Type: desktop-application
ID: tkinfo.desktop
Package: tkinfo
C: TKInfo
C: Info File Broswer
de: >-
<p>TKInfo is a very fast lightweight viewer for GNU info files, requiring no configuration. It is particularly effective
for local browsing of large and/or interconnected sets of info files.</p>
<p>TkInfo can be used stand alone, or embedded within an application to provide integrated, on-line help.</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>TKInfo is a very fast lightweight viewer for GNU info files, requiring no configuration. It is particularly effective
for local browsing of large and/or interconnected sets of info files.</p>
<p>TkInfo can be used stand alone, or embedded within an application to provide integrated, on-line help.</p>
ja: >-
<p>TKInfo is a very fast lightweight viewer for GNU info files, requiring no configuration. It is particularly effective
for local browsing of large and/or interconnected sets of info files.</p>
<p>TkInfo can be used stand alone, or embedded within an application to provide integrated, on-line help.</p>
pt: >-
<p>TKInfo is a very fast lightweight viewer for GNU info files, requiring no configuration. It is particularly effective
for local browsing of large and/or interconnected sets of info files.</p>
<p>TkInfo can be used stand alone, or embedded within an application to provide integrated, on-line help.</p>
C: >-
<p>TKInfo is a very fast lightweight viewer for GNU info files, requiring no configuration. It is particularly effective
for local browsing of large and/or interconnected sets of info files.</p>
<p>TkInfo can be used stand alone, or embedded within an application to provide integrated, on-line help.</p>
en: >-
<p>TKInfo is a very fast lightweight viewer for GNU info files, requiring no configuration. It is particularly effective
for local browsing of large and/or interconnected sets of info files.</p>
<p>TkInfo can be used stand alone, or embedded within an application to provide integrated, on-line help.</p>
es: >-
<p>TKInfo is a very fast lightweight viewer for GNU info files, requiring no configuration. It is particularly effective
for local browsing of large and/or interconnected sets of info files.</p>
<p>TkInfo can be used stand alone, or embedded within an application to provide integrated, on-line help.</p>
fr: >-
<p>TkInfo est un visionneur très rapide et léger pour les fichiers info de GNU, ne demandant pas de configuration. Il
est particulièrement efficace pour une navigation locale d’ensembles considérables ou interconnectés de fichiers info.</p>
<p>TkInfo peut être utilisé de manière autonome ou encapsulé dans une application afin de fournir une aide en ligne intégrée.</p>
it: >-
<p>TkInfo è un visualizzatore di file Info GNU molto veloce e leggero, che non richiede configurazione. È particolarmente
efficace nella navigazione in locale di insiemi di file Info grandi e interconnessi.</p>
<p>TkInfo può essere usato autonomamente o incorporato all'interno di un'applicazione per fornire aiuto in linea
da: >-
<p>TkInfo er en meget hurtig og enkel fremviser for GNU-infofiler, der ikke kræver nogen konfiguration. Den er speciel
effektiv for lokal gennemløb af store og/eller forbundne sæt af info-filer.</p>
<p>TkInfo kan anvendes uafhængigt eller indlejret inde i et program for at tilbyde integreret hjælp fra nettet.</p>
- Utility
- Documentation
- info
- gui
- viewer
- browser
- name: tkinfo_TkInfo.png
width: 64
height: 64
- tkinfo.desktop