⇦ | trackballs [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for trackballs in universe

trackballs.desktop - 1.3.1-1build1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: trackballs.desktop
Package: trackballs
  C: Trackballs
  C: Guide a marble through a maze and avoid obstacles
  de: Führe eine Murmel durch ein Labyrinth und weiche Hindernissen aus
  de: >-
    <p>Trackballs ist ein einfaches Spiel, das dem klassischen Spiel Marble Madness auf dem Amiga der 80er ähnelt. Durch das
    Steuern einer Murmel durch ein Labyrinth, das mit gemeinen Hämmern, Säureseen und anderen Hindernissen gefüllt ist, sammelt
    der Spieler Punkte. Wenn der Ball das Ziel erreicht, wird das Spiel im nächsten, schwierigeren Leven fortgesetzt - sofern
    die Zeit ausreicht.</p>

    <p>Dieses Spiel soll keine Kopie von Marble Madness sein, sondern davon inspiriert werden. Das Spiel ist hoch konfigurierbar
    durch die Verwendung einer Skript-Erweiterung (Guile) und bietet einen einfachen Editor, durch den neue Level einfach
    erzeugt werden können.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Trackballs é um jogo simples similar ao clássico jogo dos anos 80 Marble Madness do Amiga. Guiando uma bolinha de gude
    através de um labirinto cheio de martelos malvados, poças de ácido e outros obstáculos, o jogador coleciona pontos. Quando
    a bola alcança o destino ela continua para o próximo, e mais difícil, nível - a menos que o tempo acabe.</p>

    <p>Este jogo não tem a intenção de ser uma cópia do Marble Madness, mas sim inspirado nele. O jogo também é altamente
    configurável através do uso de uma extensão (Guile) que pode ser personalizada com scripts e fornece um editor simples
    através do qual novos níveis podem ser facilmente criados.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Trackballs is a simple game similar to the classical game Marble Madness on the Amiga in the 80&apos;s. By steering
    a marble ball through a labyrinth filled with vicious hammers, pools of acid and other obstacles the player collects points.
    When the ball reaches the destination it continues at the next, more difficult level - unless the time runs out.</p>

    <p>This game is not intended to be a replica of Marble Madness but rather inspired by it. The game is also highly configurable
    by using a scripting extension (Guile) and it provides a simple editor by which new levels can easily be created.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Trackballs is a simple game similar to the classical game Marble Madness on the Amiga in the 80&apos;s. By steering
    a marble ball through a labyrinth filled with vicious hammers, pools of acid and other obstacles the player collects points.
    When the ball reaches the destination it continues at the next, more difficult level - unless the time runs out.</p>

    <p>This game is not intended to be a replica of Marble Madness but rather inspired by it. The game is also highly configurable
    by using a scripting extension (Guile) and it provides a simple editor by which new levels can easily be created.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Trackballs — простая игра, подобная классической игре «Marble Madness» для Amiga из 1980-х годов. Игрок набирает очки,
    управляя мраморным шариком в лабиринте, полном злобных молотков, луж кислоты и других препятствий. Когда шарик достигает
    пункта назначения, начинается следующий, более сложный уровень — пока время не закончится.</p>

    <p>This game is not intended to be a replica of Marble Madness but rather inspired by it. The game is also highly configurable
    by using a scripting extension (Guile) and it provides a simple editor by which new levels can easily be created.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Trackballs is a simple game similar to the classical game Marble Madness on the Amiga in the 80&apos;s. By steering
    a marble ball through a labyrinth filled with vicious hammers, pools of acid and other obstacles the player collects points.
    When the ball reaches the destination it continues at the next, more difficult level - unless the time runs out.</p>

    <p>This game is not intended to be a replica of Marble Madness but rather inspired by it. The game is also highly configurable
    by using a scripting extension (Guile) and it provides a simple editor by which new levels can easily be created.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Trackballs is a simple game similar to the classical game Marble Madness on the Amiga in the 80&apos;s. By steering
    a marble ball through a labyrinth filled with vicious hammers, pools of acid and other obstacles the player collects points.
    When the ball reaches the destination it continues at the next, more difficult level - unless the time runs out.</p>

    <p>This game is not intended to be a replica of Marble Madness but rather inspired by it. The game is also highly configurable
    by using a scripting extension (Guile) and it provides a simple editor by which new levels can easily be created.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Trackballs è un semplice gioco simile al classico gioco Amiga Marble Madness degli anni &apos;80. Il giocatore raccoglie
    punti direzionando una biglia attraverso un labirinto riempito con perfidi martelli, pozze di acido e altri ostacoli.
    Quando la biglia raggiunge la destinazione prosegue al livello successivo più difficile, tranne nel caso in cui il tempo

    <p>Questo gioco non è pensato per essere una replica di Marble Madness, ma piuttosto per trarne ispirazione. Il gioco
    è anche altamente configurabile usando un&apos;estensione di script (Guile) e fornisce un semplice editor con il quale
    è possibile creare facilmente dei nuovi livelli.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Trackballs er et simpelt spil, der ligner det klassiske spil Marble Madness på Amigaen i 80&apos;erne. Ved at styre
    en marmorkugle igennem en labyrint fyldt med ondskabsfulde hammere, syreregn og andre forhindringer indsamler spilleren
    point. Når bolden når destinationen fortsætter man på det næste og sværere niveau - med mindre at tiden løber ud.</p>

    <p>Spillet er ikke tænkt som en direkte kopi af Marble Madness. Marble Madness er snarere en inspirationskilde. Spillet
    kan tilpasses ved at bruge en skriptudvidelse (Guile) og der medfølger et simpelt redigeringsprogram, hvor nye niveauer
    nemt kan oprettes.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Trackballs is a simple game similar to the classical game Marble Madness on the Amiga in the 80&apos;s. By steering
    a marble ball through a labyrinth filled with vicious hammers, pools of acid and other obstacles the player collects points.
    When the ball reaches the destination it continues at the next, more difficult level - unless the time runs out.</p>

    <p>This game is not intended to be a replica of Marble Madness but rather inspired by it. The game is also highly configurable
    by using a scripting extension (Guile) and it provides a simple editor by which new levels can easily be created.</p>
- Game
- ArcadeGame
  - marble
  - maze
  - obstacle
  - name: trackballs_trackballs.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: trackballs_trackballs.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: trackballs_trackballs.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: trackballs
  - url: t/tr/trackballs.desktop/21AC286AF274CFD754B84F2EF751E62E/icons/128x128/trackballs_trackballs.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - trackballs.desktop