførsel og utseende for musepekeren
hr: Konfigurirajte ponašanje i izgled pokazivača
ca: Configureu el comportament i l'aparença del dispositiu del punter
hy_AM: Կազմաձեւել նշող սարքի վարքագիծն ու արտաքին տեսքը
hu: Mutatóeszköz viselkedésének és megjelenésének beállítása
pa: ਪੁਆਇੰਟਰ ਜੰਤਰ ਰਵੱਈਆ ਅਤੇ ਦਿੱਖ ਸੰਰਚਨਾ
uk: Налаштувати поведінку і зовнішній вигляд вказівника миші
ug: كۆرسەتكۈچ ئۈسكۈنىسىنىڭ ھەرىكىتى ۋە كۆرۈنۈشىنى تەڭشەش
sv: Ställ in muspekarens beteende och utseende
ur: پؤائینٹر ڈیوائس کا سلوک اور مظہر متعین کریں
nl: Gedrag en weergave van muispijlapparaat instellen
zh_TW: 調整指標裝置行為與外觀
nn: Set opp åtferda og utsjånaden til peikareiningar
lt: Konfigūruoti žymėjimo įrenginio elgseną ir išvaizdą
ar: إعداد جهاز المؤشر سلوك ومظهر
lv: Konfigurēt kursora ierīču uzvedību un izskatu
pl: Konfiguruje zachowanie i wygląd kursora urządzenia wskazującego
el: Ρύθμιση συμπεριφοράς και εμφάνισης της συσκευής δείκτη
ast: Configura'l comportamientu y aspeutu del preséu del punteru
cs: Konfiguruje chování a vzhled ukazatele zařízení
id: Atur penampilan dan perilaku divais penunjuk
ie: Configurar aspecte e conduida de apuntator
gl: Configurar o comportamento e maila aparencia do dispositivo de punteiro
pt: Configurar comportamento e aparência do ponteiro
es: Configure el comportamiento y apariencia del dispositivo de puntero
ro: Configurați aspectul și comportamentul indicatorului de tip cursor
eu: Konfiguratu markatzaile gailu ingurunea eta itxura
ru: Настройка поведения и внешнего вида устройств указания
ur_PK: پؤائینٹر ڈیوائس کا سلوک اور مظہر متعین کریں
en_CA: Configure pointer device behaviour and appearance
kk: Көрсету құрылғысының мінез-құлығын мен сыртқы түрін баптау
be: Наладка паводзін і выгляду прылад для кіравання курсорам
is: Stilla hegðun og útlit bendiltækja
it: Configurazione del comportamento e dell'aspetto del dispositivo di puntamento
ko: 포인터 장치 동작과 표시 설정
da: Konfigurer opførsel og udseende for markørenhed
de: Das Verhalten und das Aussehen der Zeigegeräte konfigurieren
oc: Configurar lo comportament e estil de la mirga
th: ตั้งค่าพฤติกรรมและรูปลักษณ์ของอุปกรณ์ชี้
en_GB: Configure pointer device behaviour and appearance
bn: পয়েন্টার ডিভাইসের আচরণ ও অবয়ব কনফিগার
zh_HK: 設定指標裝置行為和外觀
be@tarask: Налада паводзінаў і вонкавага выгляду прыладаў кіраваньнем указальніка
en_AU: Configure pointer device behaviour and appearance
fi: Säädä osoitinlaitteen käytöstä ja osoittimen ulkonäköä
pt_BR: Configure o comportamento e a aparência do dispositivo de ponteiro
bg: Настройване на поведението на устройствата и външният вид
de: >-
<p>xfce4-settings ist die Bedienoberfläche für die Xfce-Einstellungsverwaltung. Es bietet mehrere verschiedene Komponenten
zum Einrichten anwendungsunabhängiger Einstellngen in xfconf. Es enthält diverse Werkzeuge: - xfce4-settings-manager
(der die alte mcs-Einstellungsverwaltung ersetzt), der die verschiedenen (bereitgestellten) Einstellungsdialoge ausführt
- xfce4-settings-editor, ein Werkzeug zum Bearbeiten ALLER Einstellungen in xfconf, dem grafischen Gegenstück zu xfconf-query.
- xfsettingsd, ein Dienst zum Exportieren von XSettings in Anwendungen und bereitstellen besonderer Funktionen, wie
Tastenkürzel, AccessX-Benachrichtigungen und Aktualisierungen der Tastatur- und Mauszeigerdaten.</p>
pl: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
pt_BR: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
sk: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
sl: >-
<p>xfce4-settings je začelje upravljalnika nastavitev Xfce. Vsebuje različne sestavne dele za nastavljanje od programov
neodvisnih nastavitev v xfconf. Vsebuje več orodij: - xfce4-settings-manager (ki zamenja stari upravljalnik nastavitev
mcs), ki izvede različna pogovorna okna nastavitev - xfce4-settings-editor, orodje za urejanje VSEH nastavitev v xfconf,
grafični ustreznik xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ozadnji program za izvoz XSettings v programe in zagotavljanje posebnih
zmožnosti, kot so tipkovne bližnjice, obvestilo AccessX in posodobitev podatkov tipkovnice in miškinega kazalca.</p>
ja: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
pt: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
C: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
en: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
uk: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
ru: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
fr: >-
<p>Xfce4-settings est le gestionnaire de paramètres de Xfce. Il est livré avec plusieurs composants différents pour régler
la configuration des applications indépendantes à l'intérieur de xfconf. Il contient plusieurs outils : - xfce4-settings-manager
(qui remplace l'ancien gestionnaire de paramètres mcs), qui exécute les différents réglages des boîtes de dialogue
(fournies). - xfce4-settings-editor, un outil d'édition de TOUS les paramètres dans xfconf, l'équivalent graphique
de xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, le démon d'exportation de xsettings vers les applications, et offrant des caractéristiques
spéciales comme les raccourcis clavier, la notification d'AccessX et la mise à jour des données du clavier et de
la souris.</p>
it: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
da: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
- Settings
- DesktopSettings
- name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-peripherals.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-peripherals.png
width: 64
height: 64
stock: preferences-desktop-peripherals
- xfce-mouse-settings.desktop
xfce-keyboard-settings.desktop - 4.14.3-0ubuntu1 ⚙ amd64
⚙ armhf
⚙ arm64
⚙ ppc64el
⚙ s390x
Type: desktop-application
ID: xfce-keyboard-settings.desktop
Package: xfce4-settings
he: מקלדת
ja: キーボード
zh_CN: 键盘
ms: Papan kekunci
sk: Klávesnica
sl: Tipkovnica
ur: کیبورڈ
tr: Klavye
C: Keyboard
fr: Clavier
sq: Tastierë
sr: Тастатура
nb: Tastatur
hr: Tipkovnica
ca: Teclat
hy_AM: Ստեղնաշար
hu: Billentyűzet
pa: ਕੀਬੋਰਡ
uk: Клавіатура
ug: ھەرپتاختا
sv: Tangentbord
am: የ ፊደል ገበታ
nl: Toetsenbord
zh_TW: 鍵盤
nn: Tastatur
lt: Klaviatūra
ar: لوحة المفاتيح
lv: Tastatūra
pl: Klawiatura
el: Πληκτρολόγιο
ast: Tecláu
cs: Klávesnice
id: Papan ketik
ie: Tastatura
gl: Teclado
pt: Teclado
es: Teclado
ro: Tastatură
eu: Teklatua
te: కీబోర్డు
ru: Клавиатура
ur_PK: کیبورڈ
en_CA: Keyboard
kk: Пернетақта
be: Клавіятура
is: Lyklaborð
it: Tastiera
bg: Клавиатура
da: Tastatur
de: Tastatur
oc: Clavièr
th: แป้นพิมพ์
en_GB: Keyboard
bn: কীবোর্ড
zh_HK: 鍵盤
be@tarask: Клявіятура
en_AU: Keyboard
fi: Näppäimistö
pt_BR: Teclado
ko: 키보드
he: עריכת הגדרות מקלדת וקיצורי יישומים
ja: キーボード設定とアプリケーションショートカットキーを編集します
zh_CN: 编辑键盘设置和应用程序快捷键
ms: Sunting tetapan dan pintasan aplikasi papan kekunci
sk: Úprava nastavení klávesnice a klávesových skratiek
sl: Uredite nastavitve tipkovnice in bližnjičnih tipk
tr: Klavye ayarlarını ve uygulama kısayollarını düzenle
C: Edit keyboard settings and application shortcuts
fr: Éditer les paramètres du clavier et les raccourcis des applications
sq: Përpunoni rregullime tastiere dhe shkurtore aplikacionesh
sr: Уредите поставке тастатуре и пречица програма
nb: Rediger tastaturinnstillinger og programsnarveier
hr: Uredi postavke tipkovnice i prečace programa
ca: Editeu els ajusts del teclat i les dreceres de les aplicacions
hy_AM: Խմբագրել ստեղնաշարի կարգաւորումները եւ ծրագրի դիւրանցումները
hu: Billentyűzet-beállítások és alkalmazás-gyorsbillentyűk szerkesztése
sv: Redigera tangentbordsinställningar och programgenvägar
uk: Редагувати властивості клавіатури та ярликів запуску програм
ug: ھەرپتاختا تەڭشىكى ۋە پروگرامما تېزلەتمىلىرىنى تەھرىرلەيدۇ
ur: کیبورڈ کی ترتیبات اور اطلاقیوں کے شارٹ کٹس مدون کریں
nl: Bewerk toetsenbordinstellingen en toepassingssneltoetsen
zh_TW: 編輯鍵盤設定與應用程式捷徑
nn: Endra tastaturinnstillingar og snøggtastar
lt: Taisyti klaviatūros nustatymus ir programų susiejimus
ar: تحرير إعدادات لوحة المفاتيح واختصارات التطبيقات
lv: Rediģēt tastatūras iestatījumus un lietotņu īsceļus
pl: Konfiguruje ustawienia klawiatury oraz skróty klawiszowe programów
el: Επεξεργασία ρυθμίσεων πληκτρολογίου και συντομεύσεων εφαρμογών
ast: Edita la configuración del tecláu y los accesos direutos d'aplicación
cs: Úprava nastavení klávesnice a klávesových zkratek
id: Sunting pengaturan papan ketik dan jalan pintas aplikasi
ie: Modificar parametres de tastatura a rapid-tastes de applicationes
gl: Modificar as preferencias do teclado e os atallos dos aplicativos
pt: Editar definições do teclado e atalhos das aplicações
es: Edite la configuración del teclado y los atajos de aplicación
ro: Editați opțiunile de tastatură și combinațiile de taste
eu: Editatu teklatu ezarpenak eta aplikazio lasterbideak
ru: Изменение настроек клавиатуры и комбинаций клавиш
ur_PK: کیبورڈ کی ترتیبات اور اطلاقیوں کے شارٹ کٹس مدون کریں
en_CA: Edit keyboard settings and application shortcuts
kk: Пернетақта баптауларын мен қолданбалар жарлықтарын түзету
be: Рэдагаване налад клавіятуры і спалучэнняў клавіш
is: Sýsla með stillingar lyklaborðs og flýtilykla
it: Configurazione della tastiera e delle scorciatoie per le applicazioni
ko: 키보드 설정과 프로그램 바로 가기를 편집합니다
da: Rediger tastaturindstillinger og programgenveje
de: Die Tastatureinstellungen und Tastenkürzel für Anwendungen bearbeiten
oc: Editar los paramètres del clavièr e acorchis de las aplicacions
th: ตั้งค่าแป้นพิมพ์และปุ่มลัดเรียกโปรแกรม
en_GB: Edit keyboard settings and application shortcuts
bn: কীবোর্ড সেটিংসমূহ ও অ্যাপ্লিকেশন শর্টকাট সম্পাদনা
zh_HK: 編輯鍵盤設定值和應用程式捷徑
be@tarask: Рэдагаваць налады клявіятуры й спалучэньні клявішаў
en_AU: Edit keyboard settings and application shortcuts
fi: Näppäimistön asetukset ja sovellusten pikanäppäimet
pt_BR: Edite configurações de teclado e atalhos de aplicativos
bg: Промяна на настройките на клавиатурата и клавишните съчетания
de: >-
<p>xfce4-settings ist die Bedienoberfläche für die Xfce-Einstellungsverwaltung. Es bietet mehrere verschiedene Komponenten
zum Einrichten anwendungsunabhängiger Einstellngen in xfconf. Es enthält diverse Werkzeuge: - xfce4-settings-manager
(der die alte mcs-Einstellungsverwaltung ersetzt), der die verschiedenen (bereitgestellten) Einstellungsdialoge ausführt
- xfce4-settings-editor, ein Werkzeug zum Bearbeiten ALLER Einstellungen in xfconf, dem grafischen Gegenstück zu xfconf-query.
- xfsettingsd, ein Dienst zum Exportieren von XSettings in Anwendungen und bereitstellen besonderer Funktionen, wie
Tastenkürzel, AccessX-Benachrichtigungen und Aktualisierungen der Tastatur- und Mauszeigerdaten.</p>
pl: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
pt_BR: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
sk: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
sl: >-
<p>xfce4-settings je začelje upravljalnika nastavitev Xfce. Vsebuje različne sestavne dele za nastavljanje od programov
neodvisnih nastavitev v xfconf. Vsebuje več orodij: - xfce4-settings-manager (ki zamenja stari upravljalnik nastavitev
mcs), ki izvede različna pogovorna okna nastavitev - xfce4-settings-editor, orodje za urejanje VSEH nastavitev v xfconf,
grafični ustreznik xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ozadnji program za izvoz XSettings v programe in zagotavljanje posebnih
zmožnosti, kot so tipkovne bližnjice, obvestilo AccessX in posodobitev podatkov tipkovnice in miškinega kazalca.</p>
ja: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
pt: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
C: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
en: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
uk: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
ru: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
fr: >-
<p>Xfce4-settings est le gestionnaire de paramètres de Xfce. Il est livré avec plusieurs composants différents pour régler
la configuration des applications indépendantes à l'intérieur de xfconf. Il contient plusieurs outils : - xfce4-settings-manager
(qui remplace l'ancien gestionnaire de paramètres mcs), qui exécute les différents réglages des boîtes de dialogue
(fournies). - xfce4-settings-editor, un outil d'édition de TOUS les paramètres dans xfconf, l'équivalent graphique
de xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, le démon d'exportation de xsettings vers les applications, et offrant des caractéristiques
spéciales comme les raccourcis clavier, la notification d'AccessX et la mise à jour des données du clavier et de
la souris.</p>
it: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
da: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
- Settings
- DesktopSettings
- name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-keyboard.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-keyboard.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-keyboard.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: preferences-desktop-keyboard
- url: x/xf/xfce-keyboard-settings.desktop/BBC4E24B16EE3E92E912318182D1D308/icons/128x128/xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-keyboard.png
width: 128
height: 128
- xfce-keyboard-settings.desktop
xfce4-mime-settings.desktop - 4.14.3-0ubuntu1 ⚙ amd64
⚙ armhf
⚙ arm64
⚙ ppc64el
⚙ s390x
Type: desktop-application
ID: xfce4-mime-settings.desktop
Package: xfce4-settings
he: עורך סוג MIME
ja: MIME タイプエディター
zh_CN: MIME 类型编辑器
sk: Editor typu súborov
sl: Urejevalnik MIME tipov
th: เครื่องมือแก้ไขชนิด MIME
ug: تەھرىرلىگۈچ(MIME تىپىنى)
C: MIME Type Editor
fr: Éditeur de type MIME
sq: Përpunues Llojesh MIME
sr: Уређивач MIME врста датотека
nb: Redigere MIME-typer
hr: Uređivač MIME tipa
ca: Editor de tipus MIME
hy_AM: MIME տիպերի խմբագրիչ
hu: MIME-típus szerkesztő
sv: MIME-typ redigerare
uk: Редактор типів MIME
nl: Bewerker van bestandsoort-associaties (MIME)
zh_TW: MIME 類型編輯器
nn: Handsamar for MIME-typar
lt: MIME tipų redaktorius
ar: محرر نوع MIME
pl: Edytor typów MIME
el: Επεξεργαστής τύπων MIME
ast: Editor de triba MIME
cs: Editor typů MIME
id: Penyunting Tipe MIME
ie: Redactor de MIME-tipes
gl: Editor de tipos MIME
pt: Editor de tipos de MIME
es: Editor de tipos MIME
ro: Editor de tipuri MIME
eu: MIME mota editorea
te: MIME రకపు కూర్పకము
ru: Редактор типов MIME
zh_HK: MIME 類型編輯器
en_CA: MIME Type Editor
kk: MIME түрлерінің түзетушісі
be: Рэдактар тыпаў MIME
is: Ritill fyrir MIME-tegundir
ko: MIME 형식 편집기
it: Editor di tipo MIME
da: MIME-type-redigering
de: MIME-Typ-Bearbeitung
oc: Editor de tipe MIME
tr: MIME Tipi Düzenleyici
en_GB: MIME Type Editor
be@tarask: Рэдактар тыпаў MIME
ms: Penyunting Jenis MIME
en_AU: MIME Type Editor
fi: MIME-tyyppimuokkain
pt_BR: Editor de tipos MIME
bg: Редактор на MIME типове
he: שייך יישומים עם סוגי MIME
ja: MIME タイプにアプリケーションを割り当てます
zh_CN: 应用程序与 MIME 类型绑定
sk: Priradiť aplikáciu s typom súboru
sl: Poveži programe z MIME tipi
th: เชื่อมโยงโปรแกรมกับชนิด MIME ต่างๆ
ug: مۇناسىۋەتلىك پروگراممىلار(MIME تىپى بىلەن)
C: Associate applications with MIME types
fr: Associer des applications à des types MIME
sq: Përshoqëroni aplikacione me lloje MIME
sr: Придружите програме МИМЕ врстама датотека
nb: Tilknytt programmer med MIME-typer
hr: Poveži aplikacije s MIME tipovima
ca: Associeu les aplicacions amb els tipus MIME
hy_AM: Համակցել ծրագրերը MIME տիպերի հետ
hu: Alkalmazások társítása MIME-típusokhoz
sv: Associera program med MIME-typer
uk: Прив’язати програму з типом MIME
nl: Associeer toepassingen met bestandsoorten (MIME)
zh_TW: 將應用程式與 MIME 類型之間建立關聯
nn: Kopla program med MIME-typar
lt: Susieti programas su MIME tipais
ar: ربط التطبيقات بأنواع MIME
pl: Powiązuje typy MIME z programami
el: Συσχετισμός εφαρμογών με τύπους MIME
ast: Asociar aplicaciones coles tribes MIME
cs: Asociace aplikací s typy MIME
id: Aplikasi yang diasosiasikan dengan tipe MIME
ie: Associar applicationes con tipes MIME
gl: Asocia aplicativos con tipos MIME
pt: Associar aplicações com tipos de MIME
es: Aplicaciones asociadas con tipos MIME
ro: Asociați programe diferitelor tipuri de fișiere
eu: Lotu MIME motak aplikazioekin.
ru: Связывает приложения с типами MIME
zh_HK: 將應用程式與 MIME 類型之間建立關聯
en_CA: Associate applications with MIME types
kk: Қолданбаларды MIME түрлерімен сәйкестендіру
be: Звязвае праграмы з тыпамі MIME
is: Tengja forrit við MIME-tegundir
ko: MIME 형식에 프로그램 연결하기
it: Associa applicazioni con i tipi MIME
da: Tilknyt programmer med MIME-typer
de: Anwendungen mit MIME-Typen verknüpfen
oc: Associar las aplicacions amb los tipes MIME
tr: Uygulamaları MIME tipleriyle ilişkilendir
en_GB: Associate applications with MIME types
be@tarask: Зьвязвае дастасаваньні з тыпамі MIME
ms: Kaitkan aplikasi dengan jenis MIME
en_AU: Associate applications with MIME types
fi: Yhdistä sovelluksia MIME-tyyppeihin
pt_BR: Associa aplicativos com tipos MIME
bg: Асоциирани приложения с MIME типове
de: >-
<p>xfce4-settings ist die Bedienoberfläche für die Xfce-Einstellungsverwaltung. Es bietet mehrere verschiedene Komponenten
zum Einrichten anwendungsunabhängiger Einstellngen in xfconf. Es enthält diverse Werkzeuge: - xfce4-settings-manager
(der die alte mcs-Einstellungsverwaltung ersetzt), der die verschiedenen (bereitgestellten) Einstellungsdialoge ausführt
- xfce4-settings-editor, ein Werkzeug zum Bearbeiten ALLER Einstellungen in xfconf, dem grafischen Gegenstück zu xfconf-query.
- xfsettingsd, ein Dienst zum Exportieren von XSettings in Anwendungen und bereitstellen besonderer Funktionen, wie
Tastenkürzel, AccessX-Benachrichtigungen und Aktualisierungen der Tastatur- und Mauszeigerdaten.</p>
pl: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
pt_BR: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
sk: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
sl: >-
<p>xfce4-settings je začelje upravljalnika nastavitev Xfce. Vsebuje različne sestavne dele za nastavljanje od programov
neodvisnih nastavitev v xfconf. Vsebuje več orodij: - xfce4-settings-manager (ki zamenja stari upravljalnik nastavitev
mcs), ki izvede različna pogovorna okna nastavitev - xfce4-settings-editor, orodje za urejanje VSEH nastavitev v xfconf,
grafični ustreznik xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ozadnji program za izvoz XSettings v programe in zagotavljanje posebnih
zmožnosti, kot so tipkovne bližnjice, obvestilo AccessX in posodobitev podatkov tipkovnice in miškinega kazalca.</p>
ja: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
pt: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
C: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
en: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
uk: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
ru: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
fr: >-
<p>Xfce4-settings est le gestionnaire de paramètres de Xfce. Il est livré avec plusieurs composants différents pour régler
la configuration des applications indépendantes à l'intérieur de xfconf. Il contient plusieurs outils : - xfce4-settings-manager
(qui remplace l'ancien gestionnaire de paramètres mcs), qui exécute les différents réglages des boîtes de dialogue
(fournies). - xfce4-settings-editor, un outil d'édition de TOUS les paramètres dans xfconf, l'équivalent graphique
de xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, le démon d'exportation de xsettings vers les applications, et offrant des caractéristiques
spéciales comme les raccourcis clavier, la notification d'AccessX et la mise à jour des données du clavier et de
la souris.</p>
it: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
da: >-
<p>xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent
settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager),
which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within
xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications,
and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer
- Settings
- DesktopSettings
- name: xfce4-settings_application-x-executable.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: xfce4-settings_application-x-executable.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: xfce4-settings_application-x-executable.png
width: 128
height: 128
stock: application-x-executable
- url: x/xf/xfce4-mime-settings.desktop/8944CABFFEFD6D10947A525124E78A48/icons/128x128/xfce4-settings_application-x-executable.png
width: 128
height: 128
- xfce4-mime-settings.desktop