⇦ | sopwith [universe]
Last updated on: 2020-04-23 11:40 [UTC]

Metadata for sopwith in universe

sopwith.desktop - 1.8.4-10 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: sopwith.desktop
Package: sopwith
  C: Sopwith
  C: WW1 Dogfighting Game
  pl: >-
    <p>Jest to zaktualizowana wersja gry z lat osiemdziesiątych XX wieku, stworzona przez Davida L. Clarka z BMB Compuscience
    Canada. Gra została dostosowana do uruchamiania pod kontrolą systemów z rodziny Uniksa, przy użyciu narzędzi SDL. Oferuje
    ubogą grafikę, głupich przeciwników i okropny dźwięk. Rozgrywka jest prosta, wciągająca i zabawna. Gracz jest pilotem
    dwupłatowca, lecącym stale w prawo przez nieruchome pole walki i niszczącym obozowiska oraz samoloty wroga.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>This is an updated version of the 1980&apos;s game developed by David L. Clark of BMB Compuscience Canada.  It has
    been adapted to run under *nix using the SDL toolkit. Poor graphics, stupid AI, and horrible sound await you. The gameplay
    is simple, addictive, and fun. A `side-scroller&apos;, you pilot your biplane across a static field, destroying enemy
    encampments and planes.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>This is an updated version of the 1980&apos;s game developed by David L. Clark of BMB Compuscience Canada.  It has
    been adapted to run under *nix using the SDL toolkit. Poor graphics, stupid AI, and horrible sound await you. The gameplay
    is simple, addictive, and fun. A `side-scroller&apos;, you pilot your biplane across a static field, destroying enemy
    encampments and planes.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>This is an updated version of the 1980&apos;s game developed by David L. Clark of BMB Compuscience Canada.  It has
    been adapted to run under *nix using the SDL toolkit. Poor graphics, stupid AI, and horrible sound await you. The gameplay
    is simple, addictive, and fun. A `side-scroller&apos;, you pilot your biplane across a static field, destroying enemy
    encampments and planes.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>This is an updated version of the 1980&apos;s game developed by David L. Clark of BMB Compuscience Canada.  It has
    been adapted to run under *nix using the SDL toolkit. Poor graphics, stupid AI, and horrible sound await you. The gameplay
    is simple, addictive, and fun. A `side-scroller&apos;, you pilot your biplane across a static field, destroying enemy
    encampments and planes.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>This is an updated version of the 1980&apos;s game developed by David L. Clark of BMB Compuscience Canada.  It has
    been adapted to run under *nix using the SDL toolkit. Poor graphics, stupid AI, and horrible sound await you. The gameplay
    is simple, addictive, and fun. A `side-scroller&apos;, you pilot your biplane across a static field, destroying enemy
    encampments and planes.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>This is an updated version of the 1980&apos;s game developed by David L. Clark of BMB Compuscience Canada.  It has
    been adapted to run under *nix using the SDL toolkit. Poor graphics, stupid AI, and horrible sound await you. The gameplay
    is simple, addictive, and fun. A `side-scroller&apos;, you pilot your biplane across a static field, destroying enemy
    encampments and planes.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>This is an updated version of the 1980&apos;s game developed by David L. Clark of BMB Compuscience Canada.  It has
    been adapted to run under *nix using the SDL toolkit. Poor graphics, stupid AI, and horrible sound await you. The gameplay
    is simple, addictive, and fun. A `side-scroller&apos;, you pilot your biplane across a static field, destroying enemy
    encampments and planes.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Это обновлённая версия игры из 1980-х, разработанной Дэвидом Л. Кларком из BMB Compuscience Canada.  Она адаптирована
    для запуска в *nix с использованием тулкита SDL. Вас ждут плохая графика, тупой искусственный интеллект и ужасный звук.
    Игра проста, увлекательна и забавна. В этой игре с боковой прокруткой вы летите на биплане вдоль неподвижного поля, уничтожая
    лагеря и самолёты врага.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>This is an updated version of the 1980&apos;s game developed by David L. Clark of BMB Compuscience Canada.  It has
    been adapted to run under *nix using the SDL toolkit. Poor graphics, stupid AI, and horrible sound await you. The gameplay
    is simple, addictive, and fun. A `side-scroller&apos;, you pilot your biplane across a static field, destroying enemy
    encampments and planes.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Il s&apos;agit d&apos;une version mise à jour du jeu des années 1980 développé par David L. Clark de BMB Compuscience
    Canada. Il a été adapté pour fonctionner sous *nix en utilisant la boîte à outils SDL. Graphiques pauvres, Intelligence
    Artificielle stupide et sons horribles vous attendent. La jouabilité est simple, addictive et amusante. Dans un « défilement
    latéral », vous pilotez votre biplan à travers un champs statique, en détruisant des campements et des avions ennemis.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>This is an updated version of the 1980&apos;s game developed by David L. Clark of BMB Compuscience Canada.  It has
    been adapted to run under *nix using the SDL toolkit. Poor graphics, stupid AI, and horrible sound await you. The gameplay
    is simple, addictive, and fun. A `side-scroller&apos;, you pilot your biplane across a static field, destroying enemy
    encampments and planes.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Questa è una versione aggiornata del gioco anni &apos;80 sviluppato da David L. Clark di BMB Compuscience Canada. È
    stato adattato per girare in *nix usando il toolkit SDL. Grafica povera, IA stupida e suoni orrendi attendono il giocatore.
    Il gioco è semplice, appassionante e divertente. Un gioco a scorrimento laterale, si pilota un biplano su un campo fisso,
    distruggendo accampamenti e aerei nemici.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Dette er en opdateret version af 1980&apos;ernes spil udviklet af David L. Clark fra BMB Compuscience Canada. Det er
    blevet tilpasset til at køre under *nix med brug af SDL-værktøjssættet. Ringe grafik, dum kunstig intelligens og horribel
    lyd venter dig. Målet med spillet er simpelt, vanedannende og sjovt. En »sidelænsruller«, du flyver din dobbeltdækker
    gennem et statisk felt, og ødelægger fjendens lejre og fly.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>This is an updated version of the 1980&apos;s game developed by David L. Clark of BMB Compuscience Canada.  It has
    been adapted to run under *nix using the SDL toolkit. Poor graphics, stupid AI, and horrible sound await you. The gameplay
    is simple, addictive, and fun. A `side-scroller&apos;, you pilot your biplane across a static field, destroying enemy
    encampments and planes.</p>
- Game
- ArcadeGame
  - name: sopwith_sopwith.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: sopwith_sopwith.png
    width: 128
    height: 128