⇦ | unity-mail [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for unity-mail in universe

unity-mail.desktop - ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: unity-mail.desktop
Package: unity-mail
  zh_CN: Unity 邮件
  sk: Unity Mail
  sl: Pošta Unity
  ug: Unity Mail
  C: Unity Mail
  fr: Courriel Unity
  sr: Пошта Јунитија
  uk: Unity Mail
  hr: Unity Mail
  ca: Correu de l'Unity
  hu: Unity Mail
  nl: Unity Mail
  nn: Unity Mail
  lt: Unity paštas
  lv: Unity Pasts
  pl: Poczta Unity
  el: Ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο Unity
  cs: Unity Mail
  pt: Unity Mail
  gl: Correo de Unity
  es: Unity Mail
  ru: Unity Mail
  en_CA: Unity Mail
  kk: Unity Mail
  oc: Corrièl Unity
  it: Unity Mail
  mus: Unity Mail
  de: Unity Mail
  pt_BR: Unity Mail
  tr: Unity Mail
  en_GB: Unity Mail
  ms: Mel Unity
  en_AU: Unity Mail
  fi: Unity-sähköposti
  bg: Известяване за поща
  de: Benachrichtigung über neue E-Mails und Zählerzeichen für Unity
  ms: Pemberitahuan dan kiraan mel untuk Unity
  nn: E-postvarslingar og teljar for Unity
  pt_BR: Notificações e contagem de e-mails para o Unity
  zh_CN: Unity下的邮件通知与计数工具
  pl: Powiadomienia o nowej poczcie z licznikiem wiadomości dla Unity
  sl: Nova poštna obvestila in značka štetja za Unity
  fi: Ilmoitukset ja lukumäärät uusista sähköposteista Unity-työpöydälle
  C: Mail notifications and counter for Unity/MATE/Xfce/LXDE/etc.
  el: Ειδοποιήσεις νέων μηνυμάτων και μετρητής για το Unity
  pt: Notificações de novo Mail e Contador para o Unity
  cs: Upozorňování na novou poštu pro Unity
  gl: Notificacións de correo novo e contador para Unity
  ru: Уведомления о новых письмах и их счётчик на панели Unity
  tr: Unity için mektup bildirimi ve sayım
  es: Notificaciones de correo nuevo y contador para Unity
  fr: Notifications et badge pour les nouveaux messages pour Unity
  uk: Сповіщення про нові листи та їх лічильник на панелі Unity
  hr: Obavijest o novoj pošti i brojač za Unity
  hu: Levélértesítő Unityhez, MATE-hez, Xfce-hez, LXDE-hez, stb.
  ca: Notificacions de missatges nous i comptador pel Unity
  it: Notifiche nuova mail e messaggi non letti per Unity
  nl: E-mailmeldingen voor Unity
  bg: Известяване и брояч на писма за Unity
  mus: Ειδοποιήσεις και συνολικός αριθμός μηνυμάτων για την Unity
  ru: >-
    <p>Unity Mail is an application that integrates your mail into the Unity, MATE, Xfce, LXDE and other environments.</p>

    <p>It displays notifications about incoming mail, shows the number of unread messages and displays subjects in the Messaging

    <p>The Launcher item also has a quicklist that provides quick access to your mail folders (configured for GMail by default).
    It also allows you to quickly compose a new message.</p>

    <p>Unity Mail запускается автоматически, всё что нужно — это ввести ваши учётные данные почты в диалоге настройки.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Unity Mail is an application that integrates your mail into the Unity, MATE, Xfce, LXDE and other environments.</p>

    <p>It displays notifications about incoming mail, shows the number of unread messages and displays subjects in the Messaging

    <p>The Launcher item also has a quicklist that provides quick access to your mail folders (configured for GMail by default).
    It also allows you to quickly compose a new message.</p>

    <p>Unity Mail starts automatically, all you have to do is to enter your accounts settings in a configuration dialog.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Unity Mail is an application that integrates your mail into the Unity, MATE, Xfce, LXDE and other environments.</p>

    <p>It displays notifications about incoming mail, shows the number of unread messages and displays subjects in the Messaging

    <p>The Launcher item also has a quicklist that provides quick access to your mail folders (configured for GMail by default).
    It also allows you to quickly compose a new message.</p>

    <p>Unity Courriel démarre automatiquement, tout ce que vous avez à faire est de saisir vos paramètres de comptes dans
    une boîte de dialogue de configuration.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Unity Mail is an application that integrates your mail into the Unity, MATE, Xfce, LXDE and other environments.</p>

    <p>It displays notifications about incoming mail, shows the number of unread messages and displays subjects in the Messaging

    <p>The Launcher item also has a quicklist that provides quick access to your mail folders (configured for GMail by default).
    It also allows you to quickly compose a new message.</p>

    <p>Unity Mail starts automatically, all you have to do is to enter your accounts settings in a configuration dialog.</p>
- Email
- Network
  - name: unity-mail_unity-mail.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: unity-mail_unity-mail.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: unity-mail_unity-mail.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: unity-mail
  - url: u/un/unity-mail.desktop/FEEE09D38C2B18FBD9D542AA96C841CF/icons/128x128/unity-mail_unity-mail.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - unity-mail.desktop