Type: desktop-application
ID: sunflow.desktop
Package: sunflow
C: Sunflow
C: Photorealistic Rendering Engine
de: Photorealistische Render-Engine
pl: >-
<p>Sunflow to otwarto źródłowy system renderowania fotorealistycznej syntezy obrazu. Został napisany w Javie i zbudowany
wokół elastycznego rdzenia ray tracingu i rozszerzalnego projektowania obiektowego. Stworzony jako ramy do eksperymentowania
z algorytmami globalnego oświetlenia (global illumination) i nową powierzchnią cieniowania modeli.</p>
<p>This package contains the sunflow GUI.</p>
de: >-
<p>Sunflow ist ein quelloffenes Darstellungssystem für fotorealistische Bildsynthese. Es wurde in Java geschrieben und
um einen flexiblen Raytracing-Kern sowie ein erweiterbares objektorientiertes Design gebaut. Sunflow wurde als Gerüst
zum Experimentieren mit Algorithmen für globale Beleuchtung und neue Modelle für Oberflächenschattierungen erstellt.</p>
<p>Dieses Paket enthält die Sunflow-GUI.</p>
pt_BR: >-
<p>Sunflow é um sistema de renderização de código aberto par sintetização de imagens foto-realistas. É escrito em Java
e construído em torno de um núcleo de traçado de raios flexível e um desenho orientado a objectos extensivo. Foi criado
como uma estrutura para experiências com algoritmos de iluminação global e novos modelos de sombreado de superfícies.</p>
<p>This package contains the sunflow GUI.</p>
sk: >-
<p>Sunflow je open source vykresľovací systém na fotorealistickú syntézu obrazu. Je napísaný v Jave a postavený na flexibilnom
jadre na sledovanie lúča a má rozšíriteľný, objektovo orientovaný návrh. Bol vytvorený ako platforma na experimentovanie
s algoritmami globálneho osvetľovania a novými modelmi tieňovania povrchov.</p>
<p>This package contains the sunflow GUI.</p>
sl: >-
<p>Sunflow is an open source rendering system for photo-realistic image synthesis. It is written in Java and built around
a flexible ray tracing core and an extensible object-oriented design. It was created as a framework for experimenting
with global illumination algorithms and new surface shading models.</p>
<p>Ta paket vsebuje grafični vmesnik sunflow.</p>
pt: >-
<p>Sunflow é um sistema de renderização de código aberto par sintetização de imagens foto-realistas. É escrito em Java
e construído em torno de um núcleo de traçado de raios flexível e um desenho orientado a objectos extensivo. Foi criado
como uma estrutura para experiências com algoritmos de iluminação global e novos modelos de sombreado de superfícies.</p>
<p>This package contains the sunflow GUI.</p>
uk: >-
<p>Sunflow є системою візуалізації з відкритим вихідним кодом для синтезу фото-реалістичних зображень. Вона написана на
Java та побудована навколо гнучкого ядра трасування променів та має розширюваний об’єктно- орієнтований дизайн. Вона була
створена в якості основи для експериментів з алгоритмами глобального освітлення та моделями затінення нової поверхні.</p>
<p>This package contains the sunflow GUI.</p>
C: >-
<p>Sunflow is an open source rendering system for photo-realistic image synthesis. It is written in Java and built around
a flexible ray tracing core and an extensible object-oriented design. It was created as a framework for experimenting
with global illumination algorithms and new surface shading models.</p>
<p>This package contains the sunflow GUI.</p>
en: >-
<p>Sunflow is an open source rendering system for photo-realistic image synthesis. It is written in Java and built around
a flexible ray tracing core and an extensible object-oriented design. It was created as a framework for experimenting
with global illumination algorithms and new surface shading models.</p>
<p>This package contains the sunflow GUI.</p>
en_CA: >-
<p>Sunflow is an open source rendering system for photo-realistic image synthesis. It is written in Java and built around
a flexible ray tracing core and an extensible object-oriented design. It was created as a framework for experimenting
with global illumination algorithms and new surface shading models.</p>
<p>This package contains the sunflow GUI.</p>
ru: >-
<p>Sunflow - это система рендеринга для синтеза фото-реалистичных изображений, с открытым исходным кодом. Она написана
на Java и построена вокруг гибкого движка трассировки лучей и расширяемого объектно- ориентированного дизайна. Она была
создана как каркас для экспериментов с алгоритмами глобального освещения и новыми моделями затенения поверхностей.</p>
<p>Этот пакет содержит графический интерфейс sunflow.</p>
gl: >-
<p>Sunflow is an open source rendering system for photo-realistic image synthesis. It is written in Java and built around
a flexible ray tracing core and an extensible object-oriented design. It was created as a framework for experimenting
with global illumination algorithms and new surface shading models.</p>
<p>Este paquete contén a interface gráfica de sunflow.</p>
fr: >-
<p>Sunflow is an open source rendering system for photo-realistic image synthesis. It is written in Java and built around
a flexible ray tracing core and an extensible object-oriented design. It was created as a framework for experimenting
with global illumination algorithms and new surface shading models.</p>
<p>This package contains the sunflow GUI.</p>
en_GB: >-
<p>Sunflow is an open source rendering system for photo-realistic image synthesis. It is written in Java and built around
a flexible ray tracing core and an extensible object-oriented design. It was created as a framework for experimenting
with global illumination algorithms and new surface shading models.</p>
<p>This package contains the sunflow GUI.</p>
it: >-
<p>Sunflow è un sistema di rendering open source per la sintesi fotorealistica di immagini. È scritto in Java e costruito
intorno ad un nucleo flessibile per il ray tracing e ad una struttura estensibile orientata agli oggetti. È stato creato
come un'infrastruttura per sperimentare con algoritmi per l'illuminazione globale e nuovi modelli per l'ombreggiatura
delle superfici.</p>
<p>This package contains the sunflow GUI.</p>
da: >-
<p>Sunflow er et open source-optegningssystem for billedrealistiske aftrykssyntese. Det er skrevet i Java og bygget omkring
en fleksibel strålesporingskerne (ray tracing core) og et udvidbart objektorienteret design. Det blev oprettet som en
ramme for eksperimentering med global illuminationsalgoritmer og en ny model for overfladeskyggelægning.</p>
<p>This package contains the sunflow GUI.</p>
en_AU: >-
<p>Sunflow is an open source rendering system for photo-realistic image synthesis. It is written in Java and built around
a flexible ray tracing core and an extensible object-oriented design. It was created as a framework for experimenting
with global illumination algorithms and new surface shading models.</p>
<p>This package contains the sunflow GUI.</p>
- Graphics
- 3DGraphics
- rendering,photo,realistic,image,synthesis,illumination,shading
- name: sunflow_sunflow.png
width: 48
height: 48
- name: sunflow_sunflow.png
width: 64
height: 64
- name: sunflow_sunflow.png
width: 128
height: 128
- url: s/su/sunflow.desktop/B69F2F80F5D9B07DFBEB28A40165D553/icons/128x128/sunflow_sunflow.png
width: 128
height: 128
- sunflow.desktop