⇦ | trophy [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for trophy in universe

trophy.desktop - 2.0.3-2build1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: trophy.desktop
Package: trophy
  C: Trophy
  C: 2D car racing game with power-ups
  pl: >-
    <p>Trophy jest jednoosobową grą wyścigową, która łączy w sobie elementy z tradycyjnych wyścigów i gier akcji. Wiele dostępnych
    dodatków zapewnia takie funkcje jak: strzelanie, umieszczanie min, baryłek i wiele innych.</p>

    <p>Pakiet zawiera plik wykonywalny.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Trophy is a single-player racing game which combines elements from traditional race and action games. Lots of available
    extras enable features such as shooting, mines, barrels and many others.</p>

    <p>Dieses Paket enthält das lauffähige Programm.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Trophy é um jogo mono-usuário que combina elementos de corrida tradicional com jogos de ação. Possui lotes extras disponíveis,
    que adicionam recursos como tiros, minas, barris e muitos outros.</p>

    <p>Este pacote contém o executável.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Trophy is a single-player racing game which combines elements from traditional race and action games. Lots of available
    extras enable features such as shooting, mines, barrels and many others.</p>

    <p>Ta paket vsebuje izvedljivo datoteko.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>Trophy is a single-player racing game which combines elements from traditional race and action games. Lots of available
    extras enable features such as shooting, mines, barrels and many others.</p>

    <p>У цьому пакунку містяться виконавчі файли.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Trophy is a single-player racing game which combines elements from traditional race and action games. Lots of available
    extras enable features such as shooting, mines, barrels and many others.</p>

    <p>This package contains the executable.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Trophy is a single-player racing game which combines elements from traditional race and action games. Lots of available
    extras enable features such as shooting, mines, barrels and many others.</p>

    <p>This package contains the executable.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Trophy is a single-player racing game which combines elements from traditional race and action games. Lots of available
    extras enable features such as shooting, mines, barrels and many others.</p>

    <p>This package contains the executable.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>Trophy is a single-player racing game which combines elements from traditional race and action games. Lots of available
    extras enable features such as shooting, mines, barrels and many others.</p>

    <p>Este paquete contén o executábel.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Trophy is a single-player racing game which combines elements from traditional race and action games. Lots of available
    extras enable features such as shooting, mines, barrels and many others.</p>

    <p>Este paquete contiene el ejecutable.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Trophy est un jeu de course à un seul joueur qui combine des éléments de jeux de course traditionnels et de jeux d&apos;action.
    Beaucoup de bonus sont disponibles pour activer des fonctions telles que des tirs, des mines, des canons et bien d&apos;autres.</p>

    <p>Ce paquet contient l&apos;exécutable.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Trophy is a single-player racing game which combines elements from traditional race and action games. Lots of available
    extras enable features such as shooting, mines, barrels and many others.</p>

    <p>В этом пакете содержатся исполняемые файлы.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Trophy is a single-player racing game which combines elements from traditional race and action games. Lots of available
    extras enable features such as shooting, mines, barrels and many others.</p>

    <p>This package contains the executable.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Trophy è un gioco di corse per un solo giocatore che combina elementi dei classici giochi d&apos;azione e di corsa.
    Molti bonus disponibili abilitano funzionalità come spari, mine, barili e molte altre.</p>

    <p>Questo pacchetto contiene l&apos;eseguibile.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Trophy er et racerspil for en spiller, som kombinerer elementer fra traditionelle racer- og aktionspil. Masser af tilgængeligt
    ekstra materiale aktiverer funktioner såsom skydning, miner, tønder og meget andet.</p>

    <p>Denne pakke indeholder den kørbare fil.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Trophy is a single-player racing game which combines elements from traditional race and action games. Lots of available
    extras enable features such as shooting, mines, barrels and many others.</p>

    <p>This package contains the executable.</p>
- Game
- ArcadeGame
  - car
  - simulator
  - 2d
  - action
  - name: trophy_trophy.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: trophy_trophy.png
    width: 128
    height: 128